Wednesday, February 25, 2015


From the black to the red to the occultish horns.  This is just sick.  If you do not recognize the occult in what you are being fed (if you actually watch the trash tube), you cannot point it out and warn others.  They are mainstreaming satanic imagery.  Most people just yawn - I get pissed.  We are awash in a sea of evil.

Few are waking up:

I have gone round and around with my buddie who is the nephew of Tom Perry.  He thinks I am nuts.  I tell him that, when the time comes, he will not have enough knowledge and fortitude to make the correct decision.  You have to physically and overtly remove yourself from babylon - or you will be swept away with the wicked.

1 comment:

  1. SO TRUE! Nothing short of idolatry and satanic worship in our faces. I hope Madonna's fall was a sign to them that their time is growing short and great will be the fall of Babylon.

    I try to point out the things I see too, only to get the "paranoid dooms dayer" comments about me. I am so weary IRAQ. But I will not allow those in the Big and Spacious Building to cause me to drop the fruit in my hand and be ashamed for my testimony of Jesus Christ and for believing what the prophets have foretold.

    When I clicked on the site you included in this post, I noticed an article that predicts Russia, in the spring, will try to take over the Ukranian port of Moriasol. Which would take things to a whole new level over there! Not sure my spelling is correct on the country and port but the article is there.

    Also, there is also a video clip of a baby who supposedly who was pushed down by something unseen. Call me crazy or some very good video layering, if you look closely in front of the baby after she goes down, there are two dark looking shadow legs of a figure that appear to walk away from her. I had to keep backing it up and looking over and over to see if I was imagining things. I probably was.
