Sunday, December 25, 2022


 Great article!:

Does this reference the cold winter before the Second Coming?!?

Tuesday, December 20, 2022


 I had a fair comment that deserves a few minutes on my lunch break:

You as a huge BY guy has to admit he made some mistakes. I believe he was Prophet of God as well, but as a mortal was susceptible to error at times. I have always been confused about the Adam/God thing, and some of his polygamy stances. The fact that future Prophets outright condemn them.That certainly can bring up concerns. What’s your take? This isn’t a gotcha, it’s an actual question I wrestle with.

I usually just delete anything that is a "gotcha".  I am positive that a guy who lived what Brigham lived through would have made some mistakes.  I have a sneaking feeling that he was not all that upset about what happened at MMM other than the bad press it gave the Saints in the Gentile presses.  Quite frankly, I might have just gone there myself if, after getting our arses handed to us so many times in the past and seeing so many of my people suffer, to have some unrepentant Missourians come through and talk trash about how they did not get the job done in Missouri (and there was still an extermination order on the books in Missouri until 1976), with a bad case of PTSD, do you blame the beaten woman for squeezing the trigger on the boyfriend?  Nope, you kind of feel that a cosmic score was leveled against the sonnuvabuck.  I tend to lean towards vigilante justice and never think a sad thought once when a child molester is off'd by a guy in prison (who likely was diddled as a kiddled) who has life without parole and nothing to lose other than a double life sentence...  No tears here.  Justice served on this side of the veil of tears.  God can sort it out.

As I have always maintained, BY was imperfect but I will NEVER judge him based on today's measuring stick nor based on my experience, because I never had to welcome people I was responsible for into my home who had frozen body parts because they had to escape religious persecution.  I have never had to do a fraction of the things he did, nor pass through the sorrows.  I also know that Joseph loved him.  If he was faithful to Joseph and good enough for him, then he is good enough for me.  Very simple.  And anyone who actually begins to give belief to the whole bizarre theory that BY was in on the plot on JS's life is simply out of their minds and I literally sever ties to them as they must kick against the pricks on their own and I literally do not want to be around when the collateral damage hits.  I have a practice of staying the hell away from the wicked.  You could not pay me enough to be on the West coast where they are trying to normalize pedophilia and so much else - because I know what is impending.  And it will be a disaster for them.  The key to spiritual survival as well as physical survival, is to surround yourself with those who are at a minimum level, or better.  The bar is high for those that God will take into the Millennium as seed stock.  In order to qualify, we need to be on order with those found in the City of Enoch.  That is extremely high....

Lastly, we have a treacherous time in the sandbox which they must be in to navigate the world.  In the days of rainbow activism, wokeness, cancelling and so much else - without deciding to withdraw altogether, they have to keep the Jews in the attic while saluting those goose-stepping by in the street below.  It is a balance.  Our key, is to make sure we don't throw them under the bus when they come to bring us food, etc and pounce on them for having observed them giving the salute to the nazi faithful.  We (and they) really need to be harmless as doves, wise as serpents as Jesus quoted.

The key thing is, do we have an abiding testimony of the Restored Gospel including the Book of Mormon and do we have a firm grasp on the Iron Rod.

All else is of little consequence when compared with the bigger picture.

Monday, December 19, 2022


 Okay, just wow!!!  This is a humdinger of an article if you are an anti-Mormon and are still clinging to your old Ed Decker era anti-Mormon claims that there were no such things as contemporary elephants in North America with the Jaredites (living north of where the Nephites/Lamanite groups expanded into).

We all know from the “bronze” trade out of North America and into the Middle East that the Jaredites were moving large amounts of a copper/silver alloy out of the Upper Peninsula impact crater area up the St Lawrence Seaway and into the Phoenician or Tyre/Sidon trade routes that King Solomon controlled.  And from whence much of his legendary wealth was derived.

My guess is that, if the sunken Phoenician ships were surveyed for some of their wood samples, it would be found that they contained species from N. America and specifically the Great Lakes regions.  It would only stand to reason.  Time will show this hypothesis to be correct.  Mind you, the forests of N Europe were likely also exploited for their virgin timber as the Mediterranean supplies were sapped (pun intended) by the Phoenicians and later the massive Greek and Roman fleets.

So this article proves that there were human to elephant interactions before and after the Flood when the Adena/Nephites immortalized it with their mounds.  Possibly to memorialize their contribution in helping to move large amounts of earth in making their religious mounds and then defensive fortifications when times became tough as war settled in (as it is today).

I have never once bought those ridiculous assertions the curators put out there of the Adena hauling millions of woven baskets of earth just to make a mound of earth to memorialize a religious or political leader.  Who has the time or energy for that?!?  But to have a large mastodon sized animal pulling a log scraper from a borrow pit up an incline over and over to create a mound wall like a modern earth mover? Yep, this makes more sense.

And then the beasts of burden all got eaten - and probably memorialized as they dwindled and went extinct?  This makes sense.,Mastodon%20blood%20found%20on%2013%2C000%2Dyear%2Dold%20stone,tool%20uncovered%20in%20Hamilton%20excavation&text=Researchers%20say%20they've%20finally,excavation%20on%20the%20Niagara%20Escarpment.

Quite frankly, I am surprised that this made the news; to the point that I just about decided to screen capture it or flat copy it onto the blog.  Usually, stuff like this ends up getting buried or erased because it does not fit with the official narrative.

Sunday, December 18, 2022


 So, I have a somewhat regular commenter (Servdog007) on the blog and he has put together some very interesting stuff on the origins and authenticity of the Book of Abraham:

I only put this stuff on here because the faithless (those who are not able to have raw spiritual experiences that affirm stuff before the devil strips their testimonies away; or they go to seeking a sign when we have been given so many affirmations) who have chipped away at Brigham Young will soon start in on something like the Book of Abraham and a few other things, which will put the Prophet Joseph squarely in the crosshairs of their illogical and faithless non-sense.  And then, there will be the inconsistencies found in the NT that will put the entire Christian narrative in question (and the OT is a shoe-in for dismissal under so many grounds for the faithless who refuse to give an open-minded analysis to anything they have a natural bias against.

Going back to the lack of raw spiritual experiences.  I will say this.  Those that are not sexually pure (at least to some level, right?!?) will simply not have these experiences.  I am not sure why - other than the sin begins to cloud spiritual adjustment.  This is why the Lord has said that a "wicked and adulterous generation will seek for a sign"  Matthew 12:38-39.  And this is one of my favorite topics, for when I find that a person is struggling in their testimonies, I first dive into their adherence to the Law of Chastity and nearly 100% of the time, it ends with the truth coming forward.

I was talking with my neighbor the other day who is related to the Prete Clan here in Cardston.  Sure enough, talk of improprieties over one of the greatest detractors of the Brethren (in the area) surfaced and the truth came out, exposing one of the very things this individual was railing against the Brethren for, he himself was involved in as a (former) Bishop in N. Alberta.  To be clear, it was not one from the Prete clan - but one who was related by marriage.  I did not seek this information out.  It just came to me - and boy, what a timely revelation, as I had asked that this individual's folly be made manifest.  Not to condemn him, but to put his actions in the proper light and perspective.  My prayer was partially answered.  There will be more to come as details of divorces, etc come to light over time.  I do not have to be right every time, but I like to prove the Savior's words so that the next schmuck that comes along bad-mouthing Joseph or Jesus or even BY, I can gently remind them that they are seeking a sign and to go repent or repent more fully of their fornicatious or adulterous actions.

So, when folks set themselves up as a light and place themselves over the Lord's anointed, I just sit back and wait.  As with John C. Bennet, the truth inevitably comes out and it makes the accuser out for the laughing stock that they are.  God is Great - in the end, God and His economy always win out, while the devil and those who push that agenda always come out on the short end of the schtick...

Friday, December 16, 2022


 Another thing that typically trips up the anti crowd - the Book of Abraham.  Sadly, I never got a good read on where the DoCers are on it before I torched that connection.  Because, if they are going to use a loose connection to trash on Brigham or Joseph and polygamy, this is another area that is rife with open questions in the world of the anti's.  The reason it is such an easy target is this:  how does the average person like me argue against the poo they are flinging at the question?  I have no way to respond to them. 

This guy is related to John Pontius (by marriage) and may be his BIL.  I am not entirely sure.  Nevertheless, he has some great points:



Absolutely hilarious!:

I really struggle with people who are illogical or who only present the side of their arguments that are openly biased.

The Great Judgment that we will all pass through is one where we will simply see things as they are.  There will be no whitewashing.  No digging up the standby excuses.  Even the dog will be called upon to deliver the final blow that he indeed was not guilty of eating that paper that was due...

We will be able to see things from others' perspectives and so much else.  It will be an epic time.

I am aware of kids who were tossed physically out of their homes for creating friction (video games and being argumentative and disrespectful over it).  While the parents may have been over-reacting a little, the conversations where they agreed to abide by a set of guidelines in order to have a video game console in the home, will be brought to memory.  All sides will be fairly played.  Emotions will be felt, etc.  Intent displayed clearly.

The judgment is not done in a condemning way.  It is done in a "sorting everything out" kind of way.  It is designed to leave no stone unturned.  The reason the wicked (including myself, if I have not repented fully) will be turned over to the buffetings of satan, is that all who are ready to be judged will have to be humbled enough that their knees bend to the very God of Earth and Heaven and that their tongue is able to confess that His ways are Just.  It is quite simple.  Not ready to confess?  More time in the pokey to soften up.

I just had a run-in with another DoCer today who was trashing on Brigham Young and our current leadership.  I pointed out that they would be judged of them all.  He challenged me.  I pointed out some basic doctrine (which makes me wonder if he even has read the Book of Mormon) that he did not know.

What a mentally ill moron....  Sheesh.

I have found that most of them are just useful goons of what appears to be quite the hierarchy above them.  They are well-planned and well-funded, from what I can see.  It is an orchestrated attack to pick off as many as they can.  So, I am mobilizing on the counter-offensive.  I can put a ton of digital lead out there when I get hacked off about something.

Thursday, December 15, 2022


 Listening to her story.  What an amazing young lady!

She has put together a collection of good Youtubes based on topic, called Zion Tube:

Here is a list of her free stuff that you can get to without a subscription:


Wednesday, December 14, 2022


 I have always gone my own way and have always been shy to rely on others for opinions or social entanglements, precisely for what you are about to read.  I became acquainted with a great family here in S. Alberta who truly had the Gospel light burning bright in their lives and were going about the Lord's work and doing MUCH good.  The patriarch of the family unit had even served as a Bishop for a time.  There was tragedy in the family and there were several instances of (IMHO) members of the Church mis-treating them.  Many of them left the Church over time.  Some, with not good results.  Drug use, etc.  In fact, it was this very thing that led me to the statement (as I began to evaluate many in my circles throughout my life) that I am not aware of a SINGLE person whose life has been bettered or enriched by loosening their grasp on the Iron Rod.  Not one.  Period.

The fact is this: the Gospel, as taught by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is simply enobling, enlarging and is for the betterment of man.  This cannot be denied in my mind.  I am not sure how anyone, who has been on the inside, can say anything to the contrary.  Has the Church been infiltrated with gadiantons such as the likes of historical revisionist Leonard Arrington who Hannah Stoddard has famously exposed (which is why she is my newest darling)?  Yes, it has been and is in the fight for it's life as charlatans increase their howl that Brigham Young and John Taylor are Joseph's murderers and that the temple rites are satanic in nature.  These spiritual paedophiles (better, wolves) are rampant among the flock.  And this is fine; as they are fulfilling scriptural prophecy every bit as much as Judas Iscariot did in Jesus' day.  But, they are preying on the spiritually weak and vulnerable among the flock, while feigning meekness.  This is where I, as a shepherd, vigorously point them out - and am not just content with leaving them in the bed-down enclosure during the night, but I will attack and drive them from among those who are innocent, that they seek to prey on.  It is my duty as a 'Son of Thunder'...

My wife is a victim of sexual abuse.  She knows all too well the actions of those who would groom and seek to destroy (in both instances, the innocence of the unsuspecting).  She has identified the actions of these people as predatory as her step-dad who groomed her.  It always starts with developing a bond with often the wounded and then going from there.  The vaccine division was their perfect opportunity to creep in unawares.  Step by step and line upon line until they have fully garnered the trust of the unsuspecting - and then they deliver the final blow.  Here is a copy of my convo this morning that I would like to keep in my online "journal", which is this blog.  I have redacted names, etc but reserve the right to re-instate them if the person seeks to set themselves up as a major anti like Tal Bachman or John Dehlin, etc and I need to openly state my grievances and expose predatory tactics such as forming a "prepper group" in a tiered fashion (I will go into this more in a later piece as we examine the Chad Daybell phenomenon) and then using it as a recruitment tool to pull other anti-vax grumblers in until Brigham Young, most of the D&C, Priesthood authority after 1832, and the official narrative of Joseph's martyrdom were thrown to the curb:

B_____, no need to keep me updated on the SA Events articles, etc. My main thrust in my news group is Grassroots VAERS reports. Anecdotal evidence that it is not safe, nor effective. I think that WWIII is inevitable. If this does not end up in nuclear war, I will be shocked. I am not offended for being sent packing from the group. I got the response I expected; which was to say stuff that was inflammatory (though I stand behind it all) and to show maybe a little of the hypocrisy of some there in not allowing others to express their opinion. When I sent people packing from my group for disrespectfully calling RMN "Rusty", it was to make a point that many of us still reside within the household of faith and take our covenants seriously and I have people that I seek to expose to the Restored Gospel (not your revisionist version of it).

I will re-iterate here that I am yet to meet a single individual who ends up in a better place for having loosened their grip on the Iron Rod. I understand concerns over the overt statements about the efficacy of the vaccine. I maintain (and I thank S_______ for pulling my head out of the fog) that this was the equivalent of harboring Jews in the attic and then saluting the Nazis out in the streets. The Jews, looking out the attic window might take offense and be horribly confused at the actions of the benefactor, but rest assured that the salute was to just give off the illusion of playing along. The sandbox the Church is playing in is full of treacherous people who are hell-bent on steering it away from the missions that it has done remarkably well with; saving the dead through vicarious ordinances, spreading the Gospel to Israel on both sides of the veil, and bringing the Saints to a better place (strengthening families, increasing faith in Jesus Christ, etc).

You have a great family - some good kids and they deserve a good example through you and your wife. I promise you in the name of the Lord, that you can bring them through tough times with the instrumentality of the Gospel, as given through Temple covenants and the structure the Church provides. I also promise you what I have previously mentioned to you and your father; no single individual is truly better off spiritually (and sometimes physically) who have loosened their grip on the Iron Rod and left the Good Ship Zion to row off and make their own way through stormy seas. This mortal probation is not a joke where one can just walk away on a whim and go cross-country. Satan tried that in the First Estate - and that did not end so well... That is, across the board, a recipe for heartbreak. While you may have saved my life physically last fall, I seek to save your (and your family's) lives spiritually. It is better that one man should perish than an entire generation should dwindle in unbelief. You are the key. Time is short, but when you are ready to come back (if time allows), my wife and I will be here with open arms to welcome you and yours back into the fold.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022


 Wow!  This gal is amazing.  My new deep dive.  When I find an amazing personality, I run with it.  She is the kind of person you want on your team when you are bashing with the anti's.  She is about as unapologetic as they get.  As I find treasures, I will feature them going forward:

A good place to start.


 This is a lifetime achievement:

What a guy!  Would love it if all young men could have this skill set.

Monday, December 12, 2022


 I am kind of a “charge the hill” kind of guy.  I get a little confused with many other brash folk why this is not the norm.  The very last quote by Joseph Smith kind of puts it all into perspective:

  1. I have no love for agenda 2030, democrats, or lgbtq infiltrators that seek to change organizations from within through subversion. But we should also guard a persons reputation as if it were our own and not make insinuations we can’t backup. So in that spirit, I have a couple questions about the video.

    Why did it seem like they went out of their way to cut off most of the urls in question? The two ladies are about the same age, overweight, and not very physically attractive. We may simply be dealing with a couple of spinster sisters/friends. Or…. closet lesbians that are subverting the church. We just don’t know. The website that says they are “believed” to be married, seems more like an algorithm stating an assumption based on the parity of their lives. Such an algo help identify Common law or other unofficial marriages for searching and connection making purposes. That website didn’t have anything official to back that claim up. And the websites url was not shown that I noticed.

    I also hate the way Eubanks praised the popes smarmy way of dodging around fetal cell lines used to make depopulation injections. And I don’t like her role in putting up that avowed lesbian yw leader either. These charges and issues have been around for a while. Much longer than her release. Waiting till she is released to share these things on a larger platform doesn’t in and of itself indicate she was released because of these allegations.

    Look if she is a wolf in sheeps clothing, which may be the case, it should be known. But we should have some solid proof rather than just some associations.

    Unfortunately the saints have blown it in big ways and as such we are in captivity. Literally. The saints have allowed gadiantons to take the judgement seats in all lands including this one. That changes the dynamic quite a bit as far as how the church interacts with Caesar. While the church provides us the ordinances and makes correct principles available for those that want to learn them, they aren’t here to override our agency. They aren’t here to deliver us from the political realities that exist because of the corruption in our own hearts.

    If they came out in open rebellion to these corrupt governments they would be shut down in basically every nation, imprisoned and demonized to the point of being unable to do the work. The church is not here to fight our political battles for us anymore than Christ came to deliver the zealots and Jews from the Roman oppression they so badly wanted him to save them from.

    Christ dealt with that the way the church heads deal with it now. He said to render unto Caesar what was his and to God what was his. Then he set the example by having Peter grab a gold coin out of a fish and pay his tribute as well as Peters so they could go about their Fathers business. Yet everyone in that crowd that heard him could have taken two totally different meanings from that statement.

    The spiritually weak worshippers of the state would have heard Christ give legitimacy and show submission to Caesar’s oppressive and soul destroying system of crushing its subjects. They would have seen the move as saying that Caesar was owed these things. But is that what the Christ actually meant? No. I don’t think so.

    Anyone, that had studied the gospel at most any length, would have come into that exchange knowing this one truth which totally changes the assumptions. EVERYTHING BELONGS TO GOD. Everything. Literally everything. It isn’t hard to find that in scripture.

    So why then did Christ answer as he did? Because no matter how many times the Israelites were delivered from an oppressor that didn’t change their hearts and they put themselves right back into captivity in no time. They were choosing captivity while crying freedom. This includes the zealots. Christ wasn’t here for bandaid solutions that couldn’t last. He was here to change hearts, to make these people into fountains of living water as well through his atonement and example so that they could change their hearts and then they could change the world.

    They had the government they deserved. They had the government their choices had brought them. So to change that government, Christ came to show them how to change their choices and make and keep covenants. That’s where we are today. Christ spoke so that people would hear things based on where they were at. Those that knew the gospel imho would have been taught there that while nothing was truly Caesar’s, because they owed everything to God, they should submit to this injustice the way the Christ did so that they could maintain the ability to be about their Fathers business. They should long-suffer with it for a time while they learned to take on and keep covenants, be endowed with power, and change the hearts of the people inwardly so that they could then change things outwardly.

    Now this perspective isn’t taught openly. I am wholly responsible for saying it out loud. But if you go back and read conference talks that review the story I think you will find that they also speak at both levels. Joseph himself explained that the church should not be taking on gadiantons, head on anymore as an institution, the way he had previously been. He charged the leaders to show restraint, leave judgement to the Lord, and continue in the weightier matters.

    Now once we have been changed, individually by the gospel, THEN we are to stick our necks out to protect and build up the church and the kingdom of God. Even if it means we take a bullet to do it. Even if we too must be offered and abandoned by the church as a lamb to the slaughter. Even if it costs us everything. This is how this works.

    Those that keep being annoyed or even angry that the church doesn’t do this for them and protect them and stand up for what’s right on their behalf don’t understand the gospel as well as they think. Daniel stood against an unjust law in open defiance because he had no flock To protect in captivity. He stuck his neck out in civil disobedience and was willing to accept the full consequences himself of the lions den. But Alma under amulon(might have name wrong) in captivity had a flock to protect and when the same penalty was enacted to stop praying aloud or die, he complied and set that example for the saints and they prayed in their hearts instead.

    Did the Lord consider that cowardice and shameful or betraying him? No he blessed them for that long suffering by delivering them from captivity in a bloodless escape.

    This is why living prophets are so important. We don’t know the hearts of the saints at any given time and what the Lord wants to test in them. Sometimes he wants us to stand individually and die for him. And sometimes he wants us to swallow our pride and take it especially when we have a group to preserve. Most men get this. They would gladly be willing to rush off to protect liberty in an army alone. But once they have woman and children they change that tune rapidly looking to preserve that stewardship and deliver it safely to the Lord. And patriarchal structures are the ones that last much longer than any government or any church. That’s what God is actually trying to build.

    So when it comes to the church trying to find some way to appoint democrats on a tight leash and other groups that provide political cover so they can keep gathering Israel, I get it.

    But I blame us, the saints, for even putting them in that position. We are as a whole generally slothful and slow to do what is asked. So windows of “expediency” are missed and sacrifices need to be made. It sucks. It really does. But this life has Never been about what is fair to us or not.

    No one deserved to be treated with fairness and justice as much as our Lord, and look what he endured. Total injustice. Total unfairness. But through that he achieved total righteousness. Therefore are we better than he? No. Heck no. We should be willing and fully expect to be treated the same or worse than him as follow his example. We should be willing to lose everything. And that’s exactly as it should be. Exaltation costs nothing less than EVERYTHING.

    I hope Eubanks and those that think like her, see the light and make it through this test, clean every whit. But I won’t accept their wickedness either when it is proven to be true. Innuendo we should guarded against. But wolves should be out of the flock ASAP. Totally.

    To end I leave you with Joseph’s words on dealing with the enemies and gadiantons of our day and how he charged the church on the day of his martyrdom to proceed from then on. Then let us be charitable with the church president and twelve as they obey the dispensation head.

    Josephs last sermon or statement

    “Our lives have already become jeopardized by revealing the wicked and bloodthirsty purposes of our enemies; and for the future we must cease to do so. All we have said about them is truth, but it is not always wise to relate all the truth. Even Jesus, the Son of God had to refrain from doing so, and had to restrain His feelings many times for the safety of Himself and His followers, and had to conceal the righteous purposes of His heart in relation to many things pertaining to His Father’s kingdom. When still a boy He had all the intelligence necessary to enable Him to rule and govern the kingdom of the Jews, and could reason with the wisest and most profound doctors of law and divinity, and make their theories and practice to appear like folly compared with the wisdom He possessed; but He was a boy only, and lacked physical strength even to defend His own person, and was subject to cold, to hunger and to death. So it is with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; we have the revelation of Jesus, and the knowledge within us is sufficient to organize a righteous government upon the earth, and to give universal peace to all mankind, if they would receive it, but we lack the physical strength, as did our Savior when a child, to defend our principles, and we have of necessity to be afflicted, persecuted and smitten, and to bear it patiently until Jacob is of age, then he will take care of himself.” Joseph Smith – TPJS
    Historian’s Office, martyrdom account; handwriting of Jonathan Grimshaw, Leo Hawkins, and Thomas Bullock; page 52 of 76 pages plus several inserted pages; CHL.
    For more information on the History Drafts, see Introduction to History Drafts, 1844–1856.


 I have done few pieces on how some of these groups work.  This is probably one of the best besides reading up on Jim Jones:

Wolves in sheep’s clothing.

Thursday, December 8, 2022


This is one of my favorite stories from Church lore.  It makes a remarkable point and I think it has merit for relying on when things progress in the future and we have Asian and Russian troops on our soil in a "peacekeeping" role.  It will be those times that the US is under seige and the Christians are persecuted, with specific aim on members of the Church and other upstanding Christian organizations who stand for Liberty.

When reading these accounts of miraculous events in our temples, I cannot help but think of the claims by the DoCers that the endowment is at least partially satanic in nature.  If there was one shred of indecency or lack of approval of the Priesthood lines/authority within those walls, would God have never sent the protection that He sent on behalf of the building and those that may have been in them?  There was the miraculous saving of the Logan Temple from the Federal Marshalls during the polygamist days (previous blog piece with the stories from the Logan Temple Recorder about the Nephite warriors protecting the temple from threats of burning it to the ground).  If God considered polygamy and other elements of the Endowment an abomination, what exactly then was this event recorded in the Logan temple archives?  Would God not have let the evil carry out their work?  I think He would have....

A little chiasmus here:  But God did not let the evil come upon the Lord's anointed and upon His House.  And He did protect them in the hour of their need.  Therefore, we can assume that these claims of malfeasance since 1832 are invalid and illogical and are pushed by desperate people who cannot properly assess things as they are.  Again, mentally ill.

Another story here (amongst so many more) and these witnesses will stand against those who blaspheme God's House to such an end that they bring upon themselves a cursing.  The time for repenting is over and this is already in progress.  For, when you, after so many witnesses, throw out the Lord's house, you throw out the testimony of these witnesses and you will have yet one more on the jury in the heavenly trial, after your earthly buffetings are over.   It is always a two-edged sword.  One edge of the sword cannot be avoided over the other.

This is not some kind of threat.  This is some kind of fact.  God will see to it in His own way and in His own time, which I have prayed is short, just as it was for Alma the Younger, etc.

Here is the story:

Today marks the 77th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. While I am certain this was not the only miraculous deliverance that happened that day, it is a pattern of God's deliverance for us to learn and take solace from. Those who exercise faith in God will be protected and saved by what is, by all appearances, supernatural means, even from what seems to be impossible odds. As President Russell M. Nelson has said "God uses the unlikely to accomplish the impossible."

(My recollection of this story was published in the LDS online magazine Meridian Magazine, where other witnesses commented on and corroborated this story. I will also add that this temple was the third operating temple in the Church, built at great sacrifice of the Hawaiian members and miraculously finished when a shipwreck occurred near shore, the crew saved by the Laie saints, and the wood from the ship offered to them to finish the temple. God and His angels would not have it be destroyed!):

We toured all over Japan for 10 days, visiting Okinawa, Fukuoka, Hiroshima, Osaka, Nagoya, Tokyo, and ending in Sendai.  In each city we were hosted by a mission of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  In Hiroshima, we were privileged to be hosted by the very warm and accommodating President Yafuso.

Before our concert in Hiroshima, President Yafuso and Nobuaki Irie took us to see the beautiful Miyajima island with the Itsukushima shrine, complete with wild sacred deer who were quite friendly.

After touring around the island for awhile and taking some amazing photos (and petting the deer), we had some time to tour the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park - the area devastated by the atomic bomb.  We learned that the dome was directly underneath where the bomb exploded - chosen as the target because of the "T" the streets made right next to the Genbaku Dome.

After visiting this touching memorial and seeing the heartbreaking pictures and pleas from the Japanese citizens for "No Moer (More) Hiroshima", we had a chance to visit with President Yafuso where he solemnly told us his conversion story in Japanese (translated by Brother Irie).

President Yafuso's father was killed by the Americans in World War II.  As a young boy growing up on the island of Okinawa he told his mom not to cry, assuring her that he would grow up to become a general and exact revenge on the Americans for killing his father.  With this mindset he tried to avoid the American LDS missionaries whenever he would see them in the streets.  On one particular day, he crossed the street back and forth several times to try to avoid the missionaries, who seemed to cross the street exactly every time President Yafuso did.  He met with the missionaries and became converted as a pre-teen.

The missionaries who taught President Yafuso the gospel told him of another investigator they taught who had actually been involved in the attack on Pearl Harbor.  While teaching this man about the role that temples play in our church they showed him a picture of the then-closest temple to Japan - the Laie Hawaii temple.  When they showed him the picture his face turned white when he was the picture of the Hawaiian temple because he recognized the building from the attack at Pearl Harbor as he explained to them:

As a bomber in the attack on Pearl Harbor, he had one bomb left after the attack and was supposed to find a building to destroy.  As the Laie Hawaii temple was directly on the flight path from Japan to Pearl Harbor he saw the temple and decided to drop his bomb on it.  He flew over the temple and attempted to drop his bomb, but it wouldn't drop.  Surprised, he flew a second time over the temple and again tried to drop the bomb, but again it wouldn't drop.  Then he decided to attack the temple with his machine guns, but they wouldn't shoot.  Utterly confused, as he was flying back to the aircraft carrier and, while flying over the ocean, he attempted to drop the bomb one more time - and this time it dropped - directly into the ocean.

I will never forget the solemnity with which President Yafuso told this story, and the spirit that I felt as I heard his words.  I can hear them and see him like it was yesterday.  I know that God is in control and can save His people from what appears to be certain destruction. He will create places of spiritual and physical safety to protect those who love Him and are prepared. He will not have His covenant people be destroyed!


 So, my wife and I were talking about how charismatics ply their wares and I was surprised she was so out of touch with the whole Jim Jones thing.  I remember reading the news articles as a kid and totally freaking out that stuff like that could go on.  I think there is a movie out there that would cover the grisly details pretty well.

So, if you want to know a little more about the work of an enchanting and charismatic charmer, check this paper out.  Written by a high schooler - but some great information nonetheless.  Look for the patterns.  It is all there with many in the DoC movement (and virtually every other movement out there).  In the picture of the Jonestown aftermath, note the drum set on the stage.  One of the tools of these charismatic movements is to use guitars and drums to hypnotize the followers into accepting their message.  Hitler used low frequency sound generators placed under the stadiums at his mass rallies to get the crowd worked into a state of mass hysteria.  Of course, a potent speech, filled with key words and pulpit pounding delivery were part of the equation - and the masses loved it and carried out the twisted plan, largely unaware that they were being manipulated by some masterful people.

Trashing on Brigham Young is easy to do.  He had strong opinions and did hard things successfully under very hard circumstances.  He was a dude; not a usurper or murderer as some would believe.  But, if one is compromised for instance in sexual abuse, the first thing they will go to is; "Joseph did not practice polygamy, but Brigham was the bad guy who brought it about.  And Abraham never did", or some such an excuse so they do not have to throw a guy Jesus actually extolled, under the bus.  Same with Joseph.  If Joseph never did engage in such a "twisted" practice, then one can still cling to their testimony of the Book of Mormon and hold much of the rest of the value set intact, while not sullying their image of Joseph with such a low thing as plurality of wives.

Well, fact is this.  Joseph was sealed to multiple women (I am just guessing here that there is only possibly one other that he may have had a physical union with, and that might have been Eliza R. Snow).  Even that is based on sketchy info, so I will not back it up until I have more clear facts and data.  The rest were sealings for eternity only and we now have genetic proof (thankfully), that he was not literally rolling in the hay with 14 year old girls, as some of these mentally ill would assert.  I have a unique perspective because I know how the mind works that has been compromised.  Whether it is date rape, molestation as a child, marital rape and sexual violence within a legal union, it all produces the same end.  It compromises the ability of the victim to ever (at least in this life) be 100% reliable in their judgment.  Sadly, this affects about 70% of women and about 40% of men in this twisted world.  That is alot of damaged people, if you think about it!  It is no surprise to me that Mary, Mother of the Son of God was purportedly secreted away in the equivalent of a convent so that she could remain pure enough that she could play her role and endure the presence of the Father.

So, when I have folks who have been victims of horrific sexual abuse who start flinging the poo, I now know to question it good and hard.  I remember years ago, there was one gal who was flinging the poo about President Monson and how, in the passages under the SL Temple, he was doing all kinds of sordid things with young girls.  I actually bent an ear to the story I was reading for a bit, and then realized she was part of a satanic ritual abuse cult as a young girl and then detected the pattern and ultimately dismissed her twisted version of things based on the experience I had with my wife and a bunch of other factors.  I am not saying every allegation is wrong - but I can surely say that much of it is just poo flinging by mentally ill people, most of whom have been mentally compromised in one way or another.  Usually, in the case of poo flinging at leaders, it can be traced back to childhood trauma that relates in some way or another to sexual deviancy of some sort.   Especially with SRA, they actually re-create a temple scene (altar, etc) so that the person is triggered (sometimes when kneeling across an altar as they are sealed to their spouse) and they often snap.  The devil HATES marriage and the fact that he will never have it, nor a physical union with a spouse, nor experience the joy of posterity nor any of that.  He gets a big nothing burger - and he is eternally enraged over it and will do ANYTHING he can to destroy the notion of all that is sacred and holy.  That destruction will also include plurality of marriage which God enjoys.  This will also include flinging the poo at the temple and the ordinances found inside.  Sorry, Brad - you are on the wrong side of the coin on this one....  Repent.  There are many Brads out there reading this.  If the shoe fits, wear it.  Otherwise, fuggedaboutit.

So, when looking at a claim against Brigham Young or others, I always consider the messenger.  If they are not sexually pure as one can be in this life (were or are a player, etc), are they just projecting their twisted sexual deviancy on Brigham Young (while engaged in illicit sexual unions themselves).  This was one of the mocking points that BY brought up back in the 1800's.  He used to make the statements about the politicians in DC that; at least he was open about his "other women", unlike the politicos that all had their secret dalliances on the side, while hypocritically railing on sins of the filthy Mormon polygamists....

I think Phil (and other DoCers) might have something to say about that.  I was made aware of one critic of the Church named Eric (I rarely name names, but I guess I will go with a first name here so I do not always have to deal with the abstract here) who committed adultery and then went about tearing down leadership and fault finding.  As with many others who were critical of the Lord's anointed and got their asses handed to them in Covid-Round 2 (that included me and others in my posse at the time), the most vocal and possibly those who had the greatest knowledge was taken down and he died.  I could have died.  I think it would have been a fitting end and would have made a great statement for those who seek to steady the ark.  That is what it is - plain and simple.

I think that many who went to the other extreme and rabidly followed a picture of their leader with the needle hanging out (and totally missed the rest of the message to Hear Him! and get their own revelation since the jackboots were outside the door surveilling the every move of the "Jew harborer" who was trying to speak in code).  Those lazy people who blindly followed will also die in droves from the rona juice.   It is already happening with rapid and sudden and unexpected cancers, blood clots, etc.  It is game on - and both sides will pay a terrible toll.  I run a FB group that anecdotally gathers stories and instances of people who have died suddenly and mysteriously after getting the shiht shaht - and the stories just keep mounting up.  To the point that the purveyors of the rona juice had to admit their sick serum is neither safe, nor effective.  I hate that term.... I hate big pharma.  They are corrupt almost completely across the board....

Anyway, enough rambling.  Check out how cultists peddle their wares.  See the patterns.  Know how to pick them out.  See how they manipulate the vulnerable and mentally ill to do their bidding (I have highlighted some salient points illustrating how he sucked in the mentally ill or compromised).

How did Jim Jones manage to gain such control over his followers?

(Author’s note: I attend Girraween High, a selective high school, in Australia, NSW. This paper was written for an assignment in Historical Investigation Work for Modern History for year 11. We were told to form a base question of an area of modern history which interests us, and to develop a response. Due to my great interest in the topic of Jonestown, I wrote this.)

On November 18, 1978 members of Peoples Temple living in Jonestown, Guyana took part in the largest mass murder/suicide in modern history. More than 900 people died after ingesting a cyanide-laced drink. All of these deaths cannot be considered as suicide – especially the children and young people under majority age[1] – but there were still hundreds of people who took the words of Jim Jones and followed them, ending their lives. So the question still remains, what factors were present which allowed the leader to have such control over these people by their leader.

Jim Jones grew up very much an exile of society, and had an understanding of the troubles minorities faced in not being accepted. “Feeling as an outcast, I’d early developed a sensitivity for the problems of blacks,”[2] he said. “As a child I was undoubtedly one of the poor in the community, never accepted, born as it were on the wrong side of the tracks”[3] These statements give an insight into the reason in which Jones was so easily connected to the disenfranchised and the alienated in society. Jones understood how black Americans and people who supported the Civil Rights Movement felt isolated by the community, and this allowed him to create a place where they felt that they belonged. “Every single person felt they had a purpose there and they were exceptionally special and that’s how he brought so many young collage kids in, so many older black women in, so many from diverse backgrounds who realised that there was something bigger then themselves they needed to be involved in and Jim Jones offered that”[4]. With such an understanding of how these people had suffered, the ordeals that they had been through and the pain within them, it is no surprise that Jones was so able to gain their trust and make them feel like he was really ready to help them. Knowing how they felt allowed him to build a foundation which would help them feel better. It gave them a place to finally feel they were accepted for who they were and would not be judged. This was a basis for the trust which these people began to instil in Jones, as he had finally made so many of them happy, even to the extent of filling something inside of them.

Jim Jones appeared to be a great person, and he convinced so many people that he was doing great things in the community. He united the races, and combated the racist attitude which may have lingered within members. He supported the poor and elderly people in the community. The people in his congregation were very well looked after, and people began to see him as a sort of role model to them. As Laura Kohl said, “He was a role model for me – adopted children of all colors, hardworker, lived in modest circumstances, didn’t have his own limo no matter how successful, never made fun of anyone, took care of business but was inclusive of the youngest to oldest, newest to oldest member ALL THE TIME.  And, he was a socialist and brought my heroes into the Temple many times – Angela Davis, Dennis Banks, Chileans . and SO MANY MORE.  He was a political animal – very ego-driven and very successful.  That is what I saw.  Things were going on behind closed doors that I never saw – or at least never tuned into.. But what I SAW was someone with power how used mostly for good.  Since the good was so overpowering – I didn’t spend much time being critical or even accepting the other.”[5] Such a moving statement allows us to empathise and understand why this man, who is seen as a villain today, was so widely respected and immortalised. He provided them with so much which ultimately led to unimaginable loyalty and trust to this man, such as a child honours that of a sporting hero. These people were betrayed by the actions of their hero, their role model but they cannot be blamed for entrusting such faith in him, as he misled them to believe him to be a demigod, perfect in so many ways and what he said. What he told them to do was truly thought to be the right thing to do.

Being part of Peoples Temple meant that you were made to feel guilty if you took luxuries for yourself. These luxuries were not the common thought of luxuries, as this included sleep. The members were forced to feel bad if they had been resting too much and enjoying this luxury, “We would let each other know next day, well, how long you slept, I slept two hours, you only slept two, well I slept an hour and a half”[6]. Doing this started to make people stop thinking clearly, or even to stop thinking at all, which was most probably Jones’ main desire. When they were like this, they would not think about instructions or even fight them, they would simply go along with what he told them. Other accounts echo this:

• “We were kept VERY busy – hardly time to sleep, so the other thing was – you had to decide HOW to use your energy – even your brain power.”[7]

• “The longest I ever stayed awake was six days, and that was with no coffee, no nothing.”[8]

• “Being in an environment where you are constantly up, constantly busy and you’re made to feel guilty if you take too many luxuries like sleeping, you tend to not to think for yourself and I allowed Jones to think for me, because I figured he had the better plan. I gave my rights up to him, as many others did.”[9]

These statements show just how things were in Jonestown, and how they were treated. We are able to see that they stopped having their own thoughts, and that Jim did nearly all of their thinking for them while they became mindless zombies under his control. It is very easy to see why they trusted him and did whatever he told them when this is taken into consideration, the fact that they were acting and living on virtually no sleep that they started being on his beck and call and that they no longer opposed the actions they were instructed to perform.

Jim Jones often conducted what they called “white nights” in Jonestown, nights where they were practicing in the event they were under attack. On these occasions, they would often practice mass suicide. The members after a while often stopped taking these seriously, although on the first occasion people reminisced “this punch is going to be passed out to everyone here. We all drank our punch, and then he said “you just drank poison and we will all die right her in the church together. The women were screaming oh no my baby my baby, and others just sat there. And then Jim said you didn’t drink poison”[10] and also the comment “”Jim said this was a test of loyalty. He just wanted to see if we were truly committed, and that is how we would show it.”[11] Through these staged mass suicides, the “loyalty tests”, Peoples Temple members would have become desensitised to the event, and may have no longer taken the threat seriously or thought that they were really doing it for real. This may not have been trust in him, just a false sense of security. Or maybe they just did trust Jones way too much, to believe that if he really wanted to give them poison to drink, that it was the best thing for them, that he ultimately knew the very best for them and they were happy to comply with this. However, it is sure that Jones had a role in making these people do something drastic that they would not normally have done in the right sense of mind. Even survivors will admit that had they been in Jonestown at the time, they would have shown their loyalty to Jones and committed revolutionary suicide. As Laura Kohl readily admits, “At that time – without the wisdom and insight I now have about the whole picture – I would likely have drank the drink.”

Another issue involved with Jim Jones’ control over these people that many of them came from broken homes and off the streets, from horrible lives which frequently included drug use and abuse, alcoholism and sometimes prostitution, alongside other criminal activities and abuse. When he developed Peoples Temple, it provided not only a home and place of refuge for these people, it was also symbolic of the improvements in their lives: they finally had something to live for, something to be a part of. It inspired them to try harder at their jobs, younger students to pursue college and forget the errors of their ways. They saw this as the change in their lives which made the improvement. You could even say they were oblivious that it was their own hard work and determination which brought about the better lifestyles; they believed it was this organization. “When I joined the Temple, I was cycling down into the abyss. I had flunked out, had a brief marriage. had a man shot in my living room, had been hospitalized with a STD, dated a married man whose wife was a drug-addicted nurse, moved on to a cocaine-addicted attorney and endured other less dramatic but equally near-fatal experiences. And then I walked into the Redwood Valley Peoples Temple. What would have happened if I had not gone there at that time?… I am not the only one who found life in PT. Here in the US, many former drug addicts, prostitutes, disabled and disillusioned people were given their lives back.[12] Showing how one Temple member believed, and still does believe, how beneficial the group was to her life, could largely explain why she and so many others showed such faith and loyalty to Jones.

Jim Jones was a very desirable man to many women, and a role model to the men. He was extremely charismatic and always came across as a good person who was always trying to help others out. He was a man who understood the troubles of minorities and just generally of others, always ready to empathise with others. If you put your trust and faith in him, you were rewarded and looked after. “If I had to go the dentist it was taken care of, if I had to go doctors it was taken care of, if I needed clothes it was taken care of”[13]. These reasons all combined together to make the members of Peoples Temple trust and love Jim Jones. It also led them to take whatever he said seriously and in good faith, even though it ended up in such a downfall. His intentions may have begun as good, yet one thing is for sure; one man should not have such power over anyone, especially not such a mass of people.


The Jonestown Institute,

The Religious Movements Homepage Project: Peoiples Temple

Email correspondence with Don Beck

Email correspondence with Fielding McGehee

Email correspondence with Laura Kohl

Jonestown: Life and Death of Peoples Temple (motion picture / documentary)

Jonestown: Paradise Lost (motion picture / documentary)


[1] “Murder or Suicide: What I Saw” by Tim Carter featured on Was it Murder or Suicide?: A Forum. Also mentioned by Laura Kohl: “Children can not make that decision for themselves.  They are children. Parents have to make the choice for their child.”

[2] Jim Jones quoted in the video Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple (0:09:54 minutes)

[3] Ibid. (0:08:11 minutes)

[4] Deborah Layton, Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple (0:07:09 minutes)

[5] Quote from Laura Kohl, former Peoples Temple member.

[6] Hue Fortson Jr, Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple, (0:21:36 minutes)

[7] Quotation from Laura Kohl

[8] Unidentified former Peoples Temple Member quote in Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple (0:21:55 minutes)

[9] Unidentified former Peoples Temple Member quote in Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple (0:21:58 minutes)

[10] Ibid. (0:32:45 minutes)

[11] Ibid (0:33:14 minutes)

[12] “Was It Murder Or Was It Suicide?” by Laura Kohl accessed at

[13] Tim Carter on Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple

(Tim Brooks may be contacted through this website.)

Wednesday, December 7, 2022


So, in the last post, the claims of the DoC have been pretty much spelled out.  To someone hurt by the church's response to the vaccine mess, these things might seem enticing and they might even be desperate enough to buy into this guy's claim that he is the next one to try and claim the title of The One Mighty and Strong from Section 85.  There is a great list of all the failed attempts at this on Wikipedia.  The chocolatier may well be in the third dozen that were fortunate enough to even get enough of a following and to make enough of a racket that they were able to be recognized and be on the list.  

I used to know a chiropractor back in Washington who was following a group whose leader thought he was the carnate equivalent of the Holy Ghost (his spirit was actually the HG).  Anyone that bought into his trip; mentally ill.  Nice guy.  But mentally ill.....  And yes, he did have a breakdown after he mortgaged his house and business and gave all monies to said leader who disappeared with it and left him in the hard position of having to explain all that to his wife....  I think this leader also made claim to The One Mighty and Strong.  I think the only thing that got "Mighty and Strong" were his finances, that were in a stronger position after he fleeced everyone and moved along to the next group of suckers and mentally ill that he could successfully fleece.   And so it goes.  A story old as time.  People desperate for a leader that will tell them what to think and do in an increasingly uncertain world.

So, what is it about this phenomenon that would cause me to classify someone as mentally ill.  Those that followed Jim Jones or the Bagwan Rajneesh or David Koresh or now Phil Davis?  I cannot speak much to the teachings of Jim Jones or David Koresh - other than their followers adored them almost as gods and they usually gave up their life savings/trust funds to support their new-found leader.  One of their characteristics is that they were "lost" and would often follow their leaders like a lost puppy.  When my wife was at her worst with post-partum after our 5th child, this was a classic sign that something was not right.  The actions of a lost puppy dog - with unbridled trust.  This was the exact opposite of one who had her trust broken by her step-dad and was very suspicious of men in particular.  It was like the "trust-o-meter" was switched completely off and explicit instructions had to be given in everything.  They were followed religiously.  I felt like I had a hypnotized Manchurian Candidate on my hands (my wife in her usual state is nothing like that and is feisty as hell).  This is probably what Jesus had in mind when He talked about not violating the trust of the innocent, because it creates this massive state of conflict in the adult man or woman.  And as such, when they develop a mental health condition as hormones change or life just gets the best of them, they are susceptible to abuse (staying in a physically or emotionally abusive relationship, trafficking, drug dealers, pimping, so much else).  Or being a groupie to a social or religious predator like Phil Davis and others like him.  I witnessed a silver-tongued predator (and proud Utah prison white collar crime felon) do the same thing to my older sister when she started menopause and became incapacitated emotionally.  He was waiting in the wings and scooped her up telling her she was beautiful and smart, etc.  And off she went with him as his sidekick on his schemes.   They left a trail of wreckage; it was sad.....

Anyway, here is a pic of Phil, if you are interested in seeing the cover of that particular book:

These types will convince you that they are "special" or set apart or that they have special knowledge.  In the case of Phil, he had an "angel" appear to him.  He has also told others that they have hands laid on them (even though they did not see anyone or feel anything) and that they got this Priesthood that Joseph supposedly lost in 1832 and that they are now the special anointed ones.  In other words, they are doing the exact same thing they are stating that Brigham Young did (usurping authority, pretending to something they are not, getting lustful with the gurlz, etc). 

As Chad Daybell, one of the best case histories in recent time, has shown, these predators follow a specific pattern.  It goes like this:

  • Gain power/notoriety
  • Among the pack of fans, choose one who is vulnerable
  • Commit adultery with the vulnerable
  • Seek to cover sin, sometimes through murder
  • Commit others to secrecy to hide murder
  • Get further gain and keep the cycle going, getting something for nothing

First, it is an attempt to gain power (a following).  Chad was able to do it using his books.  I know so many in my circles that adored his books and many still own them.  I would have trashed them long ago.  Yes, the baby would have gone out the window with that particular bathwater....  Once he had his following, he picked one that was moderately attractive who had been in multiple failed relationships.  Conspire to get gain by murder and reaping resulting life insurance payout (did Chad pay tithing on that windfall?!?).  Continue the trend by murdering boring librarian wife who likely would not agree to polygamous union with new lover.  Murder to kids to get them out of the way, paving way for new adulterous/murderous affair to continue.  Rinse and repeat? with additional victims to keep the Hawaiian dream alive with life insurance money?  Ah, what a plan!  I think they stole a play or two out of Cain's playbook - and yes, the Jewish tradition is that it was not just a fit of rage over a sacrifice that was not accepted; it was also over the wife of Abel.  From what little we have, the pattern used by Cain was quite predictable - and we can back-fill the details from modern instances to theorize where Cain might have also gone in the first major sin on the books.  I theorized some years ago that adultery was also involved with Cain and within a few weeks ran into the reference in the Jewish tradition and felt that this was enough to vindicate my theory.  It always takes a few weeks.  But I have learned to be a patient man....

So the pattern is:  

  • lust for power
  • lust for woman.
  • lust for gain
  • lust for the life of another
  • cover sin with secret combination, bringing as many in as is possible
  • rinse/repeat until God trashes the cycle
And what do we have?  The three major sins (I will throw a fourth one in there) that lead one down the primrose path to seal one to the devil:
  • (pride - although this is implied with all three below, and it usually comes with "special knowledge")
  • sexual sin
  • murder
  • deny Holy Ghost (for those who have gotten to a level of the truth)

So, watch for this pattern with the Phil Davis meteoric fall.  It will happen.  Pray for it.  It is better that he has an Alma the Younger experience early on, rather than later after he has assumed the collective sin of all those that he has led astray.

I pray for the same thing with the DoC cell up here in S. Alberta.  It is always better that one man should repent or perish than an entire generation should be led astray.  But, this is God's call just as it was with allowing Judas to operate under the nose of the Savior until he had performed his nefarious act.  In the days of the separation of the wheat and the tares and in times of wolves among sheep, some must perform their roles in order to effect that before they meet their end.  Hitler did a great work in driving the Jews back home before he met his end.  It all works to God's glory.  The same can even be said of satan.  How else would there be opposition in the Plan of Happiness without their instrumentality.  And then they will be thrust into outer darkness.

Time has always exposed the agendas one way or another.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022


This is a good overview from a relatively neutral outside source.  I believe it can be trusted.  

I have a mentor who says that Phil Davis has likely gone the route of most megalomaniacal religious startups and has gone full pervert.  Just like Chad Daybell, Jim Jones or the guy from Meridian, I Da Hoe who was just another adulterating piece of work, they all end up in the sack with some of their most ardent supporters.  I am not sure if it is the Alpha male tendency of a leader who does not like to follow the more mundane or humble route, who must forge their own way, or if it simply is that they are seeking a sign (going their own way) as Jesus said and ending up as a wicked and adulterous POS that just creates wreckage in yet one more failed movement.  But, the end appears to almost universally be the same.  Almost like clockwork....  Even with the FLDS, it is always the same.  Man gets a little power; man ends up with a bunch of women and weird sexual things come out of it.  I should have guessed that Phil Davis was after the gurlz when he opened up a chocolate shop in Provo.  Like flies to stink....

The only person that has not fit that bill has been Snuffer (at least as far as I know - and there is still plenty of time for that wolf's deeds to be made manifest).  It has to be a guy/power thing.  Outside the religious realm, it is almost like clockwork.  At Boeing back in the mid/late 90's, it was Phil Condit at the helm.  A geeky engineer type (the last one Boeing had before they sold out to the bean counters...) who was so ugly and geeky that the only way he could succeed with the ladies was by flashing his corporate jets and spending accounts around.  I think he nearly averaged a new underfling about once a year (yes, an underfling is a fling with an underling).  I coined the phrase of "Feel (my) Conduit" instead of Phil Condit.  He was a creepy perv.  The next bean counter from the merger with McDonnell Douglas was more of the same - although he only let his conduit out of the pants for one fling, so far as the public record states.  For which his faithful wife of 40 years fleeced him for half of what he fleeced Boeing for.  I was so glad to see him go; he was a nasty, nasty disgrace to the company and the beginning of the end for a once-great engineering treasure.

So, yeah...  Now we have "Feel (my) ......" (still trying to come up with something catchy for the chocolatier), who according to my doctor-friend, is a real perv and has done the same dismal thing to the DoC faithful.  When will people learn?  When these charlatans start talking up the merits of grape drink?  Or when they promise a utopia in the jungles of S. America?  Or build their cheap knock-off temple in Texas?  Hello, McFly - none of this stuff works!  The Lord's servants with the proper keys are already on the earth.  These two-bit start-ups lead to exactly nowhere, and serve up a juicy and tantalizing nothing burger.  In the end, it is all illusion.

Here is some great info to consider on the topic:

Over the last year, I’ve scrolled past social media posts by members of diverse religious backgrounds and political opinions. However, because my ethnographic research is based in Mormon fundamentalist communities, a good amount of the commentary I see leans libertarian or conservative and comes from communities that developed at a time of perceived religious and cultural uncertainty. These new Mormon religious communities—new religions really—bring together shifting religious landscapes and anxieties about everyday life in ways that seldom make sense to the casual observer.

As the world watched a viral pandemic take millions of lives and struggle to develop medical interventions and preventative measures, much of my Facebook feed took on an air of conspiracy. Specifically, QAnon emerged as an answer to an increasingly chaotic world.

QAnon is a conspiracy theory that, frankly, reads like word salad. For supporters, however, it’s a puzzle of cryptic codes and symbols that unveil a Satanic pedophile ring controlling the government. Beginning in 2018, the mysterious figure “Q” began detailing Donald Trump’s ascent to power and the “storm” that was coming to finally end control of the “Deep State” and corrupt government. Using “Q drops,” the cryptic 8Kun messages used to rally supporters, “Q” offered supposed intel to the general population on everything from military psyops to Marina Abramović’s controversial Spirit Cooking art installation. 

By the time the January 6 insurrection flashed across my television screen, I’d seen countless Q drops with catchy one-liners to explain their importance. However, as time passed, the content of the conspiracies became increasingly religious (with strong antisemitic undertones) and moved beyond the standard theories espoused by Q supporters. 

“Q said it would happen. Special investigation, everything will come out.”

“Noah was a conspiracy theorist, then it started to rain.”

“Don’t get this [Covid] shot if you haven’t already it’s deadly. And why would God and his Prophet [Russell] Nelson [president of the LDS Church] do this to people? People in here actually think this is from God.”

“We have all been warned about the Globalist/Elites plans for the world. Now they are coming in full force. Even our own LDS leaders are calling themselves Global Citizens.”

“I believe that Brigham Young was a Rothschilds agent sent to assassinate the Smith family and gain control over the church. The Cabal have taken over every major religious institutions. The Book of Mormon warns against this, but modern day propehts [sic] don’t even talk about it, and also.cover up a lot of what Joseph Smith taught.”

Wait, what? 

That last one is what initially piqued my interest in a new Mormon religion that took QAnon’s theories and canonized them as doctrine. 

Scholars of religion took Q by storm (pun intended). Many framed it within the context of white evangelicalism. Others rightfully highlighted the New Age characteristics that many supporters espoused, specifically in terms of vaccine hesitancy. Underlying most perspectives was the prevailing assumption that Q is not a religion, but the product of American religion’s entanglement with conservative politics. 

Earlier this year, PRRI offered statistics for the intersection of Q-belief and religion, noting that white evangelicals, Hispanic evangelicals, and Mormons are most likely to believe the ideas espoused by Q. This includes 21% of Mormons who believe in QAnon, and 18% who specifically believe that “the government, media, and financial worlds in the U.S. are controlled by a group of Satan-worshipping pedophiles who run a global child sex trafficking operation.”

Things grew complicated in 2021 as the vaccine became widely available. The leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the largest branch of Mormonism, acted quickly during the pandemic to close temples and offer guidelines for Church meetings, including social distancing and masks. In addition, they encouraged vaccines, referring to the medical technology as a “literal godsend.” On January 19, 2021, the President of the Church and other senior members of leadership received their own vaccination, sparking both applause and outrage.

Members with political disagreements felt ostracized, and some began questioning their membership in the LDS Church altogether. Others took these events as confirmation that the hierarchy of the Church had gone astray.

Reenchanting the world

The LDS Church’s central claim of Restoration necessitates something lost and restored. Since the 1830 founding of the religion, schism has remained the rule, with many factions of the movement claiming apostasy among the leaders of the dominant faith. One such example emerged in 2013 with a man named Denver Snuffer, leader of the Remnant movement

Snuffer became well-known in Mormon circles for his widely read publications that outlined the path for individuals to encounter Jesus Christ and have assurance of their salvation without the need for a religious institution. Ultimately, Snuffer claimed that God had “terminated the priesthood authority” of the LDS Church, leading it into apostasy. In response, he was excommunicated in 2013. Since then Snuffer has canonized new scriptures, raised funds to build a temple, and held conferences for national audiences. 

Snuffer’s claims became controversial in historical circles in 2017 when he began preaching that Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism, did not practice polygamy; that he was, in fact, an ardent opponent of the practice. According to Snuffer, the LDS Church began a long downward spiral following the death of Smith. After his death, Brigham Young rose to power and used Joseph Smith’s history to justify the formation of the controversial marital practice. 

During the 2016 Sunstone Symposium, I watched Snuffer present “Was There an Original” to a standing-room-only audience at the University of Utah. He was charismatic and spoke of an authentic Mormonism that was lost after the death of Joseph Smith. This loss only escalated and amounted to the current state of apostasy in the LDS Church. The goal of his movement, the Remnant, is to recapture an “authentic” Mormonism marked by spiritual experience and individual encounter with God that doesn’t necessitate a temporal intermediary—which is to say a priesthood or any individual with a special relationship to God. 

Already in 2016, Snuffer’s historical narrative spoke the language of conspiracy. In addition to his claim of an authentic Mormonism is a claim about the transformation of Mormonism under Brigham Young into a polygamous and theocratic institution that was unknown to Smith. The claim led his followers to polygamy denial, a hallmark of the movement that requires extraordinary reimagining of historical evidence for the practice. Snuffer afforded Mormons a method for reenchanting the world, and a way to make sense of a chaotic history that brings their leaders into question.

Snuffer’s movement is distinctly religious, with few political claims. However, in the wake of the global pandemic, some sought answers that moved beyond the spiritual realm. Enter Phil Davis, a member of the LDS Church known for the artisan chocolate shop that he co-owned with Morgan Coleman in downtown Provo, UT. As of 2020, Davis is the head chocolatier at Small Batch Cacao.

While most know him for his chocolates, some also know him as the End Times Servant who was called to gather the elect and prepare for the return of Jesus Christ. His movement, Doctrine of Christ, isn’t large, but constitutes one of the latest expressions of Mormonism that speaks to the context that we find ourselves in. According to Davis, an angel visited him in his chocolate shop, followed by a translated being who authorized him into a new Terrestrial Order of the Church. 

Doctrine of Christ takes the Snuffer claim a step further, arguing that Brigham Young had the priesthood revoked in the 1830s. After supposedly murdering Joseph Smith, Young claimed ownership of the Church and led it down the path to ruin. However, in recent times, Joseph Smith returned to inaugurate a re-restoration at the hand of the Davidic Servant, Phil Davis.

Earlier this year, the movement linked the perceived apostasy of the LDS Church to the political claims that circulated in conspiracy circles, beginning with the Church’s endorsement of “globalist agendas” and promotion of the “secret combinations” that control the Covid-19 narrative. Under an image of Russell M. Nelson, the group wrote: 

“Our research demonstrates that this tyrant is using a false pandemic to force the world to accept a vaccination. This ‘cure’ will make most people who receive it susceptible to a ‘wild virus.’ This may surface later on, after most of the entire human population’s immune systems weaken due to the vaccine.”

According to Doctrine of Christ supporters, the virus and subsequent vaccine is part of the “Arch Tyrant” plan to depopulate 90% of the earth. One article pointed to the United Nations as central to this mission, with others citing the Illuminati, Masons, Jesuits, and other entities historically linked to end times apocalypticism. The conspiracies that found their place in American homes and internet forums became doctrine.

Currently, Doctrine of Christ has 367 YouTube subscribers and 231 followers on social media. The movement is small, but its existence makes sense within the context of new Mormon groups that emerged within the last decade, and it’s likely to continue growing. Davis and his community harnessed a desire for enchantment that many no longer find in the LDS Church, and the conspiracies provide a comforting response to a chaotic world. In a time of heightened skepticism toward various establishments, he spoke to a craving for independence, both politically and religiously. 

When I first posted about this new group on social media, it was met with interest and several people expressing that the Brigham Young conspiracy would make a great movie. Well, they’re in luck. Phil Davis and the Doctrine of Christ anticipate a movie premier, The Return of Joseph Smith, on April 15 at Thanksgiving Point in Lehi, UT. The movie offers an alternate history to the LDS succession era, and answers people’s deepest questions as they seek meaning in an uncertain world.