Friday, April 28, 2023


Interesting name for this considering what wording was used to describe the beasts that afflicted the people in Revelations:  scorpions

I cannot help but think that some of what was seen in vision was in newspaper format in a language the prophet would have understood.  I have had those kinds of revelations (77-200 Thai Air runway overshoot) where I saw the picture from the news article, which showed up on my newsfeed later on that day.  This was the same mode that Bishop Koyle received much of his uncanny accurate predictions, including actual dates (all three; time/event/location).

Then, there was the message for Bishop Hale with a news article hand-delivered by an angelic ministrant.  The whole newsprint concept is a whole genre of how God operates to deliver messages. 

Thursday, April 27, 2023



British Coronation Ceremony of a King or Queen


First, oaths and covenants are made before an altar


A Bible and Apocrypha (lively oracles of God) are presented "here is wisdom" “law”


Then she removes all jewels and dresses in a simple white garment




Holy Ghost is invoked and then the monarch removes red robe and is anointed and “hallowed”:

Once seated in this chair, a canopy of golden cloth is held over the monarch's head for the anointing. This element of the coronation service is considered sacred and is concealed from public gaze. The Dean of Westminster pours consecrated oil from an eagle-shaped ampulla into a filigreed spoon with which the Archbishop of Canterbury anoints the sovereign in the form of a cross on the hands, head, and heart. “Like kings and priests and prophets”

Investing (syn. Endowment)

Next, they are dressed in the colobium sindonis (Latin for "shroud tunic") is a simple sleeveless white linen shift worn by British Monarchs during part of the Coronation service. It symbolizes divesting oneself of all worldly vanity and standing bare before God.


Then a golden robe and sash


A sword is presented and the monarch places it on the altar

Interestingly…a dubbing ceremony 

She is then dressed in a royal robe (cape) and ascends to a higher place in the Abbey

An orb is presented first in the right hand (eventually it's held in the left hand)


Then a wedding ring to "reign with the king of kings"


And finally The Dove Scepter (ensign) and The Cross Rod (similar to Pharaoh's crook and staff?)




The monarch is Crowned and a phrase is repeated 3x (note: The circlet of the crown has 12 main stones)


At some point they are given a new name. Note: The regnal name is usually followed by a regnal number.



Rising from the Coronation Chair she ascends once more, this time to her throne. 


Holy Communion

The Sacrament is administered (think of the 2 separate sacraments Jesus had with the Nephites or the sacrament on mount Sinai)


Now the monarch is covered in purple robes or a surcoat (something generally worn over armor) and heralded by trumpets








 This is an interesting quote:

Moroni is the Angel of America
Orson Hyde

In those early and perilous times, our men were few, and our resources limited. Poverty was among the most potent enemies we had to encounter; yet our arms were successful; and it may not be amiss to ask here, by whose power victory so often perched on our banner? It was by the agency of that same angel of God that appeared unto Joseph Smith, and revealed to him the history of the early inhabitants of this country, whose mounds, bones, and remains of towns, cities, and fortifications speak from the dust in the ears of the living with the voice of undeniable truth. This same angel presides over the destinies of America, and feels a lively interest in all our doings. He was in the camp of Washington; and, by an invisible hand, led on our fathers to conquest and victory; and all this to open and prepare the way for the Church and kingdom of God to be established on the western hemisphere, for the redemption of Israel and the salvation of the world. This same angel was with Columbus, and gave him deep impressions, by dreams and by visions, respecting this New World. Trammeled by poverty and by an unpopular cause, yet his persevering and unyielding heart would not allow an obstacle in his way too great for him to overcome; and the angel of God helped him--was with him on the stormy deep, calmed the troubled elements, and guided his frail vessel to the desired haven. Under the guardianship of this same angel, or Prince of America, have the United States grown, increased, and flourished, like the sturdy oak by the rivers of water. 

(Orson Hyde, JD 6:368)

Tuesday, April 25, 2023



I had the most vivid dream of an EQ set on the coast of California.  Lots of slides, houses destroyed.  Roads gone.  The only way to get around was in 4WD trucks.

I was able to witness it from a first responder perspective.  Even the first responders needed a first responder…  Things were really sideways.

President Biden had no clue what to do.  He just shrugged his shoulders and looked helpless.

Saturday, April 22, 2023


Wow!  This is interesting stuff!

I had no idea why they called it the blender.

Thursday, April 20, 2023


 So, many that read this rag faithfully over time will know that I am a fan of polygamy.  Not because I desire the complications and messiness of it all.  I really do not even desire the sex of it all, in a very base sense of how many people perceive it.  What I desire is the deep associations of solid relationships that rock to the core of a person.  I woud be dead if life were just shallow associations with friends (the menial stuff of day to day).  I crave very deep connections with everyone I come in contact with.  It is often for this reason, I disallow relationships with those who have rejected deeper principles that I am enamored with (temples, life after death, priesthood power, etc).  Though I have very few close male friends, I desire deeper relationships with them and know that the key to that is a deep spiritual connection first.  Most males can ever go there.  Many females can, so I often attach myself to females who are capable of depth.  My wife and I connected very deeply very early on, and it has not let up in our 31 years of marriage.   We have been tested to the absolute limits, and we still have this amazing bond.  It never was about sex or about the day to day stuff, but about this very deep and abiding bond, forged in our love of God and the truth.

That is worth more to me than anything in this world.  You could literally place a cubic mile of gold in front of me and I would just brush it aside in favor of what I have with her.  It is the same bond I have with Joseph and expect/hope to have with Jesus.  It is the true spice of life.  The only thing that gives it meaning.  It has been forged in the furnace of affliction and God is the great alchemist.

Without temple covenants, it is nothing.  With no Priesthood power, it is meaningless.  Without a connection to Christ and the Atonement; purely worthless.  This is why I am baffled as to why people throw that all away, or seemingly treat it all with indifference.  Some days, I feel like I am on a different planet because my experience is all so different.  I would trade my experience for nothing.

What I look forward to, is when all relationships are of that level.  Deep and abiding.  This is how things are on the other side of the veil.  My kids get exasperated when I share my Dallin experience with others.  Over and over they hear it.  What I am doing is pinging people to know if they are on the same level.  Most are too caught up with the thing of the world, and so we never form any deep connections.  I move on.  I am mining the human population for those who feel the same things.  When I read Visions of Glory, I felt the same connection with Spencer.  He has had more deep and powerful experiences, but I get him.  We will understand each other when we meet one day.  I know the same will be true of Joseph Smith.  I get him.  I get why he was sealed to all of those women (and men).  Because they were on the same level with him.  Of all, I am most impressed with Eliza R. Snow.  What a lady!  What a pair!  Two jewels in God's crown!!  Infinite potential when bound together.  There are no limits.  No depth, no heights that they cannot attain in God's realms.

If we truly love someone, all we desire is that they reach their potential.  Physically, of course.  But most importantly, spiritually.  In a truly consecrated environment, it all boils down to what is best for our fellow travellers.  We would never violate a commandment, not because we fear consequences, but because we would not want to give what is less to our fellow beings.  Chastity, lust, fear, greed all melt away under these circumstances.  If it is better for the other person, we simply do it.  If we provide anything less for them, we mourn that decision or falling short.  That is true sorrow for sin.  But it is always based in consecration and love and never in selfishness.  This is why our covenants of Consecration in the Temples are so important to propel us into a Terrestrial mindset.  We own nothing, but are simply stewards over what the Lord gave us to work with.  All that is asked of us, is that we do our best by what we are given.

So, to anwer the question, "Is there one true love?".  I say no.  I say we are capable of loving all men and women equally.  If we truly love someone, we are willing to give them up if we are no longer capable of helping them attain their greatest potential.  I know of an individual who is very selfish with his love.  His mindset being that;  "If I cannot have her, then no one else can have her."  Very controlling.  Very selfish.  Often this is the seed of those murder suicides that you always read about in the news.  This is of the devil.  I guess this is why I have always loved the story about the butterfly and releasing it.  If you love it, you will release it, and if it comes back to you, then it is always was yours.

I am a firm believer that this will be the test.  A woman (or man) will be allowed to see their potential from a heavenly perspective.  If they find that they have been able to attain the greatest heights with their current situation, then they will be allowed to choose and stay.  If not, they will have the chance to wing away to greater and greater opportunities in order to reach their potential.  Progression is limitless, but it is not coupled with compulsion or force in any degree.

So, polygamy, from this stance alone is an amazing concept.  For both the man and the woman.  Is there a true love?  Yes, there can be.  Is it a thing tied to this earth?  No, it is far beyond that.  Far beyond anything we can comprehend.  It is different over there; and we need to get over ourselves and begin to see it, or we will be damned in our progression.


 I hear of the numbers coming down from the north to overwhelm Israel's defenses and I hear of other contemporary prophecies with the Russians overwhelming Europe and I am a little baffled, as was Arnold Page Show in his comment about Russia not being able to occupy anything:

I have no dog in this hunt.
I hate this useless war of attrition of human lives destruction of families loosing their fathers, both Russians and Ukrainians.

I agree with Joel Skousen's view that
Russia during the cold war era moved Russians into the Baltic countries with the pretense of taking this territory back under the excuse of protecting ethnic Russians. Ukraine has had dictator plants by Russia and currently the US or NATO, who would burden the ethnic Russians and creating an excuse for Russia to move in.

This has nothing to do with the VP twit calling for Ukraine to be part of the NATO block, The Russians had been amassing their equipment on the Ukrainian boarder for months before they moved in. We all saw it.

Right now the Ukraine as well as the US and Russia are all running low on munitions, and will take some time to rebuild.
The war will continue on more slowly. China, may be secreting munitions into Russia, but publicly it appears they are not helping out. Russia is poor in rapid production of hardware and munitions and China is more productive on the weapons and munition.

I find it difficult to think Russia will deploy nukes at this time as they are unprepared to take over Europe and America. And their partner China, is not yet fully prepared to enter a war where in a full on take over of the world with the US as the primary target. They can nuke all they like but they can't occupy anything.

I know what I know - so I am a little baffled as to how it will all go down, as well.  But I am certain that it will go down quite nicely and I will be left quite surprised with the actual sequence, and going, "Okay, so that is how it wraps up...".  .  I just shrug and leave it to the Lord to work out the details.  I just know it will be exciting when it does go down and, as a fan of human events and history, I am looking forward to watching it unfold.  Not the messy, disgusting, human stuff - but how God brings it all together for His good and in how He saves His people, Israel and those who love Him.  How He brings about the immortality and Eternal Life of man.  The first coming was far from expected - it looped alot of people, and I just know that we often think we have it all figured out on the Second Coming events, but I think there will be a lot of shock and awe when it does finally go down.

I know the 10 Tribes factor in there somehow.  It will be way cool.  Get the popcorn started.

Friday, April 14, 2023


 The one thing we do not want to do is to corner the bear and make her desperate.  The battle will become ferocious.  Apparently, Russia has already shot the wad from her first barrel in the form of spetsnaz, or Special Forces.  In an attempt to gain an upper hand early in the war, Russia used up her best troops.  Now, she is relying on the "B" team.  When they fail and NATO is pressing against the border, she will likely use tactical nukes and then the gloves will come off.  I am concerned that this will spill over into ICBMs or surprise nukes on American soil, just as the visionaries have predicted.

It is now clear that the USA, just as in Vietnam, is sending in elite troops to fight amongst the Ukrainians as "advisors", etc.  They know they cannot persist at this game forever.  Russia is already running low on ammunition, etc.  Critical troops are being depleted.  They will have to shoot their nuclear wad here pretty soon.  When she does so (and knocks out the USA, in order to get some kind of upper hand), the prophetic descriptions of Russian troops rumbling through the streets of NATO member nations, with virtually zero resistance, will come to pass.  Of course, it will be far too late to say, "I told you so....".  It will be a very sad day.  But one required, as the USA is shaping up to be the beast nation with AI about to run amok and so much else.  This would include a digital monetary system with one-world money system implications.

The only way to check-mate that is just get out of the way and let God's arm be bared, as the wicked kill the wicked.  Only those who are peacemakers, will be spared.  Remember how they shall inherit the earth?  Yep, this is how it will go down as the Millennium begins.

So, continue to rip on the words of modern Prophets.  Continue to attack the sacred things within the walls of the temples, and continue to trash on good principle.  A generation of vipers shall not escape the damnations of hell....

Here is the article that got me spun up:

Repent and pray.

Thursday, April 13, 2023


 Well, I got a comment on a previous post that I just have to follow up on:

In a free country, you are free to do what you want as long as you don't infringe on the rights of others.  A single childless person is responsible if he provides for himself.

This is true for a single person, but his is what my main point was.  If a guy cranks out 10 kids but is in la-la land when it comes to how he is going to provide for them (using a hobby, say blogging or professional gamer, as an attempt at a means of support), then that individual is shouldering his responsiblity onto someone else.  The taxpayer, or the ward family, etc.  And, there really is not a lot you can do.  For example, I have a daughter that is likely demonically possessed and is living on the streets (mostly) because she cannot hold a job and refuses treatment.  We are attempting to minister to her right now, though it is not going very well.  She is at the "living in the rocks and cutting herself" level.  In a McD's last night, my wife literally raised her arm to the square to cast whatever is in her, out.  It was a surreal moment.

We have attempted to do everything within our power to aid her, but the law will not allow us to do a forced commitment to a mental hospital as a non-minor, unless she poses a danger to herself and/or to others.  The key here being; we are doing everything within our power, while honoring her agency and the dictates of the law, to ensure what would normally be our responsibility to care for an adult who is incompetent/incapable of self care.  We do not believe in shouldering that burden onto others.  Nor would she when she is in her right mind.  But, I did warn her years ago when she loosened her grip on the Iron Rod, that this would be the outcome.  As Patriarch in the home, I have special dispensation when it comes to each of my stewardships.  Sadly, little is heeded.

So, going back to the original commenter.  Yes, a single person has little bearing on society if they take care of their own needs.  For the most part, my ailing daughter is providing most of her own needs, but we still are seeking to make her more or less self sufficient.  When she was properly medicated (she was forced into a mental health unit), she was able to hold an engineering job and save enough money to buy a few acres and begin building a tiny home, etc.  Our mission this week was to help finish building it, supply a 1,000 gallon cistern and a simple solar system so she could pull herself up from that point.  But, things went sideways when she asked for me to fix her charging system in McDonalds and I insisted she do it, so she could learn a skill.  Some people are too entitled, so they have to learn from the school of hard knocks.  She has always been this way.  A functional liberal.  Let someone else do what you can easily do for yourself.

I know of a fellow once who was riding in a borrowed car (did not have one of his own) and the car broke down.  My other daughter was in it with this fellow.  She called me because she could not get to work.  While I was typing in the symptoms to Google and finding a fix for them, all I heard in the background was this fellow goofing around.  It sounded like a real party going on.  Meanwhile, my daughter was rolling around under this car on the side of the road trying to find the wire that was shorting a critical starting circuit out.  The fix was a 20 cent electrical connector and a little electrical tape.  A pocket knife or something sharp would have been required.  Well, having given them the solution, no one acted on it and the owner of the car had to have a several hundred dollar tow and the "stealership" charged the car owner over $1,000.  I am pretty positive that NO dollars were paid to aid the car owner for his output and this fellow just skated through on that one.  I encouraged my daughter to do her part to cover a portion of the repair cost at least (not to mention fuel), as this was the moral thing to do.  I did not raise a free-loader and I hope she followed through.

But this is the problem with an immoral people.  They side-step responsibility and place that responsibility onto others.  Where circumstance do not allow (a person is incapacitated and cannot shoulder their responsiblity, that is one thing), but the idler in Zion shall not have a place there.  They existed in Jesus' day, just following Him around looking for a free meal, and they existed in Joseph's day.  There is one in every crowd.  Often many.  The Church seems to attract them because they see free stuff in the additional social safety net.

The person that fritters away opportunities by getting a junk degree that will not provide for his family, is derelict in their duty.  As I mentioned in the previous article, the person who says that the wife and hubby will share the financial income earning 50/50 is delusional.  When we were bearing our children, I simply could not be up in the night attending to crying children and still be functional during the day.  We had to split out those responsibilities so my wife could rest when she could during the day (we struggled financially while she was a stay-at-home mom during that period and later while she struggled with mental health issues after our kid died of SIDS.  A required minimum income for a household today is in the 70-80K range.  Above that, a family can begin to enjoy some other things such as vacations and also to build a food storage, etc.  

I just bought a car from a fellow who was about 25 years old.  His Nissan CVT had puked and he decided to cut it loose.  He had a girlfriend who was expecting their first child.  He was going to school in the evenings to be a lineman for Bonneville Power and working 50 hour weeks for his apprenticeship.  I asked him what his income would be when he was done at the end of two years.  It was over $100K.  He will be able to support his little family handsomely.

I was dating a gal whose father was the CFO of Franklin Covey Institute and I think he was rumored to be valued in the $40 million range.  He and his wife just returned from being mission presidents (along with this gal and her siblings) somewhere on the eastern seaboard.  One night, when we were up at their home in Heber hanging out with the posse, he pulled me aside and asked me what I was planning on doing once I was out of engineering school.  I told him that my goals were to work for Boeing (that had been stated by the gift of prophecy as an 18 year old (previous blog piece), not pie in the sky guessing/hoping).  He seemed pleased with that.  Since Michele had served a mission and I knew valued the gospel and her temple covenants, she was on the short list of dating partners at the time.  My to-be wife overheard me talking about a religion class I was taking and she signed up for it.  I had also signed up for it with Michele so we could spend more time together.  We were all in it together (a little awkward).  Point being, the father of this gal was quite interested in the direction I was going in life, because I was going to be responsible for taking care of his grand kids and he, I am sure, did not want to see her having to shoulder the earning potential even 20-50 percent because I had my hobbies/video games/sports watching or participating, etc.  Those things are fine, so long as the rest of it is attended to in every detail.

It has come to my attention that some women are told they need to develop their careers via blessing or PBs.  This is not a bad thing in a time that a majority of the "men" out there are not stepping up.  Those statements often come as a result of weak "men" that the women will be forced to marry, and not so much from a prophetic urging.  In other words, this is a cause - not effect.  Let me elaborate on this a little.  The statements in scripture relating to the destruction of Jerusalem, for instance, did not come because that was inevitable, but rather because of circumstance (a wicked populace that would not listen to good counsel).  God would have had it that they were not destroyed, but He knew that they would be based on their tendencies as a stiff-necked people.

Sadly, the divorce rate is up well over 50% today.  Many anecdotal stories emerge of women who are dealing with "men" (males) who are addled with addiction and who do not have a firm grasp on reality.  I just heard stories of the poor sister missionaries who are "bossy" because they are insisting that the "men" step up and get out and pound the pavement instead of playing pokemon and otherwise breaking mission rules, etc.  These young ladies are likely not bossy or bitchy, they are probably frightened of what the future holds for them if the guys do not grow a pair and step up.  And the decreasing enrolment of males in colleges and the ever-increasing demand in the trades for people willing to do real work, shows how dire things are out there among the males...  Maybe it is too much plasticizer in the water supply?  Gonadotropism is a real thing....  Time to ditch the man bun and step up.  Life is real.  It can be fun; but only after taking care of the basics.

Anyway, yes - helicoptering does destroy accountability and the sense of responsibility.  Raising a tassle of kids either by dumping the responsibility to the state via child tax credits or via the wife slaving away is not the way to go.  Answers will have to be given in the Judgment.  The scriptures back that position - unless one has found a way to be dismissive of the scriptures so that other obligations and covenants can be shirked.

Wednesday, April 12, 2023


 I had this comment earlier today:

 I was always taught from my youth that NONE of our leaders are paid, it's voluntary. Someone needs to write a news article and explain why these men are PAID while bishops are not paid.

This is a typical anti attempt to drive a wedge or decrease faith in the membership of those that are ill-informed or ignorant.  I am not sure at what level within the hierarchy it is, but there is a stipend given for Mission Presidents, 70's, Twelve etc.  Those who are in the work full-time as they have no way to provide for themselves while devoted full-time.

I think people forget that there was a treasury in Christ's time and it was used to pay for taxes/expenses/travel/loaves of bread/fishes and that those who officiated in the temples were given a place to live (apartment in the temple complex) as well as holy bbq to eat.  So, the people paid for their maintenance so they could officiate full time.  And Christ never went after them for that, so I would assume He was okay with that.

I shared a story of demonic possession over the weekend with someone and they more or less dismissed it because the thinking was that little kids would never be possessed, therefore it was mental illness or the kid was throwing a tantrum.  Instead of relying on the reasonable explanation that the kid was over the age of accountability (say 9 or 10 years old) and was possibly messing with evil (a ouija board or something), the assumption was made that this kid was 2 years old, innocent and therefore the scriptural account or LDS doctrine was faulty.  Of course, this is the "lazy way out" in order to dismiss something as irrelevant and keep the Harry Potter dream alive, etc etc.

So yeah, I get tired of people finding some "chink in the armor" and then using that point to dismiss their slovenly approach to a specific doctrine, such as in this case, their inability to live a lesser law of tithing.  Let alone the higher law of Consecration (as we learn it in the temple).

God simply will not allow the slothful to make it into the Millennial scene.  They are de-selecting themselves by the day and by the hour.  If we are not striving, we might as well throw the towel in.  God will not necessarily keep the weak out, but he will keep the willful and slothful out.  For the system to stay together for 1,000 years, a pruning and burning will be required in this particular vinyard.

And, likely, there will be no need for a stipend, as scarcity will be a thing of the past, as we move to a terrestrial setting.


 This is a journal entry a long time in coming.  I think it is important to have things come to a head, because it forces one to think and process things that are socially and, often spiritually complex.

I had the delight of spending a few hours with one of my nieces.  Her mother, my younger sister, is a hard driver/straight talker that is very refreshing to be around.  There is no beating around the bush with her; and it is a welcome thing in a land where passive aggressive is the norm, along with smoking pot and smashing store front windows in an orgiastic rage because they did not get their way (yes, I am from Seattle...).

One of the things I was able to hear her say, is that guys today are such losers (and her boyfriend was sitting right there).  I about choked on my non-kosher, Jew offending, pagan Ishtar ham....  This girl chewed it up at school.  She got a full ride schollie to USU and finished up in three years.  Her parents paid no dime to the school fund even though they make bank and are doing quite well.  They simply do not coddle.  Out of the three kids, there were two valedictorians and one that was a runner-up, I believe.  So, this girl is on fire and is getting her Masters at BYU while working full time with a car that I think she paid for herself.  Very impressive.  I thought I had drive!

But she is right.  And I mourn for my girls because most guys are porn-addled, vid game addicted, shells of men that are not getting it done for them.  My niece said it is impossible to find someone reliable.  I agree with that assessment.  There is an entire generation of young "men" that are content with a big nothing burger in life.  The problem with this, is that it shifts the burden of rising up and getting it done to the poor women out there.  And the divorce rate keeps on rising as the men sit in front of the glowing screens and bellow out a question; "When is dinner going to be ready!?!".  Oh sure, many put on the air during the courtship that they will rise up and make it happen, but that quickly fades after the honeymoon glow begins to dissipate and the woman is left disgruntled, overstressed and dis-satisfied.  She eventually realizes nothing will change and is forced to leave.  The problem is that there are few places to go.  They are trapped.

What is the source of this?  It is because the parents (the "me" generation now grown into adults) have supplied kids with every detail that the kid needs including stepping in when kids miss important deadlines.  The kids are NOT allowed to fail, as the parents do the d'evil's bidding (and one soul shall not be lost).  One soul shall not be lost = we will make sure Johnny does not trip and get a booboo in life.  No scars or learning experiences for Johnny....  No growth for Johnny.  Mediocrity reigns.  The ENTITLEMENT mentality sets in.  What’s yours is mine, and what is mine is mine.  The devil’s mantra of “and the glory be mine” becomes the watch cry.  Selfishness reigns.

When I went to college, my first motivation was not to impress anyone (other than God), it was driven because I had a desire to be a father and a good husband and to provide and make my spouse comfortable in trusting me and so she could bear my children and rear them.  It never was a 50/50 for me (she pulls in half the paycheck), because there are differences between she and I.  Namely, she has a uterus and some unique skills in nurturing that I plain do not have, no matter how hard I applied myself.  So for a guy to go off that they will share the earning potential equally, it is an empty promise.  He will never have to go through morning sickness, carrying his babies, up in the night nursing and so much else.  Her load simply will be exponentially higher due to her uterus.  Any other approach is gaslighting.

So, in my marriage, it has been 70-90% the male hustling for the living and the wife having the luxury of working if she felt so inclined.  It has motivated me.  Anything else?  Pure laziness and empty promises that will be addressed in the Judgment.  Gaslighting will not go unnoticed and unrewarded when we are weighed in the balance.

When I went for a woman to be my wife, I had transportation in place (my third car that I had fought for) and had a fourth (two vehicles when we knelt at the altar).  Why?  Because I was not going to tolerate having her walk a stroller with a basket of laundry to a laundromat.  I would not even propose otherwise.  Not even conceivable.  Anything else is delusional and pie-in-the-sky thinking.   It sets the expectations low early on and leaves her the slave to his hobbies and appetites.

I also was busting my arse for a degree that I was sure would allow my wife the basics of life that she would be taken care of.  Not something glamorous, nor going for the best GPA just to impress, but to secure something I know would hold up my end of the responsibility of a family.  Why?  Because it is and always will be unfathomable to dump my responsibilities of shelter, basic transportation and food on another.  I once again encountered someone this past weekend who has NO food storage and was quite certain that they had the skills necessary to secure it from another.  Same thing with a vehicle.  Same attitude.  Securing it via another who had busted their arse for it.  This is morally bankrupt.  When I married, my wife had secured her own vehicle.  I had my two rides.  We did not rely on each other.  This shows either lack of planning or severe lack of a moral core.

The only time we should truly rely on anyone else is in the case of the Atonement, and only then; AFTER ALL THAT WE CAN DO.  We don't just sit lazily back doing nothing and joking around about life while shouldering our sin (including sins of omission, due to laziness) onto His shoulder.  It is morally bankrupt to do so.  Simply wrong.  Period.

But most "men" of this generation are frittering away their potential and producing a big nothing burger out of life because they have not learned to strive.  The best lesson I ever learned in life was from my 6th grade teacher, Mrs. Johnson.  She told the class that the assignment was due on a Friday and honestly, I do not remember what caused mine not to be ready on time.  But I stayed after furiously trying to get it done and could not.  She informed me she had to get home for something and could stay no more at school.  She offered to drop me at the corner of my road.  The entire scene is burned into my mind.  Her '78 Ford F-250 with the truck camper on the back of it and her dropping my off while I was blubbering my plea out to not flunk me for this missed assignment.  I turned it in late and got a 30% reduction in my grade.  It was a bitter pill to swallow, but it changed my behavior from that day forward.  I was a changed kid because someone cared enough for me to do the hard thing and let me fail.

Many parents do not - and they create kids who fit better in spirit prison than they do in a telestial world of natural consequences, let alone a terrestrial or celestial world.

Even God the Father had to pull the helicoptering angels off at the most crucial time and let Him do it alone.  He was not so much forsaken, as He was given the gift of being able to say, "I did it", and by being able to brush the devil off when he attempted to steal the thunder from the most epic task in the Universe.

So, parents;  please allow your children to fail.  Let them miss the bus and that awesome field trip.  Let them get fired for not being to work on time.  It will do them a whole heap of good and will help the women out in future generations.

Sunday, April 2, 2023


This does not sound very good....

Damnable freaks in power throwing the US under the bus while Russia and China are making a break for it.