Saturday, July 31, 2021


So, if you were wondering if this hype about reducing world population using the nefarious nano-particles in the jab they are forcing onto everyone along with the 5G rollout, here is the smoking gun.  These people are just disgusting and sick....

Folks, they are being open about it.  It is much worse than we could ever imagine.

Limit the world population to the extent that the goal of 500 million is achieved.  The slave class to serve the elete class.  Know your place, slave!!

If you do not see it for what it is, for what is coming, then you deserve what is yours.

Thursday, July 29, 2021


A comment from a reader, and frequent thoughtful commenter, Arnold Page:

Since you mentioned Drunkards of Ephraim, A little from Avraham Gileadi's interpretation: 1 Woe to the garlands of glory of the drunkards of Ephraim! Their crowning splendor has become as fading wreaths on the heads of the opulent a overcome with wine. Chapters 28-31, which form a didactic unit comprising Part VI of Isaiah’s Seven-Part Structure (Isaiah 28-31; 55-59), each commence with a “woe” or covenant curse. Ephraim’s chief sins of pride and drunkenness catch up with Israel’s birthright tribe in Jehovah’s Day of Judgment. Instead of acknowledging current inconvenient truths, the people of Ephraim look back on past glories earned in more righteous times as if they still apply today. Ephraim’s self-deception, stemming from intoxication with “wine” at the highest levels, compounds the hard times that lie ahead (v 7; Isaiah 56:10-12). 

Thursday, July 15, 2021


 Folks, this is it.  The true identity of the tares’ function is spelled out in this article:

Those who are pushing the tolerance agenda, CRT, or any change to the core values are the tares.  I would include the jab in that...

Friday, July 9, 2021


 Folks, sometimes - well, oftentimes - the comments are the best thing going on this dog and pony.

We have had a really busy news day in regards to the jab.  I am still maintaining that they will have an even harder lockdown due to the new "variants" out there.  So, they have to create hype and panic to keep this farce going until they get everyone to take the jab.  Every good epidemiologist knows that each successive strain gets less and less virulent.  Otherwise, you would have situations that would utterly wipe out the human race as each new wave takes more and MORE and MORE  victims with it until all potential hosts are gone and the earth is utterly wasted (oh, wait....).

Anyway - yeah.  But people are too glued to CNN and the other false propaganda outlets out there.  I just about got myself banned again from FB for the graphene comment (so, it is likely legit and they are looking for articles pointing it out).  Fact is this; if I put something on FB announcing that dog poop is actually cherry flavored, there would be ZERO fact checking pointing out that it is actually Alpo flavored...  Don't ask me how I know....

So, yeah.  That is how I know I am on to something..... In a totalitarian state, look for what is banned (like the BBC radio in naghtsee Germany, that was putting out the actual battle outcomes on the Russian front).  Freakin naghtseez!  You cannot get away with putting out info anymore without using alternative spellings and even then....  AI is constantly scrubbing and looking for stuff to have the human propagandists take a look at.  It must be horribly demoralizing, unless you are a raging lefty, to be part of that troupe....  Yep, a Goebbels minion.  That would get me out of bed each day, excited for the grind....  Part of the destruction of a free western civilization!  Ahh, what a feeling!!

So, my wife and I went to chat with a salesman about a large ticket item a few weeks ago.  We spent over an hour talking with him.  He had no outward signs of any physical problems.  I went back last week to ink the deal and he looked like Michael J. Fox.  He could barely type on his computer and sign the forms, the jerky motion of all of his torso was obvious over the hour I spent with him.  After about 15 mins of observing him, I casually asked if he had gotten the second jab yet.  He said he had gotten it in the weeks between our first visit and his current state.  I casually mentioned that many people had side effects from it and he replied that no one in his family had any.  Wow - people really are clueless.....  People are like zombies.  Maybe Chad Daybell was on to something....

Here are some links from the comments related to that graphene article.  And be aware that the DOJ has subpeona to FB to release all those who put out "false information".  So much for the first amendment.  So much for free discourse and freedom of speech.  So much for truth.  I am well aware that I eventually will literally be hunted by the naghtsees for speaking out.  I would consider it an honor to die for truth.  It may be my only ticket to salvation.....  But if I am crowned on the other side, I will sit on tribunals that will condemn those who have fought against good principle.  They will have no place with those who love the truth.  They will be cast out like feral dogs to be with those who love and make a lie and who dig a pit.  They will have their "safe places" alright:

  1. Just learning about Graphene Oxide so take this with a grain of salt... Supposedly the body has a natural disposal system for GO produced by the brain which is an antioxidant called Glutathione that decreases as we age (which would explain why the younger you are the easier time you have with it) and is released in large amounts through exercise (which would explain why athletes are hardly affected). Taking N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC) increases Glutathione and is cheap, but not easy to come by. A natural way to do is to increase Sulforaphane (which increases Glutathione in the brain) by growing and consuming broccoli sprouts, which are also cheap and take little effort. I say if you're worried about Graphene give it a go...I'm no expert, however the treatment seems like it may be inexpensive and harmless to try.

    When I worked in Washington DC a friend of mine told me Russia had 200 tons of weapon's grade small pox stored at their chemical facility. He said that a Russian officer told him of the supply. The weapon grade small pox is known as black pox. Black pox is a symptom of smallpox that is caused by bleeding under the skin which makes the skin look charred or black/purple. This symptom usually indicates that a patient with smallpox is going to die. In hemorrhagic smallpox, black, unclotted blood oozes or runs from the mouth and other body orifices. I understand that the skin literally separates from the body... both outside and inside. Small pox vaccinations haven't been given to the general population since about 1972... which means anyone under the age of 50 haven't gotten vaccinated. The vaccine also is only good for about 10 years. A couple of years ago I tried to get vaccinated, however, only CDC emergency techs can get the vaccine... and the estimated cost is very high. I also understand that the Russian military personnel are getting vaccinated. 

  2. Here is where I ordered my extract Also, Bill Gates special...notice the smirk on his face...Can't tell me he isn't part of the planning committee

Wednesday, July 7, 2021


 Well, this may have been wisdom in President Nelson either taking the jab or feigning the jab (saline placebos) in order to take the heat off from the gads who clearly have things locked up.

Haitian president assassinated by "well trained individuals" who "spoke English and Spanish". Note: Haiti still had not really begun the vaccination process among the populace, and the president had turned down the AstraZeneca vaccine precisely because of the multiple side effects of the vaccine. Meanwhile in the USA Biden's press secretary has noted that they will go door to door to the unvaccinated until they finally decide to get vaccinated. #Secretcombos

If Bryan is correct, then these likely were pharma/globalist goons sent in to prop up a replacement who is told "remember what happened to the last guy", who then would take the jab to the whole nation.  That island, cleared of it's useless eaters would make a great summer playland for some globalista puke on a yacht the size of the Titanic....  Remember your place, slave!  You are to serve the masters and none else!

We live in a sick and twisted world....


 Sooo...., I saw a few things that were troubling the other day.

Most long-time blog readers will know about my 322 work-up in relation to Dewey Bruton and his prediction that the anti-Christ would ascend Temple Mount on March 22, 2013.  He made that call over a decade earlier and Bummer fulfilled that to a T.  Do a search in the search box under Bruton and you will be able to quickly get up to speed.

The thing that was disturbing was what happened 33 (the perverted Masons love the number 33) years prior on that exact date of 322.  I was looking them up to show a friend and it was on that very day in 1980 that the guidestones went up over night.  They had the foundation slabs in place, but they were put up overnight as I understand it.

The date is important to the freaks because they codified it in this symbol:  (picture on the right).

This skull and bones BS is the domain of all the heavy breathers who have come to the hellish financial and political halls of power in the forms of gadiantons.  John Kerry being the one that stands out in my mind lately.

Sooo.... my next question is whether they plan on some kind of grand finale on the month of March 2022 or 322.  They are so tied to numbers, I would not be surprised....

Tuesday, July 6, 2021


 Stop the presses.  Drop what you are doing NOW and listen to this:

This is a sick joke and career ending if not correct info.

Please pass along after listening.  People need to hear this.


 This is an interesting revelation from a FB dicussion group (although I think we need to be far more worried about the plague than this, from the visionaries' statements)......:

So, do any of you follow Kate Hefley Dalley? She posted something interesting this morning that I think you all would be interested to know. "Remember what I said about ordering Sarracenia Purpurea ( Northern Pitcher Plant) extract, as a cure for small pox if they should ever unleash it?
A month ago the F D A approved a drug for small pox. Strange, right?
Yep, it’s been eradicated and hasn’t been around for decades.
They still keep lots of small pox around on the Army bases- they say - to study it. Hmm.
F D A said they did it the name of preparedness.
Do they know something we don’t? ( sarcasm)
The extract is cheap.
In the 1850’s, it was published in the Chicago Medi cal Journals as a CURE for small pox. 10 drops in water stops the small pox from growing in the body, curing it within 12/24 hours.
I ordered mine from India. 7 or 8 dollars for a bottle. The Indians cured small pox with this. This is why they studied it in 1850’s. The knew Indian tribes had used it successfully. You can either get the plant and grow it yourself or order the extract drops on line. It also cures measles, typhoid and other illnesses.
I went off a gut feeling searching for this awhile ago. A feeling to look into a natural way to stop it for when the times comes that they decide to unleash it and blame it on another country.
F D A has been working on their approved “cure” drug of their own for this since 2018. Why? Hmm.
Remember that they started working on M R N A va cc clear back in 2017. But none of us could foresee what they would use it for. How on earth did they produce a cure for something we didn’t see until 20 20?
Oh I forgot. Don’t ask questions. Just trust them.
By the way- the reason the F D A gave for approval a month ago for small pox? “In case it gets weaponized”.
They sure are busy working on small pox.
Interesting, right?
Oh. And Templexa - the drug was just fast tracked. Received priority review to push it though."

Monday, July 5, 2021


 Many tout terrible things done by those who claim to be “Christian” as the very reason to avoid it.

My retort is that those who claim to be Christians that do those things, never were.  That includes a large swath of Herman Lutheran and Catholic society, etc.  People living their religion (including Mormonism) would never participate in tyranny, including overriding good principle in the name of being a good global citizen.  The very thought is laughable at the least, and illegal per the established Nuremberg Code by any rational manner of thinking.

You do you.  I do me....Each according to the dictates of our own consciences!

Here is a great meme that backs my thinking up on the need for(inspired) religious indoctrination.  Guilt and remorse keeps the natural man in check.

Saturday, July 3, 2021


When I see this kind of thing, I cannot help but recall the "debunked" white horse prophecy.

The doings of the black horse will be terrible....

But then, they ran out of gas - so what is there to fear unless you live in an overcrowded urban blight like Chicago....  You could offer me NO SUM of money to relocate there.  No sum. 


 This is where the idiocy of it all will come from.  Raging persecution of people who are sucked into the lies and are sick of being locked in in perpetuity and livelihoods being impinged upon.  They will mandate by law that all the unvaxxed get the jab and we will be hunted.

When people get fake vaccseen cards, they will mandate chips....

As if we did not see this coming a good country mile away.  These control freaks will stop at nothing....

Start looking for an attic to hide in if you are going to refuse to be part of the control group...


 This is a story that I just have to share as related by a high school buddy who was our drum major and a woman of faith and virtue.

I have to say - this miracle trumps anything I have been involved in other than she reached out via FB to have us collectively pray for this daughter's room mate and I did immediately upon reading that she was dying from this Stage 4 osteosarcoma.

Hi friends and family! I want to give you all an update on Marissa’s roommate Jaden who has been battling stage 4 osteosarcoma. I really don’t know how to express what I’m about to share... so please forgive me if this post doesn’t capture the full essence of God’s power... but I’m going to try.

On Marissa’s graduation day, June 12th.. Jaden got the results of her recent pet scan.. and it was bad... according to her doctor, she lit up like a Christmas tree.. meaning the cancer had spread through out her body. She was told that she could quit chemo and go enjoy her summer- they didn’t give her any hope for surviving. She was struggling already in her mobility... could get around with a full leg brace and crutches... but not for long periods of time as it was exhausting. So she spent most of her time in a wheelchair. At this point her health was declining fast and she was in a lot of pain. Marissa called me last week to update us.. and she said that Jaden was rapidly going downhill and she was just telling us that she and their friends just were trying to make her comfortable and bring joy to her every day as best as they can.

We got a FaceTime call from Marissa last night.. she called to tell us that Jaden died on Tuesday evening. At this point I’m sobbing, ugly crying... but Marissa kept talking... she’s crying a bit too... but she said that the friends that were gathered in the apartment that evening were all crying... then that time together turned into worshipping God- praying/singing for about an hour... then she said the most miraculous thing happened... Jaden came back! She opened her eyes and smiled.. she said “I can wiggle my toes!” She got out of bed and walked across the room! People!! My God is Mighty! My God is Merciful! My God still heals today! You are probably thinking she just passed out or something like that.. but she was wearing a monitor.. that was connected to her doctors office. Jaden went to see her oncologist yesterday... and the doctor confirmed that she did indeed flatline for 65 minutes. She also got a pet scan yesterday... and all the cancer is gone from her body .. except for the original tumor in her ankle. Once again! My God is Mighty! My God is Merciful! My God still heals today!! We serve an Awesome God!

We spoke “FaceTime “ with Jaden and let me tell you... she looked amazing! The Lord has truly worked a miracle in her body! All the Praise, Honor and Glory go to Jesus!!!

This is a picture of Jaden hugging Marissa.. she hasn’t had this type of strength for awhile... just blows me away!

On a related note, I go in on Thursday to have a lump looked at that is on my hip, where I used to carry my cell phone while at Boeing.  Supposedly, this is for an emergency consult....  We will see if this is related to my low energy levels lately.

I am not worried.  The Lord has nearly taken me multiple times, but each one has been a remarkable save.  When it is my time to go, it will be my time to go.


 I have been saying this for years, but it may be our last free day to celebrate our freedoms (as we used to know them).  I feel they will drop the hammer this year and all of the stuff we have taken for granted will be replaced by lines, soldiers with semi-autos (not necessarily US soldiers, either) and so much else.  The globalists think they have sprung the trap on the USA by observing our compliance to the scamdemic.

In Canada, they are passing draconian laws against free speech and so much else.  Soon, you will be allowed no opinion other than that of the official state opinion.  We are a weak and a controlled and subjugated people.  You do not need to be in physical chains to be in chains....

We deserve what we will get because we have become a culture that has tolerated sin and even "celebrate" it.  The month of July is a month where I "celebrate" the oppressive rainbow agenda being lifted.....  Ugh, there is no place where a true conservative can turn, other than to God.

Thursday, July 1, 2021


 So those of us that refuse the jab, and use scurrilous means to get around said medical experimentation, the actual chipping is where this is headed:

Can I contribute to this patriot’s legal fund?  Or just pay to get him moved out of californication...