Friday, February 13, 2015


I have not gotten mine - and I rather think that one would receive theirs in some way around the time that they receive the Second Comforter - or a personal visitation by our Lord and Savior.  It all comes line upon line, precept on precept.  Here a little, there a little; until a person comes to a fulness of the knowledge of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Here is a past search on the topic from the Wood Zone:

I do know of two people who have made allusions which would seem to indicate that they have received theirs.  It is a sad thing - for they feel as strangers in a strange land and do not have a friend in the world.  They are exceptionally sober people - very serious about life and pleasing God.  Well on the way to achieving His presence in the next life.

Here is something from the Ogden Kraut book from the previous post.  Around the time that the PC movement started in Babylon, it also started in the Church and we no longer talk of these things.  There is a dearth of meat in our teaching and most are becoming malnourished on skim milk that we have subsisted on.

There is a picture on the net of this seer stone:

Rushton must have been a man of spiritual integrity because the Lord revealed to him the location of a special seer stone which he later found and cherished until his death in 1904. The experience of locating this stone is recorded in his journal and related by his daughter, Edith Rushton Christensen:
In July 1845, while Father was resting in the middle of the day, he received a vision, or quoting from Father's record, "I was caught away by the spirit and taken on a frequented footpath across lots to a ravine a few blocks south of Nauvoo Temple. As I stood in contemplation, the earth on the right side of me opened to the depth of about five feet, and I beheld a pot of treasure on top of which was a beautiful seer stone, clear as crystal, which I was told belonged to me. At the time I received the vision, I did not know anything [13] about a seer stone and had never sought for a vision. This same vision was repeated to me three times about two weeks apart. With this vision ever in mind, the following day I proceeded to hunt for the stone, taking three of my relatives with me. After digging for a short time, the stone was thrown out with a shovel of dirt. It is my firm conviction that this stone is one of the stones spoken of by John the Revelator (2:17)." (This stone is clear and beautiful. It is about the size of an egg and shaped somewhat like a kidney. It is treasured by the family and has been shown to hundreds of people.) (Edwin Rushton Journal, p. 3)

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