Saturday, April 13, 2013


Okay - this is not fact, but I mentioned this to someone while I was down in Utah last week and they just gave me the blank stare.  Not that I blame them.  There is much on this blog that is not believable - thus the title "woodyoubelieveit".....

Some of the stuff that is unbelievable is the track the ten tribes will take that I reported on and later had Spencer mostly confirm it in Visions of Glory.  Then, there is the idea that the Church as platted a 3,000 acre, multi-hundred unit subdivision in Missouri.  Yep - I had source docs and everything and even the name of the front company the church was using and then I lost that info - thus the reason this blog is such a random and bulging dumping ground for the weird stuff.....  That followed by the recent admission that they probably created the water/waste water treatment plant for this huge place and then buried it.  How crazy would that be, if true?  We know the general meeting in the valley at Adam-ondi-Ahman will be low key - and most in the Church will be unaware of it.  I personally know of much that is going on the behind the scenes "quickly and quietly", as Sols Cuardisto said of the preparations just prior to the crud hitting the oscillator by the "Elders" of our church.  On that note, my wife was somewhat frustrated with all the money, time and effort that I have been pouring into our personal preparedness plans.  I reminded her of what I thought was coming as well as the Sols Cuardisto vision - and she said that Sols had pointed out that the Elders would make the preparations - and stated that I should just relax a little.  I pointed out that "I am 'the Elders' " - and she got the point and said no more.....  Lastly, while in Utah, I queried people in the know all that they knew about "Girls Camps" being installed in the mountains east of the Utah population centers.  All I can say is, wow - the Young Women are going to be doing ALOT of camping - or something else is going on - quickly and quietly.....

So, where am I going with all this?  I have a posted comment by a reader sometime back wherein I felt her input what extremely sincere and she declared with a high level of certainty that the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon was taking place (a few years back).

Now - that qualifies as a totally radical statement.  Either this person was way off - or they are way on.  There is no middle ground with what they had to say.  If the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon is under way - then there is an economic collapse under way or we are on the cusp of it if we can believe the statement he made on it back in the 1870's about the devaluation of the dollar occurring, then civil war then peace all over with the translation of the sealed portion mixed in there somewhere:

"Another quote regarding the Civil War itself comes from an interview by Dr. Poulson with David Whitmer, printed in the Deseret News on Friday, August 16, 1878:

Question: When will the temple be built in Independence?

Answer: Right after the great tribulation is over

Question: What do you mean by that?

Answer: A civil war more bloody and cruel than the rebellion. It will be the smashing up of this nation, about which time the second great work has to be done, a work like Joseph did, and the translation of the sealed plates and peace all over."
Iohanni Wolfgramm said the economic collapse would BEGIN in the third year of the second term of George Bush.  Before I read his works, I predicted to my wife that we would have a 40+% correction in the housing market followed at a later time by a total collapse.  We based our long-term financial planning on that and things have not been too bad. I think the total collapse (Weimar-style with hyper-inflation) will happen in the next year or two.  As it is, think of when they started messing with the size of the ice cream buckets, the size of the soup cans and everything else including watering down diesel and gasoline with additives that have cut my diesel mileage down by 20% (I am still sore about that one).  That in an effort to make it seem as though you are not paying much more - when indeed you still are.  A "12 ounce" can is now "10.75 ounces" and the old "half gallon" is now "1.5 quarts" while still paying alot more than we did four years ago - its a scam!!  On top of it, you are paying 30-40% more for everything relative to what you once did while you are getting almost nothing on your money.  I had $100 sitting in a savings account languishing for the last two years.  I just looked at my notice and its now worth $97 - yep, we are being robbed blind by the banksters.  Its a double hit - your money is depreciating and your buying power is not close to what it used to be.  That is why I have been telling people to clean out their retirements and buy food, ammo, etc before Uncle Scam gets his greedy little fingers on it.  At least you will be able to eat while the rest of the masses starve.....  They have been collapsing the value of the dollar and it has been a concerted effort by all in the manufacturing world in order to do it so seamlessly.  We are being taken for suckers, folks!!  Do NOT believe the lies and propaganda that you are fed on the mind-numbing television.  There is no "vision" in that worthless glowing box of lies.  Observe, think, ponder and pray.  Know the truth for yourself!

So where am I going with all this blather??  I am trying to say that we just might be in it if many people featured on this blog are right.  Think about being alive in Jesus' day; most just went about their lives not having a clue that He was even working among them.  After "the radical" was taken out of the picture, they then continued on with their day to day lives, busy in the hustle and bustle of just making ends meet.  Then the Romans came and it was lights out - most never having a clue of the narrative that transpired around them.  Could we be in the same delusion?  I think emphatically so.  Many, including Spencer say that the coming of Jesus among the body of the Saints in Utah will be seamless and pretty undetectable to the average person who is just struggling to get by.  Think about that possibility.  When He comes in glory, there will be no question - but the Second Coming is already in progress - has been for almost 200 years, come 2020.

Here is the final gem for those who have endured this blathering rant of the gal who declared that the Sealed Portion is currently being translated.  Maybe amazing things are happening RIGHT NOW - as I type, and we simply are not aware of it.  Hopefully - this piece has opened another set of eyes for those who have eyes to see, and ears to hear.

1 comment:

  1. Just a couple points:
    Our collapse won't be Weimar style, we are in stagflation. This means the cost of necessities like food, energy & medicine go up, but wages are stagnant. Our wages are largely stagnant while the price of important things go up.

    In Weimar, gov't money printing went directly to workers' wages. In our time, the banks are soaking up the money printing to stave off collapse due to massive credit default swap leveraging. This money is not going to the Main St. economy - you and me - which is why our troubles play out differently.

    Our collapse will happen when a large, highly leveraged institution goes bust, which causes a chain reaction. I agree with Joel Skousen that they will try to cover that up with war. The bankers will seek to cover up they malfeasance with the lives of many.

    As for the plates, where are you getting this information? It sounds to me like you've been led astray.
