Saturday, February 28, 2015


Amazing Eczema/Dermatitis/Psoriasis Cure
Here's a great resource for all those suffering from eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis. This article will appear later tonight in our daily newspaper, as a follow-up to a previous article. While I don't suffer from this malady, I have friends who do, and they've been very grateful for this cure. Hope it helps others here. Please pass it on, and post your experiences here.

The Cure for Eczema


Mar 11, VRINDAVAN, INDIA (SUN) — Following my recent article, "Amazing Eczema Cure" -- [link to] -- so far I have received about 50 emails from eczema sufferers requesting information on the cure. So, here's the method:

1. Put two handfuls (this quantity is enough to cover the entire body of an adult) of cheap white rice into the pot and dry-roast until black and sticking to the pot. Rice should be roasted on low flame, and it takes approximately 10-15 minutes. The process resembles very much that of making the halava, except that the rice is allowed to get burned at the end.

2. When rice starts sticking to the bottom and is completely black add approximately 2/3 to one cup of room temperature water and cook for approximately two minutes after the mixture reaches boiling point.

3. Now, the essential step. Take some cotton wool and dip it into the mixture as it is (no need to mush it, blend it, etc.), and immediately apply it on the affected areas of the skin. What I mean is that the cotton wool, once wet with the runny paste, should be dabbed gently onto the affected area. The mixture should be hot when applied and it may cause some temporary discomfort to the patient, but nothing compared to the discomfort that one has to endure on a daily basis in order to withstand the incessant itching, etc.

I believe that this is the very important step to follow because heat helps the paste to penetrate deeper into the skin as it helps the pores to open. Right after applying the runny paste it will start to dry and will become sticky to touch. Areas covered may feel a bit tight for some time. Never mind some rice grains sticking onto your skin, never mind the unsightly appearance for a while, because this stuff works.

I can only guess that it is because the charcoal-like burned rice (charcoal is known to be effective for treating severe poisoning because it binds poisons onto itself), coupled with the sticky starch in the rice and the hot temperature of the paste, has a binding effect on the accumulated toxins on the surface of the skin. It also acts as an instant antihistamine, thereby relieving one of itching immediately.

I remember that my son who was 1 year old at the time when we applied it. He never complained about it being too hot. His itching ceased immediately and severe eczema disappeared forever after a week. Poor boy suffered so much before that.

My son was only one year old when the condition appeared for the first time, and since then it never returned. He is now 9 years old.

It is recommended that you leave the paste on the skin for as long as possible, and preferably overnight. Depending on the severity of the condition I suggest that the paste be applied at least 2 times per day, and as many times as needed to get rid of the itching.

One last point. My personal beliefs and values don't allow for me to make money on other people's suffering, so I kindly ask of you to try and consider sharing this method with everyone FREE OF CHARGE. Had I charged you something for this information you would have probably been less likely to take advantage of it, because there would be some resistance and distrust created by my exploitative mentality.

This remedy has its origins in the Philippines, and has largely been forgotten by now. My Filipina wife remembered it only when all else failed to help our son. So once again I implore you all, if the remedy works for you or your dear one, share it with others as a God given gift and NEVER charge money for it. This is my humble request.

I believe that the medical establishment, much like our GBC, has largely lost good sense and its capacity to help others, due to the fact that they turned their God given ability and skill meant to help others into a business. There is nothing honorable in cashing in on another's misery.

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