Monday, February 23, 2015


Here you go:


Sunday, February 22, 2015

Notes from Julie Rowe talk in Cameron, MO, February 21, 2015

Julie Rowe
February 21, 2015
Cameron, MO
I know we have a very loving Heavenly Father and Elder Brother Jesus Christ, who atoned for us…
Our stay here on earth is short.  More of our existence was before this life.
In the pre-earth like we participated in decisions that led us to this life.  There are classrooms in the pre-earth life.  We participated in the grand council.  We chose this life because we want to become like Father.  We are not innocent victims.
There are modern day Gadiantons/ conspiring men.  There have been conspiring men since Cain.
But we have a choice.
Heavenly Father is not angry and wrathful.  He has a great sense of humor.
He won’t ask us to go through things He has not.
Jesus loves us so much—He atoned for us.  We can be mentally, emotionally, spiritually healed 100% through Christ. 
Promised one day in the flesh will be completely healed.  It will happen to others in this room.  Think about it and let the Spirit tell you how this may happen.
Every promise in the scriptures will be fulfilled.  The 7 years of tribulations are not started but are at our doorstep.
In the scriptures it says nobody knows the day or hour but if you read further we learn that we can pay attention to signs and be aware and awake and not taken by surprise.
We have been counseled to get supplies together for the days of tribulation.  Our parents and grandparents were likewise counseled.  It sometimes takes a genetration to learn and get prepared. 
The Lord has a plan to heal us through the atonement—our minds, bodies and spirits.  The healing will begin (or happen) during the tribulations, when foreign troops hit the soil (soon).
Told God, I didn’t ask for this—“Yes you did”  the answer
Why volunteer for this [living in last days/going through tribulations]?  Amazing blessings in future.
We all need to step up and do our part.
Holy Ghost will testify, witness, and warn.  If you recognize the Spirit tonight, it comes from God.
The Lord does not give us knowledge or clarity until we are ready for it.  The Lord has a plan.
The Dark side is very real.  When we experience the light we will also experience the dark.  Satan wants us to think we are crazy.  Satan wants us to eat drink and be merry.  But when we die we are the same.  We are not changed instantly to good.
John, who is very beloved of the Lord, a distant relative gave “tour” of heaven.  It was not really exactly a tour but was the name given to best describe experience.  Felt love, hard to come back.  Have a longing for home.  We all do but not all cognizant of it.
Was shown visions 3-4 times.  When returned to body suffered a severe adversarial attach.  Was rescued by the light/angelic beings and visited spirit world again and saw more.
Since near death experience shown visions and dreams as reminders, saw repeatedly.
We need to learn to discern if a thought that comes into our mind is our own, the voice or the Lord or someone else.  We must act quickly on promptings and God will give us more.
Seen lots of people coming here.  There are significant things prophesied about the US.  Read scriptures, dig in, they will come alive.
The pattern in scriptures, people are invited to gather out.
President Benson’s quote…Getting food storage now is important, like boarding ark in days of Noah.
Will see things happen in couple of months and then in the Fall.  In 1 year from now things will be worlds different.
There are markers on the road.
I know without a doubt there will be foreign troops on our soil.
Satan distracts us.
Prepare to live in 3rd world conditions in the next 1 to 2 to 5 years.
When pondering about pioneer ancestor experiences told we will “do all of that and then some” (living in tents, hauling water, etc).
It will get horrific.
Fear and anxiety not of God. 
Angels, resurrected beings on earth right now—our battles are being fought.
 1-2 angels with you everywhere you go.  They can call in reinforcements as needed.  Can call upon warriors on other side. But need to ask for help.  God respects our agency.
Ask for our endowed sanctified ancestor or ministering angels to come and help us.  There is power in the hosts of heaven.
God a great creator. He orchestrates plan. Everything planned.  Coincidence does not exist.  We are not alone.  The lord is in charge.  He has a plan.  God doesn’t take agency. A plan of love, redemption, mercy.  A plan to have joy.  We are all special to God.  God loves us all.  He patiently waits for us.  He wants us to repent.
Satan lies to us.  Knocks self-worth. Hammers us.
Get houses in order—physically and spiritually.
Everything will be stripped from us.
Great glorious days ahead.  Sacrifices to be made.  God will fulfill all promises.  Wait on Lord if feel lost, alone or abandoned.
Faith and trust in plan will get us through.
In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen
God sends many witnesses.  (Publisher of her book publishing another witness, a man from Puerto Pico.  Will come out soon).
Julie will be interviewed on Fox radio in a couple of months and her book will go viral.
Julie will be traveling and speaking until the end of September.  She has been shown in vision the different places she will speak.  People feel inspired to ask her to speak in their area.  She was shown in vision the meeting in Cameron, MO.  Said, “There is great strength in this room.”
Julie asked the audience how they heard of her book considering they do no advertising.
People stood and answered.
A women in audience said the book was an answer to her prayer, “What is going to happen?”
Another woman told of her own near death experience and seeing herself caring for the sick and delivering babies in a tent city.
Another woman told of her impressions that the earth was sick and in need of cleansing.  She spoke of her husband’s recent death.  Julie told her that her husband will be helping and protecting her as she finished her mission here.
Julie said to pray for the gift of charity.  We can’t have charity on our own.  Charity loves all, even those who do evil.
Wake up and act—don’t be paralyzed by fear.  Prepare out of faith—not fear
In Jackson County there will be24 temples.  One marker of the time is the building of the Kansas City temple.  Another marker of the time is the events in Ukraine.
There will be 7-8 years of trials and tribulations going forward.
There will be a huge earthquake starting in the Gulf of Mexico and extending up to the great lakes.  It will be reported as 9-9.5 on the Richter scale but it will really be bigger.  The Missouri and Mississippi Rivers will flow backward.  A tsunami will cleanse Jackson County.
Some will stay in the area.  Some will be needed to protect church properties.  The church owns a lot of property in the area [Cameron is near Adam-Ondi-Ahman].  The angels protect the properties.
Others will be called to leave the area.
There will a Tree of Life in Zion with living waters flowing from it that will heal the land.  It will be beautiful.
Engineers, farmers, etc.  all skills will be put to use building Zion. 
Inspired to get an education degree.  Will be useful in camps.  Saw herself teaching in camps.  Education is important to the Lord.
Learn camping and survival skills.
There will be captains of 10s, 50s, 100s, organized in families.
Saw a young (25 year old) captain of 50 assign an unskilled highly successful 50 year old man to latrine duty.  He protested, talking about his important worldly positions but was still giving latrine duty.
What skills do we have?
Asked:  Will we have to have a year supply of food to be allowed to gather with the saints?
Answer:  I can’t answer that but [with emphasis] get at least a year supply of food storage.  Wise to follow counsel.  The Lord not about freebees.
The food will run out.  That is when will be given angelic help, miracles.  A form of manna.  We might have to be hungry for a few days but when we feel like we can’t go on, miracles will happen.
Elders of Israel called to fight for the right, for the constitution.  Will join forces and conquer the enemy.  The foreign troops will leave.
Saw some nuclear events.  On West coast.  1000s of missiles launched.  Several made it but most deflected by angelic beings who make a shield and also protected by the power of priesthood.  Spiritual warfare goes on all the time.
Riots start in Chicago.  Play the race card.  Trigger for more violence/ a turning point.
Chips implemented.  No food if no chip.  Will separate families, women, men and children.  Christian persecutions like seen in other lands will be here.  Will be given choice to choose master.  If don’t deny Christ will be denied food.  Then later will be executed.  We choose our master. 
Isis is a marker of the times.
Question:  Do you have the sanctioning of the Brethren?
Answer:  They know what I am saying and they have not told her to be quiet.  Her books are being sold by church owned stores.
Ask in faith.  Go to the source of all knowledge.
Learn to discern spirits and discern through the spirit who we can and can’t trust.
Don’t worry—it is all going to be OK
Return of the lost tribes
The Lord frequents this area—sacred ground
The Lost tribes need a waterway to get here.  [new inland sea caused by earthquake]
When saw the earth in vision it was dark with points of light scattered.  Asked the Lord if the world was dark and told it was dark both literally and figuratively
Seen anti-Christ and know who he is but can’t tell.  He wears all white with a white turban and is on the world scene now.
Asked:  How many will go to tent cities?
Answer:  From a ward 400-450 total membership.  How many active? How many do callings, pay tithing, have and use a temple recommend and have a year supply of food?  How many willing to leave home and job even when things still seem fine?
It will not be a rescue mission—gathered before the worst of calamities.
Get prepared.  Make a list.
Winter clothing very, very important

Faith, action, obedience


  1. These notes were excellent! It's looks like if I get invited to a camp I'll be in trouble. I'm an accountant with no usable survival skills, but I did work as a janitor at BYU and had enough experience cleaning large amounts of excrement that it no longer bothers me. Woohoo! Latrine duty here I come!!! I would much rather do that than have my family executed for following Christ.

    1. God bless you and you make me cry. There's time left NOW to learn how to build fires, make shelters, purify water, garden, first aid, heat rocks to stay warm, tie knots, shoot a gun, bee keeping, herbal medicine, cooking, etc. Make a list of all you can find, then take it to the Lord and ask Him to tell you what's most important to do first. He WILL answer you!! Things will pop up out of nowhere to your surprise! Articles, free classes, people placed in your path.

      Your humility is astounding and rare. God bless you again to rise to the occasion because you know what? Someone may have a plan and you, in your head, could do the numbers so fast, it would make their heads spin! God will not let you down. Obviously you're a smarty pants to begin with so get on it Saturday Warrior! See you there! I would love to be in your camp!

  2. I was st this meeting and while most of your notes are accurate I can see some of your notes are a bit different and some comments are missing. I do know julie I find it all interesting, but I am too busy trying to read my scriptures, read the Ensign follow conference talks and do my calings, to follow this too much. Good luck!

  3. Does anyone have notes from the Tennessee conference on April 10th 2015 with Julie Rowe?

    1. I have read them. They are wonderful. Do you have an Facebook account? Go to the website: The lady that started the sight has a private group that you can join on Facebook. The notes you want are in the files of that group. You will just need to friend her on Facebook and she will permit you access.

    2. What is the name of the facebook group?

  4. Julie Rowe (or any update on her whereabouts) have ceased to exist since her St. George Utah fireside. You can spend hours scouring the web for any information on her supposed Tennessee fireside/meeting but will find nothing. Coincidence??? You be the judge...
