Thursday, October 28, 2021


 This is a great comment and seems to back up what my scriptorian buddy has to say on the matter:

Avraham Gileadi has spoken much about the Davidic servant, and has written extensively about why is cannot be Joseph reason (there are many) is that the servant is marred, and must be healed by the Lord. If Joseph were to return, he would be a resurrected being, and cannot be marred in the flesh. Dr. Gileadi gives quite a few other reasons as to why Joseph does not fit the scriptural identifiers, and they seem airtight. Micheal Rush, who has delved heavily into Isaiah, Daniel and Revelations, also believes it is John the Beloved. He seems to fit the identifiers....

I am excited to present the scriptural bunny trail my friend showed me.  My wife, however, had some concerns with the narrative, so I need to get those from her and hash this all over.  I am confident that the narrative is good, unless she can show my otherwise.

Monday, October 25, 2021


 We all know that trade will cease for some time as the   merchants lament from far off at the demise of modern Egypt's great cities.  No one will be safe on the high seas.  Likely because of the threat of tsunami.  Only those who are led by one in power and authority will be able to go up to Zion (across the waters).  La Palma may be part of the reason.  The East Coast will be swept clean.

Great are the words of Isaiah:

Enjoy!  And please raise the warning voice since the calls from the watch tower are not happening....

Saturday, October 23, 2021


 Okay, so I have found out who it is.  I have logical and scripturally-based truth on who it is.  I did not find out for myself - but through another who is one of the most eloquent scriptorians and orators that I know.  Bar none.  I arguably heard the best all-time sermon ever given last night.  It might well rival the King Follet discourse.  Not for new doctrinal content, but for analysis of existing doctrine.  It is a watertight case.  I am having major regrets that it was not recorded.  It would be epic.

My wife was praying and fasting the last couple of days to receive further light and knowledge about the identity of this scriptural icon as well as other things.  She always gets what she asks for - so I was not surprised when she got her answer in such a profound way.  I am the happy recipient of this windfall knowledge from her efforts, as I often have been.  She has ferreted out most of the mysteries I have had questions on.

The key is the inspired translation of the Bible, as released by the RLDS church (Community of Christ).  I will go through the logic tree as my wife has time to put it all together.  It truly is a treasure!

But the big reveal is that it is John the Revelator.  I have guessed that in the past, based on a few statements, but now I have proof.  Bullet proof evidence.  So excited I can finally answer that question and share it.  

Stay tuned!

Tuesday, October 19, 2021


 I got an interesting comment from LeBlanc on the previous post.

Anyway, here it is:

Technology and the priesthood are both knowlege based. God and his priesthood has used technology to further his agenda is many ways over the span of our history. The two are not mutually exclussive. All knowledge originates from God.

And here is a second comment from Gruden that LeBlanc was responding to (I swear this guy was on LDSFF back when I used to go there):

People who believe stuff like this don't understand the fullness of the priesthood. Can tech beat a man who literally has the power to make mountains move and set armies in disarray? No. Look at how Enoch was described. No tech needed, just the power of God. We have no idea what real priesthood is, we've been surrounded by tech all our lives we have no idea of anything else.

I love a good debate or reasoning together, but I have to say I will go with LeBlanc (first comment).  I think most all tech we have will evaporate away as our chariots cease to function and things like our phones are done away with (no, they are no substitute for a real Urim and Thumim - especially with the censoring that is going on by CIA-backed front companies such as Google, etc).

When I think of tech, I enjoy it - but I also look forward to the day when it is wiped out and we learn to live without it.  I often talk to people who believe they will not need to use guns and will just raise their arm to the square.  It essentially cost me a friendship here in Cardston because we were so far apart in our thinking....  I was heavily chided for being unbelieving and it strained our working relationship.   I look forward to the time when that will be the case.  But, in the transition to a terrestrial way of thinking and acting, I am afraid I do not have the faith to do so in the current state.  Even Spencer went through a transformative period where they bore arms as they went along.  After the Cardston period where they hooked up with the Ten Tribes and Dallin H. Oaks as the Prophet up here, they then were able to move forward without the use of physical weapons.  But, at that point, they had a fulness of the Priesthood and were healing instantaneously (had been in the physical presence of the Savior, etc).  What they commanded was instantaneous - and they would do nothing that was contrary to the will of the Lord.

The Ten Tribes, in order to have a fulness of the Priesthood, would have to be endowed with power and have the higher priesthood.  They currently possess only the Levitical (or lesser) Priesthood.  The very reason they are coming to Cardston and other temples is to take care of that detail because they have the lesser priesthood right now and will until they fall at the feet of Ephraim (the non-drunkards who are considered the remnant) and are crowned with the higher blessings in Zion.

On the notion of the remnant, I want to say this: picture one of those large rolls of carpet that you get from the warehouse.  Between 2-3 feet in diameter.  There might be one thousand yards on that roll.  Think of going to the back part of the same store selling bulk rolls of carpet, where they sell the off-cuts or remnants.  They might sell them in a 5x7 size or a 6x10' size.  Just a few square yards.  Nowhere near what a full roll can carry in terms of yardage.  Think about the parallel - and who will be considered the tenth of the tenth.  Not much.  Get ready for large scale death if you plan on sticking it out in the cities.

Monday, October 18, 2021


 I have scratched my head over this statement in scripture about those that are coming in the Great and Dreadful Day of the Lord.

I always interpreted this phrase to be the fire that would consume the entire planet when it is purified entirely by fire.  It really will not be that event.  It speaks of a people that will come that will destroy the wicked that oppose them.

A friend of mine pointed out that it will be a people of superior technology - likely the ten tribes that are returning.  They will back up Ephraim at a critical time when we are getting chastened by the wicked for having been the drunkards that we are/have been.  For having really screwed things up when we could have done markedly better in our roles.

So, here is our future from the comments on a recent piece:

They won't come walking. My father saw them in vision arriving outside of Cardston by large flying ships that didn't require runways.

These guys will come with the tech they have which is appreciably greater than our own.  We tend to thing we are pretty special stuff.  If we were righteous enough over 2500 years, we would actually have amazing tech.  But many times, wars and etc either serve to improve or stifle tech.  Many times, it is a stifling for those who lose in that the efforts that they could have put into peacable pursuits, are wasted on killing our fellow man over trivial reasons.  All of that talent mouldering in the soil could have been among those who made the next amazing breakthrough to bring mankind to the next level.  For those who survive war, often the dysfunction they bring home (horrific scenes playing out in their minds over and over) can be a debilitating thing.  For my wife's stepdad, it was a stumbling block for him knowing the people he had killed as he was lobbing shells over the hill into a village.  The orders may have been just a simple set of coordinates, but the knowledge was there that lives (some innocent - just people trying to defend their wives, their homes, their lands from a foreign invader), were being taken in the process of carrying out his orders.  Those feelings of guilt often translate into "Why try? My salvation is already in jeopardy....".  It is a real phenomenon among those of us who end up going down the path of sin and thus my constant attack of the "gateway sin" whether is be drugs, swearing, stealing, lying, pornography, etc.  Once you start down a path, the great deception is that you cannot turn back and turning back becomes exponentially harder the further down a dark path one ventures.  Until you are circled about everlastingly in the chains of addiction and hell, as scripture says.  And there truly is a point of no return wherein the devil seals you his and it becomes everlastingly too late.  Yes, there is a point.  So that thinking, along with a personal weakness of his (actions of another selfish person against him as well as a drinking problem), is what led to his violating my wife's innocence.  And we already know about the statement of the millstone and drowning, etc.  That is a much heavier sentence than wondering if your salvation is in question over acts of war (possible crimes against humanity in a war-zone grey area of active civilian combatants/guerillas vs innocent civilians).

So, in short - we have wasted COLLOSSAL amounts of efforts fighting wars against our fellow man when we could have applied that effort to coming up with amazing tech to feed our populations and to provide clean water.  My wife and I get disgusted and very upset when we consider that a large proportion of the population today STILL do not have clean water and proper sanitation in the world.  We should be WELL beyond that hurdle.  The wealth of the west should be used to single-handedly strike a blow to these relatively simple problems.  If I know people are dying and I have a thousand bucks in the bank and that money can relieve their suffering, then my role is to simply provide relief and worry about wealth later on.  The thinking that a $110 Billion (with a B) rainy day fund is going to be used to bring in the millennium, then the thinking is selfish, greedy or misinformed at best.  I think using even just a portion of that wealth to alleviate some world problems is among the things that will do the most good at spreading the word or to bring in the Millennium....  A good well punched in the right spot likely will last forever.  Stock gains and dividends have a habit of melting away....

When these people do show up, their tech will dwarf ours.  Movies like Independence Day and most of the recent Marvel comic movies show these people who come as the oppressors and ones that must be fought.  I am sorely afraid that I will be on the wrong side of the equation again and we will have statements from the One World gads including from those in leadership in the Church that will be clamoring for us to strike hard to eliminate the "threat".  Just as with my clamor that the current situation is neither safe nor effective and that you are being a good global citizen to reject the hoax, my overtures to embrace the ones that come will be drowned out by those who will say that they will endanger the global citizenry and that they are indeed "hostile" and a "threat".  Again, I will be considered an apostate for not following the leadership of the day.

I maintain the position that, just as we have been propagandized to believe that "doctor knows best", we are being conditioned to believe that the watchers that the 10 tribes will come to alleviate us from, are actually the good guys.  Just as with this stupid jab, a lion share of the Church will get it wrong and be actually fighting on satan's side.  And as it says in the D&C, these will be the good people of the earth who were deceived and whom will be give a place of glory - just not in Father's presence.  I maintain this jab debacle is the same kind of thing.  People who cave over money, job, land, position, title, or due to peer pressure will find they have sold themselves short.  I possess no keys to the final judgment, but the D&C is abundantly clear on the fate of those who are not valiant and who were deceived.  And YES, we are in the middle of a worldwide deception of epic proportions.  This is a greater struggle than 1776 was.  It is on scale with the premortal struggle for the minds and wills of the people.

Do not be deceived.


 I have always wondered how the heavens would roll up like a giant scroll.

Well, this phenom may do some splainin:

You are welcome!

Tuesday, October 12, 2021


 They have done this before - but this is troubling nonetheless:

When will things finally get under way?

I have a friend who is very good at analysis and he says that the window to strike the USA when there is a disparity between deployed capabilities is in the next six months.  We are behind on our hypersonic missile tech, etc.

Saturday, October 9, 2021


One of the best part of scripture is that it is a running narrative.  One that stands the test of time.  One that often refutes “scientific” claims, such as global warming.  Is it happening due to man?  Or due to an event that is happening soon?

Here is a picture showing that ice is indeed disappearing in the north countries: 

It was posted on FB by the guy who had those visions and who says that the disappearing ice allows them to leave the place where they have been hid up for millennia.  They will come with their scripture, as predicted in the Book of Mormon and we will have all of it to enjoy.  This will include the sealed portion of the Nephite record.

I think we are within 10 years of that event occurring.  We stand to pass through many interesting times.  It will be cool to pass through it and to have the stories to tell.

These peoples will come down the spine of the Rocky Mountains and will yet be in Cardston.  Once the purge is over, this place will provide some of the best front and center seats to some amazing events.


 Many jokers have attempted to discredit the White Horse prophecy including Church apologetics.  While it may have been an amalgamation of several individual statements of Joseph Smith, the thing is 100% him.  I know his manner of speech and it fits perfectly with his style of speech.  I first became interested in his style of prose when I was in Seminary and I was taking an english class that dealt with writing style.  It was clear to me that what was written in the Doctrine and Covenants had an entirely different prose than what was contained in the pages of the Book of Mormon.  I have always been a patterns guy - and I could find little similarity in the word patterns (words used, yes - the vernacular of the day was similar), but the patterns (how sentences are put together) were radically different.  Studies have since proven that to be the case.  Word patterns are like fingerprints.  If Joseph Smith were compared to the greatest writers of all time, his style and complexity in the Book of Mormon alone would be orders of magnitude better than the greats.  

Anyway, part of that prophecy by JS talks about the black people rising up as part of the second civil war (or CW2.0, as I like to call it).  Their doings will be great.  If you think about it, they have done a lot of heavy lifting in our conflicts and have been disproportionately represented in every war since the Korean conflict.  So, they are trained in the use of weapons.  Also, they are rejecting the jab at the highest rate in US history (among the educated or uneducated).  The PTB can thank the Tuskegee Experiment among other injustices for that little detail.  If the white guys' immune systems are hog tied due to the rona juice, then this may leave a radically disproportionate group of them in the green while the white guys are down for the count.

So, after they rise up and fight against their masters as is predicted in Section 87, the PTB will seek to put them down and oddly, once again it is predicted that Great Britain will seek to come to their aid because the atrocities against them will be so great.  It will all be very interesting!  We have some interesting times ahead of us.  The whole BLM thing was just a blip on the radar.

Here is where it gets real:

The best thing to do is to get out of the big cities, if you have not already.  They will be kill zones.  Especially when the famine worsens next summer and food supplies have dwindled and supply chains are disrupted completely.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021


 I just had a great analogy pop into my mind as I was re-reading yesterday's post.  I usually just write something and hit the publish button - so many articles come off as mis-spelled and poorly thought out rag pieces.  And often rightly so.....    But I will often read them the next day or week or my editor-in-chief wife will come along and correct me or get me to tone something down, even though she is not on the editorial board nor is she drawing a salary from Wood Zone Inc.

But anyway, I get a bunch of comments worried about apostasy on my part.  Look, nothing could be further from the truth and I have proof.  When I first got my heart broken by a cute girl back in the school boy daze, I never went homo on everyone and started chasing boys.  I did end up severing feelings for that cute girl, but went on to chase another girl.  I stayed in the same camp because I fundamentally am attracted to the shape, the smell, the essence of femininity.  I really dig chicks.  Eventually, I locked it in when I got married.  Never once did I stray in some kind of alphabit dalliance on the dark side.  The very thought is revolting to me....  Seriously revolting.  To the point that anyone that acts out on an ssa I consider to be mentally ill or demonically possessed or possibly influenced.  It is unnatural to me (although I do feel for those who had Uncle Bob or Paul the Priest do a number on them as a kid and they imprinted off the turd express or just touching another dude as normal behavior).  For this, there are caring and competent professionals that can get them back on the road to normalized behavior for their gender, wherin they can get down to the business of fulfilling the first commandment ever given to man in the Garden of Eden; multiply and replenish the earth.  As I always say, no conception ever occurred in the human rectum or in the rectory (if you were a Catholic altar boy working for a pedophile priest).  In those instances, it was more like (w)rec(ks)tory for those poor little boys whose parents trusted Father Frederick or Paul Priest....  Something only a millstone and copious amounts of water would cure.....

So afer all this rambling setup, my point is that just because I left a woman - or better, the woman left me, I did not stop cavorting with women, just that particular one unless she comes back begging for forgiveness....  If the woman suddenly declares she is going to allow men to marry each other over the altar (as many of the turd troupe have expected will happen), then I am out of the relationship.  If she goes cavorting with any other dude named Beast, I am out and she is on her own.  If she is stupid enough to go after Beast, I will not take her back under any circumstances.

And there you have it.  I might consider myself as much an apostate as Jesus would have been considered one in His day.  In open rebellion to the drunkards of Ephraim as it says in Isaiah 28.  That is an apostasy that I can handle and fully endorse.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021


 Well, I have had a few days to put my thoughts together.  And I have some doosies.

First of all, I ran into the Cardston Apostate (said with endearment) just before conference and the word on the street is that I am apostate.... lol.  I kind of like that.  I have never liked being part of the normal crowd.  I do my own thing and march to my own drum.  I hold allegiance to God and none else.  I have to say for the past few years until Jan 20th 2021, I was guilty of leader worship (holding them in too high of esteem), but our entire LDS culture is built up around that false notion....  So, I told my apostate buddy that my flavor of apostasy is different than his (he is a chocolate apostate, while I lean heavily towards hot-dipped vanilla).  To be considered an apostate these days, you have to be a jab denier and at odds with the gadiantons and their agenda.  Different dipping flavors depend on the variations of that....  So, the two Cardston Apostates had a good bonding moment together.  Maybe I will be the key to his activation in the Church of the Firstborn that the One Mighty and Strong will lay the foundation of here in the coming months/years....  When things are set in order in the Church.  I truly feel that some of the best people in the Church are currently not supping at the table with the rest of the Saints because they feel abandoned on multiple fronts.  We are so busy trying to cater to the one of LGBT persuasion, for example, that the large part of the 99 are thrown under the bus and are being ground to a bloody pulp along the progressive highway to hell.

On that note, my wife (bless her good heart) was in full gymnastics mode during Conference while I was in my room sleeping off a 5am binge work party and I heard Renlund pushing the "safe and effective" jabberwonky Rona juice....  Sheesh.  Of course, I was calling him out from my room.  Man, I seriously DESPISE these white coaters all dressed up in the habiliments of the false priesthood....  Pushing their shit poisons and literally gas-lighting those of us that feel this junk is deadly.  I will never take another needle into my body.  I trust NONE of them.  There are some out there (who are not driven by quotas and kickbacks), but they are statistically insignificant to the point that their data points need to be dismissed as "noise in the data"....  So sad.  Freakin' highly paid pill pushers on the junkies of society who seek the quick fix they offer.

But after all that, I still maintain President Nelson holds the keys until they are wrested from him at Adam-Ondi-Ahman or earlier.  As my wife gymnastically points out, he is likely under duress from the gads and is forced to play along to get along.  Me, I am more of a traditionalist when it comes to "my Prophet" wherein I like to have them play a true role in the face of danger or coercion and take a stone to the head, a blast to HQ, a lawsuit or two for the team, etc.  I like them being the point man in the charge instead of being in the bus at the end of the cortege while we are scraping and bumping along under the first bus we got thrown under at the head of the cortege.  And a cortege it really is.  It is the death knell of an organization when a person supposedly at the helm quits taking it for the team.  When a 737NEO/MAX crashes, it is not the mid-level manager who takes the sword for the team, it is the CEO who steps down because the buck stops there, even though the mid-level manager may have been guilty and complicit as hell in the poor decision making.  It sends a message to the average company man that there is loyalty from the top.  And, knowing this, he soldiers on as dedicated as ever knowing that he will not indiscriminately get thrown under the bus if things go south for whatever reason.  If they do attempt to go after the average company man, morale across the board will suffer and the company may ultimately fail.  Just as Bishop Koyle predicted, this would happen, and the Bretheren will be in full damage control mode right before the end with the EQ and the bodies littered in Utah County to the point you could go from Payson to Lehi without touching the ground (stepping on the DBs).

At that point, things will be so dire that little else will matter.  Only those who got out to higher ground like Manti and Heber, etc will fare well.  This is the transition from Utah to the NJ.  A logical step.  But there will be many who will deny that anything bad could happen to the Saints - whether in Utah or in places like Cardston - but these things will come to pass.  The denial comes from the boiling of the frog that has occurred.  Slow erosion of what really matters - instead of the building of good principle.  The same thing that afflicted the priests in Christ's day.  Very pious - but very off-track.  Enough off track to wrongly kill a mildly important historical figure....  But, we could never be guilty of doing that today, now could we?!?!?  I think you know what my answer is.  I think I knew it back in the days of Ezra Taft Benson as he was acting in his role as Prophet and calling the Church out.  My wife is certain that he was silenced for being "too brash".  I cannot argue against that possibility.

Anyway, here is a good comment that came in:

Something to consider here: If an imperfect man or even an outright liar who has been given the priesthood baptizes someone who is innocent, is the baptism nullified for the recipient? No. If an unworthy servant enters the temple unworthily and does proxy work for the dead, does it count against the dead? No. Likewise, if a prophet or apostle is imperfect or a liar or deceived, are the keys they hold not still valid? They are at BEST imperfect men. God is leading His church despite imperfect people. Yes, even with many sinners and sometimes deceived leaders. But the keys are here and will not be taken until they are given back to Christ at Adam ondi ahman. The church is God's. It is not corrupt, but literally everyone in it is, you and I included. The answer? Repent, be worthy, and commune with the Spirit. If so, the Spirit will show you all things what you should do.

I will never say never, but I have no modicum of desire to abandon Gospel principle.  I would rather be dead.  But to leave the mainstream in the Church, I most likely will.  The mainstream offers no relative safety anymore like it did in the 1970's and 1980's.  Just as with politics, the shift to the left has left the true conservatives with few options.  Truly, we are fish out of water.  But, just as in the days of Jesus, until the Law of Moses was fulfilled on the cross, it still was synagogue as usual for the average person.  And maybe, just maybe, in attending synagogue, one would be blessed enough to hear One declare the "acceptable year of the Lord".  Luke 4:18  Indeed the One who would take it to the next level.  And so, I await for that moment when I can hear true doctrine (solid quoting of scripture instead of quaint stories, although they do have their place as parables), not the sayings of men mingled with scripture, and no double speak or talking out of both sides of the mouth.  Truly, it is okay to have an opinion.  I really struggle with folks who, for fear of offending, halt between two points of view.  There is only one truth.  I am fine with that.  In today's twisted world, there should be constant hammering on us by the lefties, commies, libbers, purple-haired alphabet freakazoids, etc etc.  It is just part of the deal before God comes to judge and take the trash to the curb that will not repent and align themselves with some semblance of sanity.

Last of all, my wife and I both feel that President Nelson was speaking code when he was talking about the corroded foundation of the SLC temple and how it had developed many cracks over the past hundred plus years.  There was metaphor in that.  And yes, we will need to Hear Him and develop a strong current of personal revelation to figure it all out going forward.  We really have some interesting times to pass through.