Saturday, January 17, 2009



Pentecost 2007

Jeanie Welch introduced Dr. David Cohen as one of the descendants of Aaron, who refers to Uncle Moses and his Brother Aaron in one of his books. He was raised by his father, the Jewish Rabbi, who later converted to become a Latter Day Saint and mighty missionary for the church. She had Shanna Christ read D&C 8, regarding the gift of Aaron, recognizing that this gift of interpretation is one that she believes that Dr. Cohen has been gifted with through his great love for the scriptures and as a descendant of Aaron.

I’m not worthy of that introduction. I am the least of the brethren.

I just want to clarify what we just read about the gift of Aaron. It is important for us as LDS to understand that this concept of the gift of Aaron is part of our religion. It is not only mentioned in the D&C 8, but in other sections. It’s mentioned in the Bible. Just so you all know, Aaron and his sons were given custody of the Urim and Thumim, forever more. That’s very important to the Jews. What does that mean that they were given custody of the Urim and Thumim? Have you heard of the breastplate of Aaron? The Urim and Thumim were kept in a pocket of the breastplate and worn over Aaron’s heart, and whoever succeeded Aaron as the high priest in ancient Israel, one of his descendants wore this breastplate and it contained the Urim and Thumim, and they had custody of it to protect it. The Prophet was allowed to use it, but he had to return it to the High Priest. It was a special honor given to Aaron and his descendants, among others, and so when you read about the gift of Aaron in D&C 8, the Gift of Aaron is to know the mysteries of God, particularly through the Urim and Thumim, and that is what Joseph Smith is referring to there. He actually had Brother of Jared’s Urim and Thumim and Oliver Cowdery was borrowing it and trying to translate it. What happened to Oliver Cowdery’s translations? He failed! Why did he fail? Because he didn’t have the gift of Aaron! Now the last thing I want to insinuate here is that I have a Urim and Thumim, but I hope to someday be worthy to use it just as my ancestors have.
All of you being here tonight have demonstrated faith. There is nothing better on the Sabbath day than to get together as Saints and bask in the word. The Lord expects us to feast upon His word, and that’s what you’re doing by being here. We’re going to feast on the word of God tonight. And you’re going to be blessed. I promise you, you’re going to leave this fireside and you are going to be glad you attended it. The Lord is going to bless you for your faith.
There is nothing more exciting then learning about the Second Coming because it pertains to our day! We live in exciting times, and it just so happens that the final chapter of my new book is on the Second Coming. Why is it the final chapter, because it takes all of the previous chapters to be able to write about the Second Coming. It is a difficult subject, and it took 37 previous chapters to come up with the information that I am going to share with you tonight. The stakes are high. Who am I to talk about the Second Coming? But let the spirit whisper to you tonight the truthfulness of what you are about to hear. You go home and study it for yourself, and gain your own testimony of what I’m going to share with you tonight. It pertains to you!

1. TOO SPECIFIC: I don’t know if you all know this, but lots and lots of people have tried to pinpoint the time of the Lord’s return, and we have been counseled in the church not to do it, because it’s fraught with danger! It gets us in trouble! First of all, no one will ever know the day nor the hour, so don’t go there! We’re going to talk about WHY no one will know the day nor the hour. There are specific reasons!

2. UNINSPIRED: Everybody thus far who has tried to be specific and quantified has been uninspired! Unless you’re inspired you are going to be wrong.
3. OUR CALENDAR IS NOT EVEN CLOSE TO THE LORD’S CALENDAR: We’re going to talk about the Lord’s calendar tonight.
PENTECOST!An example is this very date, this time of year (pointing at the word "Pentecost"). You notice at the top it says Pentecost 2007. Pentecost happens to be a very sacred time of the year, and it pertains perfectly to this discussion on the Second Coming. Can anybody here give me some examples of sacred events that happened on Pentecost? YES! The out pouring of the Holy Ghost! How was it described? Rushing winds and cloven tongues of FIRE! What is so significant about FIRE in the Second Coming? The Second Coming is the baptism by fire! What kind of fire? SPIRITUAL FIRE! The spirit of God like a fire burns! Isn’t that a hymn we sing? Spiritual fire is one of the characteristics and hallmarks of Pentecost. What else? That is not the only event. Adam-ondi-Ahman: What about Adam-ondi-Ahman? What happened at Adam-ondi-Ahman? Adam and his righteous posterity met and they had a Solemn Assembly. (Now what’s the definition of a Solemn Assembly? In order for there to be a Solemn Assembly a member of the Godhead must be present. Every Solemn Assembly that has taken place in a temple dedication is characterized by a member of the Godhead being present. That is why it is so sacred). Who was present at the Adam-ondi-Ahman Solemn Assembly? The Lord himself! That happened to take place on Pentecost. Trust me! If you have any questions or argument about this I would be happy to cover this with you later because we have a lot of material to talk about tonight. Mt. Sinai - Moses, Aaron, Madab, Abihu and seventy elders of Israel came into the presence of God on Mt. Sinai on Pentecost. Again, a Solemn Assembly. Pentecost is a sacred date! Exactly one year after that seventy elders including Eldad and Medad (Have you heard of Eldad and Medad? Take note of those two names because your are going to see them again before the Second Coming. Have you read about the two witnesses. There are two witnesses mentioned in Revelations. You wait and see, their new names are Eldad and Medad. It is not pertinent in this discussion to explain why, but it is in the Hebrew of their names. Eldad is a mirror image of Medad. So they were twins. It goes further, they are sacred names).The reason I am giving you this back ground information is that you cannot talk about the Second Coming without knowing something about Pentecost. Exactly one year after that (Solemn Assembly) Moses sent spies out to search the promised land forty days and the Lord appeared in the Tabernacle on Pentecost. When did David slay Goliath? On Pentecost. How about the enunciation of the immaculate conception by the Angel Gabriel occurred on Pentecost. What does it say in the scriptures – "the Holy Ghost shall come upon thee." What is Pentecost all about, the Holy Ghost! It says in the Book of Mormon that Mary was carried away in the spirit – Pentecost! There’s other evidence. Elizabeth would have been in her 6th lunar month of pregnancy. When did Elizabeth get pregnant – exactly 6 months before Mary – 50 days before Passover - another Pentecost event. Jesus started his ministry on Pentecost. There’s an incident in the Book of Mormon where the Holy Ghost descended upon the Twelve Apostles (Nephite) and they were encircled about as if it were by FIRE! What day was that? Pentecost! Then there is one more. I saved the best for last and we should all know this as Latter Day Saints. The Restoration of Melchezedek Priesthood occurred on Pentecost. We don’t have the date of that event. WHY? Because it is related to the Second Coming, the Baptism by Fire. You cannot talk about the Second Coming without talking about Pentecost.
4. WE ARE DROWNING IN FALSE INFORMATION: Just look on the internet. You can’t trust any of it! Why have people failed? Did you know that Isaac Newton spent the last third of his life studying sacred chronologies? Why did he fail? He understood the physical world better than anybody. Number one, he didn’t know the original Hebrew. He studied Hebrew intensely because he knew that there was something to it. Here’s this English guy studying Hebrew. What was his hang-up? Here is a Hebrew bible and you will see that it is in a completely different script then English. It happens to be the script that Newton studied. What’s the problem? This is why the whole world is confused! The problem is the current Hebrew script is corrupt. So if you study the current Hebrew script it is a dead end. Why has every research project on Hebrew failed thus far? Even Hugh Nibley gave up on Hebrew. Why? Hugh Nibley is brilliant! What did he turn to, finally? Egyptian! Because at least he made some headway with Egyptian. Why did he fail with the Hebrew? Because it’s corrupt! Now, Brothers and Sisters, let’s backtrack just a little bit and you will understand why there are 37 chapters in my book before the Second Coming. The first 30 chapters happen to be on the holy language. How can you understand the original holidays unless you understand the original language that it was prescribed in? This is what has been my biggest challenge. The first quantum leap that I made was realizing that the script was corrupt so I had to put everything back into the original script in order to figure this stuff out. You see, when the Israelites were on Mt. Sinai, what happened? Moses went up on Mt. Sinai, and it says in the Torah that God wrote with His finger, on two stone tablets, the law. What happened to the script? Well first Moses came down from Mount Sinai and found the camp in mutiny and they were worshiping a golden calf and having an orgy. He took the two stone tablets and he broke them. What was on them? The higher law. In what script. The higher law in the original Adamic script. CORRECT! And what did Joseph Smith teach us? He taught us that Moses went back up on Mt. Sinai and he made two new stone tablets and again God wrote with his finger on those tablets, but what was the difference? It was in a lesser - but holy script, in a lesser law – the Law of Moses, and the people got a lesser priesthood -the Aaronic priesthood. So what is the difference in the lesser script and the higher script? If you read the book of Ether the Jaredite record was 24 plates and covered 3500 years of history from the creation to the destruction of the Jaredites. How can you fit 3500 years of history on 24 plates? SHORTHAND! The Adamic script is shorthand. What did the ancient Israelites get – phonetics – a long hand? And what did the Nephite prophets say? They wished they could have written in Hebrew, but the plates didn’t have enough capacity for a Hebrew account, so what did they write in? SHORTHAND! The original language is sooooo amazing Brothers and Sisters – it would knock your socks off! Should I give you an example? Everybody thinks that the Adamic language is some kind of communication by telepathy. I am going to share with you the secret, because you are here, you get a special blessing. Let me give you an example. In the original script on Mt. Sinai "STAR" was written kkb, written from right to left – bkk (We don’t have time to go in to how I know what the original script is but if you want to know later I will show you - It is in my book). This is how God wrote "STAR" in the original script – "Kk" – doesn’t Joseph Smith call the stars KoKa beam – that’s the plural. (Dr. Cohen then proceeds to show us that the original script literally combines the 2 - K’s together to look just like a star the way a child would draw it). A star is a star it is not S-T-A-R. When you write star it is a (drew a star) in the holy language, but in the ancient Hebrew it is kkb. What did God do? He broke up the picture into its phonetics. How do you write stars – you put a z on the drawn star. It is no wonder that every thing in the English plural is zzzzzzzzzzzz. What does that tell you about English? It is the most holy language on the planet right now, and that explains why the gospel was restored in English. It is more holy then Hebrew because Hebrew is corrupt (Dr. Cohen then shows us what "STAR" has become in Hebrew – a far cry from what it once was in the original language and not so simple as the Adamic language). How do you go from that (pointing to the Adamic language on the board)---to that (Hebrew language on the board). One example doesn’t prove anything. What if I told you I have a thousand. Now how did Adam write Sun – in the original long hand it is "wmw" (he then shows us the corrupted Hebrew) He then shows us that the "wmw" combine in a ring and look just like a sun. One of Dr. Cohen’s predictions before the Second Coming is that every sign in Israel is coming down! The script is going to change (to the original). When it happens it will be all over the news and then you can say that Dr. Cohen told you so. This is not in any church book. This is not on the internet. I probably shouldn’t even be sharing it with you because it is so hot off the press, and it is so sacred! Imp going to show you one other thing just to get you excited about this. Let’s see what the Lord’s holy name is. In the original script the Lord’s holy name is (Dr. Cohen proceeds to write EYEZz) What ? You mean the Lord’s holy name means something in English. What does that tell you about English? How do you write the Lord’s name in the corrupt script (he proceeds to write and then calls it-" chicken scratch). What does the Lord’s holy name mean – this Z is a symbol in the priesthood. A big Z and a little z – the big Z represents the greater priesthood and the little z represents the lesser priesthood – then you see two E’s representing two strands of DNA, and the Y represents the tree of life. "I AM THE LIGHT AND THE LIFE OF THE WORLD". In the Lords name are two strands of DNA(EE) with the (Y)tree of life in between – but you don’t get it in the corrupt script you get it in the original script. You mean Adam knew about DNA? We think we’re so smart. Okay, the reason why I’m showing you this is because this is what gives me an edge on the Second Coming. And by chapter 37 I’ve got something to work with that no one else has to work with.
5. YOU MUST HAVE A PURE UNDERSTANDING OF THE ORIGINAL HOLIDAYS as they were originally prescribed in order to elucidate the Lord’s calendar. You must have the original script. The original script is profound and is filled with clues. Now I’m going to give you some examples. Let’s talk about the
PASSOVERS– in plural. There wasn’t just one Passover there were two, but the Jews forgot about the second Passover. WHY? Because they rejected their Passover Jew. Let’s review this really quickly. Everybody talks about the first Passover. What was the first Passover? The Passover in Egypt – Called "The Lord’s Passover" because the Lord passed over the Israelites – they had the blood of the pascal lamb. Then what happened? Pharaoh lets the Israelites go and they travel 6 days to the Red Sea. They get to the Red Sea and they are exhausted, and they set up camp. Just as the sun is setting, who do they see? Pharaoh’s army! It says in Exodus, 600 chariots coming in hot pursuit. And there the Israelites were, 1.5 million pinned against the sea. We all know what happened, but we forget. What happened that night? The second Passover. The Israelites passed over the Red Sea…(lost a few seconds of the tape)… JEHOVAH, and it was all a type and shadow of what was going to happen in the meridian of time. Unless you understand that you will never figure out the Lord’s calendar. The whole world has forgotten about the second Passover. What do the Jews celebrate? The Jews celebrate the first Passover. That’s it! They dropped the ball! The most important Passover they don’t even acknowledge it. What was the Lord’s prescription of Passover. It was a 7 day holiday, with the 1st day as a Sabbath and the 7th day as a Sabbath. Why is that so important? Do ya think, we don’t have time for the Passover, that is for Easter! But we’ve got to talk about because you cannot understand the Second Coming if you don’t understand. Now let me tell you what trips everbody up. Turn to John 13:1. I know that some of this material is heavy, and if you leave here with a headache, but let the spirit whisper to you what I am telling you is true. I’m your tutor. I did the hard work for you. You are going to know more about the Second Coming then anyone in your ward after this. John 13:1 – "Now before the feast of the Passover" ---John is a good Jewish boy and knew the Passover really well. He celebrated the Feast of the Passover as it was supposed to be celebrated before the holiday was corrupt. So when he said, "Now before the feast of the Passover", what feast is he talking about. See to him its understood. Right now he is probably thrilled that the Latter Day Saints are getting it. He is happy that you’re here, that I am clarifying it for you. What was the original prescription of the holiday? The first day was a feast and the Sabbath and the 7th day was a feast and the Sabbath. Why? Because there were 2 Passovers. So when John said, "Before the feast of the Passover," which feast is he referring to. The whole world thinks he is referring to the first. What were the Pascal (Passover) lambs of the first Passover? When the Lord prescribed the Passover, he said that every family, through the power of the priesthood, should sacrifice a lamb on Passover Eve. Which Passover? The first Passover was the Lord’s Passover. And whose Pascal Lambs were they? The Lord’s lambs. He shared them with us. When the Saints needed a Pascal lamb it was the Lord’s, but he shared it with them. It was not legitimate unless it was done through the power of the Priesthood. Okay, so the first Passover is celebrated and then there are 5 days where you have to eat unleaven bread, and then there is a Sabbath and a feast day on the 7th that is celebrated – and who is the Pascal Lamb on that feast? The Savior! Do we canabalize him? What do we do? It is a spiritual feast and on the 7th day feast the Israelites were given a fore taste of the Sacrament – for centuries this happened. Now how can you understand John’s rendition of the atonement unless you know that. Let me give you another example. Turn to John 18:28. Which Passover is referred to in this reading? The 2nd Passover. The whole world misses this. Even Talmage missed it in "Jesus the Christ." Let’s turn to another one in John 19:14. What Passover? The 2nd Passover. IT CHANGES EVERYTHING! Why? Because the whole world thinks that Jesus was crucified on the 1st Passover. According to Mosaic Law, all Pascal lambs had to be sacrificed on Passover Eve. So when were all the Pascal lambs sacrificed, except Jesus Christ – on Passover Eve of the 1st Passover. So when was Jesus supposed to be crucified, on the Passover Eve of the 2nd Passover. Unless you know that you will never figure out the Lord’s calendar. One last example. John 19:31 – "The Jews therefore, because it was the preparation (of the 2nd Passover) that the body should not remain upon the cross on the Sabbath day was an high day." Again, the whole world is lost! They think the Sabbath day is what? The weekly Sabbath, but what was the Lord’s original prescription. The 1st and 7th days of Passover were also Sabbaths. It changes everything. We think in terms of a weekly Sabbath, but the Jews anciently had multiple Sabbaths. PASSOVERS! You have to understand that if you want to understand the 2nd coming. (See my new book for more detail. It is called "The Adamic Language and Calendar").
FEAST OF THE TRUMPETS (Rosh Hashanah), YOM KIPPUR, FEAST OF THE TABERNACLE: Now we come to a set of Holidays that directly pertain to the Second Coming. They are Rosh Hashanah, or the Feast of Trumpets, 1st day of the 7th month, Yom Kippur, and the Feast of the Tabernacle. Now again, all of you Biblical scholars, the feast of the Tabernacle(s) is a misnomer. It was a portable temple. There was a feast prescribed for the tabernacle. WHY? Who lives in the temple? The Lord! So it was a celebration of having the Lord right there with you. It is important that I interject to why we as LDS do not celebrate these holidays, directly. What do we do? We indirectly celebrate them. In what manner? Every 6 months the church goes through painstaking efforts, spends lots of energy and money to do General Conference. It is a holiday. The one in April falls on PASSOVER. The one in OCTOBER falls on Feast of the Trumpets, Yom Kippur and the Feast of the Tabernacle. So in a way, the Lord is priming us for further light and knowledge. Why don’t we have conference on Christmas or in the summer? Because the Lord is priming us for His holidays. Sometime before the 2nd coming, we are not only going to hold General Conference, but we, as LDS, are going to celebrate these holidays. Don’t take it from me. When President Monson puts it into effect, you are going to say, Brother Cohen told me that. You mark my word, before the 2nd coming its going to happen. We’re not really going to change a whole lot. We are going to have a spiritual feast at the same time, but we are going to be instructed on these holidays, just like I am instructing you. WHY! Because they are so important! You cannot understand the 2nd coming unless you have a grasp on these. Now I’m going to show you why.


Post subject: Re: Could this be the new star spoken of by the Maitrya website?
PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 8:35 am
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All of these you know, but there are a couple that I want to point out to you that you may not have considered. For example: Daniel 12:12 specifies to the day the 3rd and final wo. "Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days." WOW! The exact day! He has given us the day of the third and final woe. Brothers and Sisters, I’m priming you all of you for further light and knowledge. It is important for you to know that there is more in the scriptures then you ever realized. I want you to turn to
"And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, In the seventh month, in the first day of the month, shall ye have a Sabbath, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, an holy convocation." STOP RIGHT THERE! WOW! That is just filled with implications, and for our day! Let me explain it to you. Let me explain on one simple verse in the Torah and get you pumped up! In the 7th month (what does it typify). The 1st day of the 7th month of the Lord’s calendar is the Fall Equinox. The 1st day of the 1st month of the Lord’s calendar is the Spring Equinox. New Year’s day on the Lord’s calendar is the Spring Equinox. PERFECT! 1st day of spring, New Year’s Day! BEAUTIFUL! Why are the equinoxes so important? The Spring Equinox for the northern hemisphere is the same as the Fall Equinox for the southern hemisphere. Why is that important? How many have heard the scripture, "The first shall be last and the last shall be first?" It has multiple applications, including the equinoxes. Okay, just file that away for a moment. What does the 7th month represent. Number one is a sabbatical month, but it also typifies the 7th thousand year – a sabbatical millennium, or the millennium. The earth is to obtain its paradisiacal glory and find rest. For a thousand years we will dwell in righteousness. Sitting right there in the Torah is a prediction for the last days. But we don’t understand it because we don’t understand the Lord’s holidays. Okay! The 7th month represents the 7th thousand years. The Lord always works in nested cycles. Anytime you hear a 7th day or 7th month you have to think in terms of week or year, or millennium, or century, or decade. But the plot thickens, and we are not even through the whole verse! "Ye shall have a Sabbath, a memorial of blowing trumpets." A blowing of trumpets? That rings a bell. What do we have on the tops of our temples? An angel blowing a trumpet. What else comes to mind? What does it say in Revelations after the 7th seal is opened? 7 Angels will blow 7 trumpets in succession. So the plot thickens. The 7th month refers to the 7th thousand years. And to hammer the point home he says there will be a memorial of trumpet blowing as soon as the 7th seal is opens. BOY! If that’s true let’s follow it through. By the way the first day of the 7th month is called Rosh Hashana, New Year’s Day. Wait a minute, why would the Jews call the first day of the 7th month New Year’s Day? The first day of the first month is New Year’s Day. If you ask any Rabbi this they go, "I don’t know. It was a new beginning for the Jews on Mt. Sinai so they call it Rosh Hashana." The reason why it is called Rosh Hashana, Brothers and Sisters, is because the Lord is trying to tell us something. He is trying to tell us that the first day of the 7th month is going to be New Year’s day at the start of the millennium. "The first shall be last and the last shall be first." WOW! The plot thickens! And then on the 10th day of the 7th month is Yom Kippur. And the holidays don’t stop. The Feast of the Tabernacle is the 15th day through the 21st day, and then what happens? According to the book of Leviticus, on the 22nd day is a Solemn Assembly. What did I tell you needs to be present with a Solemn Assembly? A member of the Godhead. It is so important for you to remember that when you are interpreting this scripture. NOW! If the 7th month represents the 7th thousand years, then what does days 1-22 represent? The first 22 years of the millennium. Holy Cow! You mean that for centuries the Lord gave us the prescription for the Second Coming and we didn’t even know it? Now I’m going to show you why it is true.


"And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour." STOP! We just gloss over that, like, okay! First of all, he said that when the 7th seal is open….We may not know the day nor the hour, but if we can pinpoint exactly when the 7th seal is open we are home free. THAT we can figure out! Guess what a ½ hour is in celestial time? Almost 22 years. Now, tell me that is a coincidence. I am going to give you further evidence. How many chapters in Revelations? 22 chapters. How long was Ezekiel’s ministry? 22 years. When did the Angel Moroni come to Joseph Smith, 5 years in a row? On the 22nd. What does September mean in Latin? 7th month. The original 7th month on the Julian calendar was September, and it was only after Agustus came on the scene, that He wanted August named after him, that it was changed to the 9th month. The reason that the Angel Moroni came to Joseph Smith, 5 years in a row on September 22nd was to drop a bomb on us! It was one thing if he came once or twice, but 5 years in a row. The Lord was trying to tell us something! He was putting it in Neon lights! After the 7th seal is open, there is almost 22 years until the Second Coming. Now what does Joseph Smith call September 22nd in the Pearl of Great Price? New Year’s Eve. Why didn’t he call it New Year’s Day? Why didn’t he just call it the Fall Equinox? Actually, I went back and checked the Equinox charts, and in the 1820’s, every Fall Equinox fell on September 23rd. Why is that important? The fact that the Angel Moroni came on the 22nd means that the 7th seal hadn’t opened yet, but was about to be opened. Okay, now we’re getting down to the nitty gritty. Any questions about what we have covered so far, because I am about to give you some prophecies. Is it okay if I prophecy? What did Moses say about prophets? "Would that all of God’s people were prophets." It is everyone’s right to receive revelation, as a worthy Latter Day Saint. I am interpreting scriptures. I am not making this up Brothers and Sisters. It is all here, you just have to put it all together. We have one more thing to cover before I give you my predictions. It has to do with the fact that you can’t understand the Second Coming unless you understand what the most prophesied astronomical sign is in the scriptures. It is all over the scriptures. Joseph Smith, Isaiah, John the Revelator, Job, Ezekiel, Joel talks about it. "The sun shall be darkened, the moon shall be turned to blood and the stars shall fall from heaven." That is the most prophecied sign in the scriptures. Now the church teaches us that we shouldn’t interpret scriptures on the second coming literally, but this is one that we can interpret literally. What is it basically the most prophesied sign preceding the Second Coming? DARKNESS! And the Lord always repeats himself. When Christ was crucified there was 3 days of darkness, and what happened after the 3 days of darkness? Jesus appeared. Where else was there darkness? Right before the original Passover, there were 3 days of darkness. And then what happened afterwards? The Lord passed over the Israelites. Every time there has been cataclysmic darkness, with thick vapors, and pitch black, such as these accounts, and the Nephites. It will happen again at his Second Coming. Now you must understand that if you are ever going to understand John the Revelator. Now he throws us a curve ball. John 6:12: "And I beheld when he had opened the 6th seal, lo their was a great earth quake, and the sun became black as sack cloth, and the moon became as blood, and the stars in heaven fallen to the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her figs." What is the problem there? He gives the most prophesied sign preceding the Second Coming when the 6th seal is open. His chronology is wrong. It took me a year to figure this out. Anytime you see a contradiction in the scriptures, what does it mean? Contradiction is truth standing on its head to get attention! Its truth in neon lights! Its truth inside out! Now that we know the most prophesied sign….How do we interpret this? John is telling us that the sign of the 6th seal is darkness. When was the 6th seal opened? In the depths of the DARK AGES! The earth was drowning in darkness. If darkness is the sign of the 6th seal, then what is the sign of the 7th seal? LIGHT! BEAUTIFUL! SIMPLE! PROFOUND! And how does that light culminate with the coming of the Son. You see, Jehovah doesn’t need any light. His countenance is so bright! Matthew 24: "For as the light cometh out of the East and shineth into the west, so shall the coming of the Son be." His countenance is so bright that if we saw His full glory it would consume us. The scriptures say that the sun will hide its face in shame. HE IS BRIGHTER THEN THE SUN! There is a story in the Torah where Moses says to the Lord, "Let me see your full glory." You see Moses talked to the Lord face to face. But what did the Lord do? He turned his glory down. Moses said to him, before I die I would like to see your full glory. What was the Lord’s reply? "Nobody can see my face and live Moses, but I will give you a concession. I’ll block your view of my face with my hand and I will show you my back. (It is in the Torah) So Moses got a glimpse of the Lord’s full glory from behind, but his face was BRIGHTER THEN THE SUN! And when His Second Coming occurs, he is not going to tone it down. He is going to come in His full glory! Hence, A BAPTISM BY FIRE!


Now, let’s talk about why we don’t know the day nor the hour and then we will make some predictions. According to these scriptures, what happens when the darkness occurs? According to Isaiah, the earth shall be moved out of her place like a cottage. The suns darkened, the moon is blood red, the stars are falling from heaven and the earth is being moved out of her place. What is Isaiah trying to tell us? Is the Lord coming to us? The earth is going to go to a new orbit. It is no wonder that no one knows the day nor the hour. How can the earth go to a new orbit, who knows how many light years away, in such a short time? It will go through a worm hole. A worm hole? Are there any upon this earth? What is all the hype about the two triangles, the Bermuda and the Dragons Triangle? They are on exact opposite sides of the globe, and in these triangles things disappear – ships, airplanes! Instruments loose their operability. Why? Those two triangles represent worm holes in space. Where was the city of Enoch translated? The Gulf of Mexico, and what is right next to the Gulf of Mexico? The Bermuda Triangle. Do you believe the triangles are real? (Someone asked, do you think we are going to go back to the state of the Garden of Eden?) The Garden of Eden and the City of Enoch is in a terrestrial state. We are going back to where we came from, and we’re going to join the City of Enoch in a terrestrial spirit. This is why nobody knows the date nor the hour, we are going to be traveling through a worm hole! Time is going to be warped, and that is why the stars are going to be moving by and the moon will be red, because the moon doesn’t have an atmosphere so it is going to be on FIRE! But there is another reason why no one will know the day nor the hour. What happens after we get to that new orbit? New time, but then what has to happen? It says in the scriptures that before the Lord’s unveiling the righteous have to be gathered from the 4 quarters of the earth. The righteous include not only those who are alive, but those who are dead. Not only is the righteous going to be gathered, the righteous are going to be translated up to meet the Lord! It all takes time Brothers and Sisters. "Two people will be in the field, one will be taken and the other left." All the people have to be gathered before the Lord’s unveiling, and there is only one person who knows the moment of the Lord’s unveiling. God the Father, even the Lord doesn’t know. You can imagine how these angels are going to be going around checking their watch to make sure they get everybody gathered in time. It is going to be a beautiful scene. It’s going to be just like the Nephites. The darkness is going to cease. It is going to light up. Where is the light coming from? THE LORD! He’s not even unveiled yet, but we see His light. Then there is going to be a gathering. I don’t know how long its going to take. A week? How long did it take the Nephites to see the Lord? DAYS! The same kind of time, the Lord always repeats himself. SO! We have 2 good reasons why no one is going to know the day nor the hour. We are going to be traveling through space so time will be warped, and the righteous are going to be gathered. Then when the Lord unveils himself to the wicked, what will happen? They will be consumed with fire because his countenance is so glorious.



Post subject: Re: Could this be the new star spoken of by the Maitrya website?
PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 8:40 am
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Now for some predictions! The key for us right now, is to determine when the 7th seal is open, because everything else will fall into place. So how do we determine the opening of the 7th seal? It is a very sacred event. Why? Because it represents the completion of 6000 years of mortal mans existence on the other. IT"S HUGE! The scriptures speak only in general terms about the opening of the 7th seal. The scriptures do point to the constellation, Orion. And I give to you several scriptures that talk about Orion. Now the scriptures talk about 3 constellations: Irsa Major, Plaities and Orion. WHY? What was Irsa Major involved in? The Fall. When did the North Star become the Pole Star? When Adam and Eve Fell. What about Plaities? Plaities was the constellation of the Lord’s first coming. When that new star arose it was in Platys. What about Orion? Because Orion happens to be the constellation at the opening of the 7th seal. What is the sign of the 7th seal? LIGHT! Did you know that there is a pyramid in Egypt that looks right at Orion? It’s called Cheops Pyramid staring right at Orion. Why? Because the Egyptians knew it was important. (Some one asked about Mayan Culture: Regarding the Mayan Calendar, the problem is that those who are studying it are not considering the scriptures. The Mayan’s were pagans having dwindled in unbelief. They were also of the House of Israel so they had an idea of a new heaven and a new earth. They had this accurate calendar that predicted a new calendar right about this time (2012), but their interpretation of it was skewed because they were Pagans). Here is a golden nugget of what is found in the scriptures about Orion. In the original script Orion is spelled (writes on the board) this means "7", and this means "Jubilee", and the K means "as". When I saw that, I leaped with joy! In the original script the name of Orion means "As 7 Jubilees." What happened at every Jubilee? A trumpet blew. What does John say is going to happen when the 7 seals are opened? 7 trumpets will blow. It’s right there in the Hebrew. What does Orion mean in Hebrew? "My light is Power!" There happens to be a star in Orion named, Betel Jeuce (sp?). In Hebrew it means (sp?) Oliforium. Oliforium means, "My number one light!" Does anyone know anything about Baetel Jeuce? It is a red super giant. Its so big that astronomers can’t figure out exactly how far it is away from us cause its pulsating. What happens to red super giants? The super nova. How many super nova’s occur in the Milky Way galaxy every 50 years? One. And what is 50 years? A jubilee. Everything fits like a glove. Betel Jeuce means "armpit" in Arabic, and it is in Orion’s armpit. Here is the prediction or prophecy. On September 22nd 2011 there is going to be a Betel Jeuce Super Nova. It just so happens that 2011 is the only year in this decade when the Fall Equinox falls on September 23rd. On every other year the Fall Equinox is September 22nd. Why is it the year 2011? What did the Lord do in 11AD. He opened the 5th seal. How do we know that he didn’t open it in the year 1BC, when he was born? He was in Mary’s womb. And when he was born he was an incapacitated infant, so it was logistically impossible for the Lord to open the 5th seal in 1BC, that is why the year 2000 was not the opening of the 7th seal. What does the scriptures teach us about the meridian of time? You see, God’s house is a house of order. Who’s the only one that can open the seals? Christ. What does Joseph Smith teach us about the Meridian of time? Everyone thinks that the Meridian of time is the Lord’s birth. In Moses 7 it says that the meridian of time also includes his death. So what is the meridian of time? His entire mortal life! When God was living with us as a human being, it was the meridian of time. So somewhere in that meridian of time the 5th seal was open. What is the only other time besides his birth and his ministry do we have a glimpse of his life? It says that he was 12, and in ancient reckoning when you were 12 you were in your 12th year so it was 11 AD. It’s very bad to be off by a whole year. So everyone that says that the Mayan calendar ends in 2012, means they were off by a whole year. You have to understand how a good Jew thought back then. You were given credit for your birthdays. When your 11 years old how many birthdays have you had? Twelve. Anciently you were given credit for your birthdays so if you had 12 birthdays you are 12 and going into your 13th birthday. Where does this make a huge difference in all of our calculations? What is in Genesis 5? A genealogy from Adam to Noah. It gives all the ages of the Patriarchs all the way to Noah. Its says that Adam lived 930 years and he died. What does that mean? He lived until his 930th year and then he died. If you do the math right that was when the City of Enoch was translated. In the first Jubilee year of the 2nd millennium. If you don’t know that little trick you are way off, because by 10 generations you are off by many years. It is the secret to understanding the Lord’s calendar. When Noah gave the dates of the flood he gave them relative to his birthday, because when Noah was born the calendar changed. The only way you know this is if you know these little tidbits about dating. So, Noah was born the year the City of Enoch was translated, and 600 years later there was a flood. Why is that important? The Lord always repeats himself. Why is 600 years to and from and flood so important? When did he repeat that again? 600 BC Lehi left Jerusalem. Jerusalem was destroyed. 600 years later, the Lord came in the flesh. He repeats it again with the 7th seal. There is going to be a flood of light in the Fall Equinox of 2011. What happened exactly 600 years prior to 2011? The start of the Renaissance – the depth of the dark ages, the 15th century! What will happen 600 years from that period? The 7th seal will open with a flood of light! So what does that tell you about Orion? It went Super Nova in the start of the Renaissance, and we haven’t seen it yet because Baetel Jeuce is 600 light years away. SO BEAUTIFUL! Now lets talk about the astronomy of a Baetel Jeuce Super Nova. It just so happens that Orion, on the Fall Equinox, rises at midnight. Can you imagine what the world is going to say, when on September 22nd, at midnight, 2011, it lights up at midnight as if it is dawn. They are going to think it is the Second Coming. Doesn’t it say in the parable of the 10 virgins that the groom comes at midnight? When it lights up as if it were dawn, the world is going to think that the world is coming to an end and they are going to panic, but the righteous are going to know that the 7th seal has been opened and that the countdown begins for the Second Coming.


It is so important to know that the millennium starts 22 years before the Second Coming, and all the prophecies from Revelations 8 on have to take place in those 22 years. Christ opened the 5th seal at age 11, and then his ministry ended 22 years later. IT FITS LIKE A GLOVE! What do the angels say to the Apostles when he ascends into heaven? Marvel not. The way you see him ascend is the way he will return. When did he ascend into heaven? On Pentecost! That is why I took so much time to talk about Pentecost. In revelations, 7 angels have to sound. The angels happen to be the 7 arch angels for 7 dispensations. The one exception is the dispensation of the Lord. The Lord is not one of the arch angels, but Abel substitutes for him. They are Adam , Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Joseph Smith. They have also been given other names: Adam is Michael, Enoch is Raphael, Noah is Gabriel to name a few. The 7th arch angel is the most important, because he is in charge of the 3rd and final woe, and that 7th arch angel is Michael. Now lets talk about woes for a moment. You hear that terminology a lot in the scriptures. In the Book of Mormon every woe is spelled "WO". Why did Joseph Smith spell it WO? Because (WOE) is a misspelled word. In the Hebrew, WO has specific connotations to Lucifer. In Matthew 23, Jesus says "Wo unto ye scribes and Pharisees, Wo unto ye hypocrites, Wo, Wo, Wo." What is he saying? Wo’s are specifically geared for the destruction of the wicked, and it is where Satan has power over them. That is why when Jesus appears to the Nephites, what does he say? "Wo, Wo, Wo unto the inhabitants of the whole earth accept they shall repent, for the devil laughs, and his angels rejoice because of the slain, fair sons and daughters of my people." Before the Wo’s, 4 angels sound. And they sound after the 7th seal has been opened (Rev . Doing the math, if Michael is responsible for the 3rd and final wo, and Daniel gave us the exact day of the 3rd and final wo, and there are 6 other arch angels in between that and the opening of the 7th seal, then how much time does each arch angel get? 3 ½ years. Each arch angel gets 3 ½ years to do their thing. Why is 3 ½ years so important? How long was the Lord’s ministry? 3 ½ years. The Lord always repeats himself. It says in Revelations 8:7 what each arch angel will do. So when will this happen?
(I have written in the 1-7 Angels and their dates based on info he gave us – there may be some error in my understanding so lets ask Dr. Cohen about the names of the angels and the dates based on the 3 ½ year calculations)
FIRST ANGEL, (Joseph Smith/ ) SOUNDS TRUMP 2011 to 2015. Revelations 8:7: "The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the 3rd part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up."
SECOND ANGEL ( Moses/ ) SOUNDS TRUMP 2015 to 2018. Revelations 8:8-9: "And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood; And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed".
THIRD ANGEL, ( Abraham/ ) SOUNDS TRUMP 2018 to 2022. Revelations 8:10-11: "And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter". What does that sound like? A comet. Now what is the difference between a comet and an asteroid? Comets have tails and they light up before they hit the earth’s atmosphere. The other interesting thing about comets is they can come out of nowhere. An asteroid can be tracked by astronomers track for years, but a comet can hide behind the sun and come out of nowhere. John calls it wormwood. Don’t think for a moment that this Betel Jeuce Super Nova isn’t going to have something to do with this comet. When there is a Super Nova in the galaxy it reeks havoc. One of the things its going to do is send a comet our way, and its going to appear out of no where with the name Wormwood. How many Woe’s are in wormwood. Wo! Wo!
FOURTH ANGEL, (Noah/Gabriel) SOUNDS TRUMP 2022 to 2025. Revelations 8:12-13: "And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise. And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound! Angels 5,6, & 7 are in charge of the last 3 Woes!

FIFTH ANGEL, (Enoch/Raphael) SOUNDS TRUMP 2025 to 2029. Revelations 9:1-13At the end of Chapter 9

John takes an interlude. Why? Lets go back to our holidays. What happens on the 10th day of the 7th month? Yom Kippur, so John takes time out. What is he trying to tell us? That the original holidays indeed have predictive value for our day. You notice in Rev 1, John sees the Lord. What does Rev 1 have reference to? Rosh Hashana. The 1st day of the 7th month. Rev 10, has reference to the 10th day of the 7th month or Yom Kippur. Then he continues his description in Revelation 11-14. In Revelations 11, he talks about the two prophets. Their names are Eldad and Medad. They are twins in Jerusalem. Their ministry occurs during the 6th archangels time period, 3 ½ years or the 2nd woe. He continues his description all the way to chapter 15. Then he stops again. What comes on the scene. The Temple. What happened on the 15th day of the 7th month. The Feast of the Temple.. Then it goes all the way to Rev 22. When does he talk about the 3rd and final wo? Turn to Revelation 16:16. "And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. Armageddwo means, " Mt of Misery and Endless Wo". And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, form the throne, saying, It is done." That is the exact day that Daniel is referring to. What is the sign? DARKNESS. Michael is taking the earth on a little trip through space to the Lord. There you have it! Now, how comes it says in Rev 8:1 that there will be silence in heaven? What do you think is going on in heaven right now? They are working their tails off, because they know they only have 4 years to get it all done, because what happens when the 7th seal is opened? Heaven Rests! There is silence in heaven. Does that mean there is silence on earth? No! When the 7th seal is open it is the Sabbatical millennium where there will be peace and rest (in heaven) and for 22 years heaven will hold its breath. What does all this tell you about the truthfulness of the gospel. If all this is true, then the church is true, because look what Joseph Smith revealed to us. There is going to be a Super Nova in 2011, and there is no other way we could have known if it weren’t for Joseph Smith. I bear you my testimony that it is true. The stakes are high for me to come out and say all this. Do you not think I’m going to be praying hard from now until 2011? You betcha! But see, the spirit has already born witness to me that it is true. Now you need to go home and and pray about it yourself and receive your own witness. You need to prepare spiritually and physically. You have to understand that the Lord doesn’t want anyone to perish. If’s clear in the Pearl of Great Price that from the time when the city of Enoch was translated until the flood, 600 years later, people were being translated up to the city of Enoch. In other words, when the city of Enoch was translated not everyone was worthy, so the Lord gave them a 600 year grace period, so people were being translated during that time right up to the flood. When the flood came, the people that perished were the wicked. It is the same thing that will happen with the baptism by fire. The only thing is we don’t have 600 years. We have until the Sabbatical decade to get ready. We will be caught up to meet the Lord and escape the baptism by fire. The end of the 3rd and final woe is when the Lord reveals himself to all of the army’s of Armageddon.
SIXTH ANGEL (Abel/ ) 2029 to 2033
SEVENTH ANGEL (Adam/Michael) 2033
There is so much we can cover Brothers and Sisters. I have given you my heart and soul. I have been working on this for years. I bear you my testimony that the church is true and that President Hinckley is a prophet, and I also bare my testimony that we are about to enter a new era of the church. When the 7th seal is open we are going to see the dispensation of the fullness of times come to a climax. There is so much more that will be revealed, and it will happen after the 7th seal is opened. There will be new sections of the D&C written through the Urim & Thumim. Who knows, we may already have it. And the Lord is going to give us time to get ready. There is no time to procrastinate. It will take a good 20 years for us to be righteous enough to meet the Lord. As the earth moves into the vortex there will be a huge earthquake. The blood red moon will represent a reflection of all the bloodshed on earth. One last thing about the Super Nova. It will rise in the sky at midnight on Sept 22. It will light up the Eastern sky as if it were dawn. And at dawn we are going to see 2 suns in the sky. Orion is only visible to the Northern Hemisphere and part of the Southern Hemisphere. The very bottom of the Southern Hemisphere can’t see Orion. What are they going to see? There will be multiple signs in the heavens. It just so happens if you live in the Antarctic, Argentina or South Africa you will see a double crescent moon caused by the Orion Super Nova. It would normally be a crescent moon at that time. What do you have to have on Rosh Hashana? A new moon, a double crescent moon. One by land two by sea. One crescent for the first coming. One crescent for the second coming. On Sept 21st, astronomers have a great big telescope. On Sept 21st they are going to alert the whole world that Orion has gone Super Nova. They will see it exploding in their telescope. We cant see it with our naked eye until it climaxes. Now if you haven’t been filled tonight, I don’t know what else to talk about. The spirit has been very strong tonight. I’m really impressed with your responses. I can tell that your in tune and that you’re following the promptings of the spirit. I hope I have given you enough for a foundation. I believe that in the next 4 years life will go on as usual. In the year 2011, life as we know it is going to change. There is going to be havoc on this planet. If everything is dying. What does that mean for us. Zion, the Lord’s people will never ever be destroyed again. I believe that their will be a unification of God’s people in the New Jerusalem, and also in the Old Jerusalem. A lot of you believe in tent cities. I don’t have a problem with that. In the millennium the temple work is going to be going on full force. For a thousand years we will be preparing the earth for a celestial glory. Imagine how fast the next four years are going to go. The beautiful thing about a fireside like this is you can set aside all of the worldly concerns and problems and talk about the things that really matter. Times are going to get worse, but they are also going to get better. Think of all the glorious things that we are going to see happen. The temple is going to go up in Jerusalem. Before the Savior comes, Israel is going to have a monarchy. Someone is going to stand up with the rod of Aaron and he is going to throw his rod on the ground and it is going to become a serpent. He is going to pick it up and it is going to become a rod again. He is going to turn water to blood. He is going to stick his hand in his bosom and it is going to be leperous. He will stick his hand back in his bosom and it is going to be held. Why is he going to do this? When did it happen before? With Moses. What do the Jews seek for? A sign. A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign, but the Lord is going to be merciful unto them. He is going to give them three signs that they know of. The Jews know those signs because it is part of the Torah. And when they see those signs they are going to know that this person is to be crowned King. This is all going to happen in the next 5 years, and it is going to be all over the news. This person is going to take the Urim and Thumim and root out a massive terrorist attack in Israel. It is all in the scriptures! There are three Prophets that are going to arise in Israel before the end. There are the 2 witnesses and this a King. Those 3 individuals in Israel are going to be clues to us that the time is near. There are going to be 2 sets of 12 apostles. One for the New and one for the Old Jerusalem, but one Prophet. Who is going to be the Prophet? Ephraim got the birthright and Ephraim is in America so the Prophet will dwell in the New Jerusalem.
Brothers and Sisters I don’t have all the answers, but I have studied, and I can explain it to you. It is right there in the scriptures. You have to ask and then you have to study. What happens when you intensely study. You have to rest. Then you go back to it. He wants you to feast upon the word. Study and pray and you will get answers. Aren’t the scriptures beautiful? Every thing fits together like a glove! What do the scriptures teach you about the Adamic language. It is coming back! For the next thousand years we are going to be doing temple work and learning a new language. If you are fluent in the Adamic language you can’t help but be more righteous for they play off of each other. You will see it in the book I am writing. Every single picture in the Adamic language has spiritual implications.
The 40 is not figurative in the scriptures. It is a very important part of the Lord’s calendar. When the Lord was baptized he fasted 40 days and 40 nights. Then what happened? He began his ministry. That nested cycle goes on over and over in the scriptures. Take the flood. When the flood started it rained 40 days and 40 nights. When the Israelites left Egypt and crossed the Red Sea they traveled 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness to Mt. Sinai. It was a crueling trip! They thought they were going to die of thirst. Who else fasted for 40 days and 40 nights. Elijah! Where does it occur again? With Jonah. He preached with the people of Ninevah 40 days and 40 nights. They fasted and were forgiven. It happens again in the Lord’s ministry. In Acts, after he had been resurrected He visited His disciples 40 days and then he ascended into heaven. It happens between Passover and Pentecost. When is it going to happen in our day? After the 2 witnesses are killed. The Abomination of Desolation will be set up for 40 days. What does that mean? It is when an Anti Christ goes into a house of God and desecrates his house. That is the Abomination of Desolation. For 3 ½ years the 2 witnesses are going to protect the temple in Jerusalem. When the 2 witnesses are killed the Anti Christ is going to gain access to the temple and is going to desecrate the temple for 40 days. Who else defiled the Lord for 40 days? Goliath! If you read the account of King David it says in the book of Samuel that Goliath defiled the living God for 40 days, and that is why King David killed Goliath on Pentecost. The Lord always repeats himself. The book of Daniel talks about the Abomination of Desolation for 40 days. It is after the Abomination of Desolation brings the 3rd and final wo. The Anti Christ will appear very shortly after the 3 witnesses will be called. That doesn’t mean that he isn’t living now it just means that he will come to power, reach the pinnacle of his power after the 2 witnesses are called. Everything is going to come to a head. The 2 witnesses are going to use the power of the priesthood to control the physical elements and protect the people of God in the temple. And the Anti Christ is going to have power over the entire world except in the New Jerusalem and the Old Jerusalem. How is he going to get control. Through the internet! You know that 666 in Revelation? That is a mistranslation. It’s WoWoWo! It says in Revelation that the Anti Christ will cause everyone in his power to have a mark in his forehead or his right hand? What is that? Computer Chips. Some people already have a chip imbedded in their body. Revelation talks about the bottomless pit. I believe the bottomless pit is our oil reserves. It is only in the last 100 years that we have used oil-fossil fuels to live on. All the other centuries before we didn’t have fossil fuels in the picture. I believe the bottomless pit, where all these modern weapons are coming from are our oil reserves. Read about it in Revelations. What comes out of the bottomless pit? All of our weapons, planes, tanks, helicopters, bombs! It all comes from fossil fuels. And who has a key to the bottomless pit? Lucifer!
3 ½ years on the Lord’s calendar is how many days? 1,260. How many days is three and half years on our calendar? 1,278. So anytime you see 1,260 days in the scriptures, talked about over and over again in the scriptures and it is a clue that it is the Lord’s calendar. Where it talks about the flood waters being upon the earth 5 months or 150 days. Since when is 5 months 150 days? It is a clue that it is in reference to the original calendar, but not ours today. The secret to the original calendar – it is in the book and I want to share it with you. The solar year minus the lunar year equals exactly 10 days of the original calendar. That is the formula! Why is that so important? What is going to happen exactly 10 years and 10 days after the opening of the 7th seal? 9/11! Ten days on the original calendar is the difference between the solar year and the lunar year. It wasn’t always that way. Originally the solar year and the lunar year coincided. There were 360 days to a year, 12 months to a year, 30 days to a month, and the lunar month was 30 days. A perfect calendar. You can see that God was the author of it. Perfect 360 days, one eternal round! What happened? The city of Enoch was translated, and when it was translated the calendar changed. Enoch knew that it was going to change and so he left us his calendar. It says that Enoch prophesied that the year was going to go from 360 days a year to 364 years, because it was an exact multiple of 7. Who was the 7th Patriarch? Enoch. And Enoch prophesied this. Why ? (Someone asked a question – this was Dr. Cohen’s answer: If the earth becomes lighter then the earth spins faster so the days are shorter. The original tilt to the earth was 40 degrees. It is now 23 ½ degrees). Getting back to the calendar: When the city of Enoch was translated there were 364 days to a year. Who was born when the city of Enoch was translated? Noah. Noah wanted us to stay oriented to the original calendar so all the dates of the flood are relative to his birth. When the flood changed the calendar changed again. How? When the flood came waters came from inside the earth out and flooded the planet. Then God sent a great wind to make the waters evaporate. If you talk to the meteorologists and astronomers they will tell you that if water evaporates it all comes back down because of gravity, but if God sends a great solar wind, what does the solar wind do with that water? It strips it into outer space and therefore it doesn’t come back to the earth and the earth becomes lighter, and therefore it spins a little faster and there you have 364 to 365 days in a year. If you read the account in Genesis, it talks about a great mist coming out of the ground to water the garden of Eden. Flood waters didn’t come from just rain but also inside the earth This is the secret of the calendar and how we get back to the original calendar, so for 5000 years the calendar has been different. Joseph Smith did give us one clue, in D&C 20, he said that the church was organized in the year 1830 of the coming of our Lord in the flesh. What does that tell us about the absolute length of our solar year? That the absolute length of our solar year never changed through all this. If Joseph Smith is correct, AND HE IS! It is a very important concept. I go over this in the book. So I hope you have been edified. You are a wonderful group of people. (Tape ran out)


  1. It will be interesting to see if he is right about this one.

  2. Very interesting... I wonder what the titles of his books are.

  3. Where can I find his books? and what are the names of his books?

  4. David Cohen, MD.
    Dr. David B. Cohen is the son of "Mormon Rabbi", Irving H. Cohen. He will be conducting two workshops, "Evidences from Judaism that Joseph Smith is a True Prophet of God" and "The Adamic Calendar and the Second Coming". Over the past several years Dr. Cohen has taken many parts of the "Torah" (the Jewish Bible) and translated it back into the original Hebrew. What began as a casual research endeavor turned into a major project which resulted in a 400 page manuscript -- insights and discoveries that Dr. Cohen will share in his workshops.


    Here is some information on Dr. Cohen that should help.


    Dr. Cohen is a practicing physician and the founder of Zion

    Eye Institute in Saint George, Utah and Las Vegas, Nevada. He received his undergraduate degree at Brigham Young University, attended medical school at the University of Utah, and did his internship at University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). See for more information.

  5. Most of what Dr. Cohen has to say is fascinating and I can't wait to take a closer look at it all. Unfortunately at the end, he seems to fall into the trap of believing the uninspired interpretation of Revelations by popular evangalists about a so-called mark of the beast or an anti-christ. Maybe he looked so closely at some things and he hasn't had time to ponder/research other aspects of the second coming. Thanks for this post - I'm enjoying your blog!

  6. has he published a new book yet

  7. I agree with the comment about falling into a trap. There are points when I lose "the feeling" of the witness of truth when reading some things. As always, I read stuff and take it with a grain of salt. IF I am living right, what is truth echos and resonates. If I am not paying attention to what is good and right, I also fall in that trap. We have to ground ourselves in the scrips and modern prophets first and foremost - and we will never be led astray.

  8. Very interesting theories. There is a new science fiction book out by an LDS writer that is a must read for anyone intetrested in last days and end times topics. The book is called Earth Sink. There is a blog on it at


  10. Interesting. A minor note, and this seems to be wide-spread in the church, but the book of Revelation is singular and we want to put an s on the end and make it plural. Pet peeve, I guess. In this article I only saw it correct tly written 2 or 3 times. Looking forward to September!

  11. It would be nice to have some references (like--where in the Pearl of Great Price does Joseph make a reference to New Year's Eve. Where is Orion mentioned. Maybe its not specified, but Cohen makes those statements and doesn't leave a reference). Although some of this makes sense, in other place he seems to jump to conclusions--I can't tell how he's reaching some of his conclusions. For example, he states the earth will go through a wormhole. Well, how does he come to that conclusion?

  12. Considering that this blog topic garners roughly 10-20% of the traffic driven to this blog, I do have to throw in my $.02 here. I do not endorse 100% what Cohen has to say. I would say that 90% of what he has to say is just purely interesting speculation - not even backed by the spirit of prophecy and revelation that confirms truth to those that seek it. I have to say I am very intrigued by it - but not overly confident in its possible veracity. If it goes down as he says, I for one, will be shocked beyond words. But then, I have been wrong before.

    1. I agree with you. If this Dr. Cohen really had all the truth wouldn't he be a living prophet today?

  13. I received this info. a few days ago. Perhaps it ties in with all of this.
    This is the video.;orb=1;cov=0;log=0;cad=0
    This one is the NASA Jet Propulsion lab site. Go into the orbit part and play around with the dates.

  14. The Lord speaks of Orion and Pleiades(the seven sisters) in Job 9:9 and Job 38:31 and again in Amos 5:8.

    Still studying and working out the rest of this subject. I haven't found anywhere in the PoGP where Joseph Smith refers to 22 Sept as the New Year's Eve, but that is a minor point. If everything else falls into place, it suggests more study.

  15. I am fascinated by all of this but I think there is a lot of truth mixed with assume information... I happen to believe the seventh seal has already been opened ... That it was opened by the return of the priesthood to the earth... we have a waring about not being able to tell the exact day or hour of the coming of the Lord. But brother Cohen comes very close to doing that very thing. There are many prediction concerning the star betelgeuse for the year 2011 going super nova... study it ... it is fascinating stuff. I would love to see that happen. I hope this good brother stays faithful when all his predictions do not pan out but will continue to share with us his thoughts. Another thing... About the Urim and Thumin consider this... that there are most likely two sets, the brother of Jared's set (still in the hill C.) ... and the set Aron has and should be in the ark of the covenant. But that is also just a guess and it is our duty to study all these things out for our selves....

  16. Joseph referred to September 22 as the end of the year.Isnt the end of the year not New Years Eve? However you want to twist the facts September 22 was the end of the Lords year with the autumnal equinox taking place on September 23.

  17. That is an interesting point, although it is said that Judaism actually has two new years each year.

    I do however see why September might be the end of the year since April 6th or close thereto is the first of the year...

    Do you have the exact quote where Joseph said September 22 is the end of the year?


  18. I too thought this article was fascinating, but I have to point out that "Solemn Assemblies" do not require a member of the Godhead to be there. That is FALSE. I asked my stake president who has personally attended a solemn assembly. Also, Oliver Cowdry absolutely DID have the "spirit of Aaron". It states it plainly in the Doctrine and Covenants that the gift he had been given was given to him by the gift and power of the "spirit of Aaron". Go research and see for yourself!

  19. I think Dr. Cohen is a very smart person. I don't throw all of what he said down the drain. But, it is easy to get sucked into each of his details and to be slightly deceived. Even satan was "right" when he told Adam and Eve that if they partook of the fruit, that they would receive knowledge! We have to be SO careful though in what we read. As we all know that in the latter days - we need to watch and be careful as the very elect may be deceived. That being said, I admire Dr. Cohen and think his information has merit, but let me "back up" my last comment about Oliver Cowdery. Dr Cohen stated the following about Oliver Cowdery: "What happened to Oliver Cowdery’s translations? He failed! Why did he fail? Because he didn’t have the gift of Aaron!"... We know of the mistakes made by Oliver Cowdery, but to say that he didn't have the gift of Aaron isn't true. In D & C 8:6-7 (this is the Lord speaking to Oliver Cowdery): "This is not all thy gift; for you have another gift, which is the gift of Aaron; behold it has told you many things; Behold there is no other power, save the power of God, that can cause this gift of Aaron to be with you."

    Also, just FYI, I did some more research about solemn assembies. A temple dedication is a solemn assembly.
    Happy Independance Day all!

  20. Very interesting article. Some of his information is clearly speculation. The hardest part to believe was the wormhole theory. But I think some of his assertions speak truth to me. There are so many different sources pointing to this September it seems like it could hardly be coincidence.

  21. Last time I checked the Holy Ghost was a member of the God Head. I believe that he would be at all of the solemn assemblies mentioned. He didn't say Christ had to be at all of them, but He very well could be, He can be in our midst and not seen.

  22. Check out this article about the Hebrew New Year and September 22nd. "The Golden Plates and the Feast of the Trumpets" -

    The Cohen article was a second witness for me for significant patterns in September. Very interesting.

  23. I read the article mentioned above at the church website, very interesting indeed. Remember also that these trumpets are real loud trumpets blasts that everyone on both sides of the veil will hear and feel. Let's see and maybe hear what takes place on Sept. 22

  24. My feeling is to wait and see what comes of Dr. Cohen's prophecies. I won't badmouth a man and I won't charge him before the authorities. Why?

    34 Then stood there up one in the council, a Pharisee, named Gamaliel, a doctor of the law, had in reputation among all the people, and commanded to put the apostles forth a little space;
    35 And said unto them, Ye men of Israel, take heed to yourselves what ye intend to do as touching these men.
    36 For before these days rose up Theudas, boasting himself to be somebody; to whom a number of men, about four hundred, joined themselves: who was slain; and all, as many as obeyed him, were scattered, and brought to nought.
    37 After this man rose up Judas of Galilee in the days of the taxing, and drew away much people after him: he also perished; and all, even as many as obeyed him, were dispersed.
    38 And now I say unto you, Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought:
    39 But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God.
    Acts 5:34-39

    As to Solemn assemblies: The Holy Ghost IS a member of the Godhead and can represent them at a Solemn Assemblies. And yes, a Temple Dedication is or should be a Solemn Assembly. Do we not, with a Hosannah Shout invite the Lord into his new home?

  25. Brother Cohen is right on many things and wrong on many more things. What bothers me most is how sure he thinks he is on all these prophecies of his. He feels inspired to predict this stuff. I say he is inspired by the wrong spirit. He is doing what our church teaches us not to do. He will fall away from the church, because eventually he will be proven wrong and that pride of his that is so evident in his talk will be his down fall. September 22 is rapidly approaching...if by some fluke he has guessed when the super nova will happen he will then become a most dangerous man and lead many away down the path of darkness ... Right now he is just another false prophet trying to make a name for him self and he will fade away in to the sunset, as most do...

  26. I guess we will be finding out for sure possibly tomorrow, because he said that scientists should be able to see it early. Good luck Dr. Cohen.

  27. Well... I had hoped he was right. It would have been pretty cool. Much of what he said was fascinating and educational, albeit a dead end. I wonder how he is feeling today. Maybe he was right about the time, but mistaken about the event. Who knows. I'd love to hear a follow up to this.

  28. I was thinking the same thing today. Would this super nova be the only possible mark of the 7th seal opening? Maybe I need to reread all the references, but does anyone know off hand any other obvious signs?

  29. i dont think anyone is too shocked that nothing came of this...

  30. This is what happens when you think you got God all figured out.... Only through revelations from the prophets that we may be able to know these things or if your righteous enough through personal revelation by the Holy Ghost. hopefully Bro Cohen won't fall away from church.

  31. While not Beetlegeuse, did anyone notice the fall of space junk (UARS) on Sept. 23? It caused an interesting light show in the sky and I couldn't help but think of his prediction.
    I didn't recall that he said it was going to be the opening of the seventh seal--that happened around the year 2,000--I thought he was relating it to a period of 22 years--similar to Christ's time from his teaching in the Temple at age 12 to his crucifixion and resurrection 22 years later.

  32. Is it possible that like the days of Samuel the Lamanite,when he told of the coming of the Savior in Helaman 14 and amid all the signs, there were those who still did not believe and slaughtered many because the actual sign did not come when they thought it should, we are following the same pattern as then. Only the Prophet President Monson knows really all that is going on. I think Dr. Cohn may have guessed right on a few things, especially on the parts he got from the scriptures and the Prophets but not on what President Monson knows and has not been instructed to tell us. We are taught to study the scriptures and read and learn about the teachings of our modern day prophets and the General Authorities. Next week we get to feast on their words as we should be listening very closely to what they say.

  33. We really don't need to know the moment of the opening of the 7th seal. What matters is the way we live - today, tomorrow and in the future. I have friends who are so "caught up" in predictions of some Church member - they spend their whole waking moments dwelling on the material, wringing hands and talking about it. "Sept 22, 2011 - opening of the 7th Seal" is just another example - and it leaves those believing looking foolish. I have heard several such statement these past few years and have watched to find them end in the same way. Follow the Prophet with exactness and don't try to find someone else to interpret for you.

  34. Here it is, September 24th, and no super nova. I'm sure Mr. Cohen has an explination, or maybe not?

  35. I hope Brother Cohen is ok.

  36. I found Dr.Cohen extremely interesting. We saw nothing but still found that there is truth in what he is saying. Tonight my husband recorded Fox News on the Satellite that fell out of the sky on Saturday. He didn't say anything to me other than to ask me to watch it. As I watched, there was the satellite, then right after, was this huge red ball of fire coming down to earth. They tried to explain away that it had to do with the Satellite, but even the Scientists said that they didn't know what it was. I saw it with my own eyes. This happened on Saturday the 24th! This is pretty close if you ask me! Calender can be off a few days even.

    Yes, I believe in our Prophet and know that he receives divine Revelation and our General Authorites. But are we that closed minded to think that no one else has gifts? What is one thing that Dr. Cohen wrote about that was contrary to the teachings of the LDS Church? I found nothing. I for one feel it is very possible that the 7th seal has just been opened and extremely excited to know that our Savior is coming! Cheryl

  37. I looked this up and watched it, I only saw one ball of fire that they said they thought was the satellite but they weren't sure. There wasn't "a satellite and then right after a huge red ball of fire coming down to earth" that they didn't know what it was
    Anyway...I personally believe that the second coming is getting close. I thought there would be an earthquake because of elenin, nothing there so far. Goes to show we just need to wait for direction from the prophet and live our lives the way we know we should, follow the council of food and water storage and emergency preparation.

  38. The Seventh seal has already been opened. The Priesthood has been returned to the earth! Study for your selves ... This power, that so many take for granted, set the stage for the return of our beloved Savior. Don't be too anxious for this return, there is still much to be done.
    Brother Cohen should never had predicted this kind of event, or the timing of the second coming. He simply has not been called to do so. Something this important should come only from our Prophet and no one else. "We hope all things", if we will listen we will learn form our Prophet, and as things wind up on this earth we will know. We also have a responsibility to learn for ourselves what is right. Listening and believing in one who is not called is foolish at best. This sounds all to familiar, like something right out of the Book of Mormon.

  39. This weekend with conference we will see if new sections will be added to the Doctrine and Covenants. The church has a few interesting seer stones but not the brother of jared urim and thummim and breastplate.

  40. My feeling on all this is we are headed down a slippery slope with these kind of "out side predictions" we want so desperately to believe there is some one out there that might have an inside track to the mysteries of the universe, when in fact the Lord will keep things on his time line rather than ours, no matter how much we may wish it different.

  41. The lesson learned here is... be prepared for whatever might come, then live your life and be happy.

  42. So... how much money did Brother Cohen make peddling snake oil to his fellow Saints?

  43. I find it interesting and maybe even a little disturbing that he refers to "the Maitrya website". Some believe that Maitrya is the Anti-Christ. Google the name and you can find some interesting things on it. A book I recently read by Ken Bowers called "Hiding in Plain Sight, Unmasking Secret Combinations in the Latter Days", speaks specifically about this. Your thoughts?

    1. Emily, yes you are right. I have read up on the Maitrya and that is just evil garbage - all tied into the Gaia - mother earth movement and a whole host of other garbage that tries to usurp the truth as it has been revealed to us by modern prophets. I think Cohen was onto much. That date may have been significant in that it is around 22 years before I feel Christ may actually come (in power and glory - the big one). I had hoped there would be a visual sign of it. I will say this, the timing of the date has significance and the event, as well. But, as is difficult in prophecy, if you knew the date, you would have all three - and that is as rare as hens teeth in prophetic utterance because it restricts the agency of man.
      I think you are wise to do your bees, chickens, and other things you are doing to have your lamp trimmed temporarily. I think the wisest business to be in right now is the food storage business. You literally can have crazy amounts of stuff on hand - and have a reason for it, all the while earning a living and being in the home. My daughter is doing bees for her young woman project and has built two kinds of hives. Our neighbor is going to give us some bees next spring to start it out. My two little girls did all the hand pollinating in the garden this year until our LDS neighbor moved in - and then the bees magically started showing up and doing their job. We would like our own winged helpers to do the job.

  44. I don't know if anyone reads this thread anymore. But it may be interesting for some of you to know that just prior to this fireside it is my understanding that Dr.Cohen had been excommunicated from the church. He is well known in the medical community in Utah and has a horrible reputation and not just from a medical stand point. What is the saying...Satan will use 9 truths and 1 lie to lead you astray. Please do not give any thoughts to this man. After some of the things I have personally been witness to Dr Cohen is far from the Prophet he would like us to believe he is. He has also predicted that he will be one of the church leaders that is killed and will lay dead in the street before arising.

  45. Interesting - he is going to be one of the "prophets" in the streets. I figure they will probably be of Jewish descent, but I am figuring it will probably not be Dr. Cohen. He has a few haters out there, so I hope the comment above^^^ is not just a hit piece. But yeah, he is ex-commied, I believe..... I pray the best for him....

  46. Anonymous
    Shame on you for suggesting that Brother Cohen was excommunicated. You should never ever suggest such a thing even if you know it to be fact. This is beyond inappropriate. I live in the stake in which he lives and although he is not perfect like all of us I believe he is a good man for whom I have a great love. I hope that you will never imply such things in a public setting ever again. Souls can be destroyed by such gossip for which those who participate will be held accountable.

    1. I hope all is well with Brother Cohen and that he remains or returns to the fold. He is a valiant soul and can be a great force for good.

    2. His obituary states he was a member at the time of his death. Implicitly not explicitly
