Sunday, February 22, 2015


I lifted these off of FB.  They all match with what I understand about Texas:

A friend of mine attended Julie Rowe's event in Dallas Texas a few weeks back. These are some of her notes.
(If you don't believe in Julie's NDE or just seek to stir the pot, ignore this post and read the others)
It was uplifting to visit with those who had gathered from all over the state to hear her. She was very humble and testified of Christ. There was nothing “ground breaking”, but rather a general understanding that there are great things ahead of us, the Lord is in control and that no matter how bad it may appear, the Lord will win the battle. Julie did mention that she is so impressed with all of us who possess a “gift of believing.”
A question was asked about Texas. She explained that Texas will have temporary places of refuge and stopping points, but it was not her understanding that Texas would have anything permanent (cities of light). That being said, she said that people will be asked to stay behind to protect and help others. South Texas will be inundated with people traveling north and the earthquake through the Gulf of Mexico will significantly impact Texas. She made a comment in conjunction with the earthquake that Texas is awfully flat and that the landscape will change. She laughed and said, “maybe Texas needs mountains”. She said absolutely no money was spent in advertising for her books – all word of mouth, blogs, facebook groups, etc. She said the word is going to spread like wildfire soon! Many will be given the chance to prepare, but there will be many who will regret not listening.
Live in the present but prepare for the future. As we have faith, the Lord trusts us more, he gives us more clarity only as we are ready. We prove to Him that we are ready by acting on the first prompting. She told us multiple times that we need to be able to immediately recognize when the Spirit speaks to us. The Lord needs us to have such a relationship that we can recognize and follow promptings without question. The Spirit shouldn’t have to give us a second or third prompting.


  1. I attended her event in Cameron, Missouri last Saturday, and thought it was great. She was consistent with her message and mentioned her comment about Texas needing mountains. She said that the message will go viral after her upcoming appearance on the Kate Dalley show this March. (I've already decided I am going to share it on Facebook just to throw my own fuel on the wildfire.)

    Somebody asked her a question about what the leaders of the LDS Church think of her message. She said that they have had plenty of time to ask her to stop doing what she's doing and have not done so. She also pointed out that her books are sold at the BYU bookstore and by Seagull Books.

    Several people got up and spoke of how this message is dividing their families who will only listen if the word comes from the prophet (my thought and the thought of a friend who also attended was seriously, did you not read the September Ensign??? Also, Julie specifically states that the word to gather would come from the Prophet). Julie says it's divided her extended family as well.

    She restated that that part of Missouri would be devastated by the massive EQ beginning in the Gulf of Mexico and would essentially be wiped clean from a huge tsunami. However, there are many sacred and protected areas, such as Church-owned properties.

    The building of the Kansas City Temple was a MAJOR (her emphasis) sign-post that she had seen in her visions.

    Somebody asked if she'd discovered the identity of the turban man, and she said yes, but due to her own personal safety from the Gadiatons, she could not reveal him publicly, but he's out and about and active as one of the anti-Christs.

    The Lord loves the area nearby Cameron, Missouri and frequents it very often.

    Most people don't believe foreign troops will invade America, but they will. She emphasized this several times.

    It's not a concidence that we attended. As President Monson says, there are no such things as coincidences. She then asked people to stand and say how they ended up coming to this fireside.

    She saw a leader in the camps who was about 22 and an older gentleman was greatly displeased with having to take orders from such a young person and began to explain how he'd graduated from such and such university and was president of such and such company and had such and such successes. The young man listened to him patiently and asked him, "Yes, but what skills do you have?" The older gentleman was then assigned to latrine duty. Though all of us will have to do that eventually.

    There was many more interesting things said, but they are consistent with what she's said before.

    One of the last things she mentioned, after people asked about her website, was that we shouldn't believe everything that's said about her on the internet, and that it's only going to get much worse. Her husband and three children were attendance (and she has a very nice looking family and her three children were all very attentive and well behaved) and she shared something her husband had read on the internet. I believe she said that her husband didn't attend the Seattle meeting (you can confirm that IRAQ, but it may not have been Seattle), but somebody posted on the internet how since he didn't attend, he's not supporting her now and it's caused contention in her message, which was not true at all.

  2. Here is a link to notes from Julie Rowe's talk on February 21.

    I wish she would say something that cannot be attributed to other authors like Spencer or Sarah Monet.

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