Tuesday, December 29, 2020


 This life really is a war between good and evil.  I believe the greatest burst of light to hit this earth, other than the Savior, was Joseph Smith and his teachings that point to the Savior of mankind.

As a balancing of all things, God must not load the deck one way or the other, lest He cease to be God.  After unleashing the truth, the jaws of hell were opened and Karl Marx and Darwin spewed out their garbage.

It had to be this way.  

Looking at this piece of work’s life, I am not surprised. Same with Castro, Lenin, Che G. and so many others.  By their works....,

But an entire deluded generation loves them all!


Sunday, December 20, 2020


 So, I was working in the area of our newly called Stake President and our EQ President.

Both are well-heeled.  In the extreme.  Nothing wrong with that. 

So, the Bishop had just been up to see the EQ President about something and he stopped to see me since I was partially blocking the road.  We chatted for a bit.  I outed myself as a Trumper and one who believes things are about to change drastically.  He listened politely, even as I laid out my case that we will see refugees in Cardston.

There was hardly a glimmer of concern other than possibly for the state of my mental health....  And that was that.  Really nice fellow, great countenance.  Not a modicum of concern that I could tell.  Just a pitch for services of his business.

Zion is screwed.....

Words of alarm from Arnold in my comments:

I have been concerned that many active members may go to church, follow the lessons with the requisite reading, attend the temple faithfully and are completely ignorant of events of the 2nd coming. That is something to happen far into the future and they will be long gone by then, and they have no need to understand something too difficult to understand and they just plainly do not have the interest with all the distractions that "The World" presents. And of course the Brethren would warn us. If I am not mistaken, we were commanded to look to his coming. If we are looking to his coming, we are doing more than just reading scripture. We are studying the course of events in the world, we are looking to unde world events... requiring us to use discernment, to study, pondering and pray if all else fails. The Spirit has little ability to guide if we are not putting forth the effort. People will assume that the Leadership of the LDS Church are somehow all knowing. They look at everything objectively without prejudice. To me the Church's Leadership support of masking, social separation, shut down of churches and the temples in line with the media and government fraudulent Covid pandemic is almost as disturbing as the as the abuse of Government. I am disturbed that they are deceiving the membership to accept the deception and lies of the Powers That Be. There is a drive to be more accepted of The World with the idea in mind to attack more members, which may mean compromise. The best people, the ones really looking, are those who have the ability to discern truths capable of being dependable, and such would be turned off by the obvious compromises. Joel Skousen's view is that the Church reacts to the past view the World has had of the Church and are bending over to be more acceptable. I know people have had endless excuses to blame the early Saints for the reasons they were forced out of Kirtland, Independence, Far West and Nauvoo. They just forgot Satan will find ways to stir up ignorant, prideful and wicked people. Now I could be wrong in my assessment, but I have seen this disconnect long time and my view has not changed. I usually depend upon time to reveal more truths. Now, am I speaking Ill of the Leadership? If I am speaking Ill....I am lying, or in someway trying to tear down the Church. Do I ignore the elephant in the room and continue to say nothing? Am I a part of the deception if I say nothing? All prophets I have read of in scripture have been very unpopular with the wicked. They tell the people straight up what their problem is and the solution and the people come undone and try and kill the Prophets. Years past when I read the newspaper, I was stunned at how liberal, even Marxist, some BYU professors were, who wrote opinion pieces in the paper, even to a point of lunacy. Maybe it's no wonder so many members have abandoned their support the principals of the US Constitution for socialism. And amidst all this there is crickets from the Brethren. You can't just say prophets statements in the past are still valid. Does anyone think Moroni or Mormon would be silent on these points when it is in process. I have no clue how on earth the Elders of the Church will preserve the Constitution when they have so little respect for it.


 Fulfilment of the Joseph Smith prophecy.  Trump really is not a Repub nor a demo.  He is the peoples’ man.  So simple.  I was in complete shock in 2015 as I watched all my Boeing unionistas defect Steallary and flock to Trump.  I figured he would win based on that.  The algorithms used to steal the elections were not heavy enough to account for that


God bless Trump that he can overcome this coup attempt!!

Saturday, December 19, 2020


 I have said this would happen for years.  Grateful to finally have some backing on it.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020


 Sarah Menet has nailed down exactly how the next 3.5 years will go.  We are getting close:

The next thing that came to me was more felt than seen. It was the understanding that shortly after the crashing of the buildings in New York City, commerce ceased. Shopping and buying seemed to stop, and the economy failed throughout the world. Few had any money at all, and those who did have it could not buy anything of worth with it. Gold and silver and other commodities had value and could be traded.

I then saw a man walk into a middle of a crowd of people and drop what seemed like a quart jar full of liquid. The jar broke and the liquid spread. I understood that people nearby had become infected with a disease from the liquid, and they didn't even know it. A day or two later the people became sick and started dying. I saw that this would happen in four particular cities: New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Salt Lake City. The disease started with white blisters, some the size of a dime, appearing the hands, arms and face of the victims. The blisters quickly developed into white puffy sores. Those with the disease would stumble around and fall over dead. Many died within a short time, perhaps 24 hours.

I also saw other people with a flu-like virus that spread more quickly than the first disease. The victims had blood coming from their nose, mouth, eyes, and ears. These people died even faster of this disease than the ones who had the first sickness. These diseases became wide-spread across the United States with hundreds of thousands infected.

As the people were fleeing the cities in the hope of saving their lives, gangs were attacking them and killing them. In the towns that were struck with disease there was chaos, with looting, rioting and murders involved in a complete breakdown of society. Many people seemed to go crazy. I sensed that the electricity had failed everywhere and that nothing was running throughout the country, including any of the communication systems. I watched people throw rocks through windows to steal TV's that would not work and thought it was very strange.

While I watched all this happening in the United States, my view instantly jumped back to the Middle East, and I saw the same thing taking place in Israel. The same sores and the same types of sickness and disease that were plaguing the U.S. had also been unleashed in Israel.

The switch in view only lasted an instant, and I was back in the United States. There was a tremendously long winter that caught everyone by surprise following the siege of sickness. It started early and lasted into the summer months. A famine had begun over the few years leading up to the long winter because of storms, droughts, floods and other plagues that had taken place; and the abnormally long cold period seemed to cause the famine to suddenly increase to its full measure.

In the period of time following the disease, which was quickly followed by the long winter, things started going down hill very quickly. Events piled up one on top of another without any breaks. My sense of timing was not very clear at this moment; however because I was seeing several things happening all at the same time or very close together.

During and after the long winter, the disease spread everywhere and increased in severity. The economy and the electricity were completely gone. Chaos and anarchy reigned over the entire United States. Without any government there was a total breakdown, and I saw people panicking everywhere. They were trying in vain to find food. There was none. I saw people even digging in the ground for worms to eat because they were so hungry from the lack of food.

Also, during this time I became aware that there was very little drinking water, and the remaining water had become contaminated, so that if a person drank it they would contract the disease and die. Because of their great thirst many people drank the water in spite of the danger of poisoning and died.

I mentioned earlier the gangs that killed people trying to escape the cities. It seemed that some of the people had lost their minds and went around in these gangs killing people just for the sake of killing; others killed for food or to gain some material possessions from their victims. Those that were killing for no reason were like beasts: animals completely out of control, as they raped, looted, burned and butchered people. I saw these gangs go into the homes of those who were hiding. They would drag them out of their hiding places, rape and dismember them.

For many there was an unnatural fear and hatred that came over the people. Family ties that once existed between husbands and wives, parents and children no longer mattered. The only thing that mattered was individual survival. Men would kill their wives and children for food or water. Mothers would kill their children. For me, the events that then lay before me were horrible beyond description and almost unbearable to watch.

The air everywhere was filled with smoke as many buildings and cities burned with no attempt to control the fires. As I looked upon this scene of chaos, smoke and destruction I noticed that there were small pockets of light scattered over the United States. There were, I would guess, about twenty or thirty of them that I saw. I noticed that most of the locations of light were in the western part of the United States, with only three or four of them being in the east. These places of light seemed to shine brightly through the darkness and were such a contrast to the rest of the scene that they caught my attention. I focused on them for a moment and asked, 'What are these things?'

I was then able to see that these points of light were people who had gathered together and were kneeling in prayer. The light was actually coming from the people, and I understood that the light was showing forth their goodness and love. I further understood that they gathered together for safety and that, contrary to what I had witnessed everywhere, the cared more for each other than for themselves. Some of the groups were small with only a hundred people or so, but other groups consisted of what seemed to be thousands.

I realized that many, if not all, of these places of light, or cities of light as I began to think of them, had somehow been established just before the biological attack, and that they were very organized. It was as if they had known what was coming and had prepared for it. I did not see who or what had organized them, but I did see many people struggling to reach them with nothing but what they could carry.

The cities of light had food that others outside of those groups did not have, and within the cities of light food was readily shared with those who joined their groups. In these places there was peace and safety. The inhabitants were living in tents of all kinds, many of which were no more than blankets held up by poles. I noticed that the gangs made no threats on these groups and left them completely alone, choosing to pick on other targets and unprotected people, as many of the people in those cities had guns that they would use for self-defense. The gangs also preyed upon the people who were traveling, trying to reach the cities of light.

As I looked upon them, I realized that these cities of light were temporary and that in a short time the people living within them would go to another place. I do not know where they were to go but seemed to think that they gathered in the mountains, to higher places.

As I was viewing the cities of light, my focus changed, and I became aware of missiles being launched and hitting U.S. cities. I watched as mushroom clouds started forming over many areas of the United States. Some of the clouds came from missiles that I knew were fired from Russia, and others were not from missiles at all, but from bombs that were already in the United States. These latter bombs had been hidden in trucks and in cars driven to certain locations and then detonated.

I specifically saw Los Angeles, Los Vegas, and New York City hit with bombs. New York City was hit with a missile, but I think that Los Angeles was hit by at least one truck bomb, if not several, because I didn't see any missile. I also saw a mushroom cloud from north of Salt Lake City, but without the aid of a missile.

In the darkness I also saw little fireballs. I'm not sure if this happened just before or during the mushroom clouds. The balls fell from the sky, were of different sizes - most being the size of golf balls - and were very hot. There were millions of them. As they fell from the sky they left streaks of flame and smoke behind them. Everything they touched started on fire: people, buildings, trees, or grass. Everything burned. I didn't ask what they were or where they had come from because by this time I was sick because of the scene before me, and so I observed without asking many questions.

At almost the same time and in the same locations as the mushroom clouds, I saw Russian and Chinese troops invading the United States. The Russians were parachuting at many spots along the Eastern Coast; I also saw them parachuting in Utah. Chinese troops were invading from the West Coast near Los Angeles. They were met with resistance from those who had survived the disease and bombs. I did not see any United States military there at that time.

The invasion was part of the nuclear war that I had seen earlier, and I knew that similar events were taking place all over the world as I had seen previously. I did not see much of this war, but was impressed that it was short in duration and the Russian and Chinese armies lost and left. No explanation regarding how or why was received.

Now the smoke became very heavy, dark and thick. Just as things appeared to be as bad as they could get, the earth began to quake. This occurred during a winter, seemingly the winter that followed the very long one I had seen earlier. The chaos had existed for almost a full year by this time. The earthquakes began in the west, around Idaho and Wyoming, and then quickly spread in every direction. I saw a huge earthquake hit Utah, and then California. There were earthquakes all over California, but they were especially devastating in the Los Angeles and San Francisco areas. San Francisco appeared to turn upside down.

The multiple earthquakes triggered volcanoes all over the west, and they started spewing a tremendous amount of ash and smoke into the air, causing it to become very dark and dirty and blocking much of what was left of the sunlight.

There were also huge waves of water that swept over the west coast, and as I saw them I realized that this same thing was happening to coastal cities all over the world. The waves were so huge that Los Angeles was nearly swept away.

I saw a wall of water taller than some of the buildings, perhaps as high as fifteen or twenty feet, sweep through Salt Lake City. I thought this was strange because of its location so far from the ocean, and wondered how a wave could travel all the way to Salt Lake City. I was impressed that the wave had not originated at the ocean, but was from under ground. I quickly noticed great cracks in the earth around Salt Lake City opened up and saw water shooting up out of the ground. I felt that deep under the ground was a huge amount of water and that the earthquakes had forced it up to the surface. Most of the buildings were swept away or destroyed when the water swept over the city. In fact there had been tremendous destruction, with only a few buildings left standing. The water coming from underground stretched from Idaho down to near Cedar City, Utah, and was very destructive.

As I looked, I could see that cities all over the country had been devastated, and there was rubble everywhere. Most of the buildings were destroyed. However, I realized that even though there was tremendous destruction from earthquakes, disease, floods, volcanoes, and tidal waves, the majority of the deaths were caused by the gangs of roving marauders that killed for pleasure.

As I studied the scene for a moment, the thought occurred to me that the earth itself had become sickened at the terrible acts of cruelty that were happening upon it and was finally reacting through these natural disasters. The earth was attempting to cleanse itself of the chaos and evil that had engulfed the people. The ash and smoke from the volcanoes had increased, and there was now almost complete darkness everywhere upon the earth.

The diseases also increased in devastation, and I saw people literally dying on their feet. I saw another particular disease that started with red blotches, and then the victims would start to bleed from every opening in their bodies. Then the people literally disintegrated, or melted into unrecognizable masses of flesh and bone. The sight was horrendous, as death and the dead were everywhere.

After this second terrible winter, I saw the survivors pile up the dead into huge piles to burn them. The stench was sickening. Some of the bodies had been burned during the time of chaos, but because people were more concerned with their survival they had mostly ignored the dead around them.

A huge earthquake occurred in the middle of the United States. It was tremendous and seemed to split the United States in half about where the Mississippi River is. The crack in the earth that resulted was huge, miles wide, and as it opened up the earth seemed to swallow everything. Water flowed in from the Gulf of Mexico all the way up to the Great Lakes. The Great Lakes did not exist any longer, however, as they became part of a large inland sea.

Then I saw another series of tremendous earthquakes all over the world. But they were not many, separate earthquakes, rather it was all part of one gigantic earthquake that shook the entire earth. Because of this earthquake waters overflowed their boundaries onto land all over the world. There were again huge walls of water along all of the coastal regions. This earthquake and the walls of water made the earlier ones seem small by comparison. I am not sure if the earthquake that split the United States in two was a part of this worldwide quake or not.

Next I saw a mighty wind come upon wind come upon the earth. As the wind hit, I saw people go into caves and into the cracks of rocks to try to escape its fury. It appeared to be stronger than any hurricane or tornado. It seemed that everything that had been left was now blown away.

I understood, without asking, that the great worldwide earthquake and the mighty wind were somehow caused by a huge planet-like object, that had come very close to the earth and had disrupted everything. It was also made clear to me that it was very near the "end" when this happened.

Now my perspective changed: I once again viewed the entire earth from a distance. I then saw a huge fireball, much larger than the earth, approaching our planet. It was extremely bright red and gold in color, and it engulfed the whole earth. When I witnessed this event I could not help but feel the difference between it and everything else that had occurred, and so I asked what this was that I saw. I was impressed that it was the burning of the earth that is described in the Bible. I understood that just before the fireball's appearance Jesus had appeared, and the good people I had seen earlier had left with Him and were no longer on the earth. The few people left behind were those wicked who had survived the earlier devastations.

The picture of the earth engulfed by this huge ball of red and gold fire slowly faded away into blackness. I was thinking that I have to go down and take care of my children so that they could be protected from the terrible things that were going to happen and then I don't remember any more until I woke up in the hospital."

Economic collapse starting in Bush's second term.
Some time after 9/11 the global economy will collapse to the point where paper money is useless and commerce ceases.

Great drought.
Droughts, storms and floods starts on/around the collapse and eventually leads up to a great famine.

Great apostasy amongst church members.
Doesn't talk about church events other than they gather in communities referred to as points of light. Maybe I missed something...

Nuclear explosion in Utah.
A mushroom cloud north of SLC

Foreign troops invade US
Russian and Chinese troops invade US.

Invasion force in Utah primarily Chinese
Chinese invade from west.

Great upheavals and earthquakes along Wasatch front area
Great earthquakes in Utah free enormous underground water reservoirs that flood much of SLC and surrounding areas

Righteous spared
Sees points of light around the US where people gather for safety and are protected from murderous gangs, biological attack, etc. (tent cities)

Rocky mountains become sacred place where righteous gather
Righteous people collect from scattered communities to mountain areas.

They match pretty well from a direct comparison. Menet goes into much more detail on world events as they unfold.


 Man, I sure am getting interesting reports of possible invasion forces of Russian and Chinese off our coasts as US Carrier Groups assemble and are deployed at full readiness and in numbers that rarely are seen.  If true, they are there to pounce when the goons hit the streets after Trump does not concede....

Here is something interesting from the archives that goes into this detail:

Isiiah explains that america will have a economic clospe where the stock market will fall just like 1929. Most people on the last days list think this will happen in oct of 2008. Accourding to Joshp smith there will be a civil war starting in chacigo, which will spread across the usa. There will be no law and order, only in the rockys. kind of like how new orlands was when there was no food. missionarys will be sent out to gather people to the rocky mountains for peice and safety. The saints at that time will unhold the consitution. The lord will raise up a servant who will lead the people into the winderness like moses did. At this time amermica will be attached both one the CA side and the East side.

at this time 90% of the world people are killed, by war by the antichrist. only the rightous 9% will be protected indirectly. The 1% which is the holy seed will be gathered by the 144,000 to zion.

Faithfull sons like hemaun army will over come the attacking armys.
this will be done by faithful white and laminiate people. The us amry will have given up, and it will take this servant and the faithful sons to cause the power of god to fight back the invading armay.

the coming of the savior among these people will be so natural that only a few people will know the savior will have come. This is not his coming in golry.

The savor will lead a group and also the 144,000 each will lead people back to mousir zion in groups of 300-600 each. With one of the 144,000 in frount and in back. These people will be lead like moses and they will walk thur the fire, the oceans , the armys ect with the cloud of glory protecting them by night and a fire in the day. when they get to the center place zion, the glory that was upon each group will then be added upon the temple. so as more and more people gather, zion will put on its glory and streangth till the whole would will see its glory. The people who come to zion will have their calling and ection sure.

you have got to get Avraham Gileadis commentary on Isiiah. The best that any LDS author has yet to bring forth. over 30 hours. Hugh b Nibley said that Avraham is the most quilified peoson to teach Isiaih he knows of.

It is an amazing great work and wonder….


This is very similar to what I wrote a few days ago:


They will have to wait to attack (they would be stupid otherwise) until the US is weak due to internal strife.

Monday, December 14, 2020


 I love our Prophet.  He is doing a great job.  But, as with any mortal, he can fall.  I have seen many a lazy saint crash and burn for lack of effort to find the path to God for themselves by way of the Holy Ghost.  This a great quote:

Ezra Taft Benson:    "Six of the original twelve apostles selected by Joseph Smith were excommunicated. The three witnesses to the Book of Mormon left the Church. Three of Joseph Smith’s counselors fell--one even helped plot the Prophet’s death. A natural question that might arise would be, if the Lord knew in advance that these men would fall, as he undoubtedly did, why did he have his prophet call them to such high office? The answer is, to fill the Lord’s purposes. For even the Master followed the will of the Father by selecting Judas. President George Q. Cannon suggested an explanation, too, when he stated, “Perhaps it is His own design that faults and weaknesses should appear in high places IN ORDER THAT HIS SAINTS MAY LEARN TO TRUST IN HIM and NOT in ANY man or men.” And this would parallel Lehi’s warning: ‘put not your trust in the arm of flesh’ (2 Nephi 4:35)... It is from WITHIN the church that the greatest hindrance comes. And so, it seems, it has been. Now the question arises, will we stick with the kingdom and can we avoid being deceived?...Brigham Young said: The Adversary presents his principles and arguments in the most approved style, and in the most winning tone, attended with the most graceful attitudes; and he is very careful to ingratiate himself into the favour of the powerful and influential of mankind…Such characters put on the manners of an angel, appearing as nigh like angels of light as they possibly can,…The good which they do, they do it to bring to pass an evil purpose… Those of us who think ‘all is well in zion’ in spite of Book of Mormon warnings might ponder the words of Heber C. Kimball, who said:... “the time is coming when we will be mixed up in these now peaceful valleys to that extent that it will be difficult to tell the face of a Saint from the face of an enemy to the people of God. Then, brethren look out for the great sieve, for there will be a great sifting time, and many will fall; for I say unto you there is a test, a Test, a TEST coming." (Book From Ezra Taft Benson: God, Family, Country p. 335 - 337)


Sunday, December 13, 2020


 Wow, if this somewhat true, we are in trouble:

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Many have stated that "they wanted confirmation for an ealier parley" So, I will give you the facts. Then you can confirm from your own due diligence: (1) Does the 2018 Executive Order, exist... Yes

(2) Is the DNI Report due on December 18th...Yes

(3) Did the President just abruptly shut down the country for the 24th (Christmas Eve)... Yes

(4) Does the Executive Order, target the finances of all who interfered with our 2020 elections... Yes

(5) Has Facebook, Twitter, Google / Youtube and others assisted in the voter fraud scheme. And have they been linked to China... Yes

(6) Will seizing their financial accounts trigger a reaction... Yes

(7) Is our military currently on alert at our borders... Yes

Now, you do the rest...

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 So some ridiculous disinfo agent made a ridiculous comment that this happened five years ago.....  Sheesh.

I just LOVE these pharma goons.  Here is the reality:


People will suffer excruciatingly in hell.  No questions there.  2 Nephi 9:34  Not pushed, not shoved.  THRUST down to hell!!  Those who love (sustain/uphold) and make a lie will suffer immeasurably.


This woman was a Saint.  She knew she was treading on dangerous ground and she paid the ultimate price for it.  That woman has gonads.  A helluva lot more than most quote "men" that sit back.  I was telling my wife that I found it odd that of all the warriors that I know, most all of them are women!?!  How can that be?  There are a TON of men who have a LOT of splainin to do....

Friday, December 11, 2020


 Folks, this is WAR!!

These sunzabitches need to die.  The sicko that stalked her and did her in needs a special case.  My wife cried over this last night.  I am disturbed to say the least.  Her 9 year old son found her body.  Grrrrr.....

If you think this is some kind of joke, you are wrong.  This is a war that has yet received yet one more martyr. The gloves are off.  May the Merck execs and others involved suffer unmistakable and immediate consequences of a horrifying nature that lead them and theirs to repentance or to a place no longer on this globe.


May her poor son be comforted.

And to the complete idiot who said this happened five years ago, there is this.  Stupid disinfo agents....


You all are on the short list.  Get ready to meet the one you have chosen to follow...

Wednesday, December 9, 2020


 Very interesting.

Besides the usual "The Civil War is Coming!!" ravings I have had for the last almost two decades, which is finally coming about, I have had a lower-level lunacy I have been talking about which are these:

  • there will be a short (less than 5 months) war on our East Coast and it just may be that Russia and China attempt to come to the aid of the lefties when they declare to the UN that they had the election stolen out from under them.  Traitor bama signed a mutual aid pact into law that, quite frankly, Trump should have overturned.  This action, we handily overturn and send the Ruskies packing.
  • We know that unless we deal carefully with the heathen Chinese, we will have to deal with them on our west coast, or the lands beyond where the Saints were driven in the 1840's.  This likely due to the commies on the left coast calling out for help from their marxist pig, pinko commie buddies in China.
  • It was also said by Joseph that when the Bear lays the paw upon the Lion (Britain), that we are in the final run to Jesus coming.
This article may provide some context for this possibility:

If that is the case, martial law will likely be declared.

We will see.  But I expect mighty weird things to happen as Trump digs his heels in against the deep state actions.  These gads have to go.  Lesser than human excrement.  I regard what I leave in the toilet more highly than the lot of them.....

Thursday, December 3, 2020


 I am listening to this while I work late:


I like this guy.  I feel he has some great info and will mine him for what he knows.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020


 This retired three star general is calling for it!

I believe he is spot on!  The future of this very Republic hangs in the balance!  Ropes.  Gallows.  Mall in DC!   Great solution for the gads for treason!


Most important thing you can read today!

Tuesday, December 1, 2020


 Folks, do NOT cease praying for Trump and the legal team and those who are fighting for Liberty.

The only thing that will pull this off is a divine intervention:


Hopefully, if we merit it, this will go in our favor.  Either way, it will not be good.  They have sworn that they will come after those who kept Trump in power.  The Church will be persecuted and the economy will collapse when we have lost our 501c3 status.  When the economy fails, they will come after the treasury, just as they did against the Jews in each of the Temple periods.

Greed draws in thieves and criminals.

Saturday, November 28, 2020


 This is a fascinating perspective from a mentor of mine who is a huge Nibley fan and a really sharp gal.  She is having health issues right now, which is a good thing because suffering brings power as humility, meekness and dependence on the Lord are amplified, bringing great power to those who possess those qualities in great quantity.    Please ask for an intervention on her behalf.  Gotta keep her in a good state because she is Millennial material; one of the best people I know:

(talking on FB about the Georgia guidestones that mysteriously popped up about 40 years ago)

Freaky, isn’t it? I had been reading in Book of Revelations 17 about 3 weeks ago, pondering what the “one hour” of power those Kings had. Then you posted that about those stones... sooo... there it was. The damned Watchers (not a swear word, they are actually damned) always set things up that they are going to do by announcing it beforehand because apparently to them “humans are too stupid to get what they are doing, so why not just blatantly tell them...” But that means one more year and the limit on the population goes off the charts. 😳 And the beast... which I personally believe is a Watcher based on the whole of Rev 17, as well as a construct of dominion, will gain full control... or that is their plan.

I was looking at Revelation 17:8 8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. The bottomless pit was where the Watchers during Enoch’s time, were cast into.... “...Was and is not, and yet is..” is referring to something that existed upon the earth in the past, but not at the time the Book of Revelation was penned by John. Yet, it will happen again. Also the thing the symbol of a “beast” or in the German version the word being “creature”... Is that of something that comes from where the watchers were cast and then later goes into perdition.


 PERFECT time for this info:


I would like to see seditious and treasonous behavior answered with ropes and gallows on the mall.

I will say that you cannot put new wine into old bottles.  You cannot reform stuff.  The closest thing we got to that was Martin Luther.  And even that was a far cry from a true reset.  The Restoration was a complete and total miracle.  It is the greatest thing to happen in this world's history.  The only thing that made that possible, was the miracle of the sacred Constitution.  That came about because of brave men and women who put everything on the line.

We owe them a debt of gratitude and we owe them transparency in this election that they are trying to throw.  We owe them our lives.  We have nothing without their sacred offering and gift to us.

I will say this randomly for a specific individual and I expect that they are reading this: before you swear allegiance as a global citizen, you owe allegiance to the principles of the Constitution and to the Founding Fathers and the nation that was brought about by the acts of Moroni with interactions in Valley Forge, in DC with General McLellan and many others at critical junctures in our history.  This is fact!  And I can tell you that I have only heard of other striking divine interventions with Israel and the USA. Never once have I heard that Khofi Anan had a divine intervention in any action of the UN.  It is not a heaven-sanctioned body.  No group of leaders en-masse have shown up in a Temple to demand their temple work other than the Founding Fathers.  These guys demanded it precisely because they merited it.

So, global citizen?  Maybe, but so far down on my list that it is statistically negligible.  Fan of Constitutional Government?  Absolutely!  Long live the Republic!!

And secondly, it is "counsel" not "council".  A council is something a Stake President convenes to excommunicate someone.   Counsel is something someone gives when they ask them to grow a pair and fight the cabal, instead of submitting like sheeple.

Spelling nazi over and out. 


 The venue is not coincidental.....


This is the statement BEFORE the CW2.0 where the people are striving to maintain the freedom and shed the slavery the deep state wants to impose.

One day, the dumbascraps will be a hiss and a byword just as the nazis were in Germany after WWII.  The prophecy of the two parties going to war and the Independent Party rising out of it is happening before your eyes.  The Repubs are complicit, as well.  Just not as much.....

If you support chumps like Romney, you are no friend of mine.  He is a traitor and a Rhino at the very least.....  If you think he is amazing, you have NO discernment and I would have nothing to do with you.


 This is PURE Americana!:


When it comes to fiddle playing in an American flag skirt - nothing beats this.... lol


The very heart and soul of the nation is in the balance and this is part of the mix that will be cited far into the future.


I will sound a little paranoid here, but politically we have become infiltrated by freakin' commies in the form of Dumbascraps:


If you believe the garbage the MSM is pushing, you are part of the problem.  I have been following almost exclusively the alternative media.  Thank heavens for this possibility.  Even Drudge and now Fox are no longer reliable as non-propagandists (balanced and fair coverage).

On a side note, we are in a fake second wave of this Scamdemic I call Covid-1984.

I woke up to use the bathroom at 3am and found a piece of cardboard on the sink with this blog address on it in the sink so I would get on it:


It must be important.

As this guy says, watch for a false flag.  It will be imminent.

On a related note, there is also an infiltration within the Church where there are wolves among the flock at almost all levels (likely within the Twelve, as well).  I have always stuck with the saying to stick with the Prophet and the majority of the Twelve.  There was a reason it was not ALL of the Twelve.  I believe we will have a divisive event right at the very end.  Keep your eyes on Dallin H Oaks.  Good things will come from his direction.

The role of that body is to fight the cabal and speak out where there is corruption.  If there is a push to go along with the World or to take up a One World agenda, you are listening to the wrong people.  It is my understanding that the Lord will take those people out of the way before they can screw the flock over.  When you hold the keys to life and death, you hold the future outcome of entire groups of people in your hands.  The only thing required to activate those keys are faith of the people.  Where there is no faith, there will be no miracles.

I was in a business and once again ran into a piece of work who is currently on a local High Council.  I quoted a ton of prophecy to one of the guys in the office that I was doing business with.  This other HC guy was overly hostile towards me when I went to check out.  These jackals cannot stand the truth.  These are the pieces of shitzo that have been trying to change the narrative for the last 30 years.  Or, better said, they have been trying to change the culture within the Church - analgous to what the Deep State has been trying to do in the USA.

Buckle up!  It is going to get interesting.

Again, food and water in your basement for 3-6 months because you WILL have to quarantine for months when the third wave hits as they have openly said - in 3 to six months.  Ignore this advice at your own peril.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Thursday, November 19, 2020


 If you are Conservative, this is the direction it is headed:


Schmuck erberger's days are numbered.  He, the rest of the leftist goons and the dumbascraps will be a hiss and a byword when this is all over.


Great reasoning and logic:

Apostolic Succession This is from an account of Orson F. Whitney, who was an Apostle for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints: 

"Many years ago a learned man, a member of the Roman Catholic Church, came to Utah and spoke from the stand of the Salt Lake Tabernacle. I became well-acquanted with him, and we conversed freely and frankly. A great scholar, with perhaps a dozen languages at his tongue’s end, he seemed to know all about theology, law, literature, science and philosophy. One day he said to me: 'You Mormons are all ignoramuses. You don’t even know the strength of your own position. It is so strong that there is only one other tenable in the whole Christian world, and that is the position of the Catholic Church. The issue is between Catholicism and Mormonism. If we are right, your are wrong; if you are right, we are wrong; and that’s all there is to it. The Protestants haven’t a leg to stand on. For, if we are wrong, they are wrong with us, since they were a part of us and went out from us; while if we are right, they are apostates whom we cut off long ago. If we have apostolic succession from St. Peter, as we claim, there is no need of Joseph Smith and Mormonism; but if we have not that succession, then such a man as Joseph Smith was necessary, and Mormonism’s attitude is the only consistent one. It is either the perpetuation of the gospel from ancient times, or the restoration of the gospel in latter days." 


 And I always say, I will die standing on my feet rather than pleading and licking the boots of the likes of antifa thugs and so much bottom-feeder else.

I mean, these malcreants barely qualified for a body based on their satanic and controlling views....:


Just say no to lefties!....

I think Civil War 2.0 likely is inevitable.

Get ready.  Shelter, Food, Water, Heat, Medicine.

Monday, November 9, 2020


 This is all good stuff:


Please pass this on to all your friends who love the country.  A socialist nightmare is the outcome if we just let this slide.


 Watch the video on this and pray for Trump.  He just submitted cases to be seen by the Supreme Court:


And get off FB.  I am leaving the platform.

Leave Drudge Report.  Vote with your feet, or mouse, as the case may be.

Saturday, November 7, 2020


 This gal is hot on the electoral inconsistencies.  Must watch:


Must watch.  Pass it on

Friday, November 6, 2020


 Folks, the lefties have proven themselves to be a bunch of fraud-filled goons.  This will be a God-send if it pans out:


Pray for Trump!!

Saturday, October 31, 2020


 Theme beginning of the end started on a Jubilee Year as a token of the release of the captives:

October 31st is a very significant day for people all over the world, and it doesn't have anything to do with Halloween. On October 31, 1517, "the Spirit of Christ moved [Martin Luther] a Catholic priest living in Germany” and his actions launched the Protestant Reformation and was the tipping point that began a movement that brought the Bible to the common man.

Learn more here :


At a Joseph Smith Memorial Fireside, Elder M. Russell Ballard stated:

“Now think, my brothers and sisters, about the price that others have paid to establish the freedom of religion essential for Joseph Smith to come to earth to fulfill his mission. Think of the hundreds, perhaps even thousands, who were protestors of Christendom during the dark ages of the Great Apostasy. Many gave their lives for the right of all people to worship God according to the dictates of their own conscience. As I remind you of a few of them, keep in mind the tapestry of faith preparing the way for the Prophet Joseph and the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ.”


And in a General Conference address he said:

“The Dark Ages were dark because the light of the gospel was hidden from the people. They did not have the apostles or prophets, nor did they have access to the Bible. The clergy kept the scriptures secret and unavailable to the people. We owe much to the many brave martyrs and reformers like Martin Luther, John Calvin, and John Huss who demanded freedom to worship and common access to the holy books.” (The Miracle of the Holy Bible, April General Conference 2007)

“What did they know about the importance of scriptures that we also need to know? What did people in 16th-century England, who paid enormous sums and ran grave personal risks for access to a Bible, understand that we should also understand?“ (Elder Christofferson, The Blessing of Scripture, CR, April 2010)


Friday, October 30, 2020


 I have done a piece on how the wicked will kill the wicked of this nation once, and it will end in Upstate NY.

Well, a very demonically-controlled Hunter Biden may just have the treasure map...