Tuesday, February 3, 2015


My family is immigrating to Canada - and we have ZERO intent to try and change Canada from what it currently is.  If we do not like it, we simply would not go there.

I love the fact that a man of color (whose family clearly migrated here from India or some other country), just lays it down like it is:

US Governor Warns Of Muslim 'Invasion' Of US With Sharia 'Colonization'Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal has come under criticism recently for his remarks on Europe "no-go zones" and in his hardest hitting comments to date, he has taken it a step further stated what the "political correctness" crowd won't, by stating "If they want to come here and they want to set up their own culture and values that’s not immigration, that’s really invasion if you’re honest about it."

Jindal, who is a potential Republican candidate for presidency, issued his most recent warning on Monday in an interview with the Family Research Council’s Washington Watch radio program, where he makes a number of points as he talks about the a possible sharia “colonization” of America, and asserting that "They want to use our freedoms to undermine that freedom in the first place."

“But what’s not acceptable is people that want to come and conquer us. That’s not immigration, by the way, that’s colonization. If someone wants to come here and change our fundamental culture and our values. If they want to come here and they want to set up their own culture and values that’s not immigration, that’s really invasion if you’re honest about it. Of course, the politically correct crowd when you say things like they’ll call you racist but this is a particular threat we face. And if we’re not serious about this we’re going to see more lone wolf actors. We’re gonna see more folks come into our country just like you’ve seen in other countries — the horrific shootings in Paris.”
Read More: [link to po.st]


  1. There was a time I thought along similar lines until I read that the general authorities have not opposed immigration because those who are coming have a great deal of the blood of Israel. They come as a fulfillment of prophecy. However, it still bothers me that we, who are supposed to obey, honor, and sustain the law, allow our “leaders” to violate immigration law. I have to keep reminding myself “that there shall none come into this land save they shall be brought by the hand of the Lord” (2 Nephi 1:6).

  2. Not to mention that too many overtly political comments would violate the law for 501 (c) (3) corporations and we [the church as an institution] would very well loose it's tax exempt status.
    On the other hand it would be interesting to see who would still pay tithing if they could not itemize it on their taxes.
