Wednesday, February 22, 2023


 So, we have a serious problem going on out there.  We have liars pointing the finger and calling everyone else a liar (this is called projecting).  And it all boils down to this:  when you are living a lie, you begin to believe it and the lies tend to overlap and become so embroiled in your reality that you begin to lose your grip on reality (what is actually real).

Artificially (due to the fentanyl I was on in the hospital and the very real, larger than life hallucinations I was having), I lost my grip on reality.  To the point, I thought I was the Sheriff over all of the Western USA and Canada for at least a week.  It was actually pretty fun and my favorite part of the state-paid drug trip....  If people I had trusted had continued to coddle me in that lie, it may well have perpetuated itself for quite some time, even after the hallucinogens had worked their way out of my system.  In fact, over time, it had quite the opposite effect in that I began to question those around me whose intent it was to deceive me (some who had projected friendship in order to pull me into their Nehoraic posse).  I did not see their true colors until I opposed their points of view after they challenged me on a forum I created.  Then it became ugly - and the truth spilled out.  True intentions exposed.

This posse was embroiled in a complete lie that includes the concept that Jesus is black skinned.  Abraham (and his works) had zero to do with polygamy.  Joseph and Hyrum were part of a murder plot carried out by Brigham and John Taylor (obviously none of them have read the JD) and that anything in the D&C after 1832 is pure fiction, even though they will quote much of the later revelations in order to bring the confused into their way of thinking (illogical in the extreme).  That the modern Church is all lies and actually controlled by satan himself.  That the temple endowment and all of the stuff that I have experienced in the temple is pure rubbish.  This stuff just makes me laugh.  Why does it?  Because I have read my church history and I have experienced power in my Priesthood and I have had remarkable experiences related to the House of the Lord.  Have they?  No, they have not - therefore, their reality makes sense to them.  It makes ZERO sense to me because mine is totally different.

In fact, when I would share points of view (which completely opposed theirs) based strictly on spiritual experiences that I cannot deny, such as the dream I had on the night my kid died, the response was usually a blank stare.  Precisely because they dared not tread on my grounded and firm reality.  So, they moved to work a different angle knowing they would likely make no ground in that particular angle.  This is how the devil attempted to work on the Savior; simply by tempting Him in an area where He might have had some weakness such as hunger after a ridiculously long fast.  When that did not prove fruitful, a new approach was tried.  To no avail.  In the end, the best line ever:  Get thee hence, satan.  Just cast the trash out.  Simple.

So yeah.  Here is an article that talks about one of the best doozy spinners out there since Bill Clinton:

A guy so lost in the lies of whether he is a man or a woman that he thinks his mommy was in the tower in NYC.  The prez has been caught in similar lies so many times in his past.  If Putin gonna do the fire from heaven deed, please just make it DC so we can be free of all that...  Wo, wo, wo unto the liar, for he shall be thrust down to hell.

In God's economy, there is no place for liars.  They simply self-segregate from the rest of the herd.

Survival of the spiritual fittest.


 I am sure some of this has to do with environmental factors, but much of it has to do with easy access to porn and living a virtual life with a virtual woman.  It is endemic and the latest scamdemic had something to do with it, to be sure - but not all:

The women seem to have switched over to lesbianism to deal with the shift in demographics as well as dating older, more financially and emotionally secure men.  This is simply blowback of radical, modern feminism where the men have been programmed and legislated with asymmetric laws, to no longer be relevant.  This is gonna be a problem of a slightly different nature than the problems China is facing with the blowback from their "one-child China" policy.

People who think they know better than God....  Just like the environmentalists (who put the mental in that name) who tried to keep people out of the forests and do nothing to manage them after human re-planting.  Only a liberal could screw something up that badly.

Monday, February 20, 2023


I grew up on an amazing 11 acres with a creek that cut through the middle of it.  It was a magical place to play with huge old Douglas firs lining the banks.  Some were three feet in diameter.

In the summer, there was no problem in crossing that stream.  After a good rain, not so much.  At record times, it was 30 feet deep and 80-100 feet across its sharp gully.  Truly magnificent to experience the ebb and flow of such a normally-docile stream.

But, when things were average, we knew the spot to get across so we could experience the more isolated back 40 without the inconvenience of damp socks.

It was where there were three or four very large and rounded boulders that were 2-4 foot diameter.  All one had to do was jump and successfully land from one to the other one.  The furthest jump meant going between the two largest rocks sticking out of the water; this guaranteeing a lovely landing spot.

Without the large landing spot, it was going to be a disastrous and wet experience.  Such is it for those who leave the comfort and safety of the Gospel; WHERE IS THERE TO GO THAT WILL SATISFY AND PROVIDE A BALM OF GILEAD?  

It is a dry walk through a parched desert.  

Great commentary from Arnold Page that I just had to share:

Snuffer has written some religious oriented books that are pretty much his sales tool for engendering himself with LDS then goes off the beaten bath and imagines that because the Nauvoo Temple was never properly finished when it was dedicated and so the Church failed in some dictate that leaves the Church cut off - there must have been more stuff included but I was too bored pay it much attention. He has a little following who were self authorized to baptize each other and who knows what else.

On a similar topic, I like the research that Waterman of Pure Mormanism comes up with. I appreciate someone explaining what "interest" means in 19th century lingo, that no one in the Church leadership has felt to enlighten us. 
Waterman get's hung up on the Church structure as Joseph established it 
where the 70's and council of 50 were authorized to be over the Church where in the apostles were strictly called to preach the gospel. He tends to ignore that Joseph had empowered and authorized the apostles in their position not to mention, you have to have a head, leader such as Brigham who was the lead apostle, to guide things otherwise a group of men without a head is anarchy, it does not work in this world we live in.

A lot of things Joseph attempted to establish didn't work. Joseph was directed to establish the New Jerusalem in Independence Missouri, and they were pushed out, another attempt at Far West, kicked out again. It makes no sense to some, why all these failures occurred. God fully knew these events would happen in the way they occurred when he commanded Joseph. We don't really understand why so many things were attempted and failed. I believe these requirements were patterns to follow when it is time to establish the New Jerusalem, along with a council of 50, polygamy, United Order, et al will be revived when the time is right.
Waterman's solution was for members to vote with their feet and leave, which is absurd, as though that will serve them (the Church) right sort of silliness.- Where are they going to go??? Human beings are social, that means people will associate with some one or group for better or worse, much better to associate with the people who know more truths of any other people to provide a structure for their children. I have read that only 10% of the Mormons who leave the church will join another denomination. Obviously when when you have the perspective of the LDS there is no other place to go. Only the pathetic and needy who never understood the doctrine in the first place will join another denomination. 

Waterman and Snuffer are smart men, but then smart men are so very easily seduced by Pride I would also add some of the leadership, of the Church (are all very smart men) that permit corruption to creep into the Church by catering to "the world". The Lord permits man kind their own free agency to act for themselves wether good or bad until he puts his foot down at the right time for preservation of the Church. For now, it is more important to try our faith in the gospel and not men, wether it is the Church or government, media or whatever, test our ability to choose between tradition and what we sense. Our conscience is the first line of protection.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023


 Love this quote!

Speaking to a group of men who conspired against Joseph, Brigham told the men that “Joseph was a Prophet, and I knew it, and that they might rail and slander him as much as they pleased; they could not destroy the appointment of the Prophet of God, they could only destroy their own authority, cut the thread that bound them to the Prophet and to God, and sink themselves to hell.” (Manuscript History 16).

The same can be said of those who fight against Brigham and the Lord’s revelations.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Friday, February 10, 2023


 My wife was reading up on Michael Rush statement and found this:

The scattered Israelites will be gathered from all nations when they remember the covenant—Moses places life or death, blessing or cursing, before the people.

And it shall come to pass, when all these things are come upon thee, the ablessing and the curse, which I have set before thee, and thou shalt call them to mind among all the nations, whither the Lord thy God hath driven thee,

And shalt areturn unto the Lord thy God, and shalt obey his voice according to all that I command thee this day, thou and thy children, with all thine heart, and with all thy soul;

That then the Lord thy God will turn thy acaptivity, and have bcompassion upon thee, and will return and cgather thee from all the nations, whither the Lord thy God hath scattered thee.

If any of thine be driven out unto the outmost parts of aheaven, from thence will the Lord thy God gather thee, and from thence will he fetch thee:


So, my wife and I were having a chat about an old acquaintance and how she has gone off the deep end in regards to the Gospel.  She, like my wife, is a returned missionary and was the wife of a man who was in a prominent position in an old ward in Seattle.  I am not sure how they got on the subject (maybe it was one of those girl confession themes), but this gal intimated to my wife that she and a foster kid  that the parents had brought into the home, had fooled around when they were in their teens.  The implication is that it was full-blown sexual relations.

I am pretty sure she would have confessed this to the Bishop prior to going on a mission, but only God knows if true sorrow for sin existed and whether true repentance in her heart had occurred.  I think anyone can repent of anything.  Whether we backslide over our lives remains to be seen.  I have come to the conclusion that there is little true repentance in many situations.  People may tell their Bishop the dirty, dark situations they have gotten themselves into, but true repentance involves a "mighty change of heart".  I think this change is the exception and not the rule.  This would definitely apply to me where I have made mis-steps; so there might be some projection involved in my analysis, and not just pure observation.

Anyway - yes, so now this gal has asked my wife to not send her anything about the Book of Mormon and other churchy things - indicating where she is spiritually.

The question I have to ask myself is whether a majority of the people out there that go off the deep end, even accusing the Brethren of improprieties where there aren't any, if they have a hidden set of circumstances like this gal did.  I mean, come on, sex with the foster kid???  It could be willful sex with the step-dad and so much else.  Anything is possible, especially these days.  But, in the end, I am sure the person will write it off as rape (saying something like:  my foster kid house mate who was two years older took advantage of me and raped me).  This short circuits the repentance process because there is not accountability for the consensual nature of the liaison.  I am just doing a "for-instance"; and yes, there is legitimate rape out there.  Statutory or otherwise - and it should not be trivialized.

Anyway, yes it is a very fascinating topic and one of the more poignant topics as we all are sexual beings, as programmed by a God who has given us the very commandment to procreate; but only under the circumstances He has proscribed.  One of the two delegated God-given powers that must be handled with kid gloves or never used at all; the powers to give and take life.  Taking life only to sustain (food) or to defend that which is sacred and dear (our wives and children).  Only giving life within a union that allows for the nurturing of children and proper rearing of them.  We all know what happens when this is not the case, we have a Jerry Springer Show situation going on.  We all know how beautiful a well-run family is and the opposite power that it has in producing stable and productive adults that are not hobbled by divorce, addiction and dysfunction.  The very thing ole Scratch just loves since he will never have a body nor enjoy those powers, except vicariously through dysfunctional people who serve him on this side of the veil.

So, to recap.  Yes, for every single one of the folks that take a massive detour of life, I have to think back on my wife's friend and question if they have one of those looming elephants in the room that was never properly resolved.  It is a pure fluke that I was made aware of that single situation - so I have to wonder about other parallel situations.

And my final comment is that these weird sexual liaisons that occur (whether between siblings just playing doctor) or a serious situation between a younger person and someone in a trusted position (such as clergy or teaching or parenting) has the ability to create untold damage to the psyche of the victim.  Thus the injunction to not harm the innocence of a little one - or a person will pay an eternal debt that they (and possibly even the Savior) likely is not going to be able or willing to step up and pay the debt on.

So to the trannies out there in the schools recruiting fresh meat for their sick culture, you can pretty much go straight to hell - and please do not stop for your $200.  The very God of Love likely is not going to pay out on that debt....

Thursday, February 9, 2023


I pretty heavily mock those who think they are above those with the Priesthood keys in this Dispensation, for the simple reason that they fail to realize that they are falling into the pattern in the Book of Mormon that occurred just before Christ came where false prophets created division within the Church and it fragmented until full tribalism had occurred.

I find it immensely interesting how those who mock sacred things and accuse the Brethren of so much (including murder and a whole littany of improprieties) will go after those who challenge the accuser's assertions as the ones who are aggressive or the ones causing the contention.  Odd....  I call that gaslighting.  Because, if I strike a man, and he raises his arms in a defensive posture, or attempts to strike back in defense of himself, who is the aggressor?  The one who makes the first strike at something that clearly is sacred to another?  Or the one who attempts to defend what is important to himself?  Sheesh....  Again; mentally ill - or at the very least, incapable of discerning truth and common sense from obvious error.

I have a daughter who is mentally ill.  She is so bad right now that "everyone else" is off and she has all the answers.  Such is it with many who have gone astray and yet call out those with a firm grip on the Iron Rod.  The only explanation for the activity (in my rational mind) is a form of mental fog or mental illness that does not allow them to see what is happening to them.

Once again, I am not aware of a single person who has relaxed their grip on that rod, who is better off for having done it. 

Yet, people have their agency.  All you can do it sit back from a distance and watch it all come down until rock bottom is reached.  Then assist in helping the victims out of the wreckage.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023


 Surprise, surprise.  I and a few engineering colleagues from my Boeing days called this.  We all knew what happened the minute we saw the story and the official cover story for it.  What a liar Bidet is - he is full of crap...  Just Biden his time til he gets his next bribe kickback from the Chinese or other handlers.  Utter mafioso east coast garbage doing what that trash does - but in the highest office in the land.  So sad for America.  It used to be a beacon of integrity and hope (or at least it had the patina of integrity).  Now, it is the laughing stock of many second and third world countries because it is rotting from within.

Oh well.  Everything good must come to an end at some point.

Saturday, February 4, 2023


 This is for all the Brigham haters out there:

Our enemies are determined to blot us out of existence if they can,” Brigham told the Saints at a special conference in Salt Lake City. 

To save lives and perhaps win sympathy from potential allies in the eastern states, he announced a plan to move the Saints living in Salt Lake City and surrounding areas to Provo and other settlements farther south. 

The bold move would upend the lives of many Church members, and Brigham was not entirely certain that it was the right choice to make. 

“‘Can a prophet or an apostle be mistaken?’ Do not ask me any such question, for I will acknowledge that all the time,” he declared. 

“But I do not acknowledge that I designedly lead this people astray one hair’s breadth from the truth, and I do not knowingly do a wrong, though I may commit many wrongs.”

It's ironic that the Catholic Church teaches that the Pope is infallible but no one in that church believes that. But in the LDS Church they teach that their leader is fallible, but no one in the LDS Church believes that. Even after Joseph and Brigham and subsequent leaders have said this on several occasions.