Saturday, April 20, 2013


I was going to take the family up to the mine on the day of the slide - but could not due to the visitor's center being closed due to instability in the ground around it.  I suppose it would have been one heckuva fun time if we had been there!

According to this article, there are nearly $1 billion in costs associated with cleaning up the slide in the mine.  In order to go deeper into the paying ore body, the mine footprint will have to be widened significantly.   This will require much removal of non-paying overburden in order to make this a reality - expensive, with little or no payback. In order to avoid future slides, the mine sidewall slope will have to be decreased.  Just basic physics here, folks.  I suppose no one should be surprised by these recent developments, considering how steep the walls were at the point of the collapse.

Here is the article from DesNews:

So, here is the question.  Will they have to go for a closure of the mine - if not only temporarily.  I seem to recall that there would be something like a mine collapse around the time of the collapse of the US and all the things coming about that Koyle spoke of.  I cannot find the specific reference I was thinking of - even on this blog - but Koyle does say that open pit mine will be closed (with no specific reason given).  Here is the link to the search:

I like Koyle - he spoke of the future using things he understood:  farming and mining.  I speak in terms of what I know, so I get that.  I am not much of a farmer nor a miner - so I am intrigued at the language he used.  I think we are in the middle of what he spoke about and would love to hear current stories of the Dream Mine to see if it is stirring to life under the current circumstances.  I cannot help but think that it must be.

My favorite movie is "Joseph: King of Dreams."  I recommend that you watch it (again?).  As odd as it is that my favorite movie is a cartoon, I find much prophetic voice in that movie - both in music and imagery.  I weep every time I watch it - and am grateful for the gift of prophetic dreams that provide comfort and warning.  I watched it last night while commuting on the train.  The last scene was telling wherein all of the brothers (of Joseph) emerged from the North in the midst of a famine to be succored by their younger brother who had prepared a way for their escape from the calamity around them.  How fitting this will be in our near future as the 10 tribes are triumphantly re-united with Joseph (Ephraim/Manasseh) as they return from the North whither the Lord has driven them.  I think Koyle and his visions and experiences play into this successful re-unification as we are once again brought together.  Are you ready for that event?  It will dwarf all others in world history, by comparison.

We should be prepared spiritually for this event - as the wicked will be swept out of the way to make way for a people ready and prepared to live at least a terrestrial existence as we usher in the Millennium.

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