Sunday, July 31, 2022


 This is interesting info:

Apparently the account of Job is not as we have thought of it.  I never felt right about God colluding with the devil…

Saturday, July 30, 2022


 Love this guy:

Real doctrine.  Not some crap that brings us to the precipice.

Friday, July 29, 2022


 Just got this comment in from an "inspired" reader....  I mean, who reads this rag while sporting these feelings?:

Wouldn’t it be a beautiful world if people worried about their own backyards instead of ridiculing, and judging people who, if you’d actually take the time to listen to as a human, rather than a “rainbow” …insert whatever other derogatory term you feel necessary to label, are some Of the most kind, hardworking, and talented and unconditionally loving selection of people. They may be loud, But I suppose wouldn’t you be if you were treated the way you treat them? Wether it’s to their face or not. Sure doesn’t seem very Christ like. Good luck getting into heaven. Hope it works out for you. But don’t forget, you get to decide whatever you want to do after you die. Not what a bunch of chauvinistic, horny, 26 year olds decided once upon a time…. Or believe them. Nobody can prove you right or wrong.

I happen to have a policy that I do not respond to the hecklers in the crowd, as it only encourages them and it gets their message out there.  But, I do have to say that I love to point out error.  Like the "safe and effective" narrative that is being pushed.  Just saw an article this morning that four doctors in Ontario all collapsed and died within days after the fourth jab.  All young or youngish and there were top notch athletes among them (marathoners, etc).  So, yeah - I despise misinformation.  NOT safe.  NOT effective.

As far as the whole rainbow agenda argument goes, nice try...

Folks, I know some of the nicest people who are gay.  That is wonderful.  They are typically in committed relationships and they are not trying to push their agenda on me or mine.  I have ZERO  problem with them.  I think that if we had a very candid convo with them, they would admit that the large majority of their community (the ones engaging in clearly self-destructive behavior including incredibly promiscuous sex and drug use and SO MUCH ELSE) is mentally ill.  Yes, I am not happy that this categorization was removed from the DSM years ago as they pushed to normalize the behavior and that the practices are abnormal and fly in the face of the Godly values they were taught as children (multiply and replenish the earth, man/woman twain becoming one flesh etc).

I also think it would be a sin to incite them to riot by persecuting and causing them psychological harm other than to gently and even stridently invite them to repent and come to the true doctrine of Christ - as we are all supposed to be doing.  Which ultimately brings us back into God's presence.

HOWEVER, most do NOT fit the above categorization and ARE radical and ARE pushing an agenda that is predatory (trying to recruit youth into the TGBLAI doctrine of:  if it feels good, do it.  They recruit from the feeble-minded and vulnerable (mostly young) because most adults in their demographic are either dead (average age of death among the male bathhouse crowd is 56).  Their thing requires a constant supply of fresh meat. Plain and simple.  It is depraved, nefarious and disgusting - quite frankly.

I have never seen a SINGLE person who truly has experienced joy after going to the "dark side".  I guess people simply do not have the ability to observe countenances and judge righteous judgment.  When I first read about how Cain's countenance fell after what he did to Abel, I was intrigued and began paying attention to those of my fellow teens who went from innocence into depraved behavior such as excessive drinking, teen sex and so much else.  They truly lost more light as they descended into the spiritual abyss.  Same with those who have descended into this type of life.  I guess people are so dark that they cannot discern.  You cannot observe the ship on the sea when you are constantly in the swells.  You absolutely cannot if you are snorkeling unless the hull is looming next to you.  Definitely not from the bottom of the sea.  A fellow in the crowsnest can see for miles and observe rightly his surroundings.  

So it is with those who are mired in sin.  Their fallen vantage point affords no true perspective to see things as they truly are.  This is my assessment of the commenter above.  My advice?  Repent and climb back into the crow's nest....  You will find a delicious breeze up there and a lovely and accurate view.

We are at war for the hearts and minds of the people.  While I still have breath, I will use it to push God's agenda.  The rest may repent or simply go to hell for all I care if they keep trying to ensnare the vulnerable into a hellish trap and end.  Thus the devil carefully leads them down to hell.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022


 This is very insightful:

My sister recently shared an interesting 💡 moment …

“In Primary the stake leaders are teaching the lesson and singing time because of Ward Conference. She is talking about the 'ites' in the Book of Mormon, and how the different groups of 'ites' didn't like each other and would fight. She also likened it to 'ites' of our day, even if they don't go by 'ite'. I then realized one of the biggest group of 'ites' still goes by 'ites': Elites! 😮🤯

4 Ne 1:17 There were no robbers, nor murderers, neither were there Lamanites, nor any manner of -ites; but they were in one, the children of Christ, and heirs to the kingdom of God.” 

Taking that a little further, what kind of ites? El, which means deity. Elohim. That’s very revealing. Do the Elites believe they are gods 🤔

I have to add that recently I decided I’m not going to call them elite anymore, but the Cabal or some other word. I don’t think they qualify to be called elite. This really validates for me the feelings I’ve been having.

Monday, July 25, 2022


So, we have taken to using Sundays for getting our photos uploaded to Family Search while the going is still good.  Since we are coming up on our 30th anniversary, we went for the dating years and early married life at BYU.  Oh the memories!!  So much vinegar and vivaciousness.  In our mid-fifties, not so much.  But great to remember back and look on our respective selves in our "prime" gloriousness.  I cannot wait for that blessed day when we are at our absolute best with all the wisdom and experience gained during our lives.  It will be epic.

But the reason for this piece is that I want to encourage folks to upload all photos to the church resource.  It may be the only way to move that into the Millennium.  The server farms in many large cities, etc will be knocked out and all those FB memories, the Cloud and even our electronics may not be functioning.  There will be massive dislocation of people, so moving from place to place without scrapbooks likely will not be a possibility.  Things like that will become almost meaningless as pressing necessities like food/water/shelter crowd them out.  So we need to have them in a place where they will be treated properly.

On that note - and in honor of Pioneer Day, I marvel that, in spite of all the chaos in the post-Nauvoo exodus, that they managed to get important documents out of Nauvoo and that some of the more important history remained intact when dry shelter for people was, at times, not even possible.  This was an amazing accomplishment - at least in my mind.

Please get your memories uploaded while it is still an easy and possible task.

Saturday, July 23, 2022


 So, I guess I had better preface this in case I have some do-gooder "colleague" - really not someone who is in 'league' with me... -  snooping around on the blog and trying to get me fired so I can double my salary with the next gig - and not have to be forced to get a jab and go into an office and deal with treacherous leaches who can't stand good principle.... haha...  It was a state-induced fentanyl trip that the doc and (my wife) both agreed to.

Since I woke up laughing my head off, I am writing this in the middle of the night so I can remember what woke me up, tomorrow.  So, for our Friday night date a few hours ago, my wife set up a dinner with the parents of my daughter's hangout buddy.  They just lost their 16 year old daughter to a one car roll over crash with ejection and she died in the arms of the first responder.  Speed and alcohol (of the driver) was involved.  Thankfully for her, there was only one death that she will be responsible for.  The other passenger survived, though he nearly bit off his tongue with the force of the crash.  Not a good day.

Anyway, I was kind of not looking forward to this double "date" because I thought I would get all serious and we would talk about losing a child.  A really sucky subject unless both people are kind of mind-melding and on the same wavelength and then you can go deep because the subject is so cathartic.  I also was worried about my counterpart who is normally very quiet (John Wayne type) and into hunting and fishing, none of which I am into.  Not out of interest for the art of it - but I just never had the dad for that kind of thing and, to be honest, I was more into a good book and curling up on a couch and reading all day long instead of gutting an elk on a frozen hillside...

So, the "date" was actually going quite well.  Plenty of real good conversation - which led to the inevitable undernourishment at an all-you-can-eat joint here in Cardston (The Cobblestone Manor), for those visiting our quaint town.  Normally, I plan and plot how I can cram as much food into me as possible at one of these places because it is a bit expensive (but very good), but in this case, the convo was going good so I could not pull myself away to refuel and I had actually decided before-hand that I was not going to make a pig of myself.

So our convo changed from one subject to another and then settled on Covid.  I started in on my sordid tale and one thing led to another and I was telling them about when I tried to break out of the hospital with my arse hanging out of my hospital gown in 20degF weather and 45 miles from home.  Was not gonna happen in the mind of a normal person - but seemed perfectly legit at the time....  I had tried to bribe my daughter and this couple's son to come pick me up in my truck (I only let me wife drive my baby) - but I was desperate enough to let a 16 year old drive it to come save me from my fentanyl trip I was on.  And I was going to pay them $100 to do it.  The night I did this, two other patients actually made a break for it and almost got out.  It was a code yellow and personnel were running everywhere.  That is when I hatched my plan for the great escape.  The best part of the whole story was that I could not even bring a fork to my mouth to self feed at that point.  Not sure it if it was the residual fentanyl in my system, or if it was just plain muscle atrophy for sitting in a hospital bed for two weeks straight without moving.  So much so, that I still have nerve damage in one leg from probably not being turned enough.  I favored one lung when I was on the ventilator - so I spent alot of time on that one side.  My whole upper leg was dead for months after I came home but it is almost all returned to a normal state.  I just roll with it.

So, that night I was up most of the night hallucinating and around 4am and decided to make the break for it when the hospital staff was distracted trying to diagnose a power outage on the floor above me.  I ripped the pic lines out of my hand and arm which was incredibly painful.  I think you are supposed to slide them out the way they went in - not rip them straight up.  It started gushing blood everywhere.  I hate the sight of blood and started to pass out but managed to flop out of the bed.  Remember, moving an arm to my face was herculean in nature - moving my carcasse out of bed a whole different story.  Thankfully, I had my old friend Gravity on my side...  I totally forgot about my catheter hanging from my guy parts.  Later, when they actually removed that, it was incredibly painful and I cannot imagine ripping it out in an uninflated state!  OUCH!!!  Not sure if it was the drugs, or what, but I remember the young nurses changing my diaper and sponge bathing me and my unit had become nothing more than a glorified clitoris and refused to come out.  I am surprised I did not elicit some guffaws and surprise that I had actually fathered five children...

Anyway, when I hit the floor, I passed out.  I am not sure it was not from this catheter tube pulling on my pink parts.  It is only so long of a tube - so I am still not sure how I got as far as I did...  When I came to myself after probably 10 mins, I looked down and there was a platter-sized pool of blood on the floor.  I managed to steel myself and not pass out again looking at it.  As I was describing this at the table, my wife was frantically trying to get me to shut up because I guess others were zoning in on the convo.  Talking about blood and bodily fluids just as you are finishing up dinner is a no-no, I guess....  But I was just getting to the good part - so I had to keep going.  When I talk, I flail my arms, and go bananas the more animated I get - not much unlike a cocaine-binging Italian trying to sweet talk himself out of a mafia hit for an unpaid drug debt...  So, away I went.  When my wife left for another yet plate (she was payin' so she was going to get her money's worth), I really went for it because I knew my leg was safe from the annoyed kick or thigh squeeze - but what she does not know is that I cannot feel it anyway - so it does no good to keep at the old "shut my husband up" tricks.  So, I rounded the corner and went for home plate and told everyone about the German doctor that came in with a few nurses and finally found me and made the famous statement in his Westfalian accent, "Vee may hav lost zee var, but it appearz zat you hav lost z battle...." as I was laying there in two uncontrolled bowel movements and loss of bladder events (ever try peeing uphill when you are below the catheter bag?  Damned near impossible...).  Drum roll, it was perfect.  At that point, some gal several tables away comes up with total hilarity written on her face and said to keep the show up because it was very entertaining.  Glad I could help aid the digestion....  I looked at her later in the convo and she was still guffawing at her table.  I should have asked for donations for the show.

Anyway - when the evening was over, I was just glad we never got on the topic of death.  It is still a bit raw for them obviously.

So we got home and I fell into bed several hours early and woke up around 2am to the sound of howling dogs.  Like every dog in Cardston literally barking into my open window.  We have a problem here in town with the Natives coming off the rez and pilfering whatever they can for drug money - to the point that I want to move as far to the other side of town as I can.

Anyway, there is this mentally handicapped guy here in Cardston who is probably 40 years old with the capacity of probably a teenager.  Heck, he has a smart phone and was rocking that thing one day as he walked past our home.  Way better than I can rock mine.  Every day, walks past my place (he is openly howling or something as he walks along - I have always thought it was just something like Tourette's) as he goes from his home, where he sleeps, to a day care facility where he socializes with some mostly female caretakers and other patients.  They also work at a facility where they can have meaningful work and be a part of society while the rest of us with consciences fight off the euthanasia wolves who see the unborn, the infirm and those with diminished capacities as worthy of being made into Soilent Green (trademark reserved by Klaus Schwab and other globalist nazis)....  He is always well-dressed and cared for (not Klown Slob - the other fellow).  Anyway, these dogs are just going nuts and then I hear this howling in the midst of the cacophony - it was my mentally-challenged friend!  Out for a midnight walk and playing the part of "dog whisperer".  Every single dog in Cardston lighting it up as he walked along howling.  I finally got his thing.  He does not walk around in the day howling because he has no control over himself, he is literally calling the dogs.  My wife and I walked out on the front porch the other evening and saw him herding a German Shepherd in front of the Cardston Temple yelling commands to it - and watching it moving with a very submissive stance in front of him.  This guy is a master dog trainer!

So, when the realization popped into my mind at 2am this morning, along with the memory of doing the Italian thing in the restaurant, it lit me up and I could not stop giggling and belly laughing.  I swear, I was having a fentanyl flashback.  Just way too funny!

That is my story and I am sticking to it.  And now I will remember it when my wife asks if I had any fun dreams in the middle of the night.

Friday, July 22, 2022


 It is rare to see data supporting something other than the “free-for-all” agenda that is being pushed by the lefties.  The goal is to destroy the social fabric of America.  And just look around you; it has worked:

I have kids in the marriage zone, so this info is timely.

Friday, July 15, 2022


I was sad to see this news:

I think my wife has similar features to Ivana (in various pics they appear to be nearly identical), though she was taller by quite a bit than my wife.  I used to have a major crush on Ivanka and still consider her one of the most beautiful blondes I have seen.  There are some good genes there from both sides. 

Ivana was complaining about pain in her hip for a few weeks before she fell down her stairs and supposedly died from a heart attack.  I say supposedly because I know how the Deep State works and often a threat is given, then another and then something is "done about it".  It is always a threat to the wife or the kids and then there is a convenient car crash, plane crash, etc etc.  Especially when the tragedy occurs the day after Trump has said he has made a decision on 2024.  My guess is that he will jump back in the ring and give the swamp demons some hell and a run for their money.  I would love that.  Anyone that will fight corruption and rage against the machine is my friend.   I care almost about nothing else (secret lovers, poor behavior - up to a point, or even whether or not he/she flosses regularly).  I hate the doings of the Deep State more than anything else on this earth.  I want to see it wiped out - and I think that my boy Trump does as well.

I would be very careful not to fling poo when I have no direct facts - but I have a history with this "person" and the Deep State is one sick hombre.  So much so, that they would take out a few thousand people in order to push their agenda 21 years ago.  I have had the screws put to me by some low-level sphincters years ago.  What you see in the movies is not "just Hollywood".

Another possibility is that she had blood clots in her leg (sciatica) and then they did progress into her body and possibly heart, etc.  We will see how the autopsy comes out.  I am glad they are doing one.  If it was due to blood clots - and it did correlate to the clot shot with the massive stringy things they are pulling out during autopsies, I hope they have the guts (pun intended) to tell the truth.  We NEED to hear it on a high level case.

Thursday, July 14, 2022


 I would ignore this guy at my own peril…:

Very well-connected people seek him out for his counsel and I happen to disagree with scant little of it.

I was at a dinner last night with a couple from Utah.  They have three kids in Utah who live in Ogden.  I told them about my HAFB nuke dream/vision.  When she said that we “should not set ourselves up as a light” and that we will hear it from the Prophet first, blah blah blah, I knew we had a sleeper on our hands.

The final straw being her saying she had put down Visions of Glory because some parts were too disturbing….

Sleep on sister!  Sleep on!  Some things are too difficult to grasp for many.

Tuesday, July 12, 2022


 So we were over ministering to a nice older couple that lives near us on Sunday.  She is related to David A Whitmer and he is the GG Grandson of EJ Wood.  We covered a lot of topics including polygamy (David A Whitmer did not like it and left the Church over it - and EJ Wood was a post-Second Manifesto practicer after the likes of John Taylor; the son of the Prophet and an Apostle).  This Apostle was ex'd for his carrying the torch after the Church doubled down to fit in with the rest of the kids in the sandbox over the polygamy issue.  I learned that there is a tunnel under the Church office building where there is a linear walk of the Apostles in the order that they were called in.  After John Taylor was ex'd in the early 1900's, his photo was removed from the lineup and it was all left blank and remained so in this state in this tunnel (probably to make a statement....).  After some time (1970's?), his photo was returned to the blank spot.  My friend's friend walked by one day and suddenly, it was right back up there with the rest.  I would love to know the backstory on that re-instatement....  One day, I am sure it will come to light.  Probably ended how Bishop Koyle's story did.

The really cool part is that I almost got to see another Mongolian spot.  She related that she has some Cherokee blood in her as well.  She has a bunch of siblings, but only two of them and her got the spot and they are all whitish and not necessarily the traditional purplish grey.  All of them were right above the butt crack in the same spot mine is.  I got so excited when she told me this, I had to give her a fist bump!

The purpose of this piece was to relate some other stories.  This gal we ministered to had a parent that joined the Church.  She was hispanic and the first and only one in her family to join.  She was a tough gal but lost one son to (I cannot remember as I was dozing off due to the house being too hot) and I remember that she said she had lost another brother to a freak accident when someone slammed a door and a gun fell off the rack in his room and discharged and killed him instantly.  The weird part is that she said that it was not loaded (no empty shell in the chamber?).  I perked up and immediately commented that the Lord must have wanted the boy on the other side for such a total freak event to occur.  It was after that that she related to us her mother's status as the ONLY one in the Church.  She kept relaying more and said that her mother had taken it so hard that they both appeared at the foot of her bed all in white and scolded her for taking it so hard and that they were not allowed to continue on the other side with their missionary assignments until she "let them go".

I cannot help but think of the Siamese tradition of not crying at the funeral in Anna and the King - for this very reason.  Truly, there is something to it!  But, most of all, it backed up my theory that often the first in a family line who joins the Church has (most often males) taken to get the ball rolling on the other side.  There is more going on over there than over here.

Great Sunday and very inspirational.  Truly, God is Great!


 This is nothing new as they did this very thing back in the day after 2001 with the contrived attacks on the twin towers.  That was all programmed fear and hype to get us to give up major liberties that we are accustomed to as we slowly descend into a police state.  I have gone extensively into how I know that it was all a con.

This one new development likely has nothing to do with people losing their liberties, but more to do with the cabal in the USA wanting to ensure that a real attack from their One World foe, Russia does not happen.  I have a social media contact who reported that they tried to take a ferry in the NY area and all vehicles were being stopped and passed thru a radiation detector (like they have at most border crossings).  America does not have the manpower to inspect every container and vehicle coming in, so they likely have done a statistical analysis and determined what the inspection threshhold is.  One or two slipping through the system in such a large country would not cripple us with the exceptions of our larger and critical cities with the financial hubs.  Frisco, Seattle, NYC, Miami, etc  Russia could not take down the USA alone (without the help of the Chinese, nor could the Chinese (yet) take down the USA without cooperation from Russia).  Thus the prophecies of those two working together to do the deed.  Why we keep on even paying attention to our enemies and building their economies, etc is beyond me....  I would simply ghost them if they refused to play nice in the sandbox.  Now, they are becoming the bullies in that very sandbox.  Not that the USA can point any fingers....

So yeah - there is a credible threat out there that they are reacting to.  Likely it has to do with finding one unit and now ramping things up to look for others.  Where there is smoke, there is likely fire:

I wonder how those who have nay-sayed the prophecies for decades, will react when we are finally attacked as a countermeasure to provoking the Bear?  It will be an awkward moment of silence when that goes down....

Thursday, July 7, 2022


 Well, if we are already three degrees up, maybe this would help....:

Very interesting that they claim that the black smoke would block out the sun and plunge the temperatures.  I have to wonder about all of the prophecies that my Isaiah SMEs all talk about with their blacked out sun for three days and then a VERY cold winter following.  Could it be that these are all related?

I happen to think so.


So, next to the downfall of RvW and the Berlin Wall in my lifetime, this is the next biggest thing (queue Winds of Change song by the Scorpions...):

That was a declaration of war on humanity with a major elitist bent.  That arrogance needed to be answered with a solid "Hell NO!". 

My only concern was that whoever pulled it off, did it at 3:33am in the morning (under the cover of darknes when it would be harder for cameras to capture the event - the Sheriff Dept had it under 24 hour surveillance) and that it was the day after CERN was fired up.  The whole 32 or 33 thing is definitely occultic.  Considering that it was raised on 3/22 of 1980 and then BHO ascended Temple Mount on 3/22 of 2013 (exactly 33 years later).  And that the 322 is below the official logo of the Skull and Bones.  They have to announce their intentions before everything they do - it has been demonstrated over and over again, the chagrin of the tin foil hat callers....

It was VERY unusual in that the explosion only took down a portion of the guidestones and that, within 24 hours, there was large hydraulic equipment on-site tearing the rest of it to the ground and hauling it off.  No chance to find out who did it.  No forensics - just get it hauled away and any evidence along with it.  Two things; it was either an inside job (my first impulse) or it was unexpected and the powers that put out to make it happen did not want to embolden other jabs at the NWO, so they got rid of it instead of trying to repair/replace the damage.

It is possible that they did this because the "prophecy" is well under way (likely through the jab - or the successful launch of WWIII over in Ukraine/Taiwan) and it has "served it's purpose".  I am still scratching my head as to what it really is.  I am watching with piqued/peaked interest.  Very interesting development, nonetheless.

Either way, I would expect to see huge developments in the coming days, weeks and months.

I will keep looking for any other relevant news - and weird connections with 42 (the length of time that the monuments were up).

Whether it is the timing of a launch or the date of a Presidential assassination, there is always meaning to everything they do.  This is part of their ritual (donning tin foil cap).  I used to laugh at the guy who woke me up until the mountain of proof was too overwhelming and I had to confess the truth as it was.

Tuesday, July 5, 2022


This is a diary entry (dual purpose blog....haha):

So, I was working on a project out in the driveway one evening last week when a good friend came roaring into the driveway to announce that my Aunt was dying and that I must go see her immediately to try and save her.

This gal is anti jab and so is her sister that died from complications of it (perfectly healthy and fine 75 year old gal).  I have to say that her untimely death threw me a little.  Her husband had just died of complications from dementia and it may have been that her immune system was down from the stress of that (along with her diabetes) and she went in for oxy and was gone in a few days.  All I can say is that it simply must have been her time to go.  I was kind of miffed - because she was a real activist and an integral part of my local posse of fighters.

We went to a few small-time protests here in Cardston together.  She was fun.

So, anyway - with this history - she rushed over a little melodramatic not wanting to lose another contemporary 70+ year old.  My wife and I grabbed our finger tip oxymeter and raced over to find her sitting in the front room and completely winded with an oxy tank next to her.  She was dressed in her underwear and bra because it was too hot in her house.  She was complaining that her screen door would not lock (she likes to feel safe), so I fiddled with the lock to see what the problem was.  She made it very clear she did not want "strangers" in her house, though she did recognize my wife and I from her statements.  I suspect that she may be suffering from early dementia as she will often repeat herself within the same hour (same stories, etc).  She is pretty spry - but the clutch is slipping (as with us all in some form or another...).  On top of that, she was very low on her oxy levels (in the 80's) even with the oxy tank supplying her through a cannula.  As bad as I was post-intubation in the hospital (in recovery).

So, while our septagenarian friend was inside with her ministering to her needs, we were on the step.  Know your place....  We offered to help where we could and then determined that her son (who is a doctor in the States) needed to be made fully aware of her situation.  He is the only one she will listen to and she was disoriented and VERY cantankerous as most of us would get in a hypoxic state.  We determined to go to her niece's house and get the Doctor's contact information since she has not proferred that since she moved to Cardston - and we have tried to get it so we can keep him up to date on her info since she is a widow and lives alone and clearly has reached out to us for help many times when sick or otherwise.  She needs monitoring - and I would suspect her son should see that and step up.  My wife has been heroic in helping her get groceries and take care of other errands.  I have helped out around the house, etc.  Until last summer.

Last summer (after the second "encyclical from HQ"), she was talking to my wife while on a walk and my Aunt point-blanked her and asked her why she did not follow the Prophet and get her jab (me included).  My wife pointed out our stance which is that we have followed Russell M. Nelson in receiving our own personal revelation which was a solid NO.  My personal feelings at the time (and still are) is that we are literally in the middle of the fulfillment of Isaiah 28 and we are seeing so many coming down with bizarre symptoms (heart attacks at 25, autoimmune disorders, nasty blood clot growths found in autopsies, etc and all in people who have been recently jabbed).  She was pretty confrontational and called us out on our stance and then pretty much cut all contact for the next 9 months until now.

I guess she may have drank a little too much of the MSM purple koolaid and thinks we might just get her sick and kill her due to us being "lesser" unvackseenated" (even though the injections are perfectly "safe and effective"...).

So, in the melee of us going over to her place to save her from certain death, she neglects to tell us that she has recently been to see the doctor over having actually gotten the Covid (not from us!).  Probably from the recent plane ride she took along with those sheeple on the international flight who all have the "safe and effective" shot....  So, she hands me back my oxy meter and I, not knowing it was infected, put it on my finger to check my levels (without disinfecting it).  The next day, I was flat on my back once again (this is the second time she has not disclosed her medical status and gotten us all sick).  I bounced back after one day - but yeah....  Go figure.  The un-jabbed sinner got mildly sick from the jabbed and quite pious and quite sick "follower" of the Prophet....

As a former nurse, she should know that you need to announce your status to those who are not sick with your particular strain.  Sheesh....

Then, the clincher.  She contacted our mutual friend to let her know that the apostate nephew and niece were not welcome in her home....  Whoa!  That is majorly Pharisaical!  Well, quite frankly, I generally have a rule that I do not keep company with dense people that are arrogant.  I had to cut off a sibling for such behavior - and for causing a ruckus and contention wherever she goes.  She is also a blog stalker and will likely pass this info along to our Aunt during weekly gossip sessions.  Which is so hilarious as she is truly not a follower of Jesus, let alone of President Nelson....

So yeah.  I mean my Aunt gets points for trying - but major mark downs for poor execution.

What does a nephew do?