Monday, February 28, 2022


 Wow, so that escalated quickly!

And I happen to be in favor of Putin's position.  I do not subscribe to the pro-deep state narrative.  To be honest, I am shocked it took this long for the West to go against Russia and throw them under the bus.  The Russians are simply doing what we did in the Cuban missile crisis when we did not want our enemies (along with their missiles) within a few minutes of striking distance.  We risked it all to get rid of them - and we were supposedly justified in that.

With NATO (in a tranny world, this stands for No Actual Testicles Onboard) right on their borders, missiles are just a few minutes from Moscow.  With the Eastern Bloc countries as a buffer, Moscow is able to provide a buffer if things get ugly.  They remember the lessons from WWII.  Putin provided reminders of our incursion into Libya, Syria and even Iraq for lesser things.  It is a sham, to be sure.  Please do not fall for the propaganda from CNN and remember that they are not trustworthy.

Every single country that sought to establish an independent monetary system (backed by gold instead of the petro dollar, has been attacked - just as was stated after Sept eleventh.  There is a world wide conspiracy set up to get gain by "covet means" as stated by JFK.  We must fight it with everything we have and not let it get anymore above us than it already is!

The enemy of my enemy (the one world cabal), is my friend.

Having said that, he is no friend of true freedom of religion as we were shut down from openly proselyting over there.  Maybe he did not like the lesbians in our YW leadership either....  Maybe his intelligence has indicated that our org has been infiltrated and also pushing the one-world agenda that he is so opposed to?  I am not certain, but I believe he will do something brash (likely taking out the USA in an EMP attack?) and then, having knocked out the head of the one-world cabal, will roll over Europe and make his way back down to the south and east to sweep Turkey and then head south into Syria and Israel.  Of course, he will not forget to call on Iran and China, etc.  

I really feel that his chastisement will be our future and it will be plenty justified.  His dark forces will seek to take down the dark forces we have upheld.  It is all as plain as day to me.

Friday, February 25, 2022


Often, what we see at night streaking through the sky is space junk burning up on re-entry.  It is amazing what a little friction will do.

Most of what makes it through re-entry is the space junk made up of titanium and other materials like nickel and HSS that resist the high temps that aluminum and softer steels cannot withstand.  Russia is the world's largest supplier of titanium and thus them building their sub hulls out of the stuff where the USA has had to resort to steels, etc.  The pressure spherical titanium pressure tanks always make it down to the ground.  They can punch holes in things at the speeds they are traveling at.

Russia is pulling a trump card, if they can have it come down over the Eastern seaboard....  Juvenile, yet I would not put it past Russia to do so.  Just last week, someone predicted that it would fall over Utah in order to fulfill the Blue Kachina prophecy:

Time will tell.  We live in interesting times.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022


One of the doctrinal planks of the DoC crowd is often an outright hatred for Brigham Young.  This is a carryover from the Denver Snuffer craze dayz that it appears the DoC crowd morphed out of, and seemed to have centered in Meridian, ID and a few other hotspots around the intermountain area.  Brigham is pretty much a bad word in those circles.  Many women have gotten on board due to the repulsive nature (in their minds) of plural marriage.  Well, in doing so, Abraham is thrown under the bus along with many others, including Eliza R Snow.  My wife and I happen to love the lady, and we side with the Savior in not condemning Abraham in any way.  We named two girls in honor of ERS.  She is a Queen and will reign among the greats that have graced this earth.

Here is a quote from her:

 While I understand the resistance to this principle and it's attendant doctrine, it is my feeling that those that throw it under the bus and survive through the first part of what is coming, will have to endure the words of Isaiah.  Too many in vision have seen all of the women and children (lack of men).  It will be a twisted formation of it, wherein the principle will be lived once again by force of circumstance - but it will be lived once again.  Great are the words of Isaiah!

We have observed that many that throw Brigham under the bus have embarked on illicit affairs or have extra-marital situations going on.  Again, many centered in the Meridian area.

I have a strong word of caution here.  The gateway to Terrestrial living is the keeping of the Law of Chastity (arguably the hardest law to keep, due to our biological - and healthy, when kept in the proper bounds - programming).  Comprising thought, word and deed.  If we cannot live that law along with the law of Tithing (arguably one of the second hardest laws to keep due to our love of money and it's ability to help sustain life - basic biological and physical necessities), we will not rise to the higher order.  It is arguable, that without a propensity to a higher law than even tithing (Consecration), we simply will not make it, because Consecration in all it's forms including being willing to give up our spouses in order that they obtain their highest potential in the eternities (this is a nod to women, not the men who must meet the spiritual needs of their women, or they risk losing them if not equally yoked to them), Consecration is the gateway to Celestial living that we must master in the Millennium.  Complete lack of selfishness/lust on any front.  Both laws, require implicit faith in God and His plan and a belief that we will be held accountable (at least in the case of chastity), for the way that we used a delegated power (the giving of life).  

It goes without saying that another limited and delegated power (the taking of life, whether human or animal) is above even these two principles.  Only in times of war and for defensive purposes only (in most cases).  So, we make the choice every day of how we want our futures to be.  It is not rocket science.  When you look around you at what is being pushed in our twisted culture (the violence, murder, fornication, adultery, abortion to cover the last two items, and so much else), you know you are in an awful state and the devil rejoices in his temporary kingdom.  All that trash will be taken to the curb, so that we can live without the drama that the trashy living brings.

I was talking with a co-worker (my work wife) yesterday and she is somewhat younger and a fine engineer who has kids about the age of mine.  One of hers has departed the path (lesbianism) and was accusing her of things related to her divorce from a decade ago.  Things were chaotic and dysfunctional then.  I told her that her daughter's accusations were probably stemming from her not feeling good about herself and that they were directed at her and her new husband because she is the "keeper of the values" in the family.  If this daughter can get the accusations of bad mothering to stick, then she has a pretext to throw out the rest of the good things her mother did for her during those years of raising a tassle of kids, going back to school to train as an engineer and juggling everything as a single mom.  A herculean task!!  If not, then the daughter has to do what REALLY needs to be done and repent of gross wickedness and accept that she is nothing before her Lord and Savior, whom she owes her spiritual life to, in order to make it back into the presence of a perfect Father.

I find among the adulterous crowd, similar tendencies in throwing out plural marriage (some, not all).  Many are often in defiance of this principle because they will not bend the knee to the Lord and state their reliance on Him.  They will either throw out God altogether, or in the negotiation stage of their faith profession, wherein they cannot deny the Savior/Book of Mormon, they will throw some of it out and lash out against current leadership (I am not talking the gads here), in order to get past the unresolved feelings they may be experiencing in relation to their own sins.  It is very complex, I know.  But I am seeing a pattern here.  Some of the cases stem out of men treating them poorly.  Some simply gross wickedness related to sexual misconduct; often adultery.

I find the warning or observation of the Savior in Matthew 12:38-39 that a wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, to be key here.  

So, this is my caution to all humans with hormones out there (including myself), that we need to watch ourselves carefully or we will be found wanting when we are weighed in the balance.  As with anything, if something is not right, repentance is a free gift and can be drawn upon freely.  And no one is judging anyone here - we all are likely in the same hormone soup-filled boat in this mortal experience, so we all will likely need to rely on the same source of forgiveness.

Monday, February 21, 2022


So, I just got off the phone with the widow of the guy who runs

She is a good and faithful and visionary woman (an elect lady) and has no ties to her husband's blog (much like my wife who is prone to, at times, resist much of what I have to say, or at least the abrasive/direct way in which I say it), but who is also in a bind.  I can tell she is very giving and, being so, has not alot of reserves to get by on until she figures out how to make do as the primary income earner in her family.

I overstepped and did use her husband's name (my contact asked me not to use names - but I thought it meant his name, not the blog owner's - who is now on the other side).  So we cleared that little snafu up by purging his direct info from the blog.  In talking with her, I feel that we need to help her and her two teenage kids out, especially while she is grieving her loss and just barely recovering herself.  Here is her info if you would like to donate to her on Venmo or via e-transfer: for e-transfer

     Sharon Wales on Venmo

Please do what you can.  It will come back ten-fold, when widows are helped in their time of need.  Remember the sins of Sodom and do what you can.

God bless!    

Sunday, February 20, 2022


 THE hardest thing for me to do:

We are about to enter an age of GREAT persecution, wherein the patience of the Saints will be tried to the utmost limits.

When the Lost 10 Tribes triumphantly return to save the few of the Gentiles (us) that remain along with the Remnant (our brown brothers from the Americas that are gathered) and those of Ephraim who were not so inebriated as to be salvageable, then we will have a shot at taking down the gadiantons that have gotten above us.

ALL corrupt governments of all nations will be ground into powder and we will finally be free of the yokes of bondage (excessive taxation and control) that we have been under.  It will be a glorious day.  Until then, we will have to bide our time.

I am seriously split on this point.  My first impulse is to charge into battle and attack before the seige is laid against me (or my value set), even if my fellows in the army are not ready for an attack.  I have always been this way.  Strike early.  Strike hard.  Send a message - but only when an attack is eminent (defensive posture).

This is not always wisest course of action - unless accompanied by a directive from the Spirit to be brash.  I have been emboldened based on MANY past experiences from when I have asked the Lord to have my back (usually in cases of employment - and based on my faith in the principle of tithing), He has come through handsomely and gobsmacked my "enemies", or better, the enemies of righteousness.  It has been humbling for me to watch - and know that the Lord has me covered.  If the Lord will back me on a one on one basis, why will he not cover me in a one on thousands basis or a one against dozens?  I have never been allowed to see these kinds of results (or if they ever did exist, I have not been aware of them).  If so, I would be more brash even than I am.

My disappointment with current leadership at nearly any level is the lack of "faith over fear" coming from them.  Folding to the NWO agenda is just offensive to me.  Quite repulsive.  Thus my respect for Ezra Taft Benson - who did point out the agenda of the gadiantons and even lament for those who "infested" (yes, like the vermin that they are) the Church office building...  Come get my membership if you don't like what I have to say, you pieces of shit!!  I would love to see them crushed and swept off the face of the land.  I know, based on Visions of Glory and other means, that this day of sweeping is shortly approaching.  The vermin will die in the tens of thousands, so that the two valleys where a majority of them reside will see a 90% kill rate.  Only the elect the Lord has chosen, will survive.  I would venture to bet this will happen within the next few years.  I am VERY intrigued by the developments in the scaffolding on the temple in Ogden in conjunction with the developments in the Ukraine, that we will not have our surprise attack here very soon.  Putin, I feel, has a similar impulse to me and the West is poking the Bear....  If so, our nation will see fire and we will go through the times predicted in Revelations.  It will be a time of chaos, it will be a time of reflection far greater than what occurred in 2001.  The driving away from the leftist coasts of the very best people of this nation is occurring and this separation will be the salvation of many good Saints, who are worthy of the title.  The Aints will get what they have coming to them.  

Last night, I watched the Sum of All Fears with my wife.  That style attack will occur on many fronts.  We need to be ready for it.

In the meantime, I guess I need to lay low and just be patient until we put all things under our feet with the Savior and those He sends to save us from tyranny and restore Liberty.  The line of thinking may just to be to rely on the Lord's time as Joseph counseled - as hard as that may be.

Saturday, February 19, 2022


 Well, I just got off the phone with a contact who gave me permission to share this.  If substantiated, it is ridiculous and outrageous.

First of all, I have to share my feelings about the Church.  The "church" is an organ or scaffold whose mission it is to deliver the plain and precious things of the gospel to the world.  It is run by imperfect people, to be sure.  In the Mark Hoffman case, a few of my favorite people obviously fell for an obvious scheme and did not have the Holy Spirit warn them off from it.  I have done the same thing.  I am a human of lesser social status, but I give most people some serious slack, because I require it of my fellow humans.  I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.  I have no hope in this life or the next without His atoning blood.  My debt of gratitude is rather large.  I know the Book of Mormon and all of our accepted canonical works to be the word of God.  I know Joseph Smith was a Prophet of this dispensation and that we have had many inspired Presidents since our original Prophet/Seer and Revelator.  I sustain any actions by those in leadership so long as they promote Liberty and they are acting prophetically, revealing hidden things and using a seer stone (man, would I love to get my hands on one of those....).  It is non-sense to sustain them in those roles unless they are acting in that role.  My wife has a uterus and ovaries - but until she was with a man, she was never acting as a mother.  Any other line of thinking is ludicrous.  Even in the role of mother, if she were a drug abusing, kid beating hell of a person, she still would not be acting as a mother or in that sense of the word (nurturing, caring, etc).  A similar line of logic applies to our leadership.  If they are not actively acting in their roles, I can only sustain them when they are actively in this role, while acknowledging their keys (handed down by Joseph Smith) to act in that role.  So yes, I do strongly question why the church switched from calling the head of the Church as the "President" to the "PS&R" sometime in the 1950's.  At a time when there was no additional revelations given through them - other than administratively and as counsel (as given in Conference talks).  I also have to state here that I have a monster testimony of tithing and the Word of Wisdom.  I have always done right by adhering to them.  However, I am not paying tithing to the Church right now (my wife is on her earnings and she pays the offerings for the family, though I protested the giving of dozens of millions of dollars to GAVI who is run by eugenicist and crappy software provider, Bill Gates) until the emphasis is turned from supporting the hellish globalist agenda with the attendant vaccine hell, back to supporting liberty and freedom as well as the poor, where ever that may be.  Heck, we are currently supporting Pastor Artur Pawlowski in his fight for freedom here in Canada (currently in prison thanks to jack-booted thugs).  I go to where I can do the most good - and I will let God judge me if that is out of line....

So, having stated my beliefs, there is a fellow who is obviously very critical of all things LDS.  I am not sure if he is apostate (I have not got the macro view/backstory of his blog) like John Dehlin (who just spews stuff that is slanted to try and put the Church in a bad light), but this blog writer appears to be an okay guy based on his FB profile.  He is/was the author of the blog, ldstruths which just appears to point out the facts.

I have not been through even a small portion of it, but I did peruse the section on sexual abuse.  He laundry lists probably the more major lds abuse cases that made the papers, etc.  It was not flattering - yet not surprising.  For Utah, the state with highest pornography usage, you simply will get men/teens acting out what they are viewing online and inappropriate relationships will often ensue by those with lesser impulse control/lack of spiritual nurturing.  If it is true that 95% of men in the Church have indulged in pornography, then you will be extremely hard up to find any male to be a Bishop or even YM leader who has not dealt with that stuff (including myself).  So, out of a larger population with those kinds of statistics, you will find numbers on par with those that he highlights.

The problem is not so much in having those numbers (apart from the hellish sin of abusing innocents - so long as they are not grossly out of line with the average human experience, given the circumstances), it is in trying to hush them and shut them down.  People might attempt to call me apostate for even talking about this kind of stuff.  I happen to disagree.  I just call myself a realist.  I believe in keeping things real.  When you cover up stuff, it festers much like a covered wound in a jungle during rainy season.  What we SHOULD be doing is shining a massive spotlight on the problem.  Stuff like that tends to wither in the presence of intense light.  Any cover up of that kind of thing just makes the problem worse than it originally was.  We are losing the battle.

So, the blog writer was about ready to release an article on Sharon Eubanks' marital status.  Before I get the hater comments, let me reiterate that I really do not give any kind of worry about what a person does in the privacy of their own home - unless they try to convince me or mine that their perversions are normal and to be mainstreamed (which she has attempted to do - along with pushing the abortion narrative).  Then, I become a papa bear....

The blog writer just died.  When he was taken into the hospital, the doctors were asked if he had Covid as I believe organ failure was manifesting.  The blog writer and his wife (both he and his wife simultaneously became deathly ill) were told that it was not Covid - but something else.

Here is the kicker.  Right around the time he was about to release the article on the marital status of our RS President, during the night, the neighbors complained on FB the next day that a helicopter was hovering over the blog writer's house for some period of time, and then it flew away.  The next day, the couple was in dire straits and hospitalized.  The wife is still alive while the husband passed a few days ago.

I am going to go out on a limb here and talk about DEWs, or Directed Engergy Weapons, which would include the use of microwaves.  If a large microwave horn (similar - but much larger - to what you have in your microwave at home - behind the clock and control panel) were pointed down for 2-5 mins above the bedroom of the sleeping (retired - no kids at home) adults, you could theoretically cook their organs containing blood or liquid and eliminate them with relatively no trace.  Do I have proof of this?  Nope.  Is there probable cause?  Possibly.  Is the Church capable of it?  Quite possibly, considering that the deep state has taken care of their whistle blowers in very precise ways, such as Michael Hastings who had the dirt on one of the NWO generals.  He got droned for his trouble in uncovering the truth:

I could list dozens if not hundreds if I had the time.  I consider the Church to be a deep state organ as they spew out more and more information in support of the globalist agenda.  Any reasons as to why that may be the case, I generally ignore.

There are people within the highest ranks of the CIA and FBI who are LDS.  These people are recruited by firms like Deloitte Touche (I call them Toilet Douche...) because they have foreign language and cultural experiences as well as they are often quite good and loyal "yes men".  If they were convinced of a threat to an org they are loyal to, it is quite possible that they could justify taking out a thorn in the side.  I know one former black ops guy (a sniper), and they are looped in their thinking.  When I found out, I have to say that I lost all respect.  Killing for hire?!?  Wow.  And his statement that: "It's all about the treasure (looting of those that you kill)!", that made my blood run cold.  Killing for money....  Just WOW!

So I have a small taste of how that twisted world operates.  Trump got a good fix on it when he attempted to drain the swamp.  The only way to navigate that swampy world is to not have to worry about finances and to not necessarily care about your life.  Also, they will try and leverage your love for your kids against you.  The second being the most important.  I know the Lord will sustain me until my mission is over.  I just passed through my 11th close shave with death and I do not give two shits about death because it is WAY better over there than over here.  The death of a martyr is a good one as the Good Master says, "Blessed is he who will lay down his life for his bretheren."  I hear the retirement plan is pretty good....

So, why did I put this out there?  Because I think our institution is severely compromised (as much or more than Kanadastan is right now) and that, as their stupid little plan to poison the world is called into question, they will get nasty as they try to keep their minions in line.  Thus the doubling down by little dick tater, Son of Castro....  Using excuses like, "just trying to keep the temples open", is no longer valid.  The recent statement on masking continuing in the temples is so much BS - the only thing it will do is keep the guy who is sneezing or coughing up sputum from spraying it around the room.  A cold virus will never be stopped.....  Just ignorant.

The best thing to do is admit that you are wrong and move along.  Covering up stuff does not work.


 Folks, the content of this short video has always bugged me:

I find no fault with it’s conclusions.


 Folks, I have forgiven him for throwing Trump under the bus.  What he has to say here is prophetic, if you are from North America:

Oh, and Truck Frudeau….  Every two bit tin pot has theirs coming to them….

Friday, February 18, 2022


 Well, hello from Canadastan!  The only country other than Russia that is being mocked by leaders of Central American banana republic leaders for the irrational and ludicrous actions of it's supposed "leader".

TrueDope is trying to threaten the truckers by taking their road companion dogs, etc and putting them in the pound and then euthanizing them if the truckers do not leave to pick them up within a week.  Here is the backstory on this.  The police cannot forcibly remove the truckers from their "homes" (trucks are considered a domicile under the law), nor tow the trucks while someone is inside of them and therefore has to be forcibly removed, unless they can find a way to get the truckers to leave their rigs.  So, this stupid or emergency mandate was set up to seize the dog while the trucker has taken the dog out to do his business, then grab the dog and get the trucker to have to drive across town to retrieve it.

Yep, apparently "terrorists" should not have pets because the pets are in danger?!?  Still trying to figure that one out....  But then, nothing a bastard son of a Carribean pirate/dick tater does, should surprise me....  He is desperate and acting that way.  His approval rating now is at an all-time low.  The only thing he has on his side is a controlled media that receives over a billion dollars of Canadian tax-payer's money from the same gubmint that is propagandizing their population.  It is a total (sorry - no better word) shit show up here right now.  I am fiercely proud to be called a Canadian since we absolutely outdid the Boston Tea Party on any scale, but am just horrified and embarrassed about our so-called leader.  To the point that it might be smart to head back to deal with senile old Creepy Joe....  Seriously, this is a major rock/hardspot moment going on in my mind....

Thursday, February 17, 2022


 Hey, I have a freedom loving buddy from Utah County who is looking for a quote (supposedly) from Joseph Smith that prophesies of the border between Canada and the USA dissolving.

When she asked me, I have to say that I was/am stumped.  If any of you know of it, please send me the reference and exact quote or where you think you may have heard of it.

The only one I am aware of that talks of this is the Sols Cuardisto, Cardston Temple prophecy.  That prophecy had the stamp of approval of E.J. Wood, so I believe it to be good.


Sunday, February 13, 2022


 So, some really cool stuff happened this past week.  During Fast and Testimony meeting last Sunday, a woman got up that I did not recognize and she told us all her woeful tale of having a baby and then losing it a few weeks after birth due to an operation to open the baby up, which discovered appendicitis that could not be repaired.  They lost the baby.  So sad.  She and her husband had five young boys but the only girl they had been hoping for, had died on them.  So sad.

While speaking, it was VERY obvious that a year after her loss, she was still in serious grieving mode.  I turned to my wife after she got done and said we needed to find out who she was and go and minister to her family.  On Tuesday, my wife and I decided to take a work break and walk the block over to the Distribution Center and pick up a BoM in Korean for my wife's boss at work who has not had a chance to read the book, even though living in Cardston for a few years.  I am hoping his son will go to BYU to take advantage of cheap education (the Koreans are all about good education).  I am all about efficiency, so we cut across the lawn and rounded the corner at the front door of the building.  If my wife had chosen the route, we would have missed the opportunity because she follows "the rules" and would not walk across grass when a sidewalk is available....

So, anyhow - we come to the door and face to face with this same woman, but did not say anything.  The randomness of when we left our house and the path we took determined the outcome of the day.  Had she made it in 5 seconds before and all we saw was her back, we would likely not have recognized her.  But we were staring directly into her eyes as we both came around the corner.  Once inside, I was thinking to myself that this was the woman - but not knowing her, I have to say I was not about to walk up to her.  Without us communicating with each other, my wife approached her and asked if she was the woman who bore her testimony in church.  We both expressed our sympathies and then we were approached by the woman running the DC about wearing a mask.  My wife left instead of complying with the useless thing and I put one on (and then pulled it down under my chin when the employee left) so I could relay our story of loss and hope.  I knew it was not random that we both had decided to make a trip at that exact random moment, so that we could apply the balm to her wounded soul.  I reiterated that God is in control and I pitched our favorite book, Life Everlasting.  Someone had pitched it to us about six months prior to our Dallin dying of SIDS.  It is the best book on death and dying.  I told her we did not have any copies left (we always keep a copy or two around to pass along and I forgot that I had found two recently at the local bookstore in Cardston).  She said she was leaving immediately to go pick up a copy.  When I got home, my wife disappeared to our storage room and came back with two nearly pristine copies that I had forgotten I had bought.  

I flipped through one and briefly looked at the stories since I had not read from it in 10 years.  I remembered how amazing the stories were from those in Brigham's days up until the Manifesto when miracles largely began to disappear in the Church as people became more and more faithless as we collectively abandoned higher principles until we now have a greatly diminished portion of the word, including the endowment, etc.

I then saw this video from Kevin Kraut and remembered my own family's amazing 3 Nephite experience from the 1870's:

If the people were perverse in those days, none of the amazing miracles would have happened.  It is quite simple.  As it is, those today, who throw the members from those eras under the bus, are the ones largely devoid of miracles in their lives.  So, the secret is to look at the fruits.  People can masquerade quite successfully, but the proof is always in the pudding.

I have a daughter who is struggling mightily right now.  She has left the path almost a decade ago based on several factors, but probably the greatest being that her seminary teacher basically told her she was to be barefoot and pregnant by 19 years old, if she were to be considered faithful and righteous.  He was just slightly too Bensonian for her tastes (and mine) and she refused to return to seminary.  In fact, when he came over to apologize for his gaffe, she slipped out a bedroom window and hid on the roof as we searched in vain to find her - she did not want to even see the guy (a former Bishop and I believe a counselor in a FL Stake Presidency) again.  The slide never stopped for her.  I warned her that she could never be truly successful in life if she let her spirituality languish in favor of intellectualism or whatever god she put in place of the vacuum that leaving the truth would create.  And so, the fruits have manifested themselves in her life.  It has been tragic and painful to watch.  

I always say that we need to watch for the fruits.  A person cannot persist forever in covering up the consequences of their actions.  It is impossible.  To that end, I once knew a man that rented our large family home from my parents when they down-sized to a smaller house on our old family farm.  He had 8 kids.  I returned from my mission and made a comment to him when I saw him in church, that he had a lovely family (his wife did a good job taking care of their kids and they presented a pretty picture of a family, other than his then-mysteriously sullen face).  A few weeks later, the hellish dam burst on that man and I was able to gauge the possible source of his sullen or fallen countenance).  His family experienced the nuclear event and it came out that he had been molesting all boys and girls and the older kids finally rebelled as teens and the truth came out.  It was total wreckage.  I do not think he was threatening them to keep quiet about the sexual abuse - it just bubbled over as it did with my wife and her step-dad.  The fruits of the man were revealed.  After I heard stories from my sister (who was their YW leader), I was glad he was put away for a very long time (and should have been castrated, at a minimum....).

Anyway, while I do not understand the idea of the Adam-God theory, and I do happen to support the idea of the Blood Atonement (voluntarily chopping off the nuts of a sex offender is a good start), the fruits of the people in Brigham's day were largely good fruits.  Therefore, not understanding all things, I will pass on throwing Brigham under the bus and instead will go to bat in his defense - often straining my relationships with DoC folks, unless they can do one thing to get my attention.  And that is: do a mightier work than Brigham Young did in leading the people as a modern Moses and setting up an amazing wilderness kingdom.  The same applies to Joseph Smith.  Do NOT criticize a person unless you are capable of, or have done a mightier life's work than them.  

I apply the same logic to those who have been critical of my relationship with my wife who suffered from some extremely strong mental health issues after our fifth child was born.  I have had those who have given me hell over my lack of patience and other things during some EXTREMELY stressful years (she is fine now, thanks to some good counseling from Spencer of VoG).  So, it has been interesting to watch detractors deal with others with mental health issues and see them melt in the heat - where I was able to, quite frankly, come through with relative grace and patience.  The old adage, "Do not judge someone until you have walked a mile in their shoes", really does come into play.  Or, for a more contemporary saying that is a little too crass for me; "Karma is a beetch"....

Point being, please do not, within earshot of me (unless you would like an earful), throw Brother Brigham under the bus until you can show that you are more than an armchair history cowboy and actually do something amazing with your life on par with him or any other dispensation head or visionary.

Other than that, have a wonderful pagan Valentine's Day and Truck Frudeau!!


 Folks, this is historical and we are on the edge:

This is a must-listen. 

Also, breaking news that the head of Moderna dumped all of his stock and deleted his Twitter account.

The false narrative is falling apart.

Saturday, February 12, 2022


Well, we have an interesting juncture here in world events.

My wife was asking my opinion on the matter and it simply is this:  Russia wants a buffer between themselves and other NATO nations that are controlled by the USA/Britain.  There is simply too short of a missile shot between the eastern border of Ukraine and downtown Moscow for the Russian military to be able to react.  Putin is a megalomaniac (as are most world leaders who lust after power) and he will likely be the one that not only invades Russia, but ends up taking the fight into Europe and likely on down into Israel, etc.

Meanwhile, in Canada - I feel like we have one of the A/C figures in Justine Castro - bastard son of Fidel, the silver-tongued anti-trucker guy who couldn't govern a stage play in blackface....  It is freaking hilarious to hear Fox commentary where they are actually calling him the bastard tot of a rot in hell dicktater who has killed his tens and hundreds of thousands to maintain his power base.  Justine needs to be exposed for what he is and how much of a slut both of his parents were....  What an embarrassment!

But I digress from my slut shaming....  There are prophecies out there that say that the Russian army will conquer Eastern Europe and then move into Germany and that the German people will provide so little resistance to the advances that the people will step out of their beerhaus to observe the tanks rolling by towards the rest of Europe.  

Joseph Smith taught that when the Bear lays the paw on the Lion, it is game on for the Second Coming (probably meaning that Israel will be next).  That will mean some bad juju if you live in Israel.  The combat readiness of Israel will probably be at an all-time low since they have such a high vaccination rate.  Some schmuck really sold that nation out, just as the LDS church has been sold out on the OWA and the depop plan.

Monday, February 7, 2022


Steve Harmon chimed in on a comment on the previous article calling me like unto Korihor for not "following the prophet"...

First of all - thanks for your perspective.  I usually don't argue with other perspectives as this is a journal I happen to be publishing.  It is not an open forum for debate.

Second of all - I think you are off base.  Korihor was fighting against the truth.  I am championing the truth.  Right now, we still have the official stance in SLC that this jab is "safe and effective".  That is so much bullshit - pardon the expression....  I have been practicing my french alot lately....

Thirdly - I follow Christ and none else.  If a church leader happens to point to Christ, then I will listen to their counsel.  Largely, we have a cult of personality going on the in the church wherein we worship the man (leader) more than the message.  Some talks are completely devoid of references to Christ or to accepted scripture.  Some talks are purely what I call "neu-speak" or New Age BS that I can get in any self-help book mixed with the world's sophistries.  Many talks are filled with the Spirit.  I have had all I can take of characters like Eubanks and company.  Corporate shills who are pushing the One World agenda (2030 Agenda specifically) in the name of God.  I literally just tune out of it.  It is more than I can bear....

Fourthly - the best people I know in the church are leaving it and wandering because the leadership (not all) are largely out of touch with their doctrine (from the days of Joseph Smith) and their conservative base.  This because they are seeking the middle and that is not where the strength is in this church.  The strength and backbone is with the conservatives.  What you are seeing happen politically in the USA (and now Canada), is what is happening in the Church.  The Repubs have tried to broaden their base by moving to the middle and, in doing so, they have lost people like me.  Trump came in and filled in the vacuum created by the right wing shift and people were energized because they felt someone was listening finally.  The same thing with the Trucker phenomenon here in Canada.  Until the leadership of the church reconnects to their base, they will bleed their best blood until the body of Christ is DOA.  This happened to the Catholic church.  Many left that flock and sought out ours, only to be confused as the shepherd here appeared to be leading the flock to the very thing that was despised (control and lack of agency/liberty).

Last of all, I would be perfectly happy to have my Stake President read my blog.  Sadly, the two here in Cardston are entrenched in the medical cabal here and would likely not be impressed with the clear statistics that fly in the face of what the PS&Rs have spoken.  To know what I mean, you would have to turn off CNN and read Congressional testimonies showing a massive spike in bad juju related to the jab.  If it was the last thing I had to do to save my life, I would shun it as a matter of principle and keel over and die.  It is demonic.  The way it is being forced and foisted on people and them losing their livelihoods, etc over it is just sick and wrong.  This is a raw war between good and evil and the church, so far, is on the wrong side of the equation.  They need to pull their heads out of their arses and figure it out.  A good place to start is Isaiah 28:7-19.  The guy who is over the two Stake Presidents here, openly stated in a P'hood meeting that those who got the jab were the wheat and those who refused are the tares.  What a total POS!  I have ZERO respect for him and he is from Raymond (where Wendy Nelson is from), and a medical "professional".  There is no getting away from it.  You either comply, or you are blacklisted up here.  No agency.  This is worse than nazi Germany....  At least there are not firing squads as of yet....

Saturday, I witnessed many desperate people at the Coutts crossing who have been pushed out of jobs and careers and pensions over them standing on principle and not giving into the intimidation.  When I first realized where this was headed (forced vaccination/mark of the beast crap), I said to myself that I had this thing in the bag because I was surrounded by the best people on the planet (the Saints in Cardston).  Now I realize (especially after seeing the virtue signaling by the top dog with the needle hanging out of the arm), that I was screwed.  That, on the same day the election was stolen from Trump and a senile and habitual liar and slimy career politico had just been coronated....  Second worst day of my life.  I then realized that people were going to fall into line, lock-step like so many sheep.  I lost hope until some rednecks who had been tossed from the oil fields in Alberta by a carbon tax-loving Son of Castro decided to rush the capitol while the bastard child ran for cover....  What a wuss!

We are literally at our end game.  Most fiddle while Rome burns - completely clueless.  So sad.  A few of us soldier on, doing what we can.  We know how it ends.  Some make it some don't.  In the end it matters not.  What matters is that we stood for Liberty at any cost.

Sunday, February 6, 2022


 Could a comet or meteor ground blast have pushed the Nephites out of the mid-west and further north and east?

I am not aware of any mention of this in the BoM, but we know that the groups were descending into wickedness about this time:

Something to put in the craw to think about over time.  I would love to know if Ron May has had a chance to look at this report.

Saturday, February 5, 2022


Sorry I did not get this out sooner to those of you who requested it.

I wanted to see what the fallout from the “GoFu#%Me” thing was first.  Sounds like the liberals schmucks tried their best to shut it down the best they could.  Never use them again!!!!!!!

I am heading down to Coutts right now with a pile of cash and my check book.  Putting my $ where my mouth is!  Down with tyranny!

For etransfers


 Folks, this article is about damage control by the church’s PR dept:

The narrative is collapsing.  Time to move on and begin reparations where possible and war crimes tribunals of the ring leaders who acted with malice.


 So, my mentor in all things arcane was someone I first bumped into on this very topic of seerstones.  She will be quite interested in this.  She has also made the statement that we each have one and created it some time ago and placed it here on earth to be found later:

Enjoy this knowledge nugget!

Thursday, February 3, 2022


 Folks, I am not the guy to write a blog calling these guys out on what is done behind closed doors.  I am sure you do not want a full report of my goings-on, nor do I want a report on yours.  BUT, when someone is in a position of ecclesiastical influence over my children or over public policy, that stuff DOES matter and does suddenly become VERY relevant.

Just as with how I was fired by the folks at my last job.  Circumstance was EVERYTHING.  So much so, that the guy at the employment insurance office said that was messed up and that I had an obvious lawsuit on my hands for unlawful termination, given the circumstances.  I was granted unemployment (even though fired for cause at the hands of the company slut) until I found a job for almost double my previous salary just six weeks later.

But I digress.  Here is where I have a problem with Eubanks.  First of all, one of my daughters heard her speak in Conference and felt she was "off" a little.  I had no such leanings at first, and then she spoke in some kind of forum and talked about how it is fine that a professed (but not practicing) lesbian should be perfectly fine to be a Young Women's leader.  I have no problem with people with same sex attraction so long as they have not acted on it and showed no tendency to act on it in a continuous way.  I will give anyone a pass for experimentation as a youth or otherwise.  I believe that might be classified as human nature.  But, if it developed into a pattern, there may be a problem there.  I simply do not want them around my children if there is a chance where they could be alone and the person could act out on it, calling it "love" instead of lust as it really would be.  There is a reason that women are not called to lead Young Men on overnight activities, especially when they are sexually mature (16 years and older).  Men are not called on to lead Young Women on a Girls Camp overnighter.  They may come up to an activity for a day (as a member of a Bishopric), but never stay overnight with the women/girls unless maybe their wives were with them.  Traditionally, this has been verboten!  So, why would we allow someone with proven tendencies to have access to youth of the same sex.  That notion is predatorial.

This is why I was shocked when Eubanks proposed to normalize this and then shortly after said that abortions were fine to be used in experimental vaccines to save lives, etc and praised the current Pope for leading out on this.  This is unconscionable.  These are words of a wolf.  These are words of an avowed demonrat and spoiler of God's kingdom.  No one, in good conscience, can be a party-spouting demonrat and be a faithful member of the Church.  The two are now mutually exclusive.  It is not about party lines; it is about principle.

So the following does not surprise me, as explosive as it is:

Please download and save this vid as the church will likely try to have it scrubbed as injurious as the revelations are.  I do not consider this to be salacious, other than it is stating the facts as they are.  Whether she and her roomie are practicing lesbianism, but what other person can live with another human over a 30 year stint and not be sexual in any way while not pursuing a relationship with a man or having one in there somewhere?  We are not robots, last time I checked....

I have it on pretty good authority that there were early RS higher ups who maintained somewhat open lesbian relationships while in leadership in the Church in the early 1900's.  It was kind of common back then with spinsters.  So, this may not be a precedent setter.  And then there is Sheri Dew.....  She has always seemed "hard" to me.  A little bit more of the stereotypical lesbian than Eubanks.  More like Jodi Foster than a heterosexual female than most other blonde actresses of similar genre.

Folks, we need to awaken to our awful situation....

President Benson allegedly said it best here in this short video:

Heaven help us in exposing evil where ever it may be!! 

Wednesday, February 2, 2022


 So, we are having all kinds of fun up here in Canadastan - where it appears that we have democracy about as reliable and corruption-free as one of the Stans over on the other side of the pond.  You know, the ones where people are clamoring to get out of because of the cheezy tin-pot dicktaters.... who reign with blood and horror on their little piece of this blue marble.  Fidel Jr. (aka Justine Truedope) is all of the same, like his biological father, Fidel (which, incidentally means "faithful" in Spanish... Faithful commie, for sure...).

But the fact is, the media is complicit in the shenanigans up here and in the USA.  All major propaganda organs are covering for the lies and those who push them.  I have nothing but contempt for them.  They are guilty of genocide.  Tens of thousands of people dead from the covid lies and hundreds of thousands  - and likely it will be tens of millions - with lifetime health problems as the military statistics show.  Not hardly a peep of real news from the lamestream media.  I am not sure how they can sleep at night.  The only way I could sleep at night at Boeing, was to flap my mouth in the face of threats of getting fired, knowing that the plane was leaving the factory in the best condition that it could possibly be.  It did no good for those killed on the 737Max or on the Alaska Air crash off the coast of Californication that I still carry a (small) torch for, when I did not speak up.

So, until the Church starts speaking the truth once again and until they quit pushing the "safe and effective" mantra, at least half of my former tithing funds are going to support the alternative media and those getting the word out like Pastor Artur of Calgary.  He is a true patriot and lit the fuse on the movement up here wherein the Canadians (yes, the koombiah Canadians) actually got pissed off enough to rush the capitol and do a full court press on Coward 19 leader, Justine T (has to be Justine instead of Justin because he clearly has no balls...).  On that note, it was a visit by superspreader Pastor Artur to our group that gave all of us Covid (no deaths), and that saved my life by giving the bug to me - so I owe this guy big time!

All of my peeps are pissed off and we are doing everything we can to do an end-run around the RCMP at the Coutts border crossing, including ready to do helicopter food drops in to support the truckers until the freaks in power drop the mandates Canada-wide.   The ratios are hundreds to one to support the truckers and the cops have to be kind of freaked out by the show of power.  All refused to take on overtime here in the province to give round-the-clock coverage on the blockade of the blockade.  That is when our resupply lines moved in.  It is bitter cold at night, so they still need fuel and propane to keep warm.  Folks, this is way better than civil war.  When we push back, they are forced to listen!  If you want to contribute let me know in the comments with your e-mail and I will send you the link.  The truckers in Ottawa have over 10 million in funds given to them and it is rising by the day.  Instead of donating to the failed political parties, they are donating to the resistance - and the future of Canada.

So, we don't need the failed "media"....  What a bunch of losers!  And adulterers:

Another zucker down.....

Not much unlike the slut that flew out from Victoria specifically to fire me from my last job for standing up for religious freedom and a harassment-free workplace.  Yes, the same scenario where a credential-less (but good looking) whore broke up the marriage of the CEO of the now biggest aerospace company in Canada and slept her way to the position of VP of HR.  Funny how her only skill set was to seduce the top dog of the company, and the HR guy who was directly over me in Calgary was credentialed with a Master's Degree.  Can you imagine the corruption and hypocrisy of working for the slut who has zero educational background in the field while you are sporting advanced degrees?  Kind of boggled my mind and confirmed the rumors that were flying around the company at the time.  Since I left, the whole house of cards kind of collapsed when both major active production lines were shuttered.

I find no satisfaction in that (as a few really good people lost their jobs), other than the slut likely is still employed by a hypocrite while many other CEOs have been fired for flings with underlings, or underflings as the case may be....  And they will get nasty and try to sic lawyers on those who do nothing but speak the truth and slut shame....  Just as Zucker (the one responsible for the propaganda out of his news organ) did when he threw Cuomo and others under the bus for the same thing.  And so it goes; the freaks in power start to cannibalize.  Or, to bring it more to an understandable level, the slut gets slept on with another younger, more beautiful model who was seduced by money and power, etc.  After all, it is the only thing these women could be after - certainly not pudgy, balding guys 20 years their senior?!?  Zucker and many others in the same boat are just gross.....

Keep praying that their folly will be made manifest.  One thing at a time until it is all gone.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022


 Wow, this is kind of disturbing:

Going from malls where you could run up a tab, to mega medical centers where you can get stuck with a huge penalty from the jab.  Gone are the days when there was a small clinic in each borough of a city.  Now, it is BIG business.  I am no fool, but these players know what the trends are and they are preparing for a mass influx of customers from this jab.  Lots of heart surgery.  Lots of disorders of the nervous system to treat!  Woohoo!!  Into the big bucks!

Right now, the health care cabal is bigger than the aerospace (aviation and space) sector.  I expect it will balloon even more until it sinks our economy.  Many people will likely be bankrupted by the co-pays alone on some of the procedures that will be required.  You can only print money for so long before that scam is brought down.