Monday, April 22, 2013


I was in Fast and Testimony meeting last week and a gal got up to bear her testimony and spoke of being in Chichen-Itza over Spring Break this year.  She was on a tour put on by an LDS woman named, Alma who works out of Cancun.

She said that there is a temple there known as "the Temple of the Frescoes" and also known by the locals as the Temple of the Woman.  In that temple, there apparently is a fresco (raised relief carving) of a woman who is in the process of bearing a child.  On April 6th, a hole in the wall of the temple aligns perfectly with Venus which illuminates the fresco of the woman.  The locals say that the woman depicted on the wall is Mary, the Mother of the Son of God.

Venus (the goddess of love) has always represented the woman.  April 6th is clearly the date of the birth of our Lord.  The Mayans had it figured out, I believe.  I have a visit to this temple on my bucket list.

While down there, I plan to visit my friend and a man whom I used to home teach who is living his dream:
He built a truly amazing resort down there with local labor and his own construction skills.  I admire him for what he has done and for living his dream.  I also feel badly for him - several years ago the resort and several near it were flattened by a hurricane.  Before he left for the Yucatan, I warned him that this would happen.  Not just a single destruction, but twice it would happen.  The first one would be bad - but the second would be total and complete.  I believe this second destruction will occur when the large EQ occurs and the seas are heaving themselves beyond their bounds.  No one who is still at sea level will survive.

As a side note, they also take people into the jungles of the Yucatan and offer their own tours for patrons of their resort.  They note that all the Mayan cities in their area have a central plaza that is aligned with true north (the north star).  That manner of reckoning has not changed since the pyramids at Giza were built.  However, all central plazas of earlier ruins (before 33AD) are oriented 12 degrees off of the alignment with the north star.  Why is that?  Because the entire land mass was re-oriented 12 degrees during the great EQ when Christ came to the Americas after His resurrection.  How much is 12 degrees?  It is equivalent to the sweep of two minutes on the face of a clock.  Not much you say?  Think about the power required to move an area approximately the size of Utah that far.  The amount of energy required, boggles the mind.

Truly, the very God of Nature died and the earth (whose creation was His) revolted and shuddered.

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