Thursday, February 28, 2019


Wow - I could just feel the anger welling up within me as I watched the following video.

How does one sleep at night if they had anything to do with this atrocity???  I am sick to my stomach.  Thoroughly sickened.

I watched this in horror as I sat in the BYU quad eating my lunch back in 1992.  I am ashamed to say that I was drinking the purple koolaid of CNN and cheering the goons on.  Just sick!  It was just the beginning of my wake-up to what our gubmint is/was capable:

Did they deserve what they got on the anniversary of that raid, when the Oklahoma building was blown to shreds right next to a daycare with children of those very ATF agents inside??  Yep!

Karma is a total bitch!!  These children of hell shall NOT escape - because I will be there when the absolute truth comes out on all of this, even if I have to be in the nosebleed seats of the heavenly Nuremburg....  And I would bet that the Clintons were somehow tied into this, with the monster lesbian Janet Reno as the front "man" for the whole thing.

Here is more video if you have a stomach for it:

I would say little childrens' innocence was compromised and this is millstone worthy....

This stuff absolutely smacks of police state - so when others come to smash this nation to powder, it will be due to what was done in 1844, the 1870's to the natives who were just trying to defend themselves, what happened at Ruby Ridge; this and so much more.

We will all bow the knee and admit that we deserved everything that we got.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019


This individual (not a woman, by any stretch...), is either drunk, high or out of her mind....

Wow - just messed up:

And THAT is running our nation.

Monday, February 25, 2019


Folks, there will be many, many similar stories here in America as things collapse and invaders seek to bring a wayward people into submission.

We must never forget our savage past and remember that as we have given, so shall be given to us.

I knew the Russians were brutal, but I did not know about their atrocities against the Poles.  I recently learned that they fought to plunder as much of Poland as they could before the Germans finally turned on the Ruskies.  In their hour of desperation, they released the Poles to fight the Germans.

It is such a wicked and a fallen world we live in.  The only way to be free of it, is to overtly choose not to participate in it.  Be fair to your fellow man.  Exercise kindness and charity.  Live the Golden Rule.  Respect (fear) the judgments of a Just God.  This is the only way to avoid what is coming.  Oh, and have the gift of Prophecy and the Holy Ghost as our guides (just as the Prophet has urged us).

They know.  They know.

Here is what got me thinking about these parallels:


  • Recollections of Polish diaspora still haunt Eureka woman
  • Recollections of Polish diaspora still haunt Eureka woman
  • Recollections of Polish diaspora still haunt Eureka woman 1
  • Recollections of Polish diaspora still haunt Eureka woman 2
Alicja Moskaluk discovered a scrap of bread beneath the pillow of her gravely ill grandmother, Teresa, who was dying of starvation.
Moskaluk was 16 years old. Like other Polish deportees in her midst, she was haunted by hunger.
Her stomach churned. Her mouth watered. She furtively consumed the bread. No one noticed.
Moskaluk’s grandmother died the next day. Teresa Kosinska was buried in the cold, lonely steppes of Soviet Kazakhstan, far from the family home in Chodorow, Poland, a home the Soviets had forced the Moskaluks and Kosinska to abandon.
Recently, nearly 79 years later, Alicja Moskaluk Edwards, a resident of Eureka, wept as she described the guilt she carried for many years for that desperate act.
“I stole a piece of bread from under her pillow and I thought my grandmother died because of that,” Edwards said, dabbing at her eyes with a tissue.
At 94, Alicja Edwards is as sharp as the sickle that nearly severed one of her fingers when forced by Soviet overseers to harvest millet in Kazakhstan.
She is pious yet salty. She is tiny in stature yet towering in tenacity. She is a writer, a painter, a pianist and a seller of antiques.
In January, U.S. Rep. Greg Gianforte honored Edwards with his Spirit of Montana commendation “for her indomitable resolve, strength and courage and inspiring memories of the Polish diaspora.”
Edwards’ remarkable capacity to remember precise details about her family’s deportation in April 1940 and the three grim years that followed seems to be both blessing and curse.
The memories have yielded two memoirs and stoked the fire that drives Edwards to share her story as a cautionary tale about the potential evils of tyranny.
Her son, Chris, 70, also lives in Eureka. He said his mother knows the passage of time can shroud events in human history that should not be forgotten.
“If you don’t understand history, it’s a cycle,” he said. “It repeats.”
But the memories also stir up trauma.
After a two-hour interview in Edwards’ small but cozy home in Eureka, the couch where she had sat was littered with tissues.
Yet she is also funny and feisty. When her cat slipped past her and darted out the back door into the cold, Edwards cursed with gusto. And then apologized.
In September 1939, the Soviet Union invaded Poland from the east, 16 days after Nazi Germany had invaded the country from the west.
In their territory, the Soviet Union and the NKVD, the Soviets’ secret police, launched what has been described as a reign of terror. It included mass executions and deportations. Victims included prisoners of war, political leaders, intellectuals and others.
Emil Moskaluk, Edwards’ father, was arrested in October 1939. He was an engineer who had served as a soldier in 1920 when Polish troops fought the Bolsheviks. The Soviets considered him a threat.
On April 13, 1940, at around 2:30 a.m., members of the dreaded NKVD, the Soviet Army, Russian police and local militia forced their way into the Moskaluk home. Residents included Maria, Edwards’ mother, Jerzy, Edwards’ brother, Edwards herself and her grandmother Teresa, who was nearing her 86th birthday.
Edwards retreated to her bedroom and dove beneath a comforter. Moments later, the point of a bayonet lifted the comforter. Edwards was commanded to leave the bed.
The Moskaluks and Kosinska were ordered to pack essentials. An officer read from papers that informed the family they were being expelled from Poland and sent to the Soviet Union.
“One of the reasons was a horrifying disclosure, a shock in learning for the first time that our father had been executed as an enemy of the USSR,” Edwards wrote in her first memoir, “And God Was Our Witness.”
The Moskaluks learned much later that Emil was alive.
The family and the few possessions they managed to pack were loaded into a horse-drawn cart. Their journey into tribulation had begun.
“We had to learn to draw strength out of anguish and heartaches to handle each crisis and be prepared,” Edwards wrote.
Hours later, the cart ride ended. Edwards and her family were then crammed into one of many boxcars similarly packed with deportees who, like the Moskaluks, were fearful and angry and struggling to accept a fate that seemed surreal.
Edwards wrote, “Our arrest and deportation seemed like pulling away roots of live nerves against our will, realizing we had to succumb to the persecution and decisions of the ones controlling our destiny.”
After two harrowing weeks, the train crossed the Ural Mountains and then traveled into Kazakhstan. According to one history, the Soviets deported about 320,000 Poles to Kazakhstan in April 1940.
The family’s journey ended in a small village, the town where Edwards’ grandmother ultimately died.
For the next three years, the family was pressed into slave labor by the Soviets and “faced mistreatment and degradation, sickness, hunger and death,” Edwards wrote.
Her many labors included being a school janitor tasked with duties that included struggling to keep the building heated with coal; being forced to scrub a barn floor covered by layers and layers of sheep manure; and hours upon hours harvesting grains and other crops with scythes, sickles and pitchforks.
Hunger was a constant companion.
Toward the end of one summer a new overseer from Bessarabia took charge of the harvest. He supervised from horseback, raging and cursing.
“Everybody feared him, women the most,” Edwards wrote. “His presence was always known by the sound of a cracking whip made out of braided black and white hide, resembling a snake.”
One day, during a wheat harvest, he caught Edwards standing momentarily idle with her pitchfork as she wiped sweat from her eyes.
“Without any question or warning, he raised his whip and, like lightning, cracked it across the right side of my face,” Edwards wrote. “The sudden pain was a shock; it stung, and it burned.”
The whip had cut her face.
“Today, there is hardly the trace of a mark, but the memory, even now, is vivid and throbbing, sometimes as if it happened only yesterday,” Edwards wrote.
The Moskaluks had learned a Russian word, “pryvyknesh,” that meant “you will get used to it.” Edwards wrote that the word trailed the family like a shadow during their time in Russia, noting that its message seemed to encourage meek submission to fate.
“You fought to lose it and sometimes we gave in,” she wrote.
In June 1941, Germany attacked the Soviet Union. Its brutal leader, Joseph Stalin, began seeking aid from allies to help repel the Germans. On July 30, the Sikorski-Mayski Agreement re-established diplomatic relationships between Russia and Poland.
Stalin agreed to release tens of thousands of Polish prisoners-of-war held in Soviet camps. And the Russian treatment of some Polish deportees began to improve.
One day, when Edwards and her brother approached the hut where they lived, they noticed unusual activity outside.
“Inside, we noticed the figure of a strange man, sitting on a large sack of millet,” Edwards wrote.
It was her father, gaunt and nearly toothless from the hardships of meager rations and forced labor in coal mines in the Ural Mountains.
Later, Emil Moskaluk, his health somewhat restored, joined the newly re-forming Polish Army and helped fight the Germans in Italy.
In 1942, his wife and children made their way to Iran, where Alicja eventually met U.S. Army Lt. Ernest Edwards, who became her husband in 1945. The couple first interacted when Alicja, serving food in the officers’ mess hall, inadvertently poured syrup-coated pears down Ernest Edwards’ crisp uniform shirt.
Her mother, Maria, after surviving three years of forced labor and bouts of malaria, died in a Jeep accident when its driver, found to be drunk, crashed.
Later, Ernest and Alicja Edwards had two children and eventually settled in Midlothian, Illinois.
After Ernest’s death, Alicja moved in 2004 to Eureka to be near her son. Her daughter, Kristina Zagone, helped edit her mother’s memoirs.
Edwards said arthritis in her hands has affected her piano playing. Her piano’s music rack displays the sheet music for “The Warsaw Concerto,” a short work about the Polish struggle against the 1939 attack by Nazi Germany.
A bookshelf features a biography of Stalin, the architect of her family’s misery.
In “And God Was Our Witness,” Edwards wrote: “Damn the memories! And bless them in some way, to bring a joy and torment. You can’t bury them. If only you could keep the images at a safe distance, dimmed enough not to hurt so much — yet to remember whom you were and who you are.”
Reporter Duncan Adams may be reached at or 758-4407.


I am sitting here listening to a podcast that has a publish date of 25-Feb.  That is today.  I thought he got into trouble over those podcasts??

The graphic on podcast appropriately shows Adam and Eve being cast out.  I am sure he is feeling that way about now.

I held my breath and waited to see if DS would humble himself and direct his "following" back to the Good Ship Zion - but no, it did not take long before he had them "walking the plank" into the shark infested waters of apostasy; and then build his own ship... or rowboat, as the case would be....

Just hoping MS will not make the same mistake.  DS has made a train wreck out of things - and it likely will dissolve over time.

It is so hard to sit and watch otherwise good people implode, whether it is family or God's family.

At least we do not have to go through what Adam and Eve did - including the implosion of Cain followed by having to deal with the loss of the best one of the bunch.

Sunday, February 24, 2019


I was out all weekend with some bad gombu, so I took advantage to take a few reads including this:

A lot of good information in this piece that I had not considered before.

Saturday, February 23, 2019


Friday, February 22, 2019


I like what Lindsay has to say on  this.   She likely is a descendant of Christ based on her research - albeit a very Germanic/Bavarian looking one....


Thursday, February 21, 2019


This is interesting in light of what I believe they have already done when it comes to bio-warfare and biowarfare resistance (for their troops, etc who come here once the biologics have been unleashed on America).

I apologize to no one really when I say that I do not trust the Chinese government.  Anyone who has a 200 year plan should not be trusted, in my opinion.  They have designs.  Maybe I am just a simple person....:

If you have no guile, you simply just take care of what the Spirit dictates and do not plot nor plan nor see how you can gain advantage over another.  You just do what is best for you and yours.  I mean it has always blown me away with these "liberated" women who are gold diggers and plot how they can take down the man for his wealth.  Who would do that?   I mean, really??? 

This is Cain-level collusion.  These are psychopathic or sociopathic people.  A woman who would seduce a man and then get pregnant to entrap him in a relationship.  That is messed up to the extreme.  Yet, I know many who have taken both of these routes.  Just plain evil.  They cannot be trusted - and I have always run from them when my rather unrefined detector finally goes off.

Having "a plan" is not part of God's economy.  Plotting, extortion, subterfuge are all constructs of the devil.  This kind of thing left my dad in the poor house.  Apparently, the guy who stole his retirement income was a former counselor in a SP in Florida.  A shark.  Pretty sure his plan all along was to fleece my dad.  Subterfuge and plotting.  Wolves in sheep's clothing.  My dad, to his (non) credit, talked many people into business deals that really had no chance of making it in reality.  He tried several times to get me on board with some hair-brained idea.  I always said, show me the data on this scheme and I may throw some money at it.  I think his problem was unbridled enthusiasm not necessarily grounded in reality.  My dad was a dreamer and inventor type; and those types are often not rooted in reality.  They have to be, in order to keep their dream alive and eventually arrive at the impossible (think a lesser version of Nicola Tesla, Elon Musk, etc).

Anyway, yes the Chinese have a plan.  The Japanese had an ambitious plan for subterfuge and they were supposedly able to pull off quite the surprise blow to the USA.  I do not think like this on the micro scale, nor on the macro scale.  I would stink at war, business and so much else.  They estimate that about 80% of the big fish in the business world are psychopathic - because it takes one to screw over the other guy to get the advantage.  If you think of all the nice people you know and trust, they rarely are the ones in positions of power - because those types are sifted out and do not float to the surface of the cess pool.  Even Trump likely falls in this category.

So, when we come face to face with these types (Chinese and others who are here to rape and pillage), we have two options.  It will be to fight and try and outsmart them (likely not possible), or to submit and let God fight our battles.  Likely, the best option will be the latter.  Thus, the meek shall inherit the earth.  Those who submit their wills to, and have faith in God, will rise to the top.

The spiritually fit will survive what is coming.  Those who are contentious and proud will burn as stubble.  The sifting is already happening.  I have a friend from Montana who is going through a bout of pride and may end up bringing her entire family down, if she does not humbly repent.  Life is a dance on the knife's edge.


In the past, you determined the final location based on the trajectory determined on launch.

Now, there are guidance systems and steerable re-entry craft that will bring the payload to within meters of the desired target.

This is why Israel is going on the offensive in Syria where they know Hezbollah has been operating within scores of miles of their northern borders.  This is for real, folks!

And considering that Sarah Menet said that a missile comes out of the west and hits Israel (Tel Aviv), we are clearly coming up on some difficult things ahead.

My mind constructs the following:

Iran waits for a distracting moment and hits Israel from Libya.

There is confusion and that leads to limited exchanged all over the world.

Teheran is turned into a glass parking lot.  I have a colleague whom I worked with here in Calgary that just had a child and went back to his native Teheran for paternity leave.  I warned him against it - but he persisted in his desire.

Out of all of this comes the condemnation of Israel as the "aggressor".

The Third Temple is either built as a result or Israel is invaded and then the temple is built....

We are living in the middle of such exciting times!


Folks, I think we are treaty-less now with Russia.

Somehow, Trump is not seeing the game we are in with them.  NATO has backed the Bear against the wall and it will strike out - and likely viciously.

From what I understand from several who have seen it in vision, there is some sort of confusion and Russia sends a volley over and does INDEED deliver the first strike.  Hopefully they hit DC when Trump and a few others are out of town and the demonrats are in session to plan some sort of coup or made-for-CNN, false flag hate crime extravaganza.  The whole lot of them up in vapor - nothing better to dream about at night....

There are a few ways to drain that swamp.  Either by ditches, gallows, or by evaporation.  If they continue to push Russia further, it will be the latter option....

Wednesday, February 20, 2019


And the mind.  Love Irish-inspired music:

It is in the blood....

Sometimes you just want to linger on a good song:

The only girl I ever smooched on the same day I met her was a cute girl in my calculus class my first year at WSU who later became known as Calculus Woman.  But alas the kiss was not enough to convince her to read the Book of Mormon and come over to the good life in a life based on good principles.  Looked alot like the lead singer of the Cranberries.  As Irish as they get.

I wrote her on my mission and often wonder what her perception of the Church is after I stood immovable on good principle.  She could never figure out what was so special that I would give up two years to pursue it away from engineering classes and all that fun.


I used to get hammered as a tin-foil-(mad)-hatter for proclaiming this stuff.

Now, we have it via the LA Times.....  Try and refute that...:

It is quite obvious.  I was talking with my wife about invisalign braces for one of my kids while my phone was in the room.  I had done no kind of search on my phone for that.  We were just talking about a radio commercial where I had heard about a cheaper option in Calgary.

Lo and behold; ads have started popping up in FB on the phone for cheaper alternatives.

Insidious.  Man, as much as I love tech, I absolutely abhor it.

Part of the mark of the beast is submitting to it.  When will you wean yourself?  I know I have my line and I am sure it will be close soon....

Sunday, February 17, 2019


Folks, it is just a matter of time til someone makes something stick....

Pray for Trump!!

I almost cannot believe what I am reading sometimes.

Friday, February 15, 2019


He has been threatening to for some time.

Trump is a real man.  He lets you know what he is going to do if you do not play ball and then after ample chances to change your game plan, he just acts.  No apologizing - just does it.  It is called fairness and decisiveness.  I am that way.

I did it with my mother in law when she was consistently crossing the line and not being fair-minded nor rational.  I expected someone at her age and supposed maturity level would get it.  She did not - so I dropped the hammer and split on her.

It is very simple.

And, in a similar vein, there is the irrational side of the Trump fight with the Deep State:



Actually, an angel did for me....

I woke up and found this sitting prominently on the laptop my wife had been using the evening before.....  She always has a subtle way of influencing me....

I have no skin in the game one way or another.  I believe we should be trying to take it to the next level.  So did Denver Snuffer - and we all know how that turned out.  I bought and then read the first chapter of his book in 2006 and then put it down never to pick it up again.  That totally irked me - several people I count as close friends (spend the night at their place, close friends) went down with the SS Snuffer ship.....  Their knowledge of truth was snuffed.....  Very sad to witness.

So, I hold this guy in extreme contempt.  Quite recently, Mike Stroud threw verbal support to him.  That likely was just part of the equation that helped to bring him down.  I would blacken an eye of Denver Snuffer if I ever ran into him.  NOT a fan of that guy.

Anyway - if you have questions, please feel free to read the stuff in that hit piece.  There are some pretty strong statements against Spencer as well (Visions of Glory).  As with anything, including this dog and pony blog, take it all with a grain of salt and a major dose of the gift of discernment.  If you do not have a witness from the Spirit, chuck it to the curb. 

We live in interesting times.

Thursday, February 14, 2019


I have listened to Mike Stroud a few times and liked what he had to say, so long as he did not throw support for Denver Snuffer.  I have gotten quite upset over the whole DS mess.  He did a lot of damage in the Church - and many good people fell.

Basically, I am just staying away from people who are stepping out.  I am sticking with the scriptures.  The basics.....

Sad day for many people. 

If you can see his podcasts, the link to the announcement should be there.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019


Oh man, this is stuff dreams are made of if you cannot stand the abortion crowd as much as I do...:


Not to be too radical here, but if you are for throwing away a perfectly good baby that is harmless and innocent and is in need of you - you are trash worthy of being taken to the curb and compacted with all the other smelly stuff that we refuse to keep around.....  Human trash.  Sorry - but I have to say it like it is.


I flipped through these and am pleased to report that I actually have spontaneously asked these without being prompted - even if the answers are not always picture perfect...:


And happy hearts day!!

Mrs Woodzone and I will be celebrating sometime next week when the candy hearts are on sale, the flowers are a little wilted but at a decent price and dinner is more subdued and table service is back on par.

Never celebrate on the proscribed day!  That is for fools!

Sunday, February 10, 2019


Folks, this is an amazing account:

I do not doubt that the temple will be built soon - very soon.

Pray for it.


This is interesting stuff:

It appears to be accurate from what I understand.

Friday, February 8, 2019


Wow, the muzzies will stop at nothing to destroy historical facts or hide them from the rest of the world:

Let's hope he is stopped prior to realizing his goal.

Thursday, February 7, 2019


Folks, I have dealt with a few.  I work with a few.  Cold, beady, dark eyes staring back at me.  Freaks me out.  I just run the other way.

Usually, they come from really twisted and broken backgrounds:

Good to know this - and avoid them like the plague....


Folks, we should all be aware of this:

I received another witness the other evening that we will be nuked once we are weak.  As we can expect, it will be the Russians.  The natives near Cardston have seen the missiles going south overhead towards the USA.



When the films were suddenly pulled, I remembered a similar scenario when the married Spence Kinnard (who was married and 50) had an affair with a married gal in her early 20's....  Nothing like getting back the youth with a younger model....  Could have gone for the convertible T-bird or something less messy....

As it was, there was a flurry of activity in the broadcasting world where they re-dubbed and re-worked stuff that was slated for release.  People love it when the Church (whose standards they cannot uphold, etc) gets any egg on it's face.  People who should, instead, spend that energy on overcoming the crap they are mired in, but not ad mired for....

But the Church did not want the screaming lefties to mar the temple experience, so they pulled the film Spence was voice in.  Early 90's timeframe.  I remember my cynical and hilarious brother calling him Spence Kin Nards for the trouble he caused.  And quite possibly linked to hyper-gonadism, to be sure....  He had gone nearly completely bald by then, so it is likely actually related.

When the films were pulled at the end of the year, this was one of my theories - but I had not seen any scuttlebutt and I could not even imagine who I could to as a possible cause, if my theory was correct.

So, I saw this article several days ago where the director of all three temple films turns out to be a closet gay, child molester and serial adulterer:

Immediately, the light went on.  I remembered to discuss this with the wife after the Tuesday night session in the temple.

And now, besides the fact that changes were in the works, this may explain why the outlay for three very nicely done vids - and the sudden pulling of them from the line-up instead of working in a few extra scenes and a little cutting and splicing here and there.

So yep....

Wednesday, February 6, 2019


For those who were in despair thinking that only the altar boys were not safe because of clearly gay pedo priests, you can take comfort in the fact that they do like women, too!:

Sheesh, when will the perversity slow to a trickle??  And then the forced abortions.  Oh my.  It just gets more and more bizarre.

Good news is that they actually shut this thing down and hopefully threw all the responsibles in jail for crimes against humanity on so many levels.

Lord, please come quickly!

Monday, February 4, 2019


Yep, the sponsor of the Virginia (ain't nothing Virgin about that place....) abortion bill also concurrently sponsored a bill to save the moths.  Yep, moths have much higher value than a human life.....

Wow - just wow.

Honestly, in my opinion, these folks do not deserve to live.  No more than the nazis that exterminated good Jewish folk in Germany while espousing very similar value sets as these US libbers:

It really is maddening to me.  At some point I just simply will have to quit reading the news.  I cannot take the whackadoodle thinking of these sub-humans masquerading as demonrats....


And yes, the sifting is occurring before our eyes.  You CANNOT be a good member of the Church and be a demonrat.  Simply not possible anymore.  I get the old Democrats of the 1960's.  I would not necessarily condemn one of them back then.  Today?  Yep - all over the place.....


So, last week, I was lamenting that I do not have all power in the which, as some with a fullness of the Priesthood, are allowed to alter the elements, call down drought, etc.  And, I do not doubt that this is a righteous desire.  Nephi in the BoM exercised this power, to the convincing of the people of the error of their ways.  He asked for it, he got it, they had the hurt put to them, just as he asked and the people actually repented (though, how deep is a compelled repentance, vs a deep and abiding sorrow for sin that brings about true and heartfelt repentance??) for a time....

As I was driving the end of last week, I had a chance to review why God does not simply consume these satanic buffoons when they have clearly ripened?

And then I see this:

And I have to wonder if there is a higher way.

BUT - I have to say that my desires impinge just a little on agency.  If there were a direct cause and effect for every heinous act, we simply would cower as a dog does that has the shock collar for his barking problem.  Just as the dog would obey out of fear of direct consequence, so would we cower and fear if we dared to step out of the way.  We would not learn to obey out of respect for God and His ways - but out of fear.  I despise the word "fear" when used in the OT.  I think the translation has to be off and it should be "respect" or "healthy respect".  I know that God is a God of order and of love - not of confusion or of fear.  Because of this love for me, I use my agency and deep desire to please Him out of the respect I have for Him and His laws.  I realize that I am nothing without His love for me, manifest through His Son.

So, my desire to have that kind of power is probably a little off base.  I know I would likely abuse it out of my desire to make the world the perfect place.  After all, was this not satan's plan?  Not ONE shall be lost.  You would have to do some arm twisting to bring that about.....

Sunday, February 3, 2019


One can only hope so we can overturn RvW


Friday, February 1, 2019


Folks, a generation of vipers shall not escape the damnations of hell.  I love people with some passion.  This gal clearly has some and is raising the warning voice as a professional who cares:

If you support this in any way, please repent.  If you know of anyone who does, immediately call them to repentance.  If you coddle or tolerate these views, you have the blood and sins of this generation on your heads and are NOT blameless.

Tolerance is tacit approval.

Speaking of tolerance, here is the same governor of Virginia who supports this abortion:

Hit piece, or not, this is beautiful timing for this sick puke.....