Thursday, April 30, 2020


I have been asked the question, "Why even care about this stuff??".  Just sit back and enjoy life.

To put it similar to how Joseph stated it, "Knowing the calamities that shall come upon all nations, shall I not declare the distressing report?".  That was as close as I can remember it.

So yeah, the Savior said that those who will qualify for His kingdom will be watching and waiting for His return with anticipation and joy.  I dare say that those who just want to get back to "business as usual" (Sunday football games, social mormonism, lying cheating and all that good stuff....), will not make it as they will be told to "get thee hence, ye that never knew me".

So, there is that....

Here is a great quote:

It is for this generation to prepare the way for the Second Coming of the Lord. Modern Saints must obey the principles of the gospel and know the signs of the times, so that they may endure the trials and difficulties of this dispensation, recognize the signs of His coming, and be prepared to receive Him as His own people when He comes. The Doctrine and Covenants clarifies prophecies of the past concerning the last days, and it gives many additional prophecies by which the Saints can recognize the time of the Lord’s coming, that it might not “overtake [them] as a thief” (1 Thessalonians 5:4). It not only teaches how to recognize the imminence of the Lord’s coming, but it also makes very clear what one must do to be prepared to receive the Lord when He comes. ~ The Last Days “Enrichment H: The Last Days,” Doctrine and Covenants Student Manual (2002), 397–40

Wednesday, April 29, 2020


I got a comment on the blog asking what I mean by that generation.  A very good question.

First of all, it does not mean anyone who suffers from SSA.  There are many out there who do.  Some of it is environmental (gonadotrophism from too many plasticizers, soy in our diet, birth control pill residue in our water, etc.  A form of chemical castration) and some of it is related to a social factor such as sick Uncle Ped(r)o who molested a little boy and created intense confusion in said kid.  I firmly believe that, after having observed the effects of molestation on my wife (a hetero molestation), that true and complete healing can take a lifetime and possibly going into the arms of the Lord to fix it.  To this, I am saddened.  It is a tough row to hoe for those who suffer under these circumstances.  Likely, they signed up for it - in order to produce a more perfect testing ground, and will be rewarded handsomely, if they endure to the end and endure well and with as much grace as is possible, given the circumstances.

Where I do have complete exception, is when one of the above cases takes it and goes full activist against the will of the Lord on the matter (read the Proclamation on the Family).  These are they who think the leadership is out of touch and that, by prancing around the BYU campus or behind a lectern, or on a corner during Gen Conf, they can change the course of the Lord's restored church.  This is part of a cultural war - and I intend to be a part of the resistance.  Largely, it is the equivalent of resistance fighters in the street because we have lost the rainbow generation to the "cause" of the hell n degenerates who have couched their arguments so craftily.  They are everywhere.

I was front line to my two kids who used to love Studio C, a BYU comedy creation.  It was quite good.  There was one of the actors on the show, who was very loved and lovable.  An RM, the whole nine yards.  Well, on the show, he came out as gay and apparently had a boyfriend (implied sexually active).  Most of the cast/crew of the show went on the record to show their support of him and the whole thing blew to pieces.

First question is this:  how do you know you are gay or will even like being a homosexual man or even woman unless you have had sex??  Gay sex to be specific?  It cannot be done!  You may find that you struggle with SSA, but will never know whether you are truly gay unless you cross a line.  This is fornication.  I have heard that many times, it is a female spirit that materially possesses the body of a male that causes these feelings.  This is done when a rupture in the spirit occurs (likely during a molestation or other traumatic childhood event).  I have no data to back this theory up - but it is intriguing.  A person then fixates on this desire until it becomes a reality and the evil spirit gets to experience debauchery through the person they are parasitically attached to.

The old NT saying that "knowledge of sin, leads to it's commission" is spot on.  So, now in the name of diversity, we have Taylor Trannie teaching little kids unspeakable things and we expect them to not be perverted or at least swayed in their allegiances to their conscience, etc?  This is worthy of fire - because the water obviously was too long ago to have the desired effect.  I believe in preserving innocence of my kids.  In fact, I have called a few adults "spiritual pedophiles" as a way of shocking them into the reality of where they are going.  One of them was my older sister (the family rebel) that kept signing my oldest daughter up for the latest subscriptions to Teen magazine (without my consent) because she said that my kids were too naive and needed to be wordly wise.....  Yep, those articles on how to keep from getting pregnant or how to seduce the boyfriend really came in handy....  When a person does anything to harm the spirit of an innocent, it is much worse than doing something physically to them.  Thus my harsh comparison.

My goal is to conserve the innocence of my children/grandchildren.  Having to have the discussion about homosexuality with my two youngest because some BYU activist decided he wanted to "come out" was a little raw for me.  They were confused why someone they idolized had gone there (apparently left the Church and shacked up with buttsex Barry), and why their parents were staunchly in the other camp.  You have to understand that I would not have cared if he had struggled with SSA quietly.  No harm no foul.  To cave into the lustful feelings and hang out with Barry and even going inactive?  Between him and the Lord.  But, to take up a whole campaign and pull an entire generation after him?  I hold malice - and will hold him accountable in the Courts in Heaven.  Because it impacted me and my family directly.

Here is a Wood Zone standby from some time ago that sums up how I feel about apostates, forgiveness, and going renegade on the principles of the Gospel:

HYPOCRISY BY THOSE WHO WANT TO CHANGE GOD’S COMMANDMENTS TO FIT THEIR OWN SELFISH WANTSThe teachings of the Lord are clear in regard to the way we must deal with sinners. Christ treated them with compassion -- as long as they confessed that their sin was a sin. Only when they attempted to pretend that their sin was righteousness did he harshly name them for what they were: fools, hypocrites, sinners. Hypocrites because they were unwilling to change their behavior and instead attempted to change the law to fit it; fools because they thought that deceiving an easily deceivable society would achieve the impossible goal of also deceiving God. These are they who are “kicking against the pricks” and “fighting against the Saints of God”. Joseph Smith taught that it is never enough to physically leave the body of the Church and then leave the Saints alone. You can leave the Church, but the Church never leaves you -- because immutable truth is just that, immutable. It will gnaw at you at every turn and every choice in life until you either bow the knee and confess Christ as your Savior or raise your fist to heaven and curse God and wish to die because of your defiance at the failing to give heed to saving laws and ordinances which can bring peace and lasting joy.The Church has plenty of room for individuals who are struggling to overcome their temptation and bad behavior. But for the protection of the Saints and the good of the persons themselves, the Church has no room for those who, instead of repenting of gross sin, wish it to become an acceptable behavior in the society of the Saints. They are wolves in sheep's clothing, preaching meekness while attempting to devour the flock, or their families, etc. No act of violence is ever appropriate to protect Christianity from those who would rob it of its meaning. None of us are without sin -- the casting of stones is not our duty or our privilege. All that must ever be done to answer them is to declare the truth, and to deny them the right to call themselves Latter-day Saints while proclaiming their false doctrine. Even as Christ freed from her accusers the woman taken in adultery, he told her, Go and sin no more.Quote attributed to Orson Scott Card with modification by Iraq.

It is fine to struggle - but not fine to go activist and try to change the Lord's stance.....  Not mine or President Nelson's; but the Lord's stance.

The greatest irony of all, of course, is that they took the very symbol of a reminder of the destruction of those who "knew every man his brother" in the antediluvian world, and tried to make it their anthem of equality, while persecuting those who will not bend.  It will get ever more intense in the next little while until the Lord hammers the unrighteous in order to provide relief to the more humble (those who will not raise the fist to heaven in defiance of God's laws) followers of Christ.

And so comes the fire.  Before the water came Enoch.  Before the fire came Joseph to warn for the last time.  Enoch/Noah; Joseph/One Mighty and Strong.

If you harbor these feelings and choose not to repent, enjoy the black bags and the fire.  It is coming.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020


I had a very good comment below, I would like to share:

Hi there,I enjoy reading your posts, very much. I also believe that VOG is one of most powerfully spiritual books written - it actually significantly changed my life and every time my wife and I read it, we get a powerful spiritual confirmation about its contents. I was wondering if you knew if Spencer has seen changes in some of the things written in VOG. I suspect that if it has affected me, that it has affected others - for which VOG was intended to reach (in good ways) - and changed some things because of agency, which the people of Nineva discovered after Jonah did his job. Thank you and keep up the good work...cb

Yes, I absolutely believe our actions can change the future, if you have read the archives, you will know about the Heisenberg principle that dictates how the future can be observed or even experienced when it comes to the three elements of prophecy; event/time/location.

Here is a link to some stuff on that:

I think we can change the future by our actions today.  I am attempting to do so with everything physically and spiritually that I can, in Cardston.  We only stand approved in our stewardships, after all we can do.  If we just declare something and then sit back and do nothing to forward that effort, then our faith has been in vain and is not really faith.  Action must accompany the faith for it to be of efficacy.

In the case of the prophesied nuking of HAFB.  I have it from Iohanni Wolfgramm that it will happen.  I have it from Sarah Menet.  I have it from Spencer.  I have it from my own personal revelation wherein I saw and experienced the effects of the blast; and it was powerful.

Within the last month, my oldest daughter started a job on base.  I now have skin in the game and know now likely, why I was shown that event seven years ago.  I have another friend that may start there as his assignment changes in a few months.  The timing, in my opinion, is uncanny; for the both of us.  I know that one of the outcomes, is that my daughter makes it.  But it is dependent on several things; some of which I control, most others which are out of my control or ability to influence.

It is my opinion and hope, that the two of us with skin in the game, will be able to make some imperceptible or large change to the outcome.  My assumption is that not ALL of the people there in the Brigham City to Woods Cross area are of the caliber of people that they will die how I saw them die (intense pressure wave, vaporization, crushed houses/buildings).  If, by raising the warning voice alone, affected parties repent etc, they may change their own outcome just as the people of Nineveh did in Jonah's day.

I believe some things are locked in, like the date that Christ shows up.  It is a tightly held thing precisely because it HAS been locked in.  Not even the trusted angels have been given it, because it is carved in stone and decreed (not openly) by the Father.  If that time element were let out, to even one trusted emissary or servant, it would become null and void as we already know the event/place.  The only thing we get are mile posts along the path to that event.  Father can know it and keep the date to Himself while still maintaining perfect Agency.  This is why Joseph Smith made the statement that he could keep a secret to doomsday.  He was privy to most things, but he would not let them out because he had confidences to keep for the very reasons outlined above.

So, to bring it back around to the question from the Comments.  I believe the very release of VoG has changed the outcome of events in the valley to a degree.  The big events are still intact (In my House shall it begin, first, etc), and the basic timeline is still in place; but the very nature of the fact that most people in Utah have rejected the VoG narrative, tells me that it will happen largely as proscribed.  The events only happen because of the wickedness of the people.  Rejection of the warning (even in the face of blatantly obvious recent events), due to the reasoning of:
1 Nephi 17 "And we know that the people who were in the land of Happy Valley were a righteous people; for they kept the statutes and judgments of the Lord, and all his commandments, according to the law of The Lord; wherefore, we know that they are a righteous people; and [Spencer] hath judged them"....
Due to this, we will get a majority of what we have coming to us as a people.  Same thing I have been ranting about here in Cardston, when the people have been given ample warning to the contrary of the above.  The cleansing is necessary; and we, must of a necessity, be prepared to enjoy our black body bags.  We will not escape this.  Our pleasant things will be taken from us and there will be desolation, weeping, wailing and a great cry will go up in the land.  The curse of ancient Egypt is upon us because we would not heed the words of the warning voices.

As I said earlier, this purple splotch development really has me concerned.  And yes, I am sure that Spencer is QUITE concerned about it too....  I have not seen that in vision or dream, but he has.

He knows what he is looking for.  If I were him, I would be on pins and needles.


I have had this convo with people I love.

Neglecting this part of ourselves is like deciding not to breathe air or quit drinking water.  You can do it for a while, but not forever....

Enjoy!  This is a great story of redemption:

We all need God in our lives, no matter what we may believe at the time of our rebellion.

I like his testimony at the 13 minute mark where he says he did not understand the Judaism that he had rejected until he understood his relation ship with Christ.  Once he got Christ, he got his Judaism - which is just the root of Christianity.

Judaism done right, IS Christianity.

The aha moment of my entire life (other than figuring out that the Prophet of the Restoration was who he purported to be) was eating the bread and wine with my Jewish friend whose tradition preceded Christ's day and was contemporary with Lehi/Nephi and the traditions that came to America and shaped the traditions of the natives here.

Knowing that Christ was just re-instituting that which had become lost, which preceded Moses' day, was a watershed moment for me.  Christianity is to Judaism what Mormonism is to Christianity.  No good Christian will understand their Christianity fully, until they embrace Mormonism.

Precisely because each phase was just a restoration of what was missing or lost from the previous phase.  They key to unlocking your existing situation is to understand what was lost or missing from the previous situation.  This is highly metaphorical in life, etc.

Muddying this connection with our past is how the d'evil operates best.  If we become disconnected from our past, we have no basis to form a future.  If we cannot or have not learned from it, we are doomed to repeat the past mistakes.

Right now (at least until our kids were mercifully cut off from the influence of many of their teachers) were being indoctrinated to reject their "boomer" parents as irrelevant.  There were all kinds of cutting remarks about the Boomers going around.  This was done on purpose to cause a disconnect between the generations.  I have seen it with my own kids.  Respect is lost when they realize they have more knowledge in some subject whether it be bio-chem or calculus.  The whole boomer thing has largely to do with technology and whether the kids know more about the function of their phones, than the antique parents do.

With the intergenerational disconnect, the programming can go forth that the old history was wrong (the Boomers are too out of touch, etc etc) and a "new history" can be introduced to the kids.  Moral relativism can be injected here, as well.  With the new morality, the generation declines.  This is what has happened with the rainbow generation.  The entire generation is lost - because they believe that what their parents taught them was hateful and short-sighted.  So.... we have to let it fail.

Next time around, we cannot let it get to this point.  In the Millennium, there will be no more PC world.  We will say it like it is.  Those that have been tainted, likely will not go forward.  Just as God shut up the Ark and it stayed the opinion of that generation, so will this generation not be allowed to avoid the fire so that those going forward into the next phase will not carry the "infectious agents" of moral relativism with them.

If you harbor any of this - and would like to make it through the fire - repent of it right now and align yourself with God and His servants on this earth.  Otherwise, you will not pass the portal into the next phase.  The sentinels will detect what you are about; and the door will be shut to those who never knew Him.  It is THAT simple.

Monday, April 27, 2020


So I had a very interesting weekend.  I spent all Saturday catching up on shopping out in our closest big city.  It was interesting to see how the landscape has changed since this Covid thing.  Folks, if you need stuff, get it while you still can.  The window will close at some point and will not open again.

I think this is very interesting, this Covid toe phenomenon:

This thing is hitting men 2:1 over women and is now mutating into the purple splotches Spencer spoke about in VoG.  It is getting weird out there.

Often, right before I wake up in the morning, my mind will put things together and I will get answers of what I need to do on some matter that has been on my mind.

This is what I got based on many random comments of people that the Lord puts in my way including random meetings in a Lowe’s etc.  The following is just a wild guess of a sequence of events:

Violence happens which affects our Church leadership.  It is mostly decapitated, but the marred servant takes over and leads the Church through the next period of time until Joseph and the Savior make their appearance in SLC.  I have a friend here in S Alberta who is the best scriptorium I have ever met and a good orator who feels this is the case.  He also is fearless and gives zero craps about what people think.  I have given him the 9th degree to see if he has gone Snuffer on me but he insists no.  This because of his correct views on Moroni 8 and the last few chapters of 2 Nephi.  The rest of Snuffer, I reject outright including throwing Brigham under the bus....  So, we almost had a crisis right when the two key players in 1984 were called by the vegetative SWK.  The prophet needs to make the call of who is next in apostleship.  If the Prophet is not in place along with a sudden vacancy of some of the 12, you have a crisis.  I honestly have never had an opinion on the Davidic Servant until now.  We happen to have three David’s in the 12 right now if it is a literal thing and not a lineage thing.

There will be violence as the rainbow people clamor for “the right” to have butt sex Barry bent over the altar in sacrilege to all that is good and right.  Even normally good members will push for “equality” when there appears to be a schism.  After Trump is out of the way, the Feds even get involved and put the screws to the Church.  In short, it gets real ugly, real fast.  A complete attempt at a takedown much like was attempted in Nauvoo the first time around.  This then brings the full judgments of God on this people and then upon this nation.

I think things do not normalize until after the big EQ.  Then the NJ plan is put in place and we can finally get to the good stuff.

Let’s just get this done!

It will be difficult, but so worth it!  We have endured the filthy mire way too long!

Friday, April 24, 2020


Got this from my awake buddy down in AZ, Rhonda (who was quoting another article):

"Furthermore, Jewish literature gives several commonly cited reasons for blowing the shôfār. Most of these circumstances pertain to parts of Benjamin’s speech that would have offered several occasions for the sounding of horns, namely when: (1) hailing God as King (see Mosiah 2:19), especially at a coronation (see Mosiah 2:30; see also 2 Kings 9:13); (2) heralding the season of repentance (see Mosiah 2:9; 4:1; and possibly 4:26); (3) remembering the giving of the law on Mt. Sinai to Moses (which is mentioned in Mosiah 3:14; see also Exodus 19:19); (4) declaring the words of the prophets (prophetic declarations are referred to in Mosiah 3:3 and 3:13); (5) causing the people to tremble [my note: Utah earthquake!] (see Mosiah 2:30; 4:1); (6) announcing the judgment of God (see Mosiah 3:18, 24–25) and sounding the horn of warning or alarm (see Exodus 20:18; Amos 3:6), or calling the troops to arms (see Judges 3:27); (7) heralding the coming messianic age (see Isaiah 27:13 and Mosiah 3:5; see also Revelation 8–9); and (8) marking the resurrection of the dead (see Mosiah 3:10). Since most of these traditional occasions and purposes for sounding the shôfār are so clearly manifest at the ceremonial sectional dividing points in Benjamin’s speech, one can easily envision their being accompanied by the sounding of the shôfār. See also Alma’s wish that he might “speak with the trump of God” (Alma 29:1)."

Great info.  She says that Conference falls on Succoth (Feast of Tabernacles or tents).

We just need to put one foot in front of the other and keep plodding along....

Shofar, so good.


Well, I just may ease my grudge on the guy a bit over how he was so nasty on Trump early on....

He is hitting on all cylinders again:

Folks, in order for the global elites/gadiantons to do anything, they have to announce their intentions so that we the people (who give inferred permission) are held accountable.  These are the rules of heaven/hell.  The rules of engagement, so to speak.

There are different levels of complicity.  If I walk up to someone and hand them my wallet, then it is a form of contract that I have agreed to.  If someone comes up to me and politely asks for my wallet and even just mildly forcefully does so; and I give in and hand it over with no protest, I am complicit with their action.  If someone comes up to me and mildly demands my wallet and you gauge their threat as real but only mildly or even stridently protest, then you begin to release yourself of obligation for the loss of the money, etc.  If they jump out behind me in a dark alley and put a gun to my head and do the same while you protest this action from mildly to forcefully including a struggle, there is obviously no complicity or agreement there in any one of those degrees.

The devil must tacitly gain our approval before he can act.  We have to be a little more than lukewarm in our response.  This is why it talks in Revelations about spewing us out because we were luke warm.  This is where I really get frustrated.  With cold people, they can be easily recognize the cold by shivering and so much else and act to remove the coldness.  With warm or lukewarm people, it is nearly impossible to convince them that they are going to go hypothermic.  God cannot work with them because they are caught in a deep sleep from which no man wakes (or few do).

God would like us red hot on fire.  So when I get comments about overdoing it, I just laugh to myself because I am just always on the edge of slumber (in my mind).  Congenial complacency.  I am attracted to people who have gotten screwed over and who are still a little hot under the collar.  My wife was one, as a survivor of sexual abuse.  She has some fire in her.

No offense, but I could never be married to the likes of someone who has never raised their voice over a topic they are passionate about.  When I heard President Hinckley talk about how he and his bride never once had been in an argument, I thought to myself what a dreary existence that would be.  Not that I would want non-stop fighting - but I would like someone with some backbone and passion for life.  The alternative seems pointless to me.  And all of my kids have opinions and they are not afraid to express them.  They can kill it in a debate.  I even feel sorry for the teacher that finds themselves on the wrong side of an issue with any one of them....

Thursday, April 23, 2020


Interesting comment from the blog archives:

The best place to learn about the new Jerusalem is reading Isaiah. The best commentary money can buy is by Avraham Gileadi and cost $40 + $5 shipping. it is 30 hours of verse by verse commentary on two CDs in a MP3 format. You can play it on any computer or MP3 player. see
in short
Isiiah explains that america will have a economic clospe where the stock market will fall just like 1929. Most people on the last days list think this will happen in oct of 2008. Accourding to Joshp smith there will be a civil war starting in chacigo, which will spread across the usa. There will be no law and order, only in the rockys. kind of like how new orlands was when there was no food. missionarys will be sent out to gather people to the rocky mountains for peice and safety. The saints at that time will unhold the consitution. The lord will raise up a servant who will lead the people into the winderness like moses did. At this time amermica will be attached both one the CA side and the East side.
at this time 90% of the world people are killed, by war by the antichrist. only the rightous 9% will be protected indirectly. The 1% which is the holy seed will be gathered by the 144,000 to zion.
Faithfull sons like hemaun army will over come the attacking armys.this will be done by faithful white and laminiate people. The us amry will have given up, and it will take this servant and the faithful sons to cause the power of god to fight back the invading armay.
the coming of the savior among these people will be so natural that only a few people will know the savior will have come. This is not his coming in golry.
The savor will lead a group and also the 144,000 each will lead people back to mousir zion in groups of 300-600 each. With one of the 144,000 in frount and in back. These people will be lead like moses and they will walk thur the fire, the oceans , the armys ect with the cloud of glory protecting them by night and a fire in the day. when they get to the center place zion, the glory that was upon each group will then be added upon the temple. so as more and more people gather, zion will put on its glory and streangth till the whole would will see its glory. The people who come to zion will have their calling and ection sure.
you have got to get Avraham Gileadis commentary on Isiiah. The best that any LDS author has yet to bring forth. over 30 hours. Hugh b Nibley said that Avraham is the most quilified peoson to teach Isiaih he knows of.
It is an amazing great work and wonder….

My wife found the highlighted thing all on her own and I had another friend, CJ confirm it.  All right around the time I had this for my personal revelation.


Folks, if you read this blog sequentially, you will see that I am explaining linearly how we are being set up for a fall.  Just wait until they come out with the "vaccine" for this thing.  It likely will be the Trojan Horse for the next wave that really takes down the people.  Fauci is a plant.  The CDC is working against the good of the people.  They WANT to take down the USA/World Economy so they can plant their own form of world government in it's place; with NO vestige of liberty in it.

Under our existing form of "freedumb" we already were "free-range chickens".  As long as we produce for the farmer, our necks have not been wrung.  If you do not follow the prescription perfectly, in the pot you go so to speak....

Under Chinese/UN rule, it will be draconian beyond belief.  Look at how the average Chinese citizen feels.  This thing in Wuhan was an excuse to round up dissidents and make them disappear.  It will come to America.  It has been spoken for over 2500 years.  All of the old prophecies from Lehi's day talking about bondage and captivity, speak for our day.  Only a fool would not see it.

Anyway - enjoy this truth bomb:

Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Folks, in light of what Spencer had to say in Visions of Glory about those who created and spread the virus:

  • a “plague” arrives and kills “billions” in three successive waves, killing perhaps “25 percent” of the pre-disaster population. This plague is a bioweapon, and foreign troops who arrive in the United States as rulers disguised as a rescue mission “were inoculated against it (107).
  • “The devastation [from plague in Europe, Africa, and Asia] was far more severe than in the Americas. The result over time was a complete collapse of society” (111).

This is damning:

I am not sure that they are talking about some kind of flu vaccine; this clearly seems to be talking about a COVID vaccine.

The Chinese have this vaccine and it keeps them relatively safe, until it mutates, then jumps back over the pond, then wipes them out en-masse.  This sets up them receiving the Gospel en-masse.

This is getting interesting, folks.  If the gads are behind it, they will perish in the pit they have digged to trap the people of God and Trump, etc etc.


Folks, I just talked to Jen from South Africa this morning and I am amazed that there are such awake and awesome people from all over the world, who see what is coming and who had the foresight and the Spirit as their guide to be of one heart and one mind with those whom I love dearly (yes, it is easy to love those who see things as I do).  I take that view to be God's view.

And yet, she mentioned that she is considered crazy or overzealous in her tiny branch.  Good on her.  She is one of those who will be searched out from among the rocks (where they have hid themselves) by the 144K who are sent on missions to gather them out.  These are they who have filled their lamps, and who make it through difficult times.  They are ready for the bridegroom:

I love all those videos featured there on Google.  There is much symbology, including the full moon shot on the first one (on the left).  He will come at the fullness of the moon during the Wedding Feast, but after the Day of Atonement (when we are all weighed in the balance) and destruction comes to those who have flaunted His commandments and pleadings through His servants.

In South Africa, the first wave of the this Covid hoax is being implemented.  Read this from my friend, Jen:
Just updating you on what's happening in South Africa. Our President Ramaphosa addressed the nation again last night. Here's part of speech. Notice how often he used the word "new". And we won't go back to normal again. He deployed extra 73 000 soldiers yesterday for the lockdown. Lockdown extension will be announced on Thursday.His speech:
"We will — and we must — do whatever it takes to recover from this human, social and economic crisis. Our country and the world we live in will never be the same. We are resolved not merely to return our economy to where it was before the coronavirus, but to forge a new economy in a new global reality.
Our economic strategy going forward will require a new social compact among all role players — business, labour, community and government — to restructure the economy and achieve inclusive growth.
Building on the co-operation that is being forged among all social partners during this crisis, we will accelerate the structural reforms required to reduce the cost of doing business, to promote localisation and industrialisation, to overhaul state owned enterprises and to strengthen the informal sector.
We will forge a compact for radical economic transformation that ensures that advances the economic position of women, youth and people with disabilities, and that makes our cities, towns, villages and rural areas vibrant centres of economic activity. Our new economy must be founded on fairness, empowerment, justice and equality. It must use every resource, every capability and every innovation we have in the service of the people of this country.
Our new economy must open new horizons and offer new opportunities. Over the past month, South Africans have opened their hearts each other. Even at this moment when such great sacrifice is demanded of us, we look to a better future with optimism. Even as we find ourselves at a moment of great peril, even as great sacrifices are demanded, even as we dare not allow our vigilance to waver, we look ahead to a better future.
I have faith in the strength and resilience of ordinary South Africans, who have proven time and time again — throughout our history — that they can rise to the challenge.
We shall recover. We shall overcome. We shall prosper. May God bless SA and protect her people. I thank you."

Full speech:

73000 soldiers:"The president, who is the commander in chief of the armed forces, has written to parliament's joint standing committee of defence that he was ordering the deployment of an extra 73,000 members of the SA National Defence force (SANDF) to join the 28,20 soldiers already in the streets to help enforce the lockdown."

We have the first step towards the implementation of full marxism.  This was their plan all along.  Key players such as Bill Gates, George Soros and others have their fingers in this sticky mess.  They will need to be expunged from the human record for seeking to destroy liberty.  I pray for that daily - but I know that they must play their part, much like Judas did.  They will get theirs fully in the Judgment.  I will be there to witness it - because they destroyed what took God centuries to set up.  They have been in defiance of what is good and right their entire lives.  And we have some REALLY crappy software on top of it.....  That alone will require a pound of flesh.....

The gads have gotten fully above us.  This IS a bioweapon.  This is designed to take out healthy, white males (of military age).  Those with healthy immunoresponses are going down with this; not necessarily the weak.  It is impacting males more heavily than females.  All as predicted by Spencer.

This, when it mutates and comes back around, will trash our population, our military and our economy.  Nothing will be able to survive it.  Finally, it will mutate and jump the pond back to it's source and take out the Chinese who launched it.  May it acutely affect those who were in the know and sought to dig a pit to bring the West down.  They are trash.  The dirt has more respect than they do.  While we have it coming to us - they will pay a heavy price for having instigated it.  In the end, it will bring the survivors to a knowledge of the Gospel and the heathen nations will finally come into the fold.

Read it!  The plan is all in Section 45:

24 And this I have told you concerning Jerusalem; and when that day shall come, shall a remnant be ascattered among all bnations;
25 But they shall be agathered again; but they shall remain until the times of the bGentiles be fulfilled.
26 And in athat day shall be heard of bwars and rumors of wars, and the whole earth shall be in commotion, and men’s hearts shall cfail them, and they shall say that Christ ddelayeth his coming until the end of the earth.
27 And the alove of men shall wax cold, and biniquity shall abound.
28 And when the times of the aGentiles is come in, a blight shall break forth among them that sit in darkness, and it shall be the fulness of my cgospel;
29 But they areceive it not; for they perceive not the light, and they turn their bhearts from me because of the cprecepts of men.
30 And in that generation shall the atimes of the Gentiles be fulfilled.
31 And there shall be men standing in that ageneration, that shall not pass until they shall see an overflowing bscourge; for a desolating csickness shall cover the land.
32 But my disciples shall astand in holy places, and shall not be moved; but among the wicked, men shall lift up their voices and bcurse God and die.
33 And there shall be aearthquakes also in divers places, and many desolations; yet men will harden their hearts against me, and they will take up the bsword, one against another, and they will kill one another.
34 And now, when I the Lord had spoken these words unto my disciples, they were troubled.
35 And I said unto them: Be not atroubled, for, when all these things shall come to pass, ye may know that the promises which have been made unto you shall be fulfilled.
36 And when the alight shall begin to break forth, it shall be with them like unto a parable which I will show you—
37 Ye look and behold the afig trees, and ye see them with your eyes, and ye say when they begin to shoot forth, and their leaves are yet tender, that summer is now nigh at hand;
38 Even so it shall be in that day when they shall see all these things, then shall they know that the hour is nigh.
39 And it shall come to pass that he that afeareth me shall be blooking forth for the great cday of the Lord to dcome, even for the esigns of the coming of the fSon of Man.
40 And they shall see signs and awonders, for they shall be shown forth in the heavens above, and in the earth beneath.
41 And they shall behold blood, and afire, and vapors of bsmoke.
42 And before the day of the Lord shall come, the asun shall be darkened, and the moon be turned into blood, and the stars fall from heaven.
43 And the aremnant shall be gathered unto this place;
44 And then they shall look for me, and, behold, I will come; and they shall see me in the aclouds of heaven, clothed with power and great bglory; with all the holy angels; and he that cwatches not for me shall be cut off.
45 But before the arm of the Lord shall fall, an angel shall sound his atrump, and the bsaints that have slept shall ccome forth to meet me in the dcloud.
46 Wherefore, if ye have slept in apeace blessed are you; for as you now behold me and know that I am, even so shall ye bcome unto me and your souls shall clive, and your redemption shall be perfected; and the saints shall come forth from the dfour quarters of the earth.
47 Then shall the aarm of the Lord fall upon the nations.
48 And then shall the Lord set his foot upon this amount, and it shall cleave in twain, and the earth shall btremble, and reel to and fro, and the cheavens also dshall shake.
49 And the Lord shall utter his voice, and all the ends of the earth shall hear it; and the nations of the earth shall amourn, and they that have blaughed shall see their cfolly.
50 And calamity shall cover the amocker, and the scorner shall be consumed; and they that have watched for iniquity shall be hewn down and bcast into the cfire.
51 And then shall the aJews blook upon me and say: What are these cwounds in thine hands and in thy feet?
52 Then shall they know that I am the Lord; for I will say unto them: These wounds are the wounds with which I was awounded in the house of my friends. I am he who was lifted up. I am Jesus that was bcrucified. I am the cSon of God.
53 And then shall they aweep because of their iniquities; then shall they blament because they cpersecuted their dking.
54 And then shall the aheathen nations be bredeemed, and they that cknew no dlaw shall have part in the efirst fresurrection; and it shall be gtolerable for them.
55 And aSatan shall be bbound, that he shall have no place in the hearts of the children of men.
56 And at that day, when I shall come in my aglory, shall the parable be fulfilled which I spake concerning the ten bvirgins.
57 For they that are wise and have received the atruth, and have taken the Holy Spirit for their bguide, and have not been deceived—verily I say unto you, they shall not be hewn down and cast into the cfire, but shall abide the day.
58 And the aearth shall be given unto them for an binheritance; and they shall cmultiply and wax strong, and their dchildren shall egrow up without fsin unto gsalvation.
59 For the Lord shall be in their amidst, and his bglory shall be upon them, and he will be their cking and their dlawgiver.
I love those last two verses.  That is what I am looking for for me and the grand chilluns!  It will be well in that day!