Monday, July 8, 2013


For the most part, I do not think I will ever arrive at a level where this will be an issue.  But this guy was clearly set up and its one of the dirtiest tricks I have seen to date. 

If you are dealing with these kinds of people, you must always be in possession of the spirit of discernment, or they will burn you hard.   In my past, I have dealt with treacherous people and I just turn it over to the Lord.  No one can do a better job of "fixing the problem", than He.  It just takes faith - or a sort of confidence - in Him and some patience.  On the Lord's timetable, it is always slow and laborious, so patience is a must.  The resolution is always perfect and a lesson is taught (sometimes to both parties, as required, if the requestor is not perfectly in the clear on a matter), that could not be done in a more perfect way.  Taking things into your own hands rarely results in satisfactory results, by any stretch of the imagination.

Here is what got me spun up:

1 comment:

  1. These are modern day Gadiantons for sure:
