Saturday, June 29, 2019


be a credit and honor to the inhabitants of this whole intermountain region. The land around the Temple block will be owned by the Saints and this will become a city of beautiful buildings.
"Next comes the Temple. What do you expect to see there?" I told him that I expected to see the Savior, Joseph, Hyrum, and others. He said, "Have you seen the Temple picture?" I said that I had not. He then put his hand on my shoulder and said. "Now look." "Oh, how white and beautiful," I exclaimed. He then removed his hand and the vision was gone. He then asked me if I knew where the Prophets, Joseph and Hyrum were. I told him that I knew, and he said, "This must be kept a secret."
He told me that the trial of the Saints would be hard to bear until the square of the Temple was reached. Before that time, however, our brethren would be imprisoned until the penitentiary should be full, and some of them would be removed to other places. Mothers would weep for their husbands, and children would cry for their fathers. Some would die, and sorrow would fill the hearts of every Latter-day Saint."
Continuing, he said- 'When the Temple roof is on, it will be somewhat better, but when the building is completed the Evil One will be shut out. The prayers of the Saints will be heard, and the sick will be taken there to be healed. The Spirit of God will rest upon his people, and the work for the dead will be continued night and day. You will attend the dedicatory services on the third day, and if you will come to this very spot after the meeting is dismissed, you will hear a voice cry out, 'All is well."'
I attended the services on the third day, and went to the designated spot, and heard the voice, as he said I would, repeated three times.
He then went on to say, "An army of elders will be sent forth to the four quarters of the earth to search for the righteous and warn the wicked of what is coming. All kinds of religions will be started and miracles performed that will deceive the very elect if such a thing were possible. Our sons and daughters must live pure lives so as to be prepared for what is coming.
"After a while the Gentiles will gather to this place by the thousands, and Salt Lake will be classified among the wicked cities of the world. A spirit of speculation and extravagance will take possession of the Saints, and the result will be financial bondage.
"Persecution comes next, and all true Latter-day Saints will be tested to the limit. Many will apostatize, and others will stand still, not knowing what to do. 'Darkness will cover the earth and gross darkness the minds of the people.'
"The Judgments of God will be poured out upon the wicked to the extent that our elders from far and near will be called home. Or in other words, the gospel will be taken from the Gentiles and later on will be carried to the Jews.
"The western boundaries of the state of Missouri will be swept so clean of its inhabitants that, as President Young tells us, when we return to that place, 'There will not be left so much as a yellow dog to wag his tail.'
"Before that day comes, however, the Saints Will be put to a test that will try the integrity of the best of them. The pressure will become so great that the more righteous among them will cry unto the Lord day and night until deliverance comes.
"Then the Prophet Joseph and others will make their appearance and those who have remained faithful will be selected to return to Jackson county, Missouri, and take part in the up building of that beautiful city, the New Jerusalem."
Sister Wilcox closed her narrative with the following statement: "As soon as I reached home, I made a record of what Brother Kimball had told me, as I knew that every word of it would come true. I did not see him again until the next Sunday. After meeting he bade me good-bye, and that was the last time I ever saw him."
(Sources: Smith, Robert W. and Elisabeth A., Scriptural and Secular Prophecies Pertaining to The Last Days, Ninth Edition, Pyramid Press, SLC, UT, 1947, pp. 134-138; Deseret News, May 23, 1931; W. Cleon Skousen, Prophecy and Modern Times, pp. 31 - 33)
Heber C. Kimball also stated on another occasion in 1856:
Yes, we think we are secure here in the chambers of the everlasting hills, where we can close those few doors of the canyons against mobs and persecutors, the wicked and the vile, who have always beset us with violence and robbery, but I want to say to you, my brethren, the time is coming when we will be mixed up in these now peaceful valleys to the extent that it will be difficult to tell the face of a Saint from the face of an enemy to the people of God. Then, brethren, look out for the great sieve, for there will be a great sifting time, and many will fall; for I say unto you there is a TEST, a TEST, a TEST coming, and who will be able to stand?
(Source: Orson F. Whitney, Life of Heber C. Kimball, pp. 446-7

Thursday, June 27, 2019


I have always had goals - stated or unstated.

My wife is very results-driven and I think our children have benefited from this mix.

Sometimes, though - you just have to know when enough is enough:

This guy was a little too results oriented and it cost him his life.....

You have to find balance in all things.  As a co-worker and I were discussing this morning, you have to always keep in mind that "Perfection is the enemy of good enough."....

I used to be a perfectionist (as an engineer, you are pretty much OCD by default) - but have since mellowed to an "optimized state" where good enough is going to have to do.  Time and energy do not permit perfection - at least in this life.....  But we never let it out of our sights as an eternal "destination" that we will one day arrive at.


In order to protect the (not so innocent....:), I will not go into too much detail, but there will come a time when those who tow the doctrinal line within the Church will be persecuted by the disaffected Mormons, the casual Sunday only Mormons, the Jacks, the recreational Mormons and so many others who are luke warm and who are not taking their religion seriously.

Those who feel that a little gayness is just fine (in other words, coddle the kid who says he/she wants to be gay) instead of telling them to resist the sin and put it behind them.  I always hear the "pull the heartstring" stories of "my nephew is gay or my daughter is bi-sexual, so I support them and love them because God does not make mistakes".....

Well - guess what??  He does not - but we do.  God gave me a healthy sex drive.  It was given to me so I would go out, find a gal and make some babies (first commandment) along with all the responsibilities that go along with that such as food, shelter and getting them set up to be successful in life with religious (instilling values) and sectarian schooling.  Ever since I have gotten married, I have struggled with OSA - and never ONCE have I acted out on that physically.  I have worked hard to maintain things within the bounds the Lord has set.  For some, and I cannot fathom why, this is such a difficult thing to accomplish.  Keeping things in the pants is not a monumental task - it actually requires minimal effort if you have a normal, healthy sexual relationship with a loving spouse.  Even if that were not the case, and you had done everything possible to attempt to resolve it, there is a thing called divorce, which is universally acceptable under those circumstances.  Use that option if you must, but keep it within the bounds the Lord has set.  Very simple.

So, if I suffer from Opposite Sex Attraction on a daily basis (and many opportunities have presented themselves along the way - which were not exercised), then someone who has SSA can, in likewise manner, stay themselves and figure out a way to keep all of the commandments.  It ain't rocket science, folks!  We either feel inclined to keep the commandments, or we excuse ourselves and do not.  We either love God, or we do not (if ye love me, keep my commandments).  Maybe it is my logical brain at work - and it is causing me to miss something completely....  I have always said that liberalism (including sexual deviancy) is a mental illness - and is likely related to a dearth of logic and common sense.

So, when some bleeding heart liberal member of the Church (there is no such thing - so they likely are apostate or quickly headed there) hits you up over not being compassionate enough, just hit them with a healthy dose of logic and words of the Savior.  He made no excuses for bad behavior - though He knew we would need many in our lessened state of existence.  His response was always - go thy way and sin no more.  He did not seek to excuse or coddle or increase our co-dependence with the dark side.  He simply said to repent.  In order to do that, we have to have the Spirit and in order to have that, we need to be infusing our lives with more and more goodness in a world that is rapidly sinking.

The general membership of the Church is sinking.  Utah and liberals everywhere will end up drowning (literally).  Once Utah collapses, the USA collapses, and it will create a vacuum that will suck all other nations into it (in my house, shall it begin).

The ensuing chaos will pull all nations into the vortex and the remaining righteous from those nations will end up magnetically attracted to the New Jerusalem that rises like a Pheonix from the ashes.

We are close - but we still lack the quite intense persecution that precedes everything.  God cannot bring it down until the wicked merit the prophesied destruction.  The flip side to that is how righteous things will be among those who have been called out from Babylon just prior to the purge.

So when the average good member of the Church does not feel comfortable within those walls, we are pretty much there.  When there are more apostates roaming the streets and halls of your safe places, the game is on.  Cannot wait for it.....  It has been a long time in coming.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019


Well, they sure must be fighting against the evil knowing the family money came from corrupt moonshining by daddy Kennedy.

JFK took on the banksters and was out shortly thereafter when the CIA decided his brains would be better outside the skull....  His brother, more of the same when he probably realized that the mob was the FBI and the CIA.  The two had morphed into the same gig....

JFK's boy took on Hillary in the NY Senate race for the dems seat and he became shark bait.  No one ever wins that one without multiple gun-shot wound suicides and so many other creative stories.

Now we have another Kennedy going after big pharma (also taken over by the mafiosos...).  I used to work in that industry and for a mafioso named Preziosi (means precious in Italian).  He was a great guy, but could not keep his thingy in his pants and someone black-mailed him, which led to him threatening me and told me to, "think of your wife and kids".  Long story how that all went down.  I made it a matter of prayer and put the Law of Tithing to the test, and the Lord put that man out to pasture.  It was an epic battle.  The Italians always lose that one....  God always seems to win for some reason.

So, the corrupt vaccine industry is putting the screws to a lot of good folks out there.  Well, guess what?  They will lose.  It will be epic.  Both coasts eventually wiped out with all the vermin that infest them.  It will be a good thing - trust me....

I have a cousin who ran a doctor's clinic down in California.  A guy, who was a second counselor in the doctor's ward took him out to lunch and propositioned him in a mafioso way; telling him he wanted a 25% cut of the profits of the clinic.  Apparently, just a straight cut with not a thing in return other than the promise of his goons leaving him alone.  I had to ask several times to make sure I was not missing details.  That is vermin, folks.  In order to operate in a particular part of town, you have to be on the payola with the local crime boss.  I would have gotten security and blown a few windows out of that vermin's house just as a warning.  I would have gotten tape of the meeting and given it to the local Stake President and raised a little hell.  I am that kind of guy.  I push back when I get to a point.  Turning the other cheek becomes no option in those instances.

Apparently my cousin sold out of the clinic and got out of dodge.  Sometimes, it is just better to cut your losses and walk away.  I did so when I moved to Canada.  The racket became a little too much south of the border....  Sometimes, I will stick around and fight.  It just depends on the mood I am in at the time.

I will take on Cardston apostates (I have Tal Bachman, Ed Decker of The Godmakers fame and a few others under my belt), mafiosos, corrupt aerospace managers (the 737 Max crash was no surprise; I was constantly licking my wounds at Boeing from having taken on corrupt ladder-climbers there) and so much else.  The more scars I die with, the better.  A hard-fought life is a life well-lived.  Dying battle-weary, but with a good conscience will be a satisfying thing, even though it is a losing proposition in this blue space marble.  It was back in Jesus' day, as well.

So yeah, pray for those who are still taking the fight to the pigs.  Trump is my absolute hero.  He is in the middle of the slime-fest with the biggest and most vile vermin imaginable.  Makes me shudder to think about it.  I would have lost courage in that swampy ring a very long time ago.  Trump just takes it and keeps slinging it back.

Now, we need to pray for Kennedy.  The days of this one may be numbered....

He can help restore the name to goodness.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019


Gee, when did this occur before?  2007/8 with the hard bounce off concrete in 2009.  In 2011, my MIL cashed out a house for around 300K that had appraised for over 950K a few years before.  A 60% drop in value.

What happened then is NOTHING compared to what is coming.  It will be a picnic compared.  The gay lobby will have put the screws to the Church, just as they attempted to do (and succeeded) with the Boy Scouts.  We won't bend on this one.  There are practices and there are doctrines.  This one flies in the very face of our doctrines.  Sorry, folks.  You are taking God on - and you will lose.  Enjoy your hell!  If you persist in this, that is where you are going.....  All of the gnashing of teeth and frothing at the mouth will get you nowhere fast.  The only thing that will get you traction is repentance and to work the rest of your lives undoing the effects of your sin - just as the son of Alma did once he saw the light.

Here is the article:

People think they can change the course of history - and I mock them and laugh at them.  The arrogance is apparent.

On that note, I had an acquaintance call me out as arrogant for teaching the principle of a wicked and adulterous generation - and for calling him out for the very sin that he was accusing Joseph Smith of (adultery).  Folks, when you are defending the truth, it is never arrogance.  When you are attempting to fly in the face of bedrock commandments that have kept societies intact for millennia, you need to evaluate yourself and ask, "Who really is arrogant here??".

Logic dictates the obvious answer!  Do not SHOOT!  I am just the messenger....  If you do, the projectile will most likely be re-directed right back at you and your folly will be made manifest.

Monday, June 24, 2019


So, I am clearly a descendant of Joseph through Ephraim.  I have the qualities of that line.

I also have a VERY strong leaning towards Manasseh.  I have always suspected (due to the physical characteristics of my dad's family through his mother), that we have some Mannasseh in us.  I am not sure if that came through our Scottish line or if it was something in our past where a Paiute child was brought into a family in Parowan or Cedar City and it just was not openly spoken of. 

I have a Peruvian friend from Boeing that could have been a twin to my dad as far as his head goes.  Same squarish features and high cheekbones.  I have two siblings that carry these features, as well as myself.  My oldest daughter and youngest daughter both have the similar squarish facial structure and large head (with flat back).

So, yesterday, I was over at my aunt's house (my mother's sister) and there was a gal visiting from northern Alberta.  She was talking with my wife about her native past while I was getting my aunt's computer up and running.  The Spirit told me to talk to this woman about this topic.  Eventually I emerged from the basement and we were getting ready to head over to the house to discuss progress when we got on a convo and it turned to her native blood.  She said she knew via genealogy that she had some native - but she was talking to the doctor and said she was not completely sure and the doc told her to drop her trousers and he would confirm.  She did so, and verified that she had some native.

Apparently, there is a "bruise" on the tail bone of most natives in North America.  My aunt then confirmed that she and both of her male siblings had that very thing on their posteriors.  I got home and looked this up:

We were talking this over at home and one of my daughters (the comedian) chimes in that I do, as well.  When helping me lift stuff, she has seen it appear when my shorts are low.....  Nice.....  So, yeah.  This explains so much.  My affinity for the natives, dreams, visions, etc.  All markers of descendants of Joseph.

Hawaiians also have this along with mestizo (not full Spanish, Mexicans).  All the places wither God has driven the descendants of Manasseh.  Amazing!

We have many ways to tell where a people has ended up.  In the mode of dress, architecture, holy festivals, calendars (lunar, etc) as well as language and blood markers (such as with the descendants of Aaron).  God has given signs for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

Now to find out when the pow-wow is on for my native brothers and sisters!  Cannot wait to mingle!   And if they get angry and try to throw me out, they are going to get mooned for their trouble.....  Then we will be friends!


So, folks I had to endure what is a liberal instructor telling me in EQ yesterday that he was in an adjacent large town and the gay pride (hedonist) festival was going on while he was shopping there.  He reminded us that their sins in no way affected me or mine so I should just ignore their antics....

I sat there for some time in conflict trying to decide whether to remind him that the hurt was about to be put to us and that this was the reason that our church just changed our policy in N.A. to marry separately and then seal in the House of the Lord in a separate "transaction", so the militant gay lobby cannot shut us down for not being inclusive (just as they said they never would, but have done with the Scouts and so many other scenarios).  Truly, satan's agenda is just one step behind the Lord's....

I have ZERO problem with someone else's sin - until it crosses mine.  Someone else's anger problem is none of my worry until it causes them to murder me or mine - or cut me off in traffic and smash the sedan up.  Someone else's problem with the Law of Chastity is no concern to me, unless it causes them to rape me or mine or accuse someone I hold dear of adultery (when they likely have improperly resolved sexual sin).  Someone else's gay practices are to be resolved between them and the Lord - until they try and force me to accept and believe in their agenda.  Then I come out both barrels a blazin'....  Sorry if you disagree - but I am not into force or coercion....

And we all know that it is just a matter of time before it appears they are winning - until the fire comes and takes care of the same problem that the water took care of previously....

Make me wonder that, when this situation rises again at the end of the Millennium, if their symbol will be a fiery rainbow to "celebrate" the manner in which they were dispatched with the previous two times....  But, that whole flood story as well as the fiery brimstone of Sodom is all just "fairy tales and innuendo", so let's just carry on in the ways of debauchery until it is all lit up once again; thus proving that we were always on the right side of that coin..... NOT.

So, yeah.

Yesterday, I was walking to church and I saw two very proud and butch gals holding hands and walking down the sidewalk between the temple and the chapel here in Cardston.  I noticed them walking hand in hand two hours later.  When I reported it to my wife, my daughter mentioned that they were in the Visitor's Center of the temple during the second hour, I got the picture.  Likely, they were out on pride patrol baiting to see if someone would call them out.  Generally, I would not jump to that conclusion - but the timing and locations (two hours in the same 100 yard vicinity).

So knowing what is coming, I have to say my paranoia is a little piqued.....

Folks, they will put the screws to us until we are not openly worshipping.  We will not recriminate openly.  We will allow them to put us under their feet until justice can be sent from a loving God who will tolerate the persecution of the Saints no more.  It is all part of our perfecting and part of the sifting process that has been talked about since the first separation when the ark was closed up of the Lord.

Sunday, June 16, 2019


Kidron means dark red.  Named after the blood that used to flow from the temple sacrifices:

Related image

Jesus, having just completed the atonement, washed his face in the brook just as he was being betrayed by Judas:

Folks, all things follow a pattern.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019


Finally, someone (not bought out by Russia or the Deep State) is doing something about this obvious threat to our systems....  I am not an electrical engineer and I know we have some serious vulnerabilities in this area.  Even my MIL can see this:

God help us all (unless we deserve what we have coming).

Tuesday, June 11, 2019


Folks, read this stuff and ask yourself just how close Julie Rowe and other "energy healers" are to these professed witches...:

Definite shades of grey...


Folks, this is a Wood Zone classic.

B-12 (and it's companion D3) are near and dear to my heart.  I have done a ton of research when my wife was suffering.

Here you go:


Monday, June 10, 2019


I grew up on this stuff.  Brings back good memories of simpler times when hippies were only hooking up with one stringy-haired chick...

Now, they are like dogs out there....

I had some stringent words with an acquaintance who has left the Church.  I mentioned that he is either a wicked man, or an adulterous man; or a combo of both.  He is calling out everyone but Jesus.  And that last bastion likely will come if he continues down the path he is on.  He says he is currently a "Christian" - but no longer is a Mormon.

The problem with having a knowledge of the fullness of the Gospel, is that once you abandon it, you cannot fall back to anything other than no belief in God.  Usually, this is catastrophic as people lose hope in anything and depression and mental health issues are the result.  I have seen it in so many cases.  It is complete and total catastrophic failure of the human condition.  Instead of hope, there is despair.  Instead of charity and caring, people often descend into a hardened state, eventually seeking the blood of those who hold tight to the values that those who have rejected.  The very Book of Mormon that is rejected, charts the course from Korihor (as an individual rejecting the truth) all the way to the hardening of a once-favored people who sought violence continually and the eventual extinction of those who were slightly less hardened.  It will happen one last time in the exact same spot as this nation falls and the light that once illuminated the world as a beacon of hope, is extinguished.

Right now, there is a debate amongst the "watching and waiting" crowd in Cardston as to whether the local purge will come from the Lamanites or from those who have become disaffected from the Church.  So, my goal is befriend the natives and to call as many "sifteds" out as I can in the hopes of lessening the blow a little when it all goes down.

We are right on track.  President Nelson and the First Presidency will take on the gads (by holding our stance and position of values according to God's will) and the results will be persecution.

Are you ready?  I came to the conclusion this weekend, that the thing that all the apostates that I have come in contact with, is that they either have no knowledge of Church history, or if they do, it was an intellectual one only, and the seed fell on stony ground before it could take hold.  Most of this due to failures in the Law of Chastity.  Of the apostates in my family, it always has centered around the Law of Chastity.

Thus, when scratching my head about how a group of people could reject Christ (amazing teacher, filled with the Spirit of God, smarts as half-God, half man), the only thing that makes sense, is what He said. "A wicked and adulterous (fornicatious) generation seeks after a sign (or is not capable of enduring good counsel and sound doctrine, because the breach in the Law of Chastity makes them impervious to the entreatments of the Holy Ghost).

It is so simple to me.  Thus, the reason the great sifter of those who will rise to the next stage of existence (the Terrestrial kingdom), is those who are capable of keeping the Law of Chastity.  It is all spelled out in the Endowment.  Those who can keep the Law of Consecration fully and pass their Abrahamic test, qualify for Celestial living.

This life is about the survival of the spiritual fittest.  It is all so simple.