Saturday, April 30, 2022


Hey, this came in on Koyle; some really cool stuff that I could not let languish in the comments which you have to click on to read and that may not get out there if I cannot get to them to approve them in time.  Mrs Wood Zone's favorite part of the blog (she does read most posts) are often the comments.  I also find them most valuable in exposing me to things I did not know or had not considered, so please keep them coming.  They are appreciated!

There were a bunch of comments on the Koyle piece.  He still has a very loyal following many decades after his death around 1950; and that is partly a measure of a man.  I will likely have little to no following when I am gone over to the other side.  That is okay.  I know my place; and this is why I get pissed at those who try to take down the likes of Brigham, etc because they at least have a major university and a nice town named after them....  Most of us could not organize a kazoo band during our lives and yet many of us find ourselves pointing the finger in derision of these more noble and great ones.  Go figure....  I have a few older kids who mock all of this stuff (though the oldest is oddly saying she wants food storage due to a vision or something that she has had?).  She can see the writing on the wall politically and socially.  It does not take a rocket scientist...  If she decides to share and will allow me to post it, I will do so.  We have observed that she has the Lamanite gift for dreams, etc.  I have not checked for the Mongolian spot when she was a baby (we did not know about it til much later), but she likely has the Cherokee/Paiute in her.

E.J. Wood also had a fullness of his Priesthood and the gifts of prophecy and healing and was also a tandem polygamist (he married his wife's widowed sister and gave her posterity and a comfortable life in N. Salt Lake).  Iohanni Wolfgramm also had a fulness of his Priesthood, had the gift of prophecy and healing but was NOT a linear nor tandem polygamist in any form (though he fathered 19 children by his one wife - WOW!!).  These are a few of those I have observed who kind of got it figured out in this life and rose to full pool/measure in their capacities.

Here is the comment:

 I have studied Bishop Koyle inside out. Hand down he is the most prophetic man ( bested only By Joseph Smith and Heber C Kimball ). He did not usurp anything or anyone. Most Dont know Koyle had his calling and election made sure and also received his second anointing's received in the SLC temple under the prophet..... Most also dont know there were members of the first presidency who supported him and more apostles believe he was called of God then those who opposed him. I could go in more detail on this but wont. He got exed ultimately because the church bullied him into signing a statement he should not have. He was warned to never sign anything. His mission is legit, it is of God and it is sad he had a falling out with some of the brethren that lead to his eventually being exed. One very interesting note. Those who were apostles who defended him and supported him said they did so because it was reveled by God that his work was of God. Those who fought against him admitted it was because of opinion and not because of revelation. Those who fell into this category were Joseph F Smith & Elder Talmage. Which is a little surprising but true. But that being said atleast they had enough integrity to admit it was a matter of opinion and not revelation. but most would be surprised many of the brethren loved him and knew his mission was of god. Sad how it ended for him. But according to one statement by Koyle after Talmage died he camed to Koyle and begged his forgiveness and was not allowed to progress until he gave it to him. Which Koyle freely forgave him...... Koyle mission is really and te mine will probably come in in next year or so..... Get your silver and gold folks!

Friday, April 29, 2022


 I got the following comment to an earlier piece on drought in the SW:

I am surprised that you are taking Bishop Koyle statement over a living prophet. Did you know that he was excommunicated for teaching false doctrine by taking over the mantle of the prophet? This is why I am surprised that put this in here stating he was indeed a prophet which he is not.

That is a fair comment, if you do not have the actual history on the man.  Bishop Koyle had more prophetic bent in him and he exercised that gift more than any other person since Joseph Smith, possibly other than Brigham's, "the prophet to the Prophet", Heber C. Kimball.

God would have it that we all have the gift of prophecy and were all exercising that gift, which is the testimony of Jesus.  It is through this gift that we know who was the Savior of the World.

The thing that got Koyle into trouble was the same thing that has gotten everyone else into trouble who has stepped out; and that is that he got a following and then kind of nurtured it along and did not tone it down.  He also was so prophetic that he embarrassed several people who should have gotten some prophetic calls right, but he did not.  The only time that gift becomes a problem is when people go off the rails and set themselves up for a light and do the priestcraft thing (trying to make money, etc).

So, yes he was ex-commied.  But was reinstated after this particular "Prophet" was out of the scene and allegedly came back to tell his successor that he had screwed up and could not progress until he had set things straight.  This is how it works over there.  Everyone is ranked.  If you fling poo or piss upon another of higher rank, you must go through them to keep progressing.  This means repentance by the offender.  This is why I would rather give someone the bennie of the doubt, instead of flapping my tongue (which I am prone to do) and suffer the physical/spiritual/emotional consequences in this life and the lack of progression in the next.  Actually - damned in both spheres of existence.  God is patient - to a point - but when we step in it a little too hard, the hammer drops - and it can be breathtaking to witness.

So yes - second or third ranked in this dispensation!  With Joseph as top dog.  That is how the cookie crumbles and I do not apologize for it.

Thursday, April 28, 2022


 From FB:

“Should the Lord decide at this time to cleanse the Church—and the need for that cleansing seems to be increasing—

a :/ FAMINE in THIS LAND :/ of one year’s duration could wipe out a large percentage of slothful members, including some ward and stake officers. Yet we cannot say we have not been warned.” (“Commanded in All Things,” General Conference, April 1965)


 The "Secret Combination" of the Gadiantons: "Control the food, control the people, control the world".

"I can’t tell you how many times I have talked with people who are wonderful, FAITHFUL MEMBERS of the Church, some even who are ward and stake leaders, who DON'T HAVE enough FOOD STORAGE to last more than a week or so. (Even when they have been well blessed in material possessions and income.) In our discussions about how the counsel for food storage has been repeated by every prophet for over 60 years, they commonly respond that with all of the other issues they are dealing with, food storage just isn’t very high on the priority list. Temple work, family history, missionary work are all much more important to them than food storage. However, some explain that if the Prophet made it a commandment, like they did with the Word of Wisdom by including it on the temple recommend interview, instead of just counsel, then they would move it up on the priority list.

They FALSELY BELIEVE that their personal righteousness will save them. After all, they are busy going to the temple, fulfilling Church callings, sending missionaries out, etc. in other words, doing the works of the righteous. Surely, the Lord will be merciful to them and take care of them despite their lack of attention to this small item."

They discount what President Benson taught on this point:

“Should the Lord decide at this time to cleanse the Church—and the need for that cleansing seems to be increasing—a famine in this land of one year’s duration could wipe out a large percentage of slothful members, including some ward and stake officers. Yet we cannot say we have not been warned.” (“Commanded in All Things,” General Conference, April 1965)


For those who think the Prophet is going to tell us from the pulpit, YET ONE MORE TIME, to get a 1 year supply. He isn't. We would lose our 501(c)3 status, if he did. At this point, anyone with more than 7 days food (may be) considered a terrorist by the U.S. government. (See the following :32 second video)

This type of open discussion would ENDANGER those with food supplies, already in storage. 

Perhaps those WITH MEANS, who are CHOOSING to OVERLOOK this commandment, will find the consequences difficult to accept, when tribulation hits home. For those of little means, doing their best to prepare, the Lord is AWARE of these... 

It still remains a commandment to have a 1 year supply of (bulk foods -grains and legumes). This is considered the "GREATER PORTION of the WoRD" Those with the means to obtain a 1 year supply, yet choosing the suggested 3 month supply, or nothing at all, are choosing the "lesser portion of the word", as is referenced in

ALMA 12: 

 9 And now Alma began to expound these things unto him, saying: It is given unto many to know the mysteries of God; nevertheless they are laid under a strict command that they shall not impart only according to the portion of his word which he doth grant unto the children of men, according to the heed and diligence which they give unto him.

 10 And therefore, he that will harden his heart, the same receiveth the lesser portion of the word; and he that will not harden his heart, to him is given the greater portion of the word, until it is given unto him to know the mysteries of God until he know them in full.

 11 And they that will harden their hearts, to them is given the lesser portion of the word until they know nothing concerning his mysteries; and then they are taken captive by the devil, and led by his will down to destruction. Now this is what is meant by the chains of hell.


Just a thought...




 This is what Bishop Koyle talked of.  After these events, he spoke of an overflowing scourge that made so many dead that they littered Utah County from Payson to the Point of the Mountain.  At some point in there, there was a nasty little devaluation of the currency.  It made the people worse off than the Great Depression.  According to Joseph Smith, this starts a rebellion in the Chicago area and spreads to most of the nation:

We can ignore this stuff at our peril.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022


 Great article a friend of mine found:

Here is the problem.  There is a perception (that I happen to think is correct) that the nazis took over the world via the Bush regime and other gadianton organizations.  

Putin hopes to rid the world of this cancer.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022


 Tony Sweat is a great guy.  I like what he has to say:


Monday, April 25, 2022


So, out of every firefight comes a realization.  Every struggle produces a good result, if one is patient.  This one was huge for me.  In fact, it was the biggest win I have gotten so far in what has become quite the war of words.  So much so, that my wife even proclaimed it a major mental machination victory.  Probably one of my best so far.  

My first major victory was when I was tracting and we ran into a black couple in Anaheim, CA who were golden beyond belief.  Both professionals - he was a lawyer and she was a doctor.  They had read the Book of Mormon on their own and gained a testimony of the Restoration.  They were fine with all of the teaching points including tithing which hung up many with some form of wealth.  BUT, there was the whole blacks and the Priesthood thingy.  I was anguished and went away from our evening discussion grieving that I did not have a good answer for their assumptions that the Church was racist.  Specifically, Brother Brigham.  I pored over the scriptures and did not get relief right away.  I was trying to get them something other than defeat at the hands of those who were calling us out in the anti-Mo literature that this black couple had come across.  I had one week before I was to answer to them.  Almost to the end of the line, I was pondering and it just popped into my head.  The Samaritans!  The Gospel was not to be preached to them until it was their time along with the rest of the Gentiles.  I knew Jesus was not some kind of racist, though I could not prove Brigham was not (that did not come until now - thanks Trisha J!).  I could argue with them until I was blue in the face, but they seemed genuinely offended by the 1978 thing that had occurred just 10 years prior to us meeting them.  So, when we met again, the first question I asked them was whether they believed Jesus was a racist.  They of course answered no (since the Book of Mormon clearly had the Savior coming to a dark-skinned people who, at the time, were more righteous than the fair-skinned ones).  I led them through the logical fallacy and I am not sure what happened to them since I was headed to Brazil a little while later when my visa finally came through.

See, the crux for most anti-Brighamites (who are really not mad at anything to do with racism - but more than likely they seeth with rage over polygamy if they a raging feminist) is that he was a racist (for cutting off the blacks from the higher Priesthood), therefore he is a (warning; snarky comments ahead):

  • usurper
  • a nasty polygamist along with the likes of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (who were all really bad dudes for having engaged in the act and) whose world history of them being saved from breathtakingly awesome things like Hitler, WWI, restoration of Israel, miraculous war outcome of 1967 and 1973 were all just concidences because God hates them because they are perverted sickos who dared engage in such lustful acts and God saw fit to have them wiped off the historical record like so many other perverted groups in world history.
  • murderer or co-conspirator with John Taylor (another rascally polygamist, etc)
  • a liar and charlatan
  • an all around general bad dude... and being such, we will throw in the ordering of the MMM on his shoulders just for good measure.  This will make the poo fling complete....
As such, we must look past anything good he may have said or done because clearly he was a satanic individual, therefore we can throw out the baby with the bathwater.  This will include most of the temple ordinances including any references in the NT or pre-Christian era rites associated with the Egyptians and groups located near the Dead Sea.  Yep, the DoC folks are on a great roll along with the reincarnated "leader" that is taking them down this primrose path to a Jim Jonesian-like end.  Sounds just fantastic!  I actually prefer the cherry kool-aid; can I get it in that flavor or is it always grape?  And does this higher knowledge come with having to bury the kiddos in the back yard, Daybellian style?

Yep, so glad that this true leader is actually fulfilling the role that Jesus outlined in the NT of taking the Gospel, or Good News, to every nation, kindred tongue and people before the end comes....  So glad he is busy turning the hearts of the fathers to the children, etc since that was the last directive given in the OT.  So much good going on there!  This guy is AMAZING....  Clearly, his works follow him (down to hell, at least)....  Same with Ed Decker, etc.  The m.o. is always the same.  I recognized it when Snuffer came on the scene.  I have recognized it with every charlatan that happens along and I love shooting holes in the BS.

So, if Brigham or God or Jesus are racists because they held back the higher Priesthood from the blacks, like so many hating black hearts out there, we have one little detail that must be covered up or conveniently ignored and that is that the last ones across that "higher Priesthood finish line" actually are not the blacks - but some of the original Covenant People;  the Ten Tribes.  See, this is where it gets messy, folks.  The very "racist" and his predecessor that he "had killed", both taught this doctrine.  The Ten Tribes get it after they are brought out of the North Countries where they were driven when they were rebellious.  So, we have a paradox here.  The logic is not holding up.  Maybe, just maybe, we need to turn the doctrinal musket on Joseph and cannibalize him for being a racist of the House of Israel kind.  You know, nazi kind of stuff....  After all, he clearly was hating on those rascally Ten Tribes who were not deserving of God's love until the last minute before the Second Coming.  Maybe it was Jesus - who clearly showed early signs of racism with those Samaritan-types who were half-breeds (Jews and disgusting non-Jews); oh wait, I got my racism backwards.  Wait, Jesus was a Semite, anti-Semite?!?  I am so confused.  I have my racism wrong.  What?!?  Maybe God is a racist?  Wait!  What?!?  

Oh.  Maybe it is just me and I am screwed up?!?  Okay, as a DoCer, now maybe it is me that has my head screwed on wrong?

Okay.  Maybe that is it....  

Snarky commentary off.  I just confirmed a rumor yesterday that the Cardston Temple will be shut down for quite some time (not just a portion of it) due to some heavy construction on it.  It is a smallish temple.  The stair cases barely accomodate someone my size on them.  It will not be possible to easily change stuff like that.  However, most of the Legacy temples (anything prior to the 1950's) have what I call pockets above the doors.  These can easily be moved and reconfigured to fit 9 or 10' tall doors for a much larger people.  I will watch anxiously as this retrofit goes along to see if that will be part of the plan.  We have a much larger people who will come through here and they will bring their superior technology with them to help us defeat the one-world schmucks who have beseiged us.  The entire world will be united against the people of God and not a single weapon raised against us will succeed.  In the mean time, those gentle giants from the north will receive the higher Priesthood from their stunted cousins.

I highly doubt that the return of the lost tribes will go down to Provo to meet our "reincarnated" buddy from the DoC.  According to Joseph (pre-1834), they will come a place called the NJ with a temple in the center of it.  Gee, I wonder what they will be doing in that temple?  Will they be renting it out for conventions like the Community of Christ (former RLDS) does with theirs?  I mean, they rejected polygamy - so it has to be all good, does it not?  Dang it!  Maybe, just maybe the date will have to be pulled back to 1829 after the Book of Mormon was published in order to logically accommodate the DoC BS.  Maybe 1820 is the next stop?  And where does it end?  Likely, in hell with those doctrinal seductresses who helped get you there?  Likely.

Don't fall for the BS.  It does not pass the smell test.


 As you can tell, I have a general love of the word $][!+...  I need a vidangel for blogs so I can clean this dog and pony show up.  I apologize for the general usage of the word - but I happen to love it and hope and pray I do not end up in hell for the over usage of it.  My dad grew up on a ranch/farm and he was an avid user.  The word conveys so much more than poop does.

But if you wondered what is going through my head when I say poop flinger, this is what I am seeing:

There is an actual monkey in a zoo doing it - but I will let you look that gif up.

If bigger beasts are your thing, maybe the hippo poo flinger is a little better.  Here you go:


 I have never seen this quote on context until now:

“Were I to ask the question, how much wheat or anything else a man must have to justify him in letting it go to waste, it would be hard to answer; figures are inadequate to give the amount. Never let anything go to waste. Be prudent, save everything, and what you get more than you can take care of yourselves, ask your neighbors to help you. There are scores and hundreds of men in this house, if the question were asked  them if they considered their grain a burden and a drudge to them, when they had plenty last year and the year before, that would answer in the affirmative, and were ready to part with it for next to nothing. How do they feel now, when their granaries are empty? If they had a few thousand bushels to spare now, would they not consider it a blessing? They would. Why? Because it would bring the gold and silver. But pause for a moment, and suppose you had millions of bushels to sell, and could sell it for twenty dollars per bushel, or for a million dollars per bushel, no matter what amount, so that you sell all your wheat, and transport it out of the country, and you are left with nothing more than a pile of gold, what good would it do you? You could not eat it, drink it, wear it, or carry it off where you could have something to eat. The time will come that gold will hold no comparison in value to a bushel of wheat. Gold is not to be compared with it in value. Why would it be precious to you now? Simply because you could get gold for it? Gold is good for nothing, only as men value it. It is no better than a piece of iron, a piece of limestone, or a piece of sandstone, and it is not half so good as the soil from which we raise our wheat, and other necessaries of life. The children of men love it, they lust after it, are greedy for it, and are ready to destroy themselves, and those around them, over whom they have any influence, to gain it” (#BrighamYoung, Journal of Discourses, 1:, p.250).

Saturday, April 23, 2022


 Well, as of late, I have not been getting tons of sleep.  As this DoC thing starts to blow up, I end up going to bed with DoC on the mind, likely dream about it and wake up with DoC counter arguments on the mind.  This is not a bad thing, because I process what I am getting so pissed about.  Some of it is my baggage from relationship trauma and some of it just plain stress from the mess we were plunged into as core people made really bad calls and stressed out the best people within the Church (those who reject the evil around them and choose not to embrace the lies and deceit of the gadiantons). The fact is this:  it will get a helluva lot more intense than it ever has been before it gets better.  It will be a press that will force all to decide where it is at.  There will be no middle ground.  It is this way by design and on purpose from God.  He has to have us know where we are at.

Last night, I had a very "strong and long" dream - so much so that I did not once wake up nor did I even turn over to trade sides even once in about seven hours (very rare for me).  I was in Cuba.  Castro was dead, but they were still trying to keep communism alive while trying to modernize the economy.  The people were demoralized and literally dying of starvation while the upper class lived on the same level as some of the poorer people in a first world country.  They were using tech that was 30-50 years old and I was being shown the wonders of their world by handlers from the regime.  The Cuban elite class also had handlers that appeared to be Chinese.  It was hilarious to me (though I was trying to feign respect as much as I could) how they would gush over their flip phones and antiquated farming, manufacturing and building methodologies as if it were cutting edge.  Well, it was for them.  To me, it was funny.  All of the tooling for their industry modernization program was literally stuff we were throwing away in the West that they were buying up at scrap prices.  It was sad to think that they were so indoctrinated that they were living well below their means and oblivious to how good they could have it if they would just return to common sense and get out from under the strong delusion they were under.  They were nice enough - but had been led astray by this strong delusion.

At the end of the dream, I was being shown something (the wonders of communistic ideals) by my Cuban handlers and that is when the driver of our car got off the official "show" route and we ended up in the true slums.  The handler was in a total panic that I was going to see the real goings on in Cuba.   In the slums, there was little food or medicine and the people were living no better than the animals.  It was late dusk and I watched as the dead, who had died of disease and hunger, were being brought out to be placed along the road to be picked up in the night.  The misery was beyond anything imaginable.  The dream ended as I was observing the Asian handler frantically trying to get the Cuban driver back on the path of the official narrative they were trying to project to me as their official guest.

There is great metaphor (in my current situation) in this dream.  I will leave it at that.  I often rely on my dreams to spell things out for me.  My wife, I suspect, is kind of jealous of my dream world because she has so few right now, but has been promised that she will develop the gift over time.  Dreams are a way of processing complex situations and spitting out an answer - if the gift of interpretation of dreams has been developed.  The mind is incredibly complex and it has a way of sorting stuff out.  Before I discovered girls and got distracted at college, I had a process that I developed in High School to get myself through with flying colors.  I would study in the evenings and then create a synopsis or cheat sheet of the high points I was supposed to remember.  My daughter perfected her game quite a bit more than I did and has flash cards to accomplish the same thing.  So pleased with my kids that are so smart and talented.  All of them.  Some scary smart....   Anyway, just before bed after reading scriptures, I would go over the main principles I would need the next day on the test.  My mind would be marinating in what I needed to internalize for next day's activities.  When morning rolled around, I had it down pat.  I am sure the brain was ordering and prioritizing information all night long.  I could breeze through anything that way.

So the take away from that dream is that we need to be careful of those around us who are influencers (but specifically of the evil or detrimental kind).  There is one that I refuse to be company with and her name is Trisha J. from the DoC crowd.  Absolute hatred for Brigham Young and anything to do with polygamy.  So in her blind hatred for one thing (plus probably from the needle hanging out of the shoulder event), she has thrown all leadership out back to Joseph, denied that he was ever sealed to more than one woman, trashed Priesthood authority at least back to 1834 and I am sure, will eventually chuck Jesus and God to the curb.  It does not take long before the "handlers" above her in the chain feel that she is finally ready to handle the "higher thinking" and introduce her to the final line of thinking that puts her over the edge to eternal damnation.  Not passing final judgment here (saying that she is going to hell); just stating where the trajectory takes her to.

Here is the deal with these folks (DoCers and anti's like Tal Bachman or Mr. Godmakers himself).  You push back on them and begin to nail them with logic and they then resort to the "why are you judging me?!?" line.  Nobody from my camp is judging anybody.  If anything, we are defending those that have been judged and thrown under the bus and are just trying to give them a fair shake in usually what is a one-sided argument or smear campaign.  When my dad was alive, I had several siblings who had daddy issues because my dad admittedly was gone quite a bit when they were younger as he was attempting to support a family of eight kids.  After he died, they began flinging the poo about him and making up really wild stuff that had no merit.  I shut them down and stressed my relationship with them - but I would rather have it that way than have something that is not real.  The train for that kind of thing had left the station long ago (while he was still alive).  It takes a real coward to fling the poo so late in the narrative - especially without all the facts.  Sadly for my siblings, and other poo flingers, EVERY word that has left their lips will have to be accounted for.  Every.  Single.  One.  This is on the order of bearing false witness (which often occurs without the victim present) and it is not a victimless crime as it erodes character.  Where the Gospel is involved, it erodes faith and cankers the soul.  It is not right.  In fact, it is highly immoral to engage in that.  The sin is not with the person defending the person's character, it is with the one flinging the poo.

Some have been critical of me for stating my obvious discontent for the shoulder/needle thingy.  They think I am being harsh or critical of President Nelson.  Not in the least.  I am stating that I believe he and others who have pushed the "safe and effective" jabberwonky have fulfilled Isaiah 28 perfectly.  To a T.  God will deal with them as He will.  It is not my role or position to do so.  Simply is not.  He still holds the keys to the kingdom and, in my opinion, is simply not wielding them well.  I can still sustain him when he is acting as a Prophet, while still allowing him to be human.  Even if that choice may have cost hundreds or even thousands or tens or hundreds of thousands of lives (over time) and untold misery.  He will have to answer for that.  I will have to answer to whether or not I "hear(d) Him", or not.  It is very simple. 

Just as I have not chucked my wife to the curb for the times she has stepped out of line, nor me for my shortcomings, I do not hold any leader to an unrealistic expectation.  However, I may not trust his counsel as much on future topics.  That likely will never be earned back; he does not have enough years left to do that.  I will allow President Oaks to do that when he takes the reins.

Here is a great set of quotes from a gal I admire and respect:

—Mark E. Peterson Some modern people have created cults of their own, and among them are those who attempt to take refuge in section 85 of the Doctrine and Covenants. They endeavor to say that the Church has gone astray, that the leaders are no longer inspired, and that “one mighty and strong” is needed to take over the affairs of the Lord [see D&C 85:7] And without any evidence of modesty whatsoever on their parts, they themselves volunteer for the position. There is one verse particularly in that section which they fail to consider. It is especially pertinent. It says that apostates and others who have been cut off from the Church will not be found among the Saints of the Most High at the last day. Why? Because salvation is in the Church, not elsewhere. Listen to the Lord’s words: “And they who are of the High Priesthood, whose names are not found written in the book of the law, or that are found to have apostatized, or to have been cut off from the church, as well as the lesser priesthood, or the members, in that day shall not find an inheritance among the Saints of the Most High.”

President Brigham Young was very expressive in describing the fate of apostates when he said: “Why do people apostatize? You know we are on the ‘Old Ship Zion.’ We are in the midst of the ocean. A storm comes on, and, as sailors say, she labors very hard. ‘I am not going to stay here,’ says one; ‘I don’t believe this is the “Ship Zion.”’ ‘But we are in the midst of the ocean.’ ‘I don’t care, I am not going to stay here.’ Off goes the coat, and he jumps overboard. Will he not be drowned? Yes. So with those who leave this Church. It is the ‘Old Ship Zion.’ Let us stay in it.” And then he added: “If the candle of the Almighty does not shine from this place, you need not seek for its light anywhere else.”

Friday, April 22, 2022


I have made several posts on this topic.  This obviously is a hot point for me.  There are a few reasons why.

First of all, I get seriously pissed when people judge someone out of context.  For example, I have had those judge me for not being nice to my wife.  Not when things are steady state as they are now - but for when things were downright bizarre in our marriage due to mental illness.  I admittedly used to lose my cool due to the equivalent of PTSD brought on by almost a decade of bizarre behavior.  It is excruciating having to live with someone with mild to severe mental illness, let alone try to raise a young family in that situation.  I dare say that, if there were no hope of things getting better, I am not sure I could power through another 30 years of it.  There is a reason that 90% of people who are in relationships where mental illness is present, end up divorced.  For those who have questioned my character (losing my cool with my wife), most have had the displeasure now of having to live with someone in that state, so they now have a new yardstick to measure things by.  I dare say things did not end so well for them.  I take little pleasure in stating this - but I take comfort in the fact that they now "get it".  I am sure the respect levels are now quite a bit higher.

The other thing that gets me pissed off to no end is when people make false allegations against anyone; and I will call it what it is: bearing false witness.  In the previous blog post on Brigham, I outlined why I do not like those who call out Brigham (from an inferior position of power or authority) and even accuse him of plotting the murder of Joseph Smith along with John Taylor, etc based on sketchy assumptions at the very best.  This kind of stuff is mind-roasting to me.  Circuits start to pop in my head.  Why is that?  Because I have endured the first 24 years of my 30 year marriage of being "suspiced" - yes that is a word I made up and, yes Suspice is a verb meaning: to be suspicious of.  If you search "abuse" on this blog, you can probably find the entire sordid tale as it progressed.  My wife, as an abuse survivor, has made inferences towards me almost from the day our first girl came into the world.  I do not fault her much, this burden was thrust upon her.  It was not her choice nor her doing in any way.  My wife came from a home where her mother was abused and suspicion of men is normal for her mother.  Her broken relationships with men has largely reflected that mistrust.  I feel sorry that she was not given a better situation.  Her parents must atone for the shitshow they called an upbringing...  Attitudes are passed on - almost completely independent of how one tries to cover the biases and raise the next generation in a relative vacuum from the dysfunction the previous generation experienced.

As my children passed the ages that the abuse occurred in their mother's life, the suspicing came out in full force.  After losing our third kid to SIDS and my wife's condition became full-blown mania/psychosis because she would not sleep out of concern for the new baby, the innuendo and inferences spilled out (she could not contain them in a mentally compromised state) and I got so mad one evening (after months of build up to that point) as we were getting ready to go to a ward party, that I was afraid I would do more than just raise my voice at her.  I felt I had it in me to push her hard and literally through the wall of our home if she had hit the wall between the studs.  I am quite a bit bigger than she is.  It would have been bad.  I would have been jailed for felony assault or worse and likely it would have ended our marriage and destroyed our family - with me as the "bad guy"/abusive husband.  Two officers responded to my 911 request for help - but I did not get the CPS representative I had requested, so that I could have them interview our kids and clear my good name.  Thankfully (in hindsight), neither one of us spent the night in the pokey and neither one of us ended up interacting with CPS because that never ends well, usually with kids being taken from the home and sometimes never returned.

So, after that ongoing shitshow (no better word), I happen to have it out for ANYONE who makes a baseless allegation or is overly suspicious.  It simply is out of order and will get me fired up.  The best thing to do when I am in this state is to just let it ride for a day or two or maybe a week or two.  This is a hint....  In the case of my wife, I was so pissed off (main circuit blown), that I kicked her out of the house while I was home.  Thankfully, we had friends who lived half a block away with a spare bedroom where she could spend the nights until I was off to work.  I just simply could not be under the same roof until I the meds kicked in and I heard her admit that she was out of line and that I was not some kind of pedophile monster.  I think no one can comprehend until they have been in that withering situation for a few weeks, months or years.  Yes, even a decade at varying degrees of the insanity.  I am positive that it has taken years or even decades off of my life.

If she had accused me of something far worse - like killing or plotting to successfully kill one of the most important figures in earth's history - it would have been immediate and far more decisive.  Nothing but tail lights on the horizon for her to look at.  I had to place that shot across the bow very early in our relationship when my wife took a class in Women's Studies at BYU (from a disgraced and discredited "professor" - more like accuser) wherein the obvious wolf took some statements by some anti's and made Joseph out for a philanderer instead of someone who was sealed to the women - but not actively engaging in relations with them.  She openly asserted in this class that Joseph fathered children by many of the 19 women he was sealed to while he was alive (many of whom were married for time to other men - that is truth), instead of even entertaining the notion that they fell pregnant by the ones they were having sex with: their husbands that they were married to for time.  Most of these accusations coming from the guy who was actually philandering, John C Bennet.  It was this poop that was being flung about by the Nauvoo Expositor that caused such outrage by Joseph that he did a "temple clearing move" and ordered the press destroyed as the Mayor of Nauvoo.  This, of course, was not the best move in a tense environment and fanned the flames on First Amendment grounds that actually led to his death at the hands of the mob.  Nothing to do with Brigham Young or John Taylor.  Seriously!  Anyway, I remember my wife, her sister and I were driving from Colorado to Utah on the Christmas Break after this class and she was bringing up the utter garbage from that class.  As a newly-wed of only four months, I made it very clear that I thought the "professor" was full of poo and that, if I were going to give anyone the benefit of the doubt based on everything (works) and what I knew to be true, Joseph would get that benefit of the doubt until there were more facts and data.  I very pointedly told my wife that if I had to cast my lots between my new bride and the Prophet, my lots were going with Joseph.  Yep - harsh, but straight up.  Today, I have learned to call it "setting boundaries".  There was no negotiating on that point.  I have expressed concern that the mother of one of kid's paramours is going to implode her marriage if she takes this Brigham murderer bullshit to heart.  Her husband is faithful to the official narrative and likely will do what I did (or was willing to do to my wife) in the face of insane accusations against mere mortals - but damned good ones!  Because, as I pointed out earlier, it will not stop with 1834 and allegations against the Higher Priesthood and the attendant temple ordinances, it will eventually end up with 1830-1834, then 1820-1830 and keep marching backwards until they will accuse the very Son of God of some kind of impropriety.  Mark my words - this is how it goes down.

So, I am kind of in good company when I get pissed off by troublemakers flinging the poo.  If Joseph trashed the press, the Savior overturned the tables and there is nothing but wild innuendo being tossed about in regards to Brigham (pure salacious shit of the highest order), I am casting my lot with Brigham.  Plain and simple.  Been there and done that.  I know where this nasty slide into the abyss ends up.

Having said that, President Nelson really stepped in it hard with this whole needle thing.  Having said that, the church has backed off from that ridiculous position.  If they go there again, they are all fools or are under some kind of extreme duress/coercion.  I think many of the best people (including those who are trying to explain away some of the stupidity by throwing Brigham and the Higher Priesthood under the bus) will simply fold if there is another round.  The numbers have to be showing it.  I sit all day across from the temple and I can tell that the parking lot is not even close to as full as it was prior to the plandemic - even thought ALL restrictions have been removed, not being summer, etc.  All things being equal, I think things have taken a terrible toll.  Far more than had that virtue signaling not taken place on Jan 20, 2021.

Thursday, April 21, 2022


 This is a nice compilation of the latest things going on with our food supply:

I highly recommend you all get your emergency food supply put together if you have not already.


 Wow, this is a great quote by BY.  LOVE that man and cannot wait to meet him.  I just got out of a firefight from a good friend that appears to be getting sucked into the DoC lies.  I got very pissed off because he chose to not get my hints and back off from my own personal FB group that I set up to monitor at a grassroots level, VAERS events reported by most of the anti-forced jab people I know.  Several people that I invited into that group are not LDS or have recently joined (friends from growing up and from Boeing) and I did not want them exposed to the shitshow that is the DoC blasphemy that makes those that at least appear to be LDS, out for a bunch of bickering and faithless malcreants.  Nice introduction to the faith when some are cannibalizing our own past leadership, etc...  Why the hell do we just not go for Jesus' jugular while we are at it?  Seriously....  I was getting beyond pissed off.

Yep, it is open season on BY these days and I REALLY get tired of it.  I happen to support his stance on blacks in the Priesthood every bit as much as I support the Savior telling my ancestors that it was not their time to have the Gospel preached to them.  If some of them were in Samaria, it was too bad for them.  I am fine with that.  I also understand that there are groups established WELL before this earth was laid down who qualified only to have the Gospel at the very last moment before Millennial bliss set in and it was given to all who had a basic faith in Jesus Christ.  I also recognize from what I saw in Brazil of macumba and other spiritism-based religions brought over from Africa with the slave trade, that some people simply were so far out (like 180 degrees out) from anything related to Jesus Christ, that it was best to leave them to do their own perverted thing.  Why?  For the very reason we do not send the missionaries out to a gay "pride" parade to seek out converts.  Wrong place.  Wrong time.  When they are dying from AIDs or have turned from wickedness and are seeking out Jesus, yes.  Otherwise no...  That crap just infects the rest of the herd much like the liberals that have come into the Church lately and cannot handle true doctrine - and thus the pussy-footing around the various topics that are hot button including the anti-vaccine arguments.

To be quite frank, until those on the African continent were brought to a state of complete humility and even Christianized, they likely were not ready.  The time for them was not the 1860's.  It was when people like my Mission President came to know Jesus on his own and then was baptized into the LDS church and served on the Sao Paulo Temple Committee knowing that he could not ever enter into edifice in the mid-1970's that in part inspired President Kimball to ask the question that partly led to the Revelation (which the DoC accuses of being a sham based on political expediency only).  The AIDs crisis hit next with a vengeance in Africa (oddly about the same year the blacks were given the higher Priesthood) and the wicked were killed off in droves (some particularly wicked areas lost 70% of their wildly promiscuous men) and those that rose above the crap were ready for the gospel to be preached in wholesale.  And it has taken off and the time is right - just as it was for the Gentile freaks who were worshipping any stone statue that didn't move, back in Athens and Rome.  Everything and everyone has their time.  It is not my place to critique that decision.  I trust the process.  I was kind of at the ground level with the whole thing when my Mission President's oldest 19 year old son was the first black man to receive the Melchizedek Priesthood and my Mission President became the first black member of the Quorum of the 70.  As his APE, I was involved in coaching him on his pronunciation of English words that he had prepared for his first Gen Con talk a few months later in April 1990.

The problem with the DoC is that most of their arguments like most of those of the anti-LDS crowd, are emotional-based.  I see a dearth of logic being applied to most things they say - because they are simply looking for the emotionally charged and disaffected out there that they can prey upon (yes, picture the ravening wolf circling the humble lamb).  When they think about this one terrible "affront" by Brigham to the black people, they forget that God has held WAY more in reserve the 10 Tribes who STILL DO NOT have the Higher Priesthood.  Does he hate THEM??!!??  Nope.  It simply is not their time yet.  And yes, they were still labeled among the chosen people in 721BC before He cut them loose for being idiots and for  pissing in their bowl of pottage... 

So yeah....  This kind of crap makes me VERY hot.  Here are a few excerpts from the "discussion":

Yes, I get pretty pissed when people who couldn’t organize a kazoo band rip on Brigham (who rallied tens of thousands to build a desert kingdom on par with the eastern US - which made him a threat to them) from lesser positions of power, or judge him through today’s standards. He was arguably one of the greatest statesmen of America and he was on par with the Founding Fathers, that accomplished amazing things under similar extreme circumstances, yet are also judged harshly by petty people for things like having slaves (again judging people through modern lenses). Does not work on Brother Brigham... Sorry - but not sorry! Just petty and ridiculous!

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And then there are the accusations that he plotted with John Taylor and others to take Joseph out. This is illogical blind rage and on par with Satan as the great accuser of Christ in the Great War of Words in heaven.
Seen by Mark Bishop at 8:54 AMSeen by AW Christensen at 9:29 AMSeen by Shawna Wood at 1:35 AM

You sent

I have a HARD and FAST rule that I have used for years as a yardstick in judging RIGHTEOUS judgment, as allowed in scripture. Not passing final judgment. Just righteous judgment. I use it when weighing my engineering judgment against the judgment of another engineer with whom I may not entirely agree.

It is this: ask myself what their accomplishments are, without relying on hearsay or gossip. I then assign a value to their entire package. I do not focus on a single bad call that they may have made, but assign a composite value to their body of work. If their body of work is greater than mine in value, then I give their calls greater weight than mine. If they are constantly stepping out of the value set I have assessed for them or calling out others of a higher assessment, I give them the pompous ass assessment and de-rate them accordingly. While I may have a few questions about Brother Brigham, I am nowhere close to being in a position to call him out. His life’s works are far and above mine, therefore I let anything roll that I am not sure about - including the Adam-God theory and blacks and the higher Priesthood. Upping it a notch, I just roll my eyes at those who try and deny the divinity of Jesus Christ, etc. The arrogance is palpable. As in all these cases of stupidity and arrogance, these accusers will have to repent of that arrogance before they can move anywhere close to them in the heavenly realms. By our pride and misjudgment, we damn ourselves from forward movement.