Friday, June 30, 2023


 So there are MANY references to swords in the OT and a few in the NT.  There are even a few in the modern Endowment.  Many of us are under covenant in relation to swords.  Yet, few of us probably give it more than a mere thought.  I know that I have not until I was doing Washings and Anointings and my mind fixated on the actual covenant wording and how it affects me.

I was reading yet another account of a spiritual encounter where evil was present and the device (representative of Priesthood) was used to thwart the intentions of the evil.  Very powerful here when combined with the rest of the narrative:

"A man came through the door. He was tall enough to have to stoop to enter. His eyes were very protruding and rather wild looking, his fingernails were thick and long. He presented a rather unkempt appearance and wore no clothing at all. . . . There suddenly appeared in [Smith’s] right hand a light which had the size and appearance of a dagger. . . . A voice said, “This is your priesthood.” He commanded the person in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to depart. . . . Immediately when the light appeared the person stopped and on being commanded to leave, he backed out the door" ("Experiences with Cain,” n.d., MSS 5273, Archives, Family and Church History Department, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City (hereafter LDS Church Archives).

If we consider what was used to control access to the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden, we know there is purpose to this stuff.  There is great power of a very high order in the Tree of Life (see my previous articles on how the Staff of Moses was created from one of it's branches, which was handed down until it arrived in the hands of Brigham Young to locate the building site of the SLC temple.

Anyone in possession or in control of the Tree of Life would have power at least of a Terrestrial Order, or possibly higher.  So God sent cherubim (cherubs) with flaming swords to protect the way to it so that neither evil nor anyone with possible initial good intent would run amok with it, just as happened with the "Watchers" who abused their elevated (Terrestrial) state and created some serious problems here on earth (which led to the Great Flood - probably a pre-calculated event as the earth was in need of refreshing/baptism during it's fallen existence).

Each Priesthood holder has a sword that you are probably not even aware of, as it is a spiritual object.  I am not sure about the Matriarchs, in this context.  I believe that it is the man's role to wield that sword (in righteousness) just as it is the sole responsibility of the women to bear/nurture the offspring of a union.  This sword is forged (length, hardness and ornateness, etc) over eons of time as it is wielded in righteousness to destroy or expunge evil.  It would be on par with the Urim and Thumim, in that we each crafted our own pre-mortally.  The more we used/use it (exercise our Priesthood, or open our mouths in the defense of what is good and right - as it did start out s a war of words), the more ornate and useful it becomes.  Picture a sword of a great warrior that is gilded and made more ornate to celebrate successful battles.  This (according to my visionary friends), is what we each possess.  As we conquer evil, our dominion increases.

The longer and more ornate our garb (representative of our Priesthoods) and our sword, the more attractive the male becomes to a discerning woman in the eternities.  We are truly shackled, from that perspective, in this life (while choosing partners), as we have to rely on the five physical senses.  When that is all manifested, it will be much easier to pick out the gems and discard the posers such as satan, or those who have tricked their way into positions, etc.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023


 This kind of stuff just makes me laugh.  I have a son who is a CNN cultist.  He believes every single thing they throw at him; almost as if he were a parrot for Cooper Anderson...  I also have a former Scout friend from the 1980's who is now in the beltway bubble and hangs out in the Pentagon that believes that Joe Biden is clean as a budding rose and that anything about his son or his dealings with China, etc are just Russian lies...  It is rich - and way too much.  I just chuckle at it all.

We have one side pushing the very agenda the other side is pushing.  One cultist accusing the other cultist of being brainwashed.  This gal obviously got very fired up - put on her patriotism and stormed the "crap it all".  She was fired up because she knows (or knew) that we have all been manipulated from both sides of the aisle.  The fact is, I am neither a Republican nor a Democrat.  I am with those who conserve values from long ago, whether it deals with the Law of Chastity, Integrity, Law of the Harvest and doing to others as we would have them do to us.  Really simple stuff.

In the case of Russia, I do not get bogged down in who did what to whom and who punched first.  It comes down to how we reacted to what the Russians were trying to do to us during the Cuban Missile Crisis - put arms in our back yard.  We freaked out.  And rightfully so.  We did the right thing and made them back down, putting distance between us and harms way.  We protected our people.  Russia did exactly that when the US interfered with those who were corrupt in the Ukraine and attempted to buy the Ukraine's support and even hinted at NATO affiliation, which would have put tactical nukes, planes and tanks within hours of Moscow by road and minutes by flight, as Wagner proved during this puzzling event this past week.  Do unto others...  Simple!  If there is a double standard, then why is it?  Is the cause just or justified?

The problem with many of these people (including Cooper Anderson, Mr. Pride schoolboy and the cultists that follow his agenda) is that they have zero gospel perspective, which basically boils down thousands of years of historical faux paz and counsel inspired directly from God, and puts it all into a nutshell.  They bask in their own "truth", seductively falling prey to moral relativism.  The nice thing about unprincipled people is that they are perfect fodder for the cult leaders out there.  Trump included.  He does take the politically disenfranchised and give them hope.  Hitler did the same.  The thing they both have in common?  They have a populace the was nearly devoid of hope because of an untrusted Establishment who was bloated, out of touch and raping and pillaging the people and subjecting them to all kinds of wars and selfish pursuits, etc.

And so it goes.

Was January 6th justified?  Yep!  The election was stolen in the classic way that only a dumbascrap voting machine can do.  Anyone who believes it to be anything other than that is not aware of how things are done in Deterioroit and Chicago for the past 50 years or more.  Or in Portland or in Seattle or San Diego or Frisco.  The list of decay and decline is getting longer and longer.  And the dumbascraps are always the common factor.  All you have to do is look at the pudding.  The proof is in it.  Results, especially over the long term, do not lie.

Look at what they did to this little old lady.  If she were black and had burned down half of Minneapolis/St Paul would she have gotten locked up?  Could they have pursued those who were lawless during the riots that actually caused damage on the order of billions of dollars and how many lives lost?  If they can track an old lady down to somewhere in Idaho, they have the ability to track people who are rioting in the night.  One smacks of political retaliation.  The other smacks of double standard.

If we send the navies from four major powers to rescue a billionaire and some entitled adventurers at the bottom of the ocean, yet leave a ship full of third-world refugees to die on the open ocean, is there a double standard.  My chiropractor in the states ran from Nova Scotia when they threatened to take her kids away unless she agreed to give them the jab, but she was allowed to emigrate if she bought a business worth over a million dollars and built up the local economy.  Is she getting deferential treatment over someone of no means, who is fleeing their country and coming into ours illegally for similar reasons?  

We live in a country of double standards.  We have to apply righteous judgment to all situations.  Righteous judgment only comes from knowing what righteous principles we should be operating on.  This only comes from a Gospel perspective and by following the promptings of the Holy Ghost.

The story that got me thinking.

Will I vote for Trump in 2024?  Yes, most likely.  He supports my religious goals (freedom to choose what and how I believe without harming the frail or the innocent) and he supports my financial goals of self-determination in things of a fiscal nature.  He supports hard work and not living off the backs of others while doing nothing to support a strong future for one's self.  My wife (and possibly I) may vote for a Democratic candidate for the first time ever if they put RFK Jr on the ticket.  We support anyone who looks at things honestly; and RFK is a vaccine truther.  Basically, anyone who is bucking the corrupt establishment is on my short list.  As I always say, the enemy of my enemy is my best friend!

This is the spirit of Jesus Christ.  He bucked the corrupt establishment of the day.  I can support that!


 Things are obviously destabilizing in Russia.  That a ranking person in the military would even decide to make a run against Moscow is kind of beyond the pale.  Whatever that was with the head of Wagner was bizarre to say the least.  I do not remember anything like this since there were tanks shooting rounds into their equivalent congressional office building back in 1992.  Just plain weird...

And then it ended as quickly as it started.

Just what-iffing here.  What if Putin finally were toppled.  Could it set the stage for the A/C?  I think it could.  Supposedly someone will arise from that region that is excessively ruthless.  I kind of like Putin.  He is a likable dictator and I think he is trying to do what is right for Russia.  Those around him are very corrupt, no doubt.  But I believe we are on par with that corruption here in the USA.  We have not held the moral high ground for a VERY long time.  So, we both merit what we will get, just as the Lamanites and Nephites did (the more wicked killing off those that once had the moral high ground - but fell into depravity (as we "celebrate" this month of debauchery).

And so it goes.

Thursday, June 22, 2023


 I noticed this in Western Washington and decided we had to get the hell out of there.  Churches were turned into tourist shops and new age mystical centers.  The best insult was the palm reader taking up shop in an old Anglican building.

The decline started in Europe first and spread from there:

So, when it all goes down - we should not be surprised.

I had a vivid dream last night.  The skies were darkening and I was on a journey away from loved ones when I felt that there was an impending event.  I was instructed to get down as low as possible (in a ditch) and to hang onto some tree roots for as much as I was worth and to be ready.  I had no longer done so when a massive wind overswept the land.  It scoured the face of the land and I had survived the extreme event.  The winds were in multiple hundreds of miles and hour and lasted no more than 15 mins.

Not very many people survived.   Only those who followed the Spirit were able to make it.  I went on in search of family members to see if there were survivors.  I found a female who was badly injured, but still alive.  The dream ended.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023


 I prefer Brigham’s methods and signs over this particular sign from heaven:

Timing is everything!


 Oh boy.  Well, we know how this ends.  At the same time that the gadiantons are planning the moral/social demise of the USA (and we are "embracing/celebrating" it), God is putting into placed the physical destruction of the USA.  You can just see the chess pieces being moved around the board.

But I will continue to be called a "hater" for resisting the slide by folks like my son who is very woke - among others.  I have to wonder what these folks will be saying when it finally all does fall down, just as scripture states.  Will they recognize their folly?  Or will they just curse God and wish to die (again fulfilling scripture).  Either way, it is moral suicide.  Repentance and begging for God's favor for having been so foolish is the only way out.  Otherwise, it will be a long and painful percolation in the pokey until the knee finally bends and tongue finally confesses that the pathway that Jesus laid out is the only way forward to even hope to have a resurrected body and some semblance of glory where the Holy Ghost can dwell (not Jesus, neither the Father in their resplendant glory).

We (collectively speaking) are such fools....

Friday, June 16, 2023


 I just laugh at people who attempt to excuse their poor behavior over “finding out the truth” about the endowment’s connection to Freemasonry.

What a bunch of maroons.  It just tells me exactly where they are at spiritually.  This guy gives a sound bite overview of the topic, but it is a good place to start:

Tuesday, June 13, 2023



I saw this video earlier today. Apparently my selection for the A/C, Yuval Noah Harari, wants to use AI to change the Bible and other holy books in order to create the perfect religion.



Monday, June 12, 2023


 I cannot remember the last time they did this out of an abundance of caution and it did not lead to something of consequence (a war or other aggressive act).  Basically, they are saying that there will be an attack or a blockade on the island.  

This, according to Mrs. Sols Cuardisto, leads to WWIII.  We may be months or even weeks away from the inevitable.  I truly believe there is no going back.  The point of no return will be that day when we sever all relations (including trade) with China and they are forced to move their manufacturing completely over to a wartime production.  Their populace needs trade with the USA to keep their job base going, so if they are forced to switch their economy over to a wartime production, there is NO GOING BACK.

China knows this.  The US knows this.  That is why it has been such a fragile thing over in China/Taiwan.  No one wants to make the wrong move.  I am afraid, that is impossible.  China has strong muscles.  It is flexing them.  This is bound to collide with the Phillipines and even Japan and Korea.  I hope everyone there is ready for the inevitable.

Thursday, June 8, 2023


 Know what this is and understand it's cures.  I think there has been a push around the globe to weaponize this and they have made beta-releases (on a small scale) to see how it measures up as they increase it's virulence.

It is my expectation, based on BY's statements about the need to understand YARROW and how it treats things like the black plague, that we will probably get some of this from Russia or China once they perfect it.  I have seen the black body bags.  It will be VERY important to have a place to get away from people because this thing will spread like wild fire - and unlike the other scamdemic, there will be corpses everywhere.

Go and do.


 And what fire we shall see:

And the leaders continue to fiddle while the impending fire looms on the horizon.  Or better, is at our doors.


 There is the "pray that they will turn to God" and "pray that they will be destroyed and sent to hell where they belong".  I tend to be a little less charitable and go for the second route, more often than not.  All this LGTQIAWTHGTFO non-sense, has me wanting to send the lot to hell if they will not repent.  Damned pedos....grooming kids in schools so they have batches of fresh meat for the next generation.  A generation of vipers shall not escape the damnations of hell, hopefully sent there with millstones and ropes around necks.  Perfectly fine with that demise....  Lord make it happen sooner than later.  So sick of the depravity that surrounds me - as if I am under seige while getting the last few chicks out of our proverbial nest....  What will my poor grandkids have to put up with?!?  Lord come quickly.

Verse 4 or Verse 10.  What does the Spirit direct?  What does common sense direct?!?:

We have the power to either bless or to curse our enemies in the name of the Lord, according to the Spirit of Prophecy and Revelation.  The power is in our hands (collectively) to tolerate the insanity and tacitly approve of sin and depravity, or to ask God to bring it to an end (at least within our immediate environs).  Remember Enoch of old upon Zion's Hill while the wicked displayed and arrayed themselves in the plain below.  Those on the hill did not cower, nor give in, nor concede.  Remember the power that God has endowed you with:

For he said: Thou art merciful, O God, for thou hast heard my prayer, even when I was ain the wilderness; yea, thou wast merciful when I prayed concerning those who were mine benemies, and thou didst turn them to me.

Yea, O God, and thou wast merciful unto me when I did cry unto thee in my afield; when I did cry unto thee in my prayer, and thou didst hear me.

And again, O God, when I did turn to my house thou didst hear me in my prayer.

And when I did turn unto my acloset, O Lord, and prayed unto thee, thou didst hear me.

Yea, thou art merciful unto thy children when they cry unto thee, to be heard of thee and not of men, and thou awilt hear them.

Yea, O God, thou hast been merciful unto me, and heard my cries in the midst of thy congregations.

10 Yea, and thou hast also heard me when I have been acast out and have been despised by mine enemies; yea, thou didst hear my cries, and wast angry with mine enemies, and thou didst bvisit them in thine anger with speedy destruction.

11 And thou didst hear me because of mine afflictions and my asincerity; and it is because of thy Son that thou hast been thus merciful unto me, therefore I will cry unto thee in all mine bafflictions, for in thee is my joy; for thou hast turned thy judgments away from me, cbecause of thy Son.

When the freak show assembles in SLC, or Rome or in Jerusalem to attempt to bring full further court press to those who would hold their licentiousness in contempt (beyond the mockery of the rainbow) - it is within you to bring upon them great destruction to a show of force, whether by hail, or by other elements, or even by fire from heaven.  If we join in the "celebration" of acceptance, then we are part of the problem and not the solution.  Remember Katrina and the mocking "celebration" of "pride" that was supposed to happen that week that the city was nearly utterly destroyed with it's dozens of feet of water?   My lead and my group at Boeing were talking about it a few weeks before.  I prophesied in the name of the Lord that it would be taken down for it's sin, but not utterly.  I further said that after this once and it's dozens of feet of water, without a turning to God, it would experience it's utter destruction and it's hundreds of feet of water.  I feel that we are teetering dangerously close to that event.  

Thursday, June 1, 2023


 According to Sarah Menet, the nuclear fuse is lit off when Iran fires on Israel (likely Tel Aviv) and then it goes from there.  I have always had issue with that narrative, in that this would be a suicide mission for Iran.  No one, no matter how crazy, would do that knowing that the USA and Israel would both act immediately and turn Iran or her military installations into glass parking lots.  However, if the USA were knocked out militarily by Russia, then this would seem at least a plausible move.  Emboldened by the downfall of "the Great Satan", I can see Iran acting.  I need to familiarize myself more with what the OT has to say on the actions of Persia.  I am sure it is all spelled out in there.

Anyway, this article got me to thinking about all of the fun possibilities as Russia goes further into the corner and Ukraine makes offensive drone attacks within Russia's borders and conventional weapon stocks reach the bottom of the barrel for Russia:

In the end, no one cares about that stupid entangling alliance.  People on both sides just want to live their lives and not have people screwing around with them.  How will people ever learn peace?  Politicians are corrupt, stupid, self-serving wastes of air and have caused more hell on this earth than I care to think about.