Thursday, April 4, 2013


I have an enormous bucket list.

Most of it is a list of temporal things I would like to accomplish.  Many things are hopes and aspirations for my children - I can do to help them see what I see and experience what I have experienced.

One of my big temporal things is to have an LT40 Woodmizer Portable Bandsaw to create with.  I love working with wood - it is my medium and it speaks to me.  When I develop a goal, I usually can "see" a path to its fruition.  Sometimes, that temporal and even telestial goal is in opposition to those things that God would have me do with my time, talents and temporal means I have been blessed with, I am still indulged upon and am gently schooled in how I can better serve with what I have been given.

Lately, my vision of roads going forward towards my future are all met with a cliff and I am saddened by it.  We are nearly out of time.  It could be a few short months - or longer - but my impression is that it is not more than a few years until we have crossed the point of no return and our day of grace as a people who have rejected good principle is past - a day in which no man can perform his (earthly) works.  My two oldest seem to sense it as well.  I mourn for the wonderful things that still could be accomplished in an extended earthly time.  I have a desire to visit a temple being built in a city that once hosted a single stake and now has 13 stakes.  After so much work as a missionary over 22 years ago, the fruit of that labor of so many people is paying off.  I do not believe I will make it there - at least as a telestial being; or as a mere mortal.

I was given two promises near the end of my mission as a reward for unwavering diligence; that if I remained true and faithful, enduring to the end of this mortal sojourn, I would not live to be an old man; and that I would visit all temples upon the face of the earth.  Two promises that, on the face of them, appeared to be juxtaposed to each other.  I just removed the Oquirrh Mtn Temple from that list yesterday and note that the endowment could most likely be administered there with no electricity, as the ordinance rooms are bathed in natural light if the curtains are open.  I posted earlier how my wife was allowed to choose that I not be taken at a an early stage of my life and that our 9 month old boy was taken in my stead to accomplish a work for our family on the other side.  In my current financial state, I highly doubt that I would be able to visit all of the temples on this side of the veil or as a telestial being, but my eyes have been opened to the fact that it most likely will be done as a post-mortal or in a post-millennial state.  I expect to be there - I will need ample grace from my Savior in order to overcome all that is required to be part of that future paradigm.  I think about what is required on a daily basis.

I pray that we are all ready for this coming "cliff" and know that Christ's grace will be sufficient for all who seek His face and love all men, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.


  1. Moving testimony... thank you.....and may we all continue to seek the great "I AM" even Jesus and his eternal grace.

  2. I came here today to check your blog as I often do, and hoped to find some words of wisdom or even entertainment. Instead I feel a sort of sad despair that you see the cliff so clearly. Sometimes I see the cliff too, and that is what drove me to begin prepping and gettin gmy family involved, and in speaking out about things to my family and my friends who would listen -- though I haven't felt the 'cliff' so keenly in awhile. As a matter of fact, its been easier to imagine a successful future lately than it has been in awhile, which I why I suspect that it may be a few years before I see that cliff in person. But I suspect that the upcoming cliff will affect everyone in a different time and stage in their life. Chin up. Its only going to get better (after earth).

  3. I enjoy your thoughts and respect the research that you find to support. Your current feelings on the upcoming cliff, which may very well be just a few months away, resonates with me as I have had these feeling tugging on me as well.
    For a while now, I am being pushed, from the other side to prepare in a different manner. Not as much with the temporal preparations (I’ve been working for several years now), but the spiritual connections / preparations which are most important. The concerns for my family’s safety are always on my mind. I worry that my attachment to them will be my Abraham “sacrifice” in this life (6th Lectures on Faith).
    We must understand that although time is speeding up, the trials by which those who are to survive may last for several years. The Lord will use this time period to sift the wheat from the tares and prove those who will be worthy to build Zion.
    I understand more fully the gaps in my spiritual preparations and connections with the Lord. Even though the LDS church has been a solid foundation from which to build on, my personal faith requires me to go on to perfection with the Holy Ghost and my Lord as tutors (2 Nephi 4:34). We are eternal spiritual beings living a mortal life and yes it was our choice to come at this time to further our understanding by overcoming the natural man through the situations that are presented to us.

  4. Thank you for your blog. It makes me happy to be able to go to a place, like your blog, and find like minded people and insights. I think many of us have had the nagging thoughts of something impending; whether that be : economic collapse, military invasion/nuclear war, natural disasters, etc. Whatever the list is, there is always more to add to it of our own personal family concerns/worries. Sometimes, along with prepping and keeping our eyes on the political nonsense in the world, life can feel a bit overwhelming. I know a lot, but do I know enough? In one of my moments (of almost panic/despair) regarding all that I know and understand and still feeling great need for further preparation (temporal and spiritual)and realizing my sense of duty to my family and how little time there seems to be, I queried the Lord and lamented, that there is so much more I need to know/learn. What I was told, stunned me. "You know enough" It isn't that I am adequate per se in my temporal survival skills; I know a little about wild edibles for foraging and understand many "basics", etc. It isn't that my experience is extensive with seed gathering from my garden- its very limited. I can't say that I have extensive experience with camping (some- years ago) although I know what its like to work outside and in all weather conditions (I have been a landscaper for years) I still like coming home to my warm shelter and bed. "You know enough", has more to do with the wisdom gleaned from years of varied experiences. Although more spiritual than temporal, but not just one over the other. It is a melding of the two that combines to form all that you "know"; your all-encompassing realm of experience. And what you truly don't know, can truly be gotten through that relationship that we all have opportunity to develop with our Savior. I don't mean to undermine any of our experiences or opinions or comments. They are all good and helpful and important and helped me to comment, too. I know that He will not forsake us. I know that we came here to learn and grow; that was all part of the deal and why we came to earth. We yearned, and I cannot emphasize that enough, we truly yearned with all our hearts to come here and experience this life, knowing somewhat of the things we would go through and be challenged by. And with all the turmoil of life and its struggles, we can have peace. He is aware and nearby for us all, no matter what. Whether we are here to greet the Savior when He comes in clouds of glory, or we help build up Zion, or we are sealed to go prior to all of these wonderful events, it matters not. I, too, have felt much anguish over the possibility of having to leave to gather with the Saints, over my "lost" ones, (some wayward children and now seemingly, husband, too) I carry on. And continue in His hope of a brighter and more glorious future with Him. Whether my family will be with me, I "know" not- for now. We are given what we need to "know"; that which will serve us good purpose and be a help and not a hindrance (although, that choice is up to us) One word of caution, try not to engage yourself in the negative thoughts and feelings that do/can plague us here. they block the Spirit. They block our hearts from experiencing the good things of the Spirit; those wonderful gifts, and charity. We need His love. We need to do His will and subject/yield ourselves up to it. All may not be well in Zion, but all can be well within our hearts.
