Thursday, July 30, 2020


I am considered radical.  Precisely because I read the scriptures - and understand what they mean.

I hold the line and consider myself a staunch conservative.   The line does not move.  Period.

My wife and I have people we used to consider amazing people, who had a daughter that went after the rainbow agenda (felt that she was attracted to another female).  The parents, instead of firmly counseling her to repent, felt after her and now have taken the entire family away from the Tree of Life and are now enjoying a nice dip in the river of filthy waters.  Sad beyond belief....:

He that loveth son or daughter more than me, is not worthy of me.

The interesting part, is that this man likely will lose not only his family, in the eternities, but likely his wife.  She was one sitting in a circle in a vision I had of some kind of heavenly scene.  I have shared it before on the blog.  It was similar to what Mosiah Hancock saw.  The light was golden.  The love was palpable - similar to what I felt during the dream I had the night my kid died.  All consuming.  Very interesting.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020


There is more code in this talk about the struggle against the rainbow agenda than I can imagine and also how to righteously judge things as they are:

The gloves will come off as Trump is taken out and there is nothing in the way of the lefties/marxists to put their agenda in place - even if by force including removing our 501c3 status.

It IS coming.  This is why I am getting my licks in right now.

I believe in striking early - and while I still can.


Those on the left consider themselves the most "tolerant".

This Apostle nails down why:

Of course, I just laugh at most liberals' views of tolerance.  They are the least tolerant in my view.

This lapse will drive the next "civil" war.....

Those who understand that we are ALL children of God, have NO problem with tolerating others whether it is color of skin or even different backgrounds.  Knowing we have to lay our ideas out before a Just God one day, drives our position to love instead of hate or suspicion.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020


There has been a LOT of talk about the mark of the beast and the beast system.

Spencer's opinion says that it is something that you take on yourself by political correctness.  I agree with this, at least partially.  I also believe in a literal chipping of the person in the hand/forehead, etc.  It is likely a combination of both.

If Joseph Smith said we are sealed Christ's by this sealing in the forehead, then the adversary has his cheap, phony copy of a similar nature:

Very interesting stuff....

Monday, July 27, 2020


Okay, I am like a clam.  I take in tons of sea water and filter out what is important.

Here is a quote of something I have never heard before in a secondary way to the Heber C. Kimball prophecy about Christ coming to the Saints after their persecutions/tribulations (which I likely believe will come in the next year or so):

A second witness to that is the VoG quote by Spencer of this very event and the details surrounding it as a new Prophet is called (possibly after Pres. Nelson is killed in the streets of Jerusalem??).  Just a guess here?  See previous blog post.

I am very glad when I come across something substantial that will back up what others have said.  By the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established....


This is a great lecture - and the basic premise of it makes me laugh at the stupidity of these people who make the blanket statement that there is no God.  How arrogant is that?

Love this guy.


My wife learned this at BYU - and shared it with me.  She had a basic physics course and learned this and shared it with me early on in our marriage (I had 8 Physics courses at BYU and was close to a minor - and never ingested this principle as she did).

It is a major thing in my argument of Agency and how we cannot know the three aspects of prophecy (time/location/event).  Two of three?  Yes.  All three?  No.



I have it on pretty good authority that there are about 2,000 Mothers in Heaven.  Thus the wondrous diversity of spirits that inhabit the mortal tabernacles here on earth.

This is why we do not discriminate on God's children.  We also offend the Mother of any of those races and people groupings.  If there is something held back for some reason, it is held back by God for what purposes He sees fit as it was with my group of non-Israel until it was rejected by the Jews in Jesus' day.

I have not said much about BLM and that whole mess and the bad feelings associated with how people in this nation have been historically treated.  Very badly, to be sure.  Including the Mormons and the Indians among many other groups.  I expect more of a people that have been given so much including our Sacred Constitution that is currently being trampled by Marxists under the guise of thse other movements. 

I have very little sympathy for the whole perversion movement.  If I had a kid who identified as "gay" or "transgender", I would likely tell them to repent and endure (with counseling and a lot of love) in what they have been handed, just as I would tell the same to one afflicted with blindness or deafness or some other malady (assuming they were not born with both sets of genitals, etc and thus true ambiguity as to their sexual identity).  We have friends who have an oldest daughter who identifies as "bi-sexual" who then has led the entire family down the primrose path.  My gift of discernment went off the charts when she was a little girl and used to play with my kids and knew she would be trouble and that there was a contrarian spirit there (as I have seen in many of my loved ones who are variant).  The parents felt after her, instead of holding the line on God's tack - which is the right tack.  Instead, they tried to bend God's will to theirs - instead of the other way around.  Within a meteoric fall, they threw the Church under the bus, then the Book of Mormon, then Christ and finally, now God.  Now, they are nothings and raising the balance of their kids in a spiritual vacuum....  Just sad.  I am EXTREMELY disappointed in the dad.  When I had my oldest go off the rails for a quick dip in the river of filthy waters, I held the line and threw anyone who chose to follow under the bus and never looked back.  I was accused of rigidity and so much else by the black sheep of the flock.

In the end, my stance has proven the correct one.  I determine what is correct and toe the line.  PERIOD.  Nothing else leads to happiness.  Apparently, my other local apostate buddy (I have been asked to refrain from calling him the Cardston Apostate) has a "gay" grand kid or some such a matter and this was one of his arguments for departing the path.  Same thing - letting perversity determine the course, instead of following God with faith and with an expectation that ALL things will be made right in the resurrection (and even glory and exaltation for those who have suffered in silence over their sexuality - just as one has patiently borne other afflictions such as blindness or extreme loss in this life).  For those who have attempted a takedown of all that is good and right?!?  Likely a nice stint in hell for their troubles.....  Just as those Sodomites who are still in lockdown until they have percolated fully.

Here is the thing that originally got me going down this bunny trail as a philosophy lecture:

Love me some Truman Madsen.

Cannot wait to meet my Mother in Heaven.  I have felt the love described in this vignette - and it is all consuming.  I know when I felt it, that what I was feeling was the love that my son brought with him after having been in the presence of the Savior the night he died.  Just a portion of that love he felt.

Friday, July 24, 2020


By reading the book, we get a testimony that the one who brought it forth out of obscurity, is indeed God's servant:

I agree completely with Dr. Millet.

The Book of Mormon (and by association, Joseph) is not on trial.  It is US that are on trial.

Arrogance attempts to breathe out against either one.  The indolence will be checked in the Judgment.

I look forward to it.  I have vigorously defended both all the days of my life.  I am imperfect - but I have NEVER stayed my tongue.  Even in a terribly asymmetric firefight.....  I always come out on top, though I might take serious damage in the short term.  I care not in the least who I offend.  It is liberating, to say the least.


They will feel they are under assault over there - and you may see some draconian crackdowns on preaching of the Christian message; but it is happening:

We live in exciting times!


I have acquaintances who are still pushing the central American model which just drives me nuts, when connected to what Joseph had to say in virtually EVERY reference.  This is willful ignorance to me.  No offense if you are reading.  Your mind is covered in darkness and repentance is on order.  It will lead to light and further understanding.

Mexico or Guatemala is NOT a land of freedom and has NEVER provided a beacon of hope.  It is America.  No offense.

Please wake up people, and quit throwing Joseph under the bus.  Willful ignorance will be met one day in a sober day of reckoning.


Fascinating detailing how the Egyptians used to have the fullness prior to their apostasy, through the son of Noah, Ham:

It does not get cooler than this.

Thursday, July 23, 2020


So I was working late last night and an acquaintance rolled up and we chatted about (guess what), coming events related to the Second Coming.  One thing led to another and he stated that he believed that he had heard Elder Nelson on his inaugural speech as a newly-called Apostle state that he was one of the two that would die in the streets.

His wife was there last night and affirmed that she had heard it also when Elder Nelson said it.  This fellow is 15-20 years my senior and was cognizant more than I would have been in 1984 when the statement was made.

He swears he has looked high and low and has not been able to find it published - but he said he heard it at the time.

I was in the Assembly Hall on Temple Square back in 1990 October Conference when Elder Nelson had presided over that venue with one other of the 70 and I sat in the first or second row with a girl I was head over heels over (Danielle) and Elder Nelson walked right past us.  Our gazes locked for a second or two and we stared each other down, and then he continued on.  No hands were extended or other verbal acknowledgements were given by either person. I seem to recall he was with Elder Kikuchi of the 70.  I had no idea that he would be the Prophet one day - or better yet, possibly one of the two.

As an interesting side note, in the Syrian conflict (when WWIII could have broken out at any moment), both he and Elder Holland were over there.  They left abruptly and continued on to Africa for other Church business.  The entire thing boiled back down and did not boil over.  If he is one of the two, I have to wonder if that impromptu visit prior to his Africa visit had some effect.

On a side note - and a bizarre one at that - there is someone here in Cardston who is from the ME who thinks he is one of the two.  I gave my opinion that the two would likely have keys and not be a "no-namer" such as he was, to which he flipped out and got really weird on me.  I severed contact with him, as my concern is that he is a hot head and might be prone to violence (there is some history there of dealings with others).  That relationship is officially over....

Anyway, things that make you go hmmmm.....

Wednesday, July 22, 2020


At times, I spend hours sifting through tons of data and this is the perfect thing to keep me company:

In hearing of the accounts of persecution, I cannot help but think of all the anti's still at it today.  Many that I have encountered at various pageants, at Nauvoo at the temple dedication there, were from Texas.  When I was down there as Supplier Quality with Boeing for the major assemblies for 767 and 747, I was impressed with many things of Texas life - but I did not like the anti sentiment there.

In fact, I outed myself as Mormon with the engineers at the company that I interfaced with, and after going cold, eventually the (largely Baptist) men there warmed back up to me (to their credit).  But there were several "universities" in the area that trained people in how to attack the Church and so much else.  Likely, these organs sent emissaries out to attack the Church in various venues including one of the last Palmyra pageants the Church put out.  We were there in 2016 and we could hardly hear the pageant over the bull horns and ruckus in the background.

My oldest daughter, while visiting Conference in 2012, decided she wanted to stay back in the hotel room during one of the sessions and looked up some of the garbage from one of the signs of the protesters that she had heard from her "Christian" friends in High School.  It caused seeds of doubt and it finally took her down.  Which eventually took my son down.  She has paid a heavy price for that.  I have a sad gift in that I can project out actions (good and bad) of myself and others whom I have stewardship over.  I saw what was coming and warned her in a very heated exchange after she had become embittered towards the Church.  It was a major catalyst in me deciding to come to Cardston, where I would be relatively free from the garbage and, in part, from a corrosive influence of apostates within the walls of my own home.

And part of the reason I have gone after jokers like the Cardston apostate and others like the rainbow crowd who come here to protest our lack of "diversity".  I am done with it all.  And I curse those who attempt to overthrow Zion; in a very real way.  I have NO patience for it.  I was talking to someone about the purple haired freaks that showed up to march on Cardston's Main Street a year or two ago during "gay pride" month (whatever - there is NO pride in perversion - just sadness for sin).  I was working on my house and I could hear something going on downtown and knew it likely was this sham group with their false symbol of "hope" and immediately stopped, raised my hands to heaven and asked God to send them to hell so our little town would not have to endure the crap I have seen everywhere else I have been.  Well, within minutes, a black cloud moved in and a massive surge of hail and intense rain came down on the downtown area and they scattered.  To my knowledge, they have not been back since.

I have done a similar thing to other apostates and those who stand in the way here in Cardston.  We are to use our Priesthood to bless and to curse.  Mostly bless - but I feel sorry for those who stand in the way of the work (and the numbers are gathering to the point that we are about to have the gospel taken from us and taken to the Jews, for this land largely having rejected it).  There are living and ordained Apostles who will stand in the way of the armies who shortly come against Jerusalem.  Their role is to do the same on the world stage.  Wherever we are, we need to get used to this role against those who come to molest God's work on this earth, once they have done the role of humbling and driving the insolent among us.

Whether on this side of the veil, or on the other, I intend to do the same with what energy I have been given.  I do not bend a knee to anyone.  Only to God and His Savior.


I love this guy.  His research is pretty good.  I fell in love with Joseph's spirit by reading Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith before my mission.  He resonated with me:

There are a bunch of these on different topics.

I love the Kirkland Temple topic.  It was a Day of Pentecost.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020


This is interesting from Dr. Harrison's FB page:

I think people are allowed to leave their bodies so they do not have to experience the trauma.

About one year ago, a neighbor just lost his boy to a car wreck wherein he was in a head on collision, was trapped and burned to death.  I cannot imagine.....  It is horrifying to think about.  BUT, I think after you pass out and possibly leave your body, it is just a surreal thing you don't have to suffer through unless you ask to (as in what happened on the cross).

Sunday, July 19, 2020


This topic is what got this blog going.  Being mocked for saying it will happen.  Now we are here at a critical crossroads of civil.

Either way, the nation's goose is cooked:

  • If Trump wins, the left will simply go nuts and violence will ensue, with likely the trashing of the crapitol and whitehouse.  The national government will have to relocate.  The economy will be collapsed on purpose, let alone the releasing of more biologics to force a non-compliant (to the new word odor agenda) population into submission.  The nuclear option, so to speak.  When pensions and the corrupt and free-loaders do not have a financial future in their ill-gotten gain, they will bring it down.  Per Joseph Smith, the hot-point will be Chicago.
  • If Trump loses, the leftist-marxist pukes take over and will attempt forced vaccinations, gun seizures, church closings, stifling of businesses.  Gadianton hell.  Corruption in the extreme.  Homosexual agenda, teaching kids perversions in schools, so much else.  A world I simply do not want to live in.
It will end in upstate New York, just as it has with every other civilization in this land that has not lived up to the mandate; worship the God of this land who is Jesus Christ, or be swept from the face of it so it can be given to another who WILL.  No force.  No coercion there.  Just a mandate, with consequences for either good, or evil.  It is UP TO US.

Here is a coalition of quotes on the coming CWII:

And awaken to your awful situation.  It is pretty much everlastingly too late....

Friday, July 17, 2020


I like anything done with passion and intensity.

This hit by Sheena Easton fits the bill:

Happy Friday!

Thursday, July 16, 2020


I was listening to one of my favorite singers from the 1980's, Sheena Easton.

The zombies, vampires and grave digging in this video were just too much for me.  Had to share:

I think he is probably headed towards the electric chair.  Let's save the taxpayers some moolah on this one.

I do not think he can plead the insanity plea on this one.  He manipulated people for sex/money.  Likely Vallow, as well.  There is only one place for people like that.  They need to go have a reunion with the people they sent to the other side....


Folks, hopefully everything going on around us is not freaking you out.  I am a worrier by nature - this the reason I am into preparedness; as the prepared need not fear (worry).  Seriously, I would have a hole in my stomach that you could throw a cow through, if I were not proactive.  It my hedge against insanity.  Not for me proper, but by virtue of those I am responsible for.

Fast is this:  we were chosen for this time!  We paid dearly for our front row seats we are currently sitting in.  They did not come cheap!  So what do we do with that?  We cherish the moment!  When our kid died, and was called over to help my g-gpa with the work, I was of course devastated, but also in awe that out of the 23 or so grandkids of my father’s good line, mine was chosen for that duty.  And we saw the fruits of that less than 9 months later when he showed up with my mom on an assignment of that very nature.

Likewise, we are all here at this specific time because we were warriors in the previous phase of existence.  The best and the worst are here right now.  You know which category you fit in.

Here is a great quote from President Nelson that explains this:

April /March 2020 ensign.
The Future of our Church: Preparing the World for The Saviors Second Coming .
“Today, the Lord’s work in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is moving forward at an accelerated pace. The Church will have an unprecedented, unparalleled future. “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, … the things which God hath prepared for them that love him” (1 Corinthians 2:9; see also Doctrine and Covenants 76:10).
Remember that the fulness of Christ’s ministry lies in the future. The prophecies of His Second Coming have yet to be fulfilled. We are just building up to the climax of this last dispensation—when the Savior’s Second Coming becomes a reality.”

There are prophecies pertaining to the SECOND COMING that have yet to be fulfilled... that’s pretty obvious... he’s not here yet.
He continues...

“The time is coming when those who do not obey the Lord will be separated from those who do (see Doctrine and Covenants 86:1–7). Our safest insurance is to continue to be worthy of admission to His holy house. The greatest gift you could give to the Lord is to keep yourself unspotted from the world, worthy to attend His holy house. His gift to you will be the peace and security of knowing that you are worthy to meet Him, whenever that time comes.”
“The choice to come unto Christ is not a matter of physical location; it is a matter of individual commitment. All members of the Church have access to the doctrine, ordinances, priesthood keys, and blessings of the gospel, regardless of their location. People can be “brought to the knowledge of the Lord” (3 Nephi 20:13) without leaving their homelands.
True, in the early days of the Church, conversion often meant emigration as well. But now the gathering takes place in each nation. The Lord has decreed the establishment of Zion (see Doctrine and Covenants 6:6; 11:6) in each realm where He has given His Saints their birth and nationality. The place of gathering for Brazilian Saints is in Brazil; the place of gathering for Nigerian Saints is in Nigeria; the place of gathering for Korean Saints is in Korea. Zion is “the pure in heart” (Doctrine and Covenants 97:21). It is wherever righteous Saints are.
Spiritual security will always depend upon how one lives, not where one lives. I promise that if we will do our best to exercise faith in Jesus Christ and access the power of His Atonement through repentance, we will have the knowledge and power of God to help us take the blessings of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people and to prepare the world for the Second Coming of the Lord.”
“Meanwhile, here and now, we live in a time of turmoil. Earthquakes and tsunamis wreak devastation, governments collapse, economic stresses are severe, the family is under attack, and divorce rates are rising. We have great cause for concern. But we do not need to let our fears displace our faith. We can combat those fears by strengthening our faith.
Why do we need such resilient faith? Because difficult days are ahead. Rarely in the future will it be easy or popular to be a faithful Latter-day Saint. Each of us will be tested. The Apostle Paul warned that in the latter days, those who diligently follow the Lord “shall suffer persecution” (2 Timothy 3:12). That very persecution can either crush you into silent weakness or motivate you to be more exemplary and courageous in your daily lives.”
“you have been reserved in heaven for your specific time and place to be born, to grow and become His standard bearers and covenant people. As you walk in the Lord’s path of righteousness, you will be blessed to continue in His goodness and be a light and a savior unto His people (see Doctrine and Covenants 86:8–11).
Do whatever it takes to strengthen your faith in Jesus Christ by increasing your understanding of the doctrine taught in His restored Church and by relentlessly seeking truth. Anchored in pure doctrine, you will be able to step forward with faith and dogged persistence and cheerfully do all that lies in your power to fulfill the purposes of the Lord.
You will have days when you will be discouraged. So pray for courage not to give up! Sadly, some who you thought were your friends will betray you. And some things will simply seem unfair.”

-President Russell M Nelson

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Thursday, July 2, 2020


This is the video that outlines the capabilities of the assassin's weapon that can make it look like you had a heart attack.

Andrew Breitbart was about to release info on Obama when he met his demise from one of these

The coroner who noted the redness of the corpse (not the usual grey) also met an early demise.

Folks, the gads are in power, and they aim to maintain that power, like so many cockroaches in a nuclear winter.  They will eventually get to Trump like they did Kennedy when he threatened their gig.  Oddly, the thing they used to weaken the USA will be their demise in China and Russia.  The genie simply cannot be put back in that particular bottle.  It has been decreed by prophecy, therefore it will happen.  Great are the words of Isaiah.

All of the wicked and those who will come to afflict the Saints will be swept by the wicked as they fight against each other.  Even rival gangs will seek to wipe each other out.  The blacks in Chicago will fight the hispanic gangs.  It is all foretold.  All part of the plan, as distressing as it will be to "hear the vexatious report thereof".  It is part of the plan and the only form of government left will be that which Christ himself will usher in.  I look forward to it.  It cannot happen soon enough.


This is where I mildly parted company with Spencer in that this mark is a physical thing.  i also agree with Spencer that it is something that is spiritual like accepting the idiocy of the one world gubmint garbage that includes stuff like not fighting marxism or the rainbow agenda.  i repudiate all of that.  i cannot wait til it is all flushed down the toilet where it belongs....

I have watched this guy and like what he has to say other than the rapture take which is their uninspired answer to our doctrine on the NJ.

It is a little wild to listen to, but sounds like he recorded at 1.3.

Do not take an injection.  i really feel that i have taken my last injection a few years ago when the last one occurred.  i have never liked them.  it is unnatural to shove a needle into the body.  i have always felt it is satanic in nature.  now, i feel i may know why.