Saturday, February 14, 2015


Could this be a shot across the bow - a warning to the rest of the "free" press in this pitiful nation?

Putin and his cronies are all corrupt - but I feel that the gads are in our camp right now trying to put the hurt to Putin and company.  I trust Putin way more than I trust our homoboy, Hussein Obama.

Here is the latest word out of the Kremlin:

An astounding new report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) states that top US newsman Brian Williams of NBC News has been “effectively destroyed” and three of his colleagues killed this past week over Obama regime fears they were ready to release evidence provided to them by Russia proving that the 11 September 2001 attacks upon America were an “inside job” done by their own government.

Brian Williams [photo top left], this report explains, was the anchor and managing editor of NBC Nightly News (the most watched television news programme in the US) when after a week of savage attacks relating to common false memories experienced by all human beings was expelled from his post and still faces the likelihood of his being fired outright.

Important to note about Williams, this report says, are that the “stolen valor” false memories he was accused of pale in comparison to those long told by former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of her being under sniper fire in Bosnia when video footage shows the true facts of this not being so.

Even more grimly to note, this report continues, is that not only has Williams and his reputation been “destroyed”, this past week three of his most important colleagues, former NBC international reporter Ned Colt [photo 2nd left], top CBS News correspondent Bob Simon [photo 3rd left], and top New York Times reporter David Carr [photo bottom left], were also killed.

Bob Simon, 73, this report states quoting US propaganda mainstream media sources, was killed Wednesday in New York City in a car crash, and on Thursday Ned Colt, 58, was said to have perished by a massive stroke followed within hours by David Carr, 58, collapsing and dying in his New York Times newsroom office.

It is amazing the timing of the death of the likes of Breitbart and the fellow who had that 100mph fiery crash a year or two ago - just as they were about to release big info that would smear the establishment.  The same shenanigans have occurred in mother Russia - but then, you expect that kind of stuff from a despotic regime; NOT IN AMERICA.

1 comment:

  1. I am wondering what is the point of bumping off reporters who know the truth about 9/11? Hasn’t the government’s involvement already been proven time and again to anyone willing to look at the evidence? It reminds me of the Monica Lewinsky scandal when everyone pretended to act surprised that Clinton was cheating on his wife.
