Saturday, February 28, 2015


As if this is surprising news....

I have outlined that most all of the power structure in the USA consists of homosexuals that can be bought because they are simply dirty with plenty of dirt on them (as we found out with Bill Cosby, Bill Clinton, etc).  Most of them are part of the secret combo which reaches back to Cain which "knew every man his brother".....  Code speak for homosexuality.

So, we need to ask ourselves, should we frequent the movie houses and tune in our tv to this trash?  Give them more revenue and exposure in our society?  Nope.  Any good, God-fearing (respecting) person would run the other direction and check out of this system.  It is run by those who persist in evil and purvey it in everything they do.

Here is a really nice vid that gets into a little of the details.  Why rake the muck?  Because people still cannot fathom it and persist in it.  Until anyone within the reach of my voice is out of it convincingly, I am gonna keep on digging it up:

By declaring it from the roof-tops, we free ourselves from the blood and sins of this untoward generation.


  1. Moses 5:51 --- I never thought of this verse in this particular context. But I must say it is highly plausible. The act of illicit homosexual relations is one that binds many criminal organizations.

    1. Thank you! FINALLY! This is how I've ALWAYS taken this verse to be. Some think it's just the "hand signals" they give each others or whatever.

      And here is a quote IRAQ with what I think goes perfectly with how bad things have gotten.

      "The greatest enemy of hunger for God that will keep us from His banquet table is the endless nibbling at the table of the world. It is not just the "x" rated video, but the prime-time dribble that we watch night after night. When the "simple" pleasures replace an appetite for God Himself, the idolatry is scarcely recognizable and almost incurable."

      American IDOL, Dancing with the STARS, The VOICE, Duh! Do these not deliberately strike out from the enemy as an insult to the Most High God?

      No thanks! I've all but given up t.v. except for some news and weather and even those are now either corrupt or stupid.

      Weather people naming winter storms now. The so called "epic" storms that are nothing more than nasty blizzards......really? Oh puhhhleeez, I know what a rocky mountain winter storm is all about. We still went to school when 8" of snow was on the ground and still coming down like Californians who comfortably stir their lattes and continue to read the morning paper whilst a 4.0 is occurring.

      Wait until the Lord calls His servants home and then begins to preach His own sermons with the epic storms.

      Yes, the Lord our God is scarcely an afterthought or none at all to the multitudes. He who is THE Creator of Heaven and Earth. He who has given all, done everything to give us the opportunity to be a part of His Family and live the Life He Lives forever and ever................

      Oh, the weeping and wailing, and gnashing of teeth to come for the choosing of and loyalty to the lies and empty promises of sin without consequence come from the Great Deceiver, once Lucifer, the Light Bearer, Son of the Morning, now Satan, the Destroyer, who dwells in a shroud of darkness and misery, never having Light or Truth rest upon his shriveled, hideous form, never again to enjoy the love and company of the Eternal Father and home that was once his abode. Destined now for an unalterable fate in the pit of dissolution.

      Not blessed are the meekless

      Not blessed are the meekless for they shall NOT inherit the earth.

      Not blessed are they who do not mourn for the sins of the world, for they shall not be comforted.

      Not blessed are the impure in heart for they shall not see God.

      Not blessed are the NOT poor in spirit, (not humble, thinking you are better than others), for you shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

      Not blessed are the merciless, for you shall not obtain mercy.

      Not blessed are they who do not hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall not be filled.

      Not blessed are they who persecute the righteous, for theirs is not the kingdom of heaven.

      Not blessed are those who do not make peace, for they shall not be called the children of God.

      Welcome to the kingdom of the devil and enjoy living under the policies of his "Miserytudes".
