Friday, February 26, 2021


 Not exactly sure how I bumped into this gal who is part Navajo and has started a podcast to bring people of native blood together with stories of faith.  I responded to her to see if we can talk in a podcast:


Just got done listening to a few more of your podcasts.  I love them.  A great way for Saints to connect across all of the various tribes and various backgrounds in North America.

I just recently found out that I have native blood in me (both sides due to adoption at a time when records were not kept very well).  I now know for certain of my Cherokee (mother's side) and pretty sure of Paiute adoption on my father's line.

Though I probably appear more Anglo than native, I have the tell-tale sign of the Mongolian Spot in my lower back that definitively nails it down:

Anyway, I have always wondered why I was drawn to my native brothers and sisters until my aunt's geneaologies made me aware of our ties.  I am a dreamer and visionary and always thought it was just my ties to Joseph of Egypt through Ephraim that brought this about, but knew that there was more.  Stuff like this music really stirs me, as well as the pow-wows I have been to:

The time for Manasseh to rise is upon us - and you are being moved to be a part of that great movement.

I am in Cardston, Alberta.  All of the native (Cree and Blood) prophecies point to a time when there will be a great earthquake.  At that time, they will gather to a sacred spot called Chief Mountain just south of Cardston where they will join with their brothers and sisters (lost 10 tribes) who come from the north down the spine of the Rockies to Cardston and then follow the Missouri River down to the New Jerusalem where they will be the principals in building up that great city.  There will be millions of Manasseh who will flow to that city with their knowledge, teachings and will build it up.  Read 3 Nephi 21-27.  It is all there.  Plus I have gathered many anecdotal stories related to all of the events above.  It is going to be a VERY exciting time to see the Children of Lehi placed in a place of prominence.

We have a great future ahead of us as rightful heirs in the House of Israel.  This is part of the gathering that President Nelson talks of.  One of my aging friends here in Cardston will be the means of bringing an entire nation (native) into the Gospel, even though he is clearly Ephraim, but stirred to serve and lift his native brothers and sisters.  It will happen soon.

After the oppression comes to the Church from the government and our temples are closed through decree and the judgments of God are poured out upon this nation, the Cardston Temple will re-open and will run 24 hours a day as the gathered natives receive essential ordinances and prepare for their trek southward to Zion.

Hope to connect soon.

With Love,

Brother Wood Zone


 No, this is not something that you get from a shop when your car won’t go into gear....

It is more like it is missing the why??  Tyranny 

Tranny Tyranny....

This will get us into uncivil war.  Part six of this article is very troubling:

When they force the Church to allow two biological males to kneel across the altar, it is gloves off.  The Church will resist and the power-hungry fascists will force us to comply or lose our 501c3 status.  This will be a bizarre twist on the Edmunds-Tucker Act move from the late 1800’s.

This financial clamp down and closing of our buildings will bring financial collapse.  This will plunge us into uncivil war starting in Chicago.

So, if you smugly are sitting there as you read this, enjoy your future hell as your savings and your world is tossed upside down.  You have what you have merited for so long.  A generation of vipers shall not escape the damnations of hell.

I will take the track record of Heber C Kinball against anyone, any day.

The Church’s release on this:

Tuesday, February 23, 2021


 Great vid!!

I have a prepped buddy who has thrown the baby out with the bath water after Trump did not end up assassinated in January.  I would not be so hasty...:


 We knew this was coming:

And here we are.

This will cause the gloves off.  When they try to override our basic tenets, the gloves come off and we lose our 501c3 status.  The economy collapses as a result.  Civil War2.0 ensues.  The writing is on the wall.

It will all happen in quick succession.  Those who were woken into a preparedness mode by this Texas thing will be quite humbled by that particular tender mercy.

Monday, February 22, 2021


 I have gotten a few comments on the blog that indicate I may need to revisit a previous post.  Usually, I will not respond to comments that are off topic or intent, but these all had the same vein.

When I speak of Ephraim, I am not speaking of the Church specifically.  Our houses of worship having been turned into places of tourism and craft breweries refers to Cathedrals in France largely being places where tourists snap photos (including the RLDS "temple" in Independence, MO), and not necessarily our LDS chapels, though many in Seattle proper are no longer in use and have not been replaced as there was a massive out-migration due to general wickedness there (and I am sure other places like San Fran, etc).

But - as a rule - the same thing can be said of the LDS Church.  If the Lord will clear things up starting in His house first, it will be because we have stepped in it hard.  If there is a massive population correction in Utah along the Wasatch Front due to plague and EQ, then what does that tell you about (mostly Ephraim) there.  It is a statement that we will no longer have merited the protection of the Lord and will suffer with the wicked for our indolence (collectively).

If you believe you are faithful LDS and this stings you, you may need to look more closely at your state before the Lord.  Likely, change is in order.  Most of the faithful (who do not have one foot in Babylon) have gotten the heck out of the east side of the SLC valley and definitely out of Draper, etc.  In fact, I have few friends who remain in the areas I know will be impacted.  These are the best people I know.  The "All is well in Zion" crowd remains, oblivious to their impending destruction.

Generally speaking, the USA will be pounded into a dire state because we can hardly speak of God openly.  Our churches are closed, we have allowed the gads to get above us because we believe in and are living a collective lie.  We are on a firm path to the one-world gubmint, silenced speech and so much else.  Many of us welcome and admonish each other to be good "global citizens", as was in the closing prayer at church yesterday.  That is such rubbish - to the point I can hardly stand to be around these people (or sheeple, as the case may be).

The only citizen I want to be a part of is God's kingdom, the City of Zion or some such a construct as that; but DEFINITELY NOT a part of the existing cabal.  I will NOT partake of her spoils.  I don't care where that takes me (poverty, persecution up to and including martyrdom) but I simply refuse to be a part of it.  Most Latter-day Ain'ts are clamoring for it.  Sorry - I do not subscribe. I never will - because I trust the words of John the Revelator on the matter over any existing leader or person of rank and file status.

Ephraim will provide the structure of the push to the NJ (I believe Dallin H. Oaks will rise to make that push), but Manasseh will do the heavy lifting.  If you cannot see it, re-read 3 Nephi.  It is all right there.  Ephraim, for the most part, has stepped in it.  We had it all when we came to this good land as religious refugees.  But sadly, we have slowly pissed that heritage away and we have indeed lost our savor.

The prophets of the Book of Mormon rail against those of us who no longer enjoy liberally the gifts of the Spirit in our lives.  Where are the healings, the miracles and so much else?  Why do our leaders no longer feed us meat for doctrine?  It is because we no longer merit it.  We are what Nephi and Moroni warned of; we are washed up.

Is there time to repent?  Yes - but I feel as if our fate is cast, our future largely sealed.  The path we are on is not largely alterable and we are headed down a bad road.  See what transpires in the next few months and years and then get back to me....


 I need to check this doctor out.  I bet he has some good material published of his research:

How, after reading this stuff, can people deny that there is anything to it?  Stubbornness of heart/mind/spirit?

It boggles my mind.


Saturday, February 20, 2021


 From our native brothers and sisters who soon shall rise.  Ephraim is the salt that has largely lost it's savor.  Mannassah shall soon rise as the shining one of Joseph.

Sadly, our chapels and places of worship have been turned into tourist locations and craft breweries instead of places where songs of praise are elevated to God.  We have given into the lies of the gadiantons and our places of worship including our temples are shut down.  We are in bondage and most do not even realize it.  Most accept their slavery and clamor for the god of this world (science) to save them from a manufactured thing.

Oddly, when the real desolating scourge does hit (just as it did among the natives in the past several centuries), it will largely wipe the white men (males) from off the face of this land.  It will leave our brown brothers and sisters in a state of repentance and awe as they take their rightful role and begin to truly blossom as the rose.  Many would say this happened during the administration of President Kimball, but the chapels that were opened at that time are largely closed and vandalized by the very people they supposed to help.  Their time is still coming when the righteous among them are spared and they rise up by the millions and are brought to the NJ to perform their prophesied role.

In the e-book I have found, there is more talk of this Indian Prophet who will rise up.  I have largely forgotten him - but he will be a thing.  He was a thing - and he will yet be.  He was, and is and will yet be.  They will rally behind him as they rise to the occasion.  They will come out of North America, out of Central America and out of South America.  There will be tens of millions that come forth.

They will bring their old ways with them.  The Cree will bring the remembrances of the teachings of the Law of Consecration that have lain dormant for many.  They will be Millennium Ready, while the greed and selfishness of the average white man who makes it through the eye of the needle will have to be purged in a most painful manner from him.

Enjoy the good music.  If it stirs something in you, you may just have some of that blood in you.  Look for the blue spot in the small of your back....


 Folks, if you cannot see this for what it is, I feel sorry for you:

We have been warned by multiple people including Eisenhower and Kennedy.  Both wanted to crush the cabal, but were unable.  Trump tried in a less aggressive manner than I would have liked, but it is now international and more sinister in nature .

I am afraid the only one to crush it is the one who said He came not to bring peace, but the sword.  Why?  Because exposing these vermin requires or ends in much misery.  Had Trump not exited the scene, they would have fomented war (more of what we saw last summer by the marxist thugs in the streets burning as it was in nazi Germany.  We will still have it, but it will be for other reasons.

As the Texans are now finding out.  It is best to prepare for the inevitable than to wait til the last minute.  War is coming to our shores in the most dramatic way possible.


 “Did Joseph Smith say that the Constitution would hang by a thread and that the elders would save it?” Ensign, June 1976, 64–65

What do we know about the purported statement of Joseph Smith that the Constitution would hang by a thread and that the elders would save it?

D. Michael Stewart, Brigham Young University, Department of History The documents show that Joseph Smith did prophesy a number of times that the United States and the Constitution would be imperiled and that the elders would have a hand in saving them. The first known record of the prophecy dates to July 19, 1840, in Nauvoo, when the prophet spoke about the redemption of Zion. Using Doctrine & Covenants 101 as a text, he said, “Even this nation will be on the verge of crumbling to pieces and tumbling to the ground and when the Constitution is on the brink of ruin this people will be the staff upon which the nation shall lean and they shall bear the Constitution away from the very verge of destruction.” (Joseph Smith Papers, LDS Church Historical Archives, Box 1, March 10, 1844.)

There are also other documents in Church History files that show that five different early Saints recorded some remarks by the Prophet Joseph Smith on this same prophecy, perhaps voiced by the Prophet a number of times in a number of ways after 1840. Parley P. Pratt wrote in 1841 that the prophet said, “The government is fallen and needs redeeming. It is guilty of Blood and cannot stand as it now is but will come so near desolation as to hang as it were by a single hair!!!!! Then the servants goes [sic] to the nations of the earth, and gathers the strength of the Lord’s house! A mighty army!!!!!! And this is the redemption of Zion when the saints shall have redeemed that government and reinstated it in all its purity and glory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” (George A. Smith Papers, Church Archives, Box 7, Folder 5, January 21, 1841.)

James Burgess related that the Prophet, while addressing the Nauvoo Legion several miles east of Nauvoo in May 1843, said that “the time would come when the constitution and government would hang by a brittle thread and would be ready to fall into other hands but this people the latter-day saints will step forth and save it.” (James Burgess Journal, 1818–1904, Church Archives, vol. 1—found among loose sermons.)

Orson Hyde recalled that the Prophet predicted that “the time would come that the Constitution and the country would be in danger of an overthrow and said he, if the constitution be saved at all, it will be by the Elders of this Church. I believe this is about the language as nearly as I can recollect it.” (JD, 6:150.)

In a Pioneer Day celebration in Ogden in 1871, Eliza R. Snow said, “I heard the prophet say, ‘The time will come when the government of these United States will be so nearly overthrown through its corruption, that the Constitution will hang as it were by a single hair, and the Latter-day Saints—the Elders of Israel—will step forward to its rescue and save it.” (Journal History, MSF 143 #28, July 24, 1871.)

Jedediah M. Grant, during the dark days of threatened invasion of Utah by a federal army, referred to the Prophet’s utterance as he addressed a Mormon Battalion gathering in Salt Lake City, February 6, 1855.

“What did the Prophet Joseph say? When the Constitution shall be tottering we shall be the people to save it from the hand of the foe.” (Deseret News Weekly, January 19, 1870.)

On various occasions, Joseph Smith referred to the Constitution, the country, and destiny of the nation; and there is clear evidence that he anticipated future peril. Furthermore, he pronounced the prophecy at various times and places. Perhaps he himself interchanged the simile “on the brink of ruin,” “hang by a brittle thread,” “hang by a single hair,” etc., to describe the anticipated crisis. It is also clear that the redeemers or rescuers of the Constitution were to be either the Saints generally or priesthood officers specifically.

Since no particular time was given for fulfilling this prophecy, members of the Church have often wondered about its timing. The prophecy clearly indicates a single, identifiable episode yet to come. However, it is helpful for us to constantly be on guard against threats to the central elements of the Constitution. It is not wise to sit by and think that the protection of the Constitution is the problem of someone else at some other time.

In support of this view of “constant vigilance,” it is most instructive to note that Church leaders have seen the Constitution imperiled a number of times. Brigham Young, reflecting on the prophecy of 1868, expressed: “It would not be many years before these words come to pass.” (JD, 12:204.) President John Taylor in 1884 declared: “It may be nearer … than some of us think.” (JD, 25:350.) President J. Reuben Clark, Jr., warned in 1942: “Whether it [the Constitution] shall live or die is now in the balance.” (Conference Report, October 1942, p. 58.)

Students of history and the Constitution know that the Constitution has been imperiled a number of times in its history and has been saved a number of times both by vigorous political action and by vocal public opinion.

Thus, rather than simply wait for the one time when the Constitution shall hang by a thread, Latter-day Saints must continually be vigilant. Our commission to save the Constitution is, like salvation, a continuing task, and Church leaders have pointed out the tools available: analysis of constitutional principles, personal study of the history of our nation, reading the Constitution to children at home and in schools, teaching them self-sacrifice—the principle that makes freedom possible—teaching them their obligations as mature citizens, recognizing and resisting ideologies that threaten constitutional principles, and developing loyalty to principle rather than to men or parties.

Politicians and statesmen must grapple with tough questions, painstakingly familiarize themselves with vital issues, and be decisive; but finally, an antidote to abusive government, to corruption, and to constitutional peril lies in private character. Humble people in prayerful homes will contribute immeasurably to a lasting constitutional government. And it should be apparent that consistent efforts in these areas will prepare us both to continually protect the Constitution and to prepare us for possibly a yet future rendezvous with our Constitution’s destiny.


 I am not surprised, as I am convinced (as are many Catholics) that the current Pope is the False Prophet.

So, they are willing to fire someone over this thing.

The thing that bugs me the most of all of this is that the social pressure that is being exerted.  Most all of the hype is to create a social pressure on those who would rather just be left alone.  I mean if it guaranteed there would never be a problem again with a cold and there were a far lower chance of dying from the shot than the common cold on steriods, then I might logically be in.  But anything that is forced.... the more the force, the more I am to resist it.  Kind of like eating Aunt Marj's duck soup as a kid.  The more that the parents tried to force it, the more the resistance.  It is just a natural response.....

If it were forced on me in order to go to church or the temple, I would leave the Church.  It is very simple.  My testimony of the gospel/BoM would be perfectly intact, but my vote of confidence in the leaders would be completely shattered.  At that point, I would just hunker down and wait for the One Mighty and Strong spoken of in every piece of scripture we have except for the Pearl of Great Price.  On that note, I am reading a book on that subject from 1905.  It is proving to be a very interesting read, considering all that occurred between 1890 and 1910 (First and Second Manifestos).  It was a turbulent time to be alive in the Church and many sought out some kind of intervention from an outside source - especially among those who were more fundamentalist.  At the end, there was a full purge of the Fundamentalists at that point with the expectation that there would be a reckoning at the 7th Prophet (Heber J Grant).

There has been much else since then including the reduction of the endowment, etc.  Many purists have objected to many of these things.  I would have been horribly distressed (having grown up under plural marriage), to have been alive in those times.  I would have surmised a partial religious coup (and I do) from that time.  Weird things happened at the end of Wilford Woodruff's life, etc.

Anyway, I will share more of what I have learned from this book in a later post.  Please hit the "Post More Info" button if you are interested in reading the e-book.  I noticed it does not work well on my phone, so it is either an i-phone thing or it needs to be on a tablet or a machine with a bigger screen.

REVISITING LATER:  As I am more inclined to push back on anything that is too "arm of the flesh", I am going to move towards rejection of that crap (the world's solutions).  I know that science is almost a religion in and of itself.  Relying on it more than faith in God really gets me spun up.  In the Millennial model, we get so far away from our own understanding that the mode of travel is via the Priesthood, the mode of communication is enhanced to thought to thought transfer, medicine is mostly a non-thing as our bodies are brought into line via Priesthood power, and even power tools and cranes and forklifts become obsolete as we command things into the form that is needed.  The city of the New Jerusalem will be brought about in a very short time using materials we do not as yet comprehend and building methods we have no current grasp of.  The same technology the pre-flood peoples had access to.  All of our supposed learning will be completely obsolete and things of a higher order will be brought online through righteous living.  Right now, we simply do not have access to them because anything given to us would not be used in a Consecrated manner and we would abuse it as it is "consumed upon our lusts" and used to get gain and power over others in our largely telestial mindset.

So, as a group, if we want to enjoy terrestrial living, we must put all that aside and seek for the good of others and the good of Zion.  Then, we will have moved to a higher plane.  This is our ticket to be invited to the city to be a part of all that will be so right there.  Selfishness will not be a thing there.  Do not seek for power, do not seek for your own gain, go not after anything evil, put aside the world and you will arrive there line upon line, precept on precept.  This is how Enoch's people did it.  This is how we must do it.

Turn off the tv.  Seek higher learning.  It will come.  The Spirit will guide you to seek Him after you begin to Hear Him.  It is all there for the taking.  The only thing stopping us is us.

Read Section 76 and then do an inventory of yourself.  Be frank.  Write down all the things about you that make you feel as if you will come up short.  Be honest.  Do not hold back.  If you have an open, honest and supportive relationship with your spouse, include them in the discussion.  If your relationship is balanced, they will want to help you move forward and upward (together).  There is power in accountability to another who has your best interests in mind.  Pray together.  Fast together.  The devil only attacks the marriage and the family because he knows that is the strongest unit on the planet.  If you actually happen to be liberal (and you are reading this blog), note the policies of the political party you belong to.  Repent, if there is any attack on the sanctity of life or of marriage by that party.  Start small; go big.

And pray for Texas!

Monday, February 15, 2021


 Could it be the Church will have to sheet back into the banking world once again?  Could it be that this is what the hedge fund is for?  

My wife thinks so!

Interesting times we live in:

Barter and swap is all I can say.  It is in our near future. Those drunk with power in DC are absolutely capable...

Sunday, February 14, 2021


 Folks, my good wife sent this to me and I have to say I am gobsmacked by it like I was when I saw the vid of Joan Rivers saying that Michael Bummer is a tranny shortly before she was murdered:

I have slowed down the comments and they are as telling.

Lin Wood is a godly man and worthy of our attention .

The swamp is deep and worthy of our attention!

UPDATE:  This is within 5 mins after posting this to friends on Messenger.  I was banned for 7 days on Fakelook for this post, so get it out there.  Make it go viral! What was it that Voltaire said about the things you are not allowed to talk about?!?

Friday, February 12, 2021


 I love these more pointed questions posed in this study:

Check it out.  When consuming milk all the time, we become spiritually anemic.  This has led to the current crisis of faith in the Church.  They cut out (censored) the difficult topics like polygamy and topics that indicate that there is a spectrum among God’s children. Heaven forbid that there was One who had excelled to the point that He just needed a body to be perfected, and who had attained a status in the pre-mortal world where He could be responsible for creating the world He would be later called to save!  And next in line Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Isaiah, etc.  Then 50th percentilers like myself on down to those who squeaked out the privilege of qualifying for a tabernacle of flesh.  There is a spectrum out there, folks!  I can see it within the microcosm of my own family and ward and town.  I see it in the high school.  Varying levels of diligence and valiancy.  Why is that so politically incorrect to talk about??  Fact is, not everyone gets a trophy!

 Yes, the “everyone gets a trophy” crowd took over the curriculum dept., so now everyone has turned into a “mediocre, mushy in the middle” that can bear no wind of scrutiny or difficult or deep doctrines.  We have been co-opted by the Millennial Mentality.

And this has led to our current crisis.  It started in 1890 and was reinforced in 1978 and when they finally cave on the Family Proclamation, it will be time for the setting in order wherein basic doctrines are restored after the tares are burned.  It cannot happen soon enough.  We can barely scrape along with telestial doctrines - and we expect greater things??

Not quite, amigo!


 Great timing on this article, considering Pelosi’s pedantic, after-the-fact attempt to throw mud on Trump.  I mean, if I were an honest liberal (do any exist anymore, of the rabid baby-killing genre, at least?), I would be jumping ship for utter embarrassment.  Same thing if I were a card-carrying Repub, for that matter, with all the Rino’s running around, including Pierre “the flip-flop” Mittens....

Enter Joseph Smith’s prophecy about the third party rising out of the political war between those two parties.

We live in interesting times!

BTW, the article is listed at the Epoch Times.  I find them to be quite a good news source and rarely go to Drudge since they were sold (out) a while back as part of the media portion of the coup d’état of the socialist takedown of America.

A little business here.  You can read up on the One Mighty and Strong in Section 85.  That was what the acronym stands for.  Also, Isaiah Ch 11.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021


 Interesting the connection here to 3.5 years and famine at the 8 minute mark:

I have it from many good sources that we are about to enter the 3.5 year period starting about March 6th, which is 3.5 years from the sign of 23rd Sept 2017.

Could it be that the OM&S shows up to kick it all off?  I would start the party that way, if I were in charge....

Monday, February 8, 2021


 Folks, I am all sorts of pissed off today.  Here is a rant from FB:

The thing that will unite the nation is not another fork-tongued politician selling yet more snake oil....  It is deep and abiding repentance from attempting to declare what is wrong and perverse, to be acceptable and normal.  A grown man declaring they are in love with a child, a mentally ill man dressing as a woman, a guy deciding he loves another man(no biological conception ever occurred in the absence of an egg but in the presence of fecal matter) and only the most perverse and heinous of cultures have ever done harm to the innocent.  Yes, it is normal to want to hug and kiss and cherish a baby instead of snuffing it’s life out of convenience or just plain cruelty.

We are so backwards that it is not even funny.  The sick thing is that most Latter day Aints have performed enough mental gymnastics of inclusion that they have bought the grand delusion.  I have never wanted to be popular.  I only care about the truth.  Nothing else matters.  The only citizen I want to be a part of is God’s kingdom.

This globe and it’s citizens may want to send themselves merrily on to hell, but I want to be no part of it and eat no part of the king’s meat.

Waiter!  Check please!!

Over and out....

One last thought:  if the One Mighty and Strong is to come to set things in order, what does that imply?  Did Christ come to set things in order?  Restore what was lost since the days of Malachi?  Was John out in the wilderness baptizing because they were doing it correctly in the synagogues of Jerusalem or Bethany?

Did they even have those ordinances in ancient Israel?  The answer is yes.  They were intact in the days of Lehi.  I have proof of it.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021


 So, if you have not noticed, I have been crazy busy lately.  Going full bore and I am exhausted.  To the point that I had to take yesterday off work just to sleep a bunch and recuperate.  Right now, it is all about places of refuge.  We have lost major battles to the gadiantons with Trump being thrown out and then Creepy Joe removing all of the previous gains by edict.  The left is drunk with power, and they are running with it.  They are emboldened that they got away with the election steal and that they are almost completely silencing the voices of 80 million voters via social media and traditional media clamp-downs.  I have been repeatedly shut down on socialist media, and wonder how long I will be allowed by media czars to keep this particular dog and pony going.

Things are going to get much worse before they get much better.  In that time as the woman is driven into the wilderness, it will be a game of survival.  We are in Revelations 12 thru 18 right now.  The gads (satan at the head) have gotten above us.  My wife, in her attempt to resolve everything in her head, believes President Nelson's virtue signaling over the mask and covid scam injection - is being strong-armed by someone.  That he is just playing along to get along.  I have said and will continue to say unless I receive a strong (read VERY strong) heavenly manifestation, UTTERLY REFUSE to accept this "vaccine".  It is utter dire crap - and I will not submit.  Nor will I give a modicum of support to it in any way shape or form.  Let me be clear, the threshhold for me to give support to that is way past the line of me giving support or encouraging anyone to get an abortion or to walk up to someone and cap them (unless it is someone who is working in the SS.....  THAT would be a good thing....).  And no, that is not a veiled threat - just a little fantasizing on my part.  Teancum had a good thing going on when he took advantage of an opportunity to get rid of some trash.

So, at this point the swamp creatures and other trash infest the halls of power.  The only way to rid ourselves of it is to rely on a Divine Intervention.  Which will come - and I expect it will be in the form of Russians and fiery fungi.  But not without much sorrow on our parts.  We were lazy and did not heed ETB's call to stamp it out when it was possible, and now here we are.  Indeed, the Church as a whole is responsible for the end of Prohibition, the election of Harry Reid and now the waste of oxygen, Mitt Romney.  What a bunch of idiots I get to associate with.  And all is well in Zion.....  Sheesh.....

And there is the imminent fulfilment of prophecy that the more humble part of the Saints will be persecuted by the the contingent that is going along with Babylon (arm of the flesh) crowd in the Church who feel the covid thing is now cool, because it got the nod from the top.  All of that on January 20th.  I list that as one of the top worst days of my life.  Probably in the top three, and I lost a baby to SIDS which happens to take the number one slot....  We are already taking heat here in Cardston. They will line up like sheep to slaughter to take this thing and it will be the undoing of many.  I have seen the body bags lining the streets.  It was not a pretty sight.  It will begin in "(His) House First".

During (or just before) that time, it will be time to get out to a place of refuge.  I have asked some of the best people I know to identify on a map within a 70 mile square area, the area that they believe we are to escape to during the purge wherein the Lord will do His work.  All three came up with the exact same location I was shown as I pondered the last year or two over this question.  I just got another firm identification today, so I am now confident more than ever.

Whether called out individually by the Holy Spirit, or from the local or regional leadership, the elect will be led to make themselves scarce at the right time, while others will be caught up in the overflowing scourge (likely the next big CCP release of something that really makes this covid scam look like child's play, per my dream of a year ago Feb 27th).  It was breathtaking and I believe my family and I will barely escape.

So yeah....

One last thing.  In the aftermath of the election the question remains of how to interpret Esdra's Eagle.  I think the short feathers can confidently be narrowed down to gads vs non-gads or some such a thing.  I am still evaluating that detail.  There are some vids out there going into it - and I will try and post as I run into them.