Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Bummer and the amazing foreign policy blunder-wonder.  Gee, I could get this right and I have no political background.  The buffoon we call a prez has simply gotten it all wrong - from the start.  OR - has he gotten it right for his agenda?  Me thinks this is what is really going on.  The Mp was correct - that the sanctions would back-fire and Russia would actually come out smelling roses.  The friends of the bully on the playground are jumping ship.

Here is the latest blunder:

Egypt has established a free trade zone with the Russian-led Eurasian Economic Union, which includes Russia, Armenia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan, president Sisi of Egypt announced at a joint news conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The two countries also agreed to create a Russian industrial zone near the Suez Canal.

“We have reached an agreement to establish a free trade zone between Egypt and the Eurasian Economic Union," Egyptian President Abdel al-Sisi said.

More in link  [link to rt.com]
When Lehi left Jerusalem, he was only told something was going to happen - not when.  In grappling with the issues on timing, it is a grey area that is grey for a reason - to allow for agency of all involved.  Only seven years later, did Lehi finally learn that Jerusalem was finally wiped out. So, never fret if you are given instructions and it takes a while for the reason for the directive to come to fruition.  We have heard about the need for food storage, and other than employment issues, few have needed to have it (for catastrophic purposes).  Hold steady - the time is on the horizon.  It was not raining when Noah built the ark.

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