Monday, February 9, 2015


This was on LDSAVOW lately - and it fits right in with what I see coming.  My brother's oldest just went off to Brazil.  I asked him if his PB mentioned coming home early.  My brother just looked at me like I was nuts.  He really believes that all is well - and he lives in Utah.  In the "nothing bad could ever happen to us" land.  However, statistics do not lie.  Past precedents are rarely ever softened - and the Book of Mormon was not written for the Catholic, the Buddhist or any other people - BUT US!  We are the ones who will be lamented once again as the fallen fair ones.  Nobody seems to understand or get it.

We are heading right into the jaws of hell - and war IS hell.....  Just glad I am a professional and most likely will not end up muddy in a trench having to shoot at other kids that are sucked into something they did not start - but I will just fall off the face of the earth and will not contribute to an evil regime.  I always wondered about the rationale of Mormon/Moroni going to war knowing that their annihilation was secured due to the wickedness of the people.  I feel like we are in the same boat.  Most all of us are polluted to the point that the Lord may just want to make a complete fresh start.

The Russians have the equipment to git r dun to that end.....  Pretty sad, really.

1 comment:

  1. Hey IRAQ,
    Hope this finds you and yours another day spiritually stronger than you all were yesterday. Thank you for the things you say and for the articles you post dear brother. I look forward to visiting here. You make sense and give me strength and clarity. I will miss it dearly when everything gets shut down.

    The thing I pray for most is to not be deceived, especially by the AC and those who profess to be saints.

    I'm not on AVOW and would appreciate more info on the missionary dreams please.

    I've now had my fourth dream about Russia/War. I was in my old high school. I walked down the main hall. A girl was standing there in front of the Home Economics class doorway. She looked at me with a distraught face, calling me by name, although I did not know her. Pointing her finger toward the open doorway she said, "It smells like war in there!."

    I thought this VERY odd to hear, so I walked in. When I did, there was an indeed an odor that I cannot describe but when I breathed it in, it caused great sadness. I looked around to see many married couples (church members) I've known throughout my life. They were sitting across from one another holding hands, heads down, deeply depressed, lamenting our awful situation, with the volume turned up, because war had indeed come upon our nation and they had family members who were called to engage the enemy.

    I see, today that a Russian bomber was escorted away from the island of Cornwall in the U.K.

    The PM is calling for all the Jews in Europe to come home. This is BIG and prophecy being fulfilled right before our eyes.

    Just think what "fish in a barrel" this will now look like to the enemies of Israel as I believe the attacks/persecution on the Jews has now truly begun and will not stop. The army of 200 million to surround them is growing in numbers daily.

    I feel so strongly natural disasters drawing closer on a scale we've not experienced as a country. I feel the plagues not far behind that.

    I feel that things can change so fast overnight soon. War is what will bring about the collapse of the economy. It's the way to keep us from blaming the govt.

    In the media, the "war cry" is going out with a fevered pitch. Let's take the fight to the enemy on our own terms. Just like the foolish Nephites of old who did so without sanction from the Lord.

    The cleansing day is coming. Let us envision our homes to be tents with doors open toward the temple heeding the words and instructions of our dear prophet. The prophet who will never be permitted by the Lord to lead us astray. He will be discredited, defamed by the enemy of our souls. The Holy Ghost, if we take Him, who is also a God, will always lead us aright and keep the LIGHT OF TRUTH burning brightly in our minds and hearts.

    Read the scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon, and pray brothers and sisters. I've found this to be key to so many blessings and choice spiritual experiences.

    If you find yourself cast in the darkest pit, or being a martyr for your testimony, close your eyes and say these words over and over out loud or in your mind from the Savior Himself. "Look unto me in every thought, doubt not fear not, I will not leave you comfortless, I will come to you, be still and know that I AM GOD!"
