Thursday, April 27, 2017


I have dug through enough stuff that I kind of have a bird's eye view of people who have figured a lot of stuff out.  I just simply DO NOT have a good timeline as to how these events go down; just guesses.  The events, however are - spot on. 

Those who have laughed at those who have taken faith in prophetic utterance will be choking on their gum quite soon.  If they are young enough, they likely will be drafted (both male and female) into the battle.  I have given counsel that an engineering degree would be invaluable as it will keep a person out of the front lines and in an office working logistics and repairs on things.  Having a dual citizenship (where possible) would be invaluable to avoid the draft altogether (where it involves an unjust war where the invasion of a sovereign nation is concerned - however we may disagree with their leaders or their politics).

I did not mention the trouble we would be in with NK at that point - but that has always been the breakout point in the Pacific.  As far as Russia goes, I have to say here that this series of power outages in NY and San Fran were highly suspicious to me.  The worst outages were in our east and west coast financial centers.  Almost is if it were a check to make sure their strategies would work.  That may have been our first hit.  If the financial centers fall due to no power - it will suck the rest of the nation into financial and social chaos.  I still need to find a smoking gun before I would bank on that theory, however.....

Here is an e-mail that I wrote to my wife some time ago (2014) when our lives were in some level of upheaval due to external factors beyond our control and we were making the decision to pull the lever and move to Canada:

On Thursday, February 27, 2014 8:52 PM,_________________________ wrote:

I sent a few that I had on my computer here at work.


Yep, I think things are aligning where I should just simply quit and we see how its done by the locals in Montana.


I told my boss I am not sure how much Boeing will still be around in the next few years.  We are pissing Russia off – and simply cannot build one of our airplanes without their titanium.  I have been saying for quite some time that Duane S. Crowther’s (he wrote Life Everlasting) take is correct (we are at the point where it is highlighted in yellow below).  Russian hit somewhere on our east coast (NY or DC?) where we bat them down within a couple of months and then social chaos followed by WWIII which is a 13 month war.


Here is the timeline given in his book:


     Prophecy-Key to the Future was written as a Master's thesis at Brigham Young University, in fulfillment of an assignment to document and establish the chronological order of last-days events, using the Standard Works and statements of LDS General Authorities as authoritative evidence.
     The author has presented extensive evidence of numerous future events with care, documenting them fully and precisely in a scholarly fashion. He has withheld personal opinions, presenting only what the evidence describes. He has provided a chronological index of events, a listing of quota- tions from major sources, and other tools to assist the reader in further study.
     This book is a classic of LDS doctrinal literature. Thoroughly researched, its scope is far-reaching, its evidence reliable and its conclusions irresistible. The support of its evidence is inescapable. This is a book that affects the lives of all who read it. His research will aid all who read this book in preparing for the events to come. The Lord has revealed that it becometh every man who hath been warned to warn his neighbor, and he has done so effectively.
     Since Prophecy-Key to the Future was written, the author has gathered and compiled much additional evidence from sources not included herein. Some of this information has been published in a second volume titled Inspired Prophetic Warnings. This companion book provides insights into specific last-days warnings to the inhabitants of America and contains many revealed glimpses of events pertaining to World Wars III and IV and the period between them. It is suggested that both books be read and considered simultaneously.
     As the seventh thousand-year millennium has been introduced, and inspired last-days prophecies draw nearer to fulfillment, this book is essential reading for Latter-day Saints and for other Christians everywhere.
Table of Contents
Contents, v

List of Illustrations, Maps and Charts, x

Key to Abbreviations Used in the Footnotes, x

Introduction, xi
Why a Book on The Future?, xi
The Objectives of This Book, xiii
Is This Study Authentic and Reliable?, xiii
Acknowledgments, xiv
Notes on the Revised Edition, xv
Inspired Prophetic Warnings-A Companion Volume, xv
No Change in The Prophetic Scenario, xvi
How This Book Was Written, xvi
Parley P. Pratt's Insight: Value of Knowledge of the Future, xix

1. War To Be Poured Out Upon All Nations, 1
The Beginning of War in The Last Days, 1
Slaves Are To Rise Up Against Their Masters, 3
The Purpose of Wars Is To Prepare For The Preaching of The Gospel, 4
Two Periods of War: Preparatory Wars and Wars of Complete Destruction, 5
United States Warned of Conflict During Period of Preparatory Wars-Third World War, 10
Summary, 15

2. Missionary Work Among the Gentiles, 17
The Gospel Must Be Taught to Every Nation, 17
Four Periods of Missionary Labor, 17
Who Are The Gentiles?, 18
What Are The "Times of The Gentiles"?, 19
What is The Fulness of The Gentiles?, 20
Conditional Promises Made to The Gentiles in The Americas, 20
Most of The Gentiles Will Reject The Gospel, 22
The Fulfilling of The Times of The Gentiles: The Gospel Will Be Taken Instead To The House of            Israel, 22
Signs of The Approaching Fulfillment of The Times of The Gentiles, 24
The Fulfilling of The Times of The Gentiles Is An Important Chronological Event, 27
Summary, 33

3. God Will Pour Out His Judgments, 35
Great Calamities Are To Come After The Gospel Is Taken From The Gentiles, 35
The Lord's Desolating Scourge, 37
Famine, Drought and Pollution, 40
An Earthquake in America, 43
Jackson County To Be Swept Clean, 45
Will The Saints Escape Judgments?, 45
Summary, 48

4. Internal Wars and the Collapse of United States Government, 49
Future War and Strife Within The United States, 49
The Government of The United States Will Completely Collapse, 52
War Will Spread from America to Other Lands, 54
A Remnant of Jacob to Tread Down The Gentiles, 56
The Gathering of The Saints to The Mountains, 58
The Righteous Gentiles Will Also Gather to The Mountains, 61
The Saints Will Eventually Be Cut Off From The Rest of The Land, 62
The Influx of People Will Bring Danger of Famine in The West, 64
Summary, 85

5. The Establishment of the Kingdom of God, 67
When The United States Government Fails, The Saints Will Uphold The Constitution, 67
The Foundation for The Kingdom of God Was Laid through Revelation to Joseph Smith, 69
The Future Policy of The Kingdom of God, 72
The Kingdom of God Will Eventually Gain World-Wide Dominion, 75
Summary, 80

6. Establishment of the New Jerusalem, 83
A Leader Like Unto Moses Is To Be Chosen, 83
The Eastward Journey of The Saints While Strife Continues in The United States, 86
Many Saints Will Remain in The West, 90
Establishing The New Jerusalem Under The Law of Consecration, 91
An Inspired Plan for The City and for The Temple, 95
Who Will Build The New Jerusalem, 99
Life Within The New Jerusalem, 102
Summary, 104

7. Four Important Events in America, 107
The Conversion of The Lamanites, 107
The Lord Shall Come to His Temple in Zion, 112
Coming of The Ten Tribes, 117
Calling of The 144,000, 121
Summary, 125

8. The Gathering of the House of Israel To Palestine, 127
Time of The Gathering of The Jews, 127
The Present-A Period of Preparatory Gathering, 128
Time of The Conversion of The Jews, 138
Summary, 139

9. Plagues and the Book of Revelation, 141
Chronological Importance of The Choosing of The 144,000 High Priests, 141
The Beginning of The Seventh Thousand-year Period, 142
Trumps and Plagues Are Literal, 143
The Plagues, 146
Comparison With Other Series of Seven Angels in The Book of Revelation, 147
Comparison With Angels With Trumpets in The Doctrine and Covenants, 153
Summary, 156

10. Universal Conflict and the Fall of the Christian Nations, 159
World-wide Conflict-Fourth World War, 159
The Christian Nations Will Fall, 162
Summary, 165

ll. Christ's Appearance in the Council at Adam-ondi-Ahman, 167
Adam is The Ancient of Days, 167
Location and Description of The Council at Adam-ondi-Ahman, 169
Purposes of The Council at Adam-ondi-Ahman, 172
Christ's Appearance and Acceptance of Dominion, 175
Summary, 176

12. Growth and Development in Zion and Palestine After the Era of Universal Conflict, 177
Growth of Zion in America, 177
David, The Prince, 179
Removal of The Ten Tribes From Zion to Palestine, 182
Distribution of Land Among The Tribes, 187
Construction of The Temple in Jerusalem and The Restoration of Sacrificial Worship, 189
Prophecies Concerning Israel's Political Affairs, 192
Summary, 194

13. The Battle of Armageddon and Christ's Appearance on the Mount of Olives, 197
Nations Which Will Attack Palestine, 198
Location of The Battlefield, 202
The Battle, 204
Christ's Coming 206
The Earthquake, 209
Conclusion of The Battle, 211
The Conversion of The Jews and Christ's Coming to The Jerusalem Temple, 214
The Interval Between The Coming of Christ to Palestine and Christ's Coming in Glory, 216
Missionary Work in the Interval Between The Battle of Armageddon and Christ's Coming in Glory,           220
Summary, 224

14. Christ's Coming in Glory, 227
Trumps Introduce Christ's Coming, 228
Saints Also to Descend, 233
Description of The Lord at His Coming, 235
Every Eye Shall Witness His Advent, 237
Changes in The Configuration of The Earth, 238
The Earth Will Be Cleansed by Fire, 240
The Marriage of The Lamb, 243
Summary, 244

15. The Millennium, 247
Extended Life and Resurrection, 247
A Period of Peace and Righteousness, 248
Home Life and Sociality as The Lord Dwells Among Men, 251
Government of The Saints, 252
Spirit To Be Poured Out, 256
Many Churches During The Millennium, 260
Missionary Work, 264
Temple Work, 264
Saints Will Be Prepared for Exaltation, 266
Summary, 267

16. Events at the End of the Earth, 269
The Battle of Gog and Magog, 269
Consideration of Chronological Sequence of Final Events, 273
Second Resurrection, 275
Final Judgment, 276
Christ and The Saints To Be Crowned and Exalted, 280
Dissolution and Re-establishment of The Earth, 284
Summary, 287

17. The Earth's Final State, 289
Descent of New and Old Jerusalem, 290
Meaning of Living in The Presence of God, 291
Life on The Celestial Earth, 293
Summary, 295


I. The United States Constitution Will Hang By A Thread, 297

II. An Analysis of The Prophecy Recorded By Edwin Rushton and Theodore Turley
     Which Is Commonly Known As The "White Horse Prophecy, 301
The Men Who Recorded The Prophecy, 301
The Prophecy, 302
Observations Concerning The Prophecy, 321

III. Notes On Jackson County and The Plat of The City of Zion, 323

Bibliography, 328
Latter-day Saint Scriptures, 328
Latter-day Saint Historical Sources, 328
Latter-day Saint Doctrinal Sources, 329
Other Reference Books, 330
Other Doctrinal Sources, 331
Miscellaneous, 331


I. List of Quotations from Major Sources, 333
     Old Testament, 333
     New Testament, 334
     Book of Mormon 334
     Doctrine and Covenants, 335
     Pearl of Great Price 336
     Journal of Discourses, 336
     History of the Church 337

II. Chronological Index of Events, 339

III. Alphabetical Index, 351

Books by the Author, 357

Cassette Talk Tapes by the Author, 359
Order Information
Prophecy-Key to the Future
Duane S. Crowther
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Wednesday, April 26, 2017


This guy passes the smell test.
We are going into a trap in this whole Korea thing according to David.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017


If someone puts the screws to you to sign this, WALK AWAY.  Leave the school district, or state or country or whatever you have to do, if you love your children.

I am not a lawyer, but have seen enough legalese in my day to know that this IS a trap.  Do NOT fall for it.  We currently have a President who is enough of a clear thinker and who (as I understand) is an anti-vaxxer, due to the belief by his wife and he that his youngest child was affected after receiving doses.

If you sign this, you have EVERY expectation that your children could be forcibly removed from you and put into the system.  This system likely will continue to become corrupted to a pizza-gate level (child trafficking).

Folks, while it is an amazing time to be alive, it is also a living nightmare where gubmint over-reach is all too common.  Thus the reason that all gubmints will be dissolved to make way for the very God of Israel to come among us to take the reigns of all earthly kingdoms.  A generation of vipers shall NOT escape the damnations of hell.

Monday, April 24, 2017


Folks - if ever there was a sign, this is it:

I do not recall in my "politically aware years" a President calling in the entire Senate to get them up to speed on something like this.

Likely, he will drop the bomb on them and then use them (as a more or less unified body) to bully Congress into FINALLY declaring war based on some intelligence he clearly has that clearly has him worried.  I still say it is the wrong course - but he is elected and I happen to trust him in that he has the best thing in mind for this country; and nothing else including lining his pockets or those of his cronies.


Wow - what I would give firstly to be able to read Latin/Greek and Aramaic and then have a little time to dig through what this researcher had his hands on:

To be that mother, too!!  How cool is that?

More on the historian, Velleius:

And, if you think that it is fake because you typed a few words into google and found a snopes article, good luck with that.  I will say nope to snopes.....:

Those two pieces of work at the snopes scam are about as trustworthy as shillary and billary when it comes to the law of chastity and honesty and basic human decency....


These guys are smart.  They are listening in on communication patterns while they can still get close (while it is not hostile).  Studying their enemy.  They will strike when it is convenient - or not at all and wait until it all implodes....:

I would take the Russians seriously when they say they can bring down our ships.  How embarrassing would it be for us to have our carrier group dead in the water thanks to a Russian electronic warfare attack and then have rudimentary NK systems take them out.

It is not too far from reality.  Russia will NOT allow us to start WWIII if they can help it.  They realize we are on a suicide course and they are begging for us to course-correct from our globalist, big-brother, bullying stance to one of mutual self-interest.


They will not likely bow to the new word odor.....


This is some great preaching on the matter!:

Samuel W Richards (Editor)
The Coming Crisis & How to Meet It
Millennial Star, 30 April 1853
A great and awful crisis is at hand — such a crisis was never known before since the foundation of the world. All nations are looking through the misty future in order to descry, if possible, what is about to happen. Many sermons have been preached, many speeches have been made, and some pamphlets have been published, with the hope of lifting up the veil of the future. Yet none but the servants of God who have the testimony of Jesus, which is the spirit of prophecy, can unfold the mysteries of the future. They can give the trump a certain sound, and their counsel will not be guess work. God will do nothing except He reveal His secrets to His servants and Prophets. God, the Lord God of Israel, will take the control of these great events which are shortly to come to pass. Not a sparrow will fall to the ground without His notice. But His servants will be fully advised to every important event that is to transpire. They will be the heralds of blessings and also of vengeance. For the Lord hath a controversy with all nations, and the hour of recompense is at hand.
But, says the reader, I would like to know of what this crisis is to consist! Who are the contesting parties? Well, reader, if you will be patient and honest-hearted, praying withal, with unceasing diligence and thanksgiving to God, you shall have the keys of such knowledge as all the sectarian priests of Christendom are by no means able to reveal, because they are only revealed to God’s servants, the Prophets.
Perhaps you will be disappointed, if I tell you that the time is coming, and now is, when, not only God, the Highest of all, shall be revealed in spirit and in mighty power, but the Devil or Satan also, will be revealed in signs and wonders and in mighty deeds! This, reader, is the great key to all the marvelous events that are to transpire shortly upon the earth.
Now just stop right here, and pause, and mark emphatically this key. Then you and I will proceed to unlock the mysteries and to prepare ourselves to the battle. For there will be no neutrals in the approaching controversy. I say again, that God the Highest of all will make bare His arm in the eyes of all nations. And the heavens even will be rent, and the lighting down of His power will be felt by all nations.
But this is not all. Satan also will be revealed. He has made some manifestations of his power in different periods of the world, but never before has there been such an array of numbers on his side, never before such a consolidation of armies and rulers, never before has there been such an imposing and overwhelming exhibition of miracles as Satan will shortly make manifest. Don’t suppose for a moment, that I am uttering dark sayings or speaking unadvisedly upon speculation or the strength of mere human opinion. Don’t tell me about Popes and Prelates sitting in the Temple of God as God. One far greater than any Pope or Prelate is soon to be revealed and he will claim to be worshipped as God . Now, remember, that it is no modern wicked man that is going to claim divine honors. No, it is that old Serpent, the Devil. He it is that will head the opposition against God and His Christ. And he, the son of perdition it is, that will be allowed a much longer chain than heretofore. And such will be the greatness of his power, that it will seem to many that he is entirely loose. He will be so far unshackled and unchained that his power will deceive all nations, even the world. And the elect will barely escape the power of his sorceries, enchantments, and miracles!
And even God, Himself, the true God, will contribute to put means and instruments in his way and at hand, for his use, so that he can have a full trial of his strength and cunning, with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish.
It is not to be expected that Satan will carry on his great warfare against Christ and his Saints by means of any one religion exclusively . It is not the Papal or Protestant religion alone that you have need to fear. But the great and abominable Church which you should expect to encounter is Anti-Christ. Whatever exalts and opposes itself to God, that is Anti-Christ, whether it is a civil or religious power. But the most formidable power that will be arrayed against Christ and his Saints in the last days, will consist of the revelations of Satan.
These revelations of Satan will come through every medium and channel by which the cunning and power of Satan can be brought to bear against the Saints and their Lord. It is a great mistake to suppose that Satan is altogether a religious personage. No, far from this. He is a politician, a philosopher, an erudite scholar, a linguist, a metaphysician, a military commander, a prince, a god, a necromancer, an enchanter, a diviner, a magician, a sorcerer, a prophet, and (if it were not railing) a clergyman and a liar from the beginning. With these universal endowments, he has never hitherto made a full and grand exhibition of himself, as it remains for him to do. But the Lord, who gave him an opportunity to try is battery upon good old Job, is fully designing to give him sufficient apparatus to deceive all the nations that love not the truth, and have pleasure in unrighteousness. His signs and tokens are as ancient as the apostasy of Cain, and as varied as will suit the secret designs of all ages. Through him men learn how to become “observers of time and seasons,” with great skill and astonishing accuracy. He presides over the arts of astrology, clairvoyance, mesmerism, electro-biology, and all auguries and divinations. Being Prince of the power of the air he understands aeronautic and steam navigation, and he can compose and combine the various elements, through the co-operation of them that believe in him, with far more that human skill.
Now don’t doubt what I say concerning this matter, but rather read the history of his skillful exploits and his mighty power, as they are recorded in the Old and New Testaments. Take a Bible and Concordance, (if you have any Faith in the Bible left, in an age when the Bible is perverted beyond all other books), and read attentively for yourselves, and you will there learn that I am telling you the truth.
Now there is a greater destruction coming upon the wicked nations of the earth, than was even experienced by Pharaoh at the Red Sea . But before that destruction can be made manifest, men’s hearts will be hardened, and wickedness will rise to a more over-towering height than many bygone generations have been allowed to witness. God, through his Prophet, will roar out of Zion. His voice will be heard in spite of all the confusion and indignant opposition from many nations. After the testimony of His servants has been proclaimed to all nations, as a witness, then shall the scene of the end come. And great shall be that scene.
The Devil in the last stage of desperation, will take such a pre-eminent lead in literature, politics, philosophy, and religion; in wars, famines, pestilences, earthquakes, thunderings and lightnings, setting cities in conflagration, etc., that mighty kings and powerful nations will be constrained to fall down and worship him . And they will marvel at his great power, and wonder after him with great astonishment. For his signs and wonders will be among all nations. Men will be raised for the express purpose of furthering the designs and marvelous works of the devil. Every description of curious and mysterious arts that penetrate beyond the common pale of human sagacity and wisdom, will be studied and practiced beyond what has been known by mere mortals. The great capabilities of the elements of fire, air, earth, and water, will be brought into requisition by cunning men under the superior cunning of the prince and the God of this world. And, inflated with the knowledge of these wonderful arts and powers, men will become boasters, heady, high-minded, proud, and despisers of that which is good. But the God who is above all, and over all, and who ruleth in the armies of heaven, and amongst the inhabitants of the earth, will not be a silent observer of such spiritual wickedness in high places, and among the rulers of the darkness of this world. For the master spirits of wickedness of all ages, and of worlds visible and invisible, will be arrayed in the rebellious ranks before the closing scene shall transpire. Now just at this time, God will come out of His hiding place and vex the nations in his hot displeasure. By the mouth of His Prophet He will rebuke strong nations afar off, notwithstanding their strong armies and great miracles, and cunning arts.
His servant, the Prophet, in Zion will have a marvelous boldness to rebuke them, and to lay down before them in plainness and inflexible firmness the law of the Lord . As Moses laid down the law to Pharaoh, and then continued to multiply evils and judgments until he made an utter end of Pharaoh and the Egyptians, even so will the living God prescribe the line of conduct to be pursued, and the penalties of violation, to great and mighty nations, until they rally around the ensign established upon the mountains, and go up to the house of the God of Jacob to learn His ways, or are utterly overwhelmed in keen anguish and ruin.
The ways of the God of Jacob are easily recognized in these days of general wickedness. It is true, that they are clearly revealed in the Scriptures of truth, and by a living Priesthood of inspired men, yet they have been so long and so grossly perverted by the precepts and opinions of a hireling ministry, that doubts and contentions have sprung up in every land, and the plainest and simplest truths are denied, abrogated, or accounted obsolete. God is not allowed to speak from the heavens by the mouths of Prophets as in former days. Notwithstanding there is much preaching and praying, still there is a virtual acknowledgement among all nations that God, as He was known unto the Patriarchs and Prophets of old, has forsaken the earth. And men are therefore left to discover the way to heaven by the light of nature, or the misty nebulae of a hireling Priesthood. And it is a fact, undeniable, that infidels in the school of nature have more true piety towards the living God than the hireling ministry of Christendom have.
Hence priests are doing so much, often unwittingly, to blind the eyes of the people, so that they shall not see the approaching crisis in its true character until the catastrophe is completed , and Great Babylon and all her lofty cities, great wealth, princely merchants, chief captains, and mighty sovereigns, are laid low in one general ruin. Oh ye great and strong nations! ye philosophers and religionists! ye spiritual mediums and ye revelators, sitting upon thrones over great nations! how can you fulfill the prophecies that are so clearly revealed, concerning the destructions of the last days! Ye perhaps marvel that the great men and governors over one hundred and twenty-seven provinces in ancient Babylon, with a brave monarch at their head, should have been such firm believers in the astrologers, magicians, and interpreters of dreams, in their days! But marvel not, for when the greater power of the like class of persons, under the direction of Satan, shall be brought to bear in your own day, the delusion will be so much stronger that Princes, Presidents, Governors, and chief Captains, will be constrained to bow to it. Their credulity will be taxed beyond the power of resistance. The workers of these mysterious and supernatural arts will bring to their aid both natural and supernatural causes that will challenge and defy disputation.
The senses and judgment of men cannot withstand such imperative facts as will arrest their observations. For it cannot be denied that facts and truths will constitute such a measure of the ingredients of these mysterious and wonderful arts as to give them an irresistible strength of conviction to those who are unenlightened by the Spirit of God. And so far as facts and truth are mingled, it must also be acknowledged that God, the true and living Sovereign of Heaven and Earth, will contribute to produce the delusion. He has said that “He will send them strong delusions that they might believe a lie.” He gives his reason and apology for acting after this stranger manner because, knowing the truth, they do not love it unadulterated. And knowing God, they do not choose to glorify Him as God. Therefore their foolish hearts become darkened, and God suffers Satan to compound and mix up truth and error in such proportions as to be captivating and strongly delusive. As a snare, this composition will be ingeniously mixed and administered to all nations, by skillful and practiced hands.
And who shall be able to withstand? Do you think that your great sagacity and the compass of your profound, philosophical turn of mind will enable you to detect the error and delusion of these arts? Oh, man, this is a vain hope. You will not be competent to detect the delusion. God Himself will allow Satan to ply your scrutinizing eye with powers and sophistications far beyond your capacity to detect. Do you say then, I will stand aloof from investigation, I will shun all acquaintance with these mysterious workings, in order that I may not be carried away with their delusive influence. Vain hope. Oh, man, you cannot be neutral. You must choose your side and put on your armor. Those that come not up to the help of the Lord in the day of battle, will be sorely cursed. The captive Hebrew Daniel stood up boldly against all the governors and whole realm of Babylon with their monarch at their head. Daniel readily acknowledged that it was not from any wisdom in him, above other men, that he could surpass the astrologers and magicians.
But holding intercourse with the God of heaven, he became endowed with supernatural comprehension that effectually shielded him against supernatural delusion. Thereby he escaped the snare that entwined around the great statesmen and governors of that immense empire of Babylon. Thereby, those who take refuge in the name of the Lord and in immediate revelation from heaven, will be safe, and no others. He that is not for God and the principle of immediate revelation, will inevitably be ensnared, overcome, and destroyed. Because he that is not for Him must be against Him. No man in any age was ever for God, that did not hold intercourse with Him personally, and receive for himself the revelations of his will. The rock of revelation, by which Peter knew Jesus Christ, is the only basis upon which any man can escape the strong delusion which God will send among the nations through Satan and his mediums and coadjutors. Reader, if you live long, you will be compelled to take a side for God or for Satan. Satan was allowed to try a compulsory process upon as good a man as Job. The whirlwind and tempestuous elements, with disease and death, were put into Satan’s hand that he might compel Job to abandon his integrity. Had not Job possessed the key to revelation from God, he would have been compelled to have made peace with Satan, and forsaken the Lord. His wife urged him to do so says she, “Curse God and die”; or in other words, take the side of Satan against God.
Now, reader, if you have ships of precious merchandise, floating at sea, the time is fast coming when Satan will destroy those ships, unless you bow down to his power and become a co-operator with him . And if you do bow down to him, to work wickedness and say, no eye seeth me then God will destroy those ships and you too, and peradventure He will destroy your family also, and make a clean end of you, and blot out your name under heaven. Your beautiful mansion and flourishing family still have to be consecrated to God or to Satan, whichever you may choose. The controversy is begun and the war will never end till the victory is complete and universal, and there shall not be found so much as a dog to move his tongue against the Lord, and the immediate revelations of His will. Your being a minister of some Church, will not serve as the last screen for you against the hot indignation of God, unless you have the law and the testimony of the true and living God made known to you personally.
For the time has come that God will write His law upon every man’s heart, that will receive it, not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God. And against him that hath this law, the gates of hell never have prevailed and never will prevail. Heaven and earth shall pass away before a jot of this law shall be made to succumb to wicked men or devils. The heavens have been shaken once when angels rebelled, and they are destined to another shaking even with the earth. Do you say you don’t need any more revelation from God. Then the Devil will be allowed to give you some which you don’t need. And by the time that he has revealed himself to you, and buffeted you, and trained you under his rigorous discipline to fight in this awful crisis against the heavens, peradventure you will not then feel so rich and increased in goods, but that you can take a little counsel from the Lord, and feel a little of your extreme poverty and destitution.
You cannot know God without present revelation. Did you ever think of this most solemn and essential truth, before? You may have been accustomed to pray, all your lifetime, and as yet you, even you, do not know God. You may have heard many thousand sermons, with a sincere desire both to remember and practice them, and yet you do not know God. But it has been decided in the court of heaven, that no man can know the Father but the Son, and he to whom the Son REVEALETH him.
Now, has Jesus Christ ever revealed God the Father to you, dear reader? Be honest with yourself, and do not err in your answer to this most important question. However much the Son may have revealed the Father to Prophets, Patriarchs, and Apostles of old, the question still remains in full force has he revealed Him to you? A revelation to another man is by no means a revelation to you. For instance, God revealed himself to Samuel, and called him by name to be a Prophet. But the call to Samuel is by no means a call to you to be a Prophet. God called Abraham to kill Isaac, but that is no revelation to you to kill your son. God revealed the baptism of repentance to John the Baptist, before Christ’s death, but that is not a revelation to you.
He revealed authority to Paul to preach to the Gentiles, but what was told to Paul is not told to you, nor is it required of you. Again, you need the righteousness of God to go where God is, and be happy and how will you get it except it is revealed to you personally? You cannot get it any other way. Hence the Lord says, “The righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith.” Don’t say now, as some do, that revelation was anciently given in order to establish the truth, and being once established is it no longer necessary to be revealed to subsequent generations of people. Don’t say this for your life, for revelation is just as necessary to establish truth now as it was then. You need the ministry of angels now, just as much as people did then. They in past ages could not know God, nor say for a certainty, from personal knowledge, that Jesus Christ was the Christ, only by the Holy Ghost and you are just as weak and dependent as they were. You most assuredly cannot call Jesus, Lord, only by the Holy Ghost. If the Holy Ghost is confirmed upon you, by the imposition of the hands of the true Priesthood, then you can know God for yourself.
Why? Because the Holy Ghost teaches all things, even the deep things of God. This generation needs present revelations from heaven, as much as any other generation ever did, because they are quite as wicked as Sodom ever was. They practice as gross sensuality and beastliness, as glaring robbery and murder, as much treachery and lying, and are as ardent for war and blood — guiltiness, as ever the ancient Canaanites were. And among the many religions that have sprung up, calculated to confuse people’s minds, there is, now, as must jargon and schism, contention and strife, and persecuting zeal, as there ever was before. Now, reader, you need present revelation from God to your own dear self, in order to help you out of this nasty, confused labyrinth, and to set your feet firmly upon the solid rock of revelation. Mere flesh and blood cannot help you now. It requires an Almighty arm to effect your deliverance. Therefore, put no more trust in man, for a curse rests upon him that will be guided by the precepts of man. I do not ask you to be guided by what I say to you, unless the Lord from heaven shall reveal to you that I speak the truth, even as it is in Christ. Although I know that I am declaring heaven’s truth to you, in all sobriety, yet, my knowing it, does not suffice for you. You also must know it for yourself, and not for another.
This is your right and your privilege. For God has made this promise to you, and not to you, reader, only, but to all others whom He calls to repentance. Now, go and get revelation for yourself. If you are penitently desirous with all your heart to get revelation from God to your own self, go to some one whom God has called and ordained to confer the Gift of Reader, be resolute! This is a critical and trying moment with you. And this is God’s call unto you. Don’t refuse when He calls you! And if you are honestly, without prejudice, meditating upon what you now read, then God’s Spirit is sweetly persuading you to believe what I say. The faint dawn of the Spirit is even now upon your mind. Now, reader, cherish this little dawn of light until the daylight of more truth shines more clearly upon your mind.
Pray mightily for the Spirit of Revelation to rest upon you, that you may know the things that are freely given to you of God . And follow the Spirit of revelation, as fast as you receive its whisperings, down into the water where Jesus went, for the remission of your sins, and you will very soon become a witness to the one truth, and put your own seal upon it even as I have done. And you will not barely believe, and hope, and fear, but you will know, from present and personal revelation, that the Lord is a God at hand, revealing Himself as freely as He ever did in Patriarchal days. Will you not, then be a happy man, O reader! and you a happy woman, O reader, to come into possession of the same gift of present revelation from heaven, that holy men and holy women enjoyed in ancient times? Yes, I know you will. You will then feel deep pity and sorrow for any one that says he doesn’t need present revelation! You will then discover the pride of such an one’s heart, and mourn over him as one that is blinded by the God of this world. But your peace will be great and your joy unspeakable. Although you can hardly believe me now, yet through your faithfulness, the Spirit of prophecy will in due time rest even upon you, O man! and also upon you, O woman! The spirit of prophecy has rested upon many sons and daughters in as humble walks of life as you are, and they, according to “promise”, have prophesied and dreamed dreams. Now when this promise is fulfilled in your experience, you will feel very glad and very happy. And you will feel thankful that you ever read this article with a humble, prayerful heart. And when you see the promised signs following your faith, as thousands have done in this day, then you will exclaim, Surely this is not merely the form, but also the power of godliness this kind of gospel is in very deed the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth! And then if you have money, which so many worship, you will not be afraid to give a tenth to rear up a Temple like Solomon’s, in which God will place the ark of His covenant, and reveal His will, through His servants the Prophets, for the benefit of all the ends of the earth. When you yourself have the promised gift of discerning of spirits, then you will not have to ask your neighbor who is an imposter and who is not — you will know from the Fountain Head all about it just as well as the next person.
He that is spiritual judgeth all things. Many things are hard to be understood and reconciled, which the unstable and unlearned stumble at, even as formerly he that is spiritual can easily judge all things, but he that is not spiritual can judge nothing correctly, for he is blind, and he cannot see afar off .
And further, when you see also the gross and beastly sexual abominations that are practiced and are increasing among all nations, without shame or fear, you will not marvel that God is determined to raise up a righteous seed and glorious branch, by re-establishing the Patriarchal Order, as in the days of Abraham, Jacob, David, Solomon, and Elkanah . Neither will you marvel, while the Spirit of God is upon you, that man and even women should sneer at the sacred institution of marriage being an institution wholly under the control of God, as it was in the days of Abraham. Why should you not marvel at their sneers? Because, we have been distinctly and emphatically forewarned that in the last days there shall arise scoffers, walking after their own hearts’ lusts, who shall speak evil of dignities and things that they know not, have men’s persons in admiration because of gain. You would have more cause to marvel and disbelieve the scriptures of truth, if sensual men and women did not speak evil of the Patriarchal Order of marriage, and of men that conform to the pure sanction and penal restrictions of that most holy Order.
Now there are several ways in which the pure and obedient get revelations. It will be your privilege in due time to become acquainted with these various ways. One way is, through the inspiration of the Spirit. The Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. All men have such a measure of the Holy Spirit as to enable them to make a profitable use of the light and opportunities that they have and to obey the law under which they are placed. All the different methods of revelation are not probably given to all men now. God dispenseth His gifts severally as He will. The inspiration of the Almighty giveth understanding. Every various method of immediate revelation, however, always accords with the inspiration of the Spirit. If an holy angel talks with a man, what the angel speaks accords with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. If the Urim and Thummim is consulted, it accords with the teachings of the Holy Spirit. An open vision or dream, each accords with the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. Now one mark of a dream from God is, that it is distinguished for the clearness and simplicity of the impress that it makes upon the mind of him that dreams. A dream from the Lord being always true in all its legitimate bearings, will be so disembarrassed from error and uncertainty to him that has the Spirit of truth in lively exercise, that he will know it perfectly in distinction from all false hallucinations or deceptions of the mind.
Reader, take your Bible and read the Bible account of dreams. There you will see that dreams from the Lord, for any important end, are plainly distinguishable from all deceptive influences . When Jacob went toward Haran and lay upon his stone pillow, and dreamed of seeing a ladder reaching up to heaven, etc., after he awoke he knew, beyond a doubt, that the dream was from God. Hence he says, “How terrible is this place,” etc. When Laban wanted to cheat Jacob out of his just wages, the Lord appeared to Jacob in a night dream, and told him how to increase the number of his cattle, so that he could get the advantage of the cheating employer. Jacob understood the dream perfectly, and so managed as to have the best of the increase fall to his share. When Joseph told the simple dream of the sheaves, his brothers all understood it well. And when he told the dream of the sun, moon, and eleven stars bowing down to him, his father Jacob felt the force of the meaning, although he rebuked Joseph.
When God gives a dream to a wicked man, He makes him fully to understand it, unless He wishes to hide the meaning from him. Abimelech understood his two dreams from the Lord, concerning Sarah, Abraham’s wife. The Lord gave Solomon wisdom, and riches, and dominion, in a dream, and yet Solomon knew the import of the dream, and that the Lord had appeared to him, in that dream. The Lord does not suffer wicked spirits to foul and blot and mar a dream, when he wants to communicate His mind and will in a dream. Foul spirits are rebuked and commanded to depart when God wants to indict the truth upon any one’s mind. The Angel of God guards the dreamer till a clear and distinct impression is made. And that impression is of an unmistakable character, it cannot be misunderstood, any more than the light of the sun can be mistaken for the darkness of midnight. An open vision is another method of revelation. David saw an Angel of the Lord with a drawn sword, even the pestilence, standing between the heavens and the earth. The Prophet having prayed that the eyes of his servant might be opened, showed him that the armies of heaven were more numerous than the host of his enemies.
Another method of revelation is through the ministry of angels. An angel forewarned Lot to leave Sodom. Angels gave the Law to Moses, upon Mount Sinai. An angel opened a great iron gate that liberated the Apostle Peter. Again, God reveals things by Urim and Thummim, and by burnt offerings, and by diverse tongues, etc.
Now, reader, I entreat you to seek the aid of present revelations from God. You need them just as much as any poor creature ever did, that has been born into the world. Without them you never can know God, worlds without end. Don’t flatter yourself that because others know God or have formerly known Him, you are any better off on that account, unless you know Him for yourself.
Are you poor and oppressed? Then you have the greatest need to receive revelations from God. There are very many poor people in these days, and in these lands. Even in England, rich men oppress you, and many cheat you and defraud you, and keep back your merited wages and you, who do the greatest part of the work that is done in the land, can hardly get an honest living, while your masters roll in pomp, and fare sumptuously every day. I have seen you and your little sons and tender daughters, hurrying off early in the morning to work for them, and returning late at night, poorly fed and poorly clothed often. And all the time that you are making others rich, they are keeping you in poverty and ignorance. And your daughters are often insulted and sometimes seduced by masters, and you are threatened with workhouse if you don’t grind for the oppressor, and you have but little time to see your own families, and bless them with comforts, and educate and train them up for usefulness and salvation. Now, if you knew how to take counsel from the God of heaven, as Jacob did, you would not have to submit always to such fraud and oppression.
But God would help you out of your many difficulties, and your enemies could not help themselves. God has seen your afflictions, and has sent forth his servants to all nations to preach deliverance, for the acceptable year of the Lord has now come.
And ye rich men, the voice is to you. Gather up the poor and bless them, and your riches shall not waste, but increase fourfold and great shall be your reward in heaven. But blessed are the poor who shall obtain the gifts of revelation for themselves, for they shall rejoice greatly in the Holy One of Israel. For not many rich, not many noble, will be humble enough to seek revelations from God. But beware of the counsel of any priests or ministers who are hired and paid for preaching. God never hired any man to preach, nor did He ever authorize any man to hire himself out to preach for wages. Therefore beware of all such lest they deceive you. Go not after them, neither listen to them for a moment, for they are confederate with rich men and oppressors, and they are despisers of present revelation, and consequently they neither know God themselves, nor are they willing that others should know Him. And vengeance will shortly overtake all that know not God, and obey not the Gospel.
(Millennial Star, 30 April 1853, Volume 15, Pages 273-276, 289-292 - The article is attributed to Pres. John Taylor, and believed it was put together by Parley P. Pratt)


Finally back from vacation, sunburned and happy, after a long and restful week.  I need to do that more often....

One of the first things that I read when back on grid, was that a top general in Russia has said that they can knock out our military (we have few items that are hardened against EMP - kind of arrogant, if you ask me) in short order.

The Russians (when not under the influence of Vodka....) are not braggarts.  They simply do what they say.  For the most part, they are real men.  I would believe them.  Twice, they have used their S-24 attack aircraft fitted with pods to knock entire ships out in the Black Sea.  Completely.  They kind of exposed their hand in doing so, but we were kind of seriously violating their personal space.

But yeah, I would tend to believe what they are saying.

Missionaries over in S. Korea are being prepared for a sudden evacuation (if necessary).  This includes passports on persons (this is NOT usual practice).

Apparently, there is a guy with a gift that predicted that Trump would become President, who also said that a war would start in the Pacific with N Korea, this year.  We will see.  I doubt that China will sit idly by while we execute one of our shock and awe campaigns against their missile installations, etc.  It could get interesting.  In  the mean-time, I am getting ready to just melt into the woodwork.....

I feel I have done my job of raising awareness.  Most have not believed me - and many, rightfully so, due to my timing being off, in my attempts to put dates on things.  The events are correct - but it just remains to be seen how the dominoes fall. 

This is largely the reason why the Savior put out sign-posts to follow as you are swept along the course of events.  I was tubing through an underground river last week.  At one point, I felt a rush of cool air and was pretty convinced I was near the exit of the river from the mountain I was under.  I then saw light - and was quite sure that the ride was over.  It was an illusion - a cenote in the middle of the cave.

There is great analogy in this.  Fifty years ago, it looked like things were about to explode with the race riots of 1968.  The commies were inciting riot (including MLK, Mx and others) and it looked like a show-down was coming.  Here we are - and this event is still coming/looming on the horizon.  But I think 1968 was the cenote and we are likely at the end of the tunnel - about to get roasted with the light of a thousand suns.  I really do NOT think we have another 50 years - this is the expiring Jubilee and sunscreen will be the requirement of the day.

I will post more articles about the above ^^^ stuff when I find them.

But, to finish up - many will feel a deep sense of sadness when they realize how far off they have been.  We are winding up on those items that have been prophetically declared.  Things are deepening with Russia and China.  We WILL see them on our soil.  Our demise will happen in ONE day, just as predicted.  Most likely due to EMP.  The chaos that will ensue will bring the end of this nation as we have known it.  In this chaos - a time of rape and pillage and death and destruction; we will get to see EXACTLY what we are made of.  Those who are selfish and full of wickedness and pride will become consumed with it.  And that very sword which they have lived by, they shall fall by.   Those who have dug a pit for their neighbor to fall into, shall fall into that pit they have digged.  Those who have wished violence on those about them, will have all the violence they can handle.  Those who have cried that there is no God - shall call upon that very God for help in their extremity.  And thus, shall the wicked upon the face of this land be swept from it until the work of destruction is complete and those who have attempted to their best abilities, to follow the God of Love and the God of this Land, who is Jesus Christ - and who have repented and made covenants to live the Law of Chastity, will be allowed to go to the next level of Terrestrial living.  Where they will become fully acquainted with the Law of Consecration and be fully tried and tested in it, until they are ready for Celestial Living.  Just as covenanted in the Temple.

All else - who love and live a lie (outside of the Gospel umbrella) will be checked out of the continuum.  Just as 1/3 of the host of heaven were checked out of the Second Estate.  It is a WEEDING process, folks!  We either qualify to move to the next level, or we do not.  It is all so simple - and I do not know how to say it better.  I am one of the few people who will say it.  Many are offended by this kind of talk or plain language.  Many do not like a system that allows only those who are spiritually fit (who will humble themselves and repent and take counsel from a wise and loving Heavenly Father), to move along.  Most want to revel in sin and still stand approved, as did Cain and Denver Snuffer and Korihor and the very father of lies himself.  All became angry when they did not stand approved - and so they went their own way and sought to lead others down the path they had gone down.  And they will own not only their own demise - but that of those whom they sought to lead away to their destructions.

Here is my reading from this morning - and it does state that there is the ability to repent and come back after a long sojourn in the wilderness:

10 And now it came to pass that while he was going about to destroy the church of God, for he did go about secretly with the sons of Mosiah seeking to destroy the church, and to lead astray the people of the Lord, contrary to the commandments of God, or even the king—
11 And as I said unto you, as they were going about rebelling against God, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto them; and he descended as it were in a cloud; and he spake as it were with a voice of thunder, which caused the earth to shake upon which they stood;
12 And so great was their astonishment, that they fell to the earth, and understood not the words which he spake unto them.
13 Nevertheless he cried again, saying: Alma, arise and stand forth, for why persecutest thou the church of God? For the Lord hath said: This is my church, and I will establish it; and nothing shall overthrow it, save it is the transgression of my people.
14 And again, the angel said: Behold, the Lord hath heard the prayers of his people, and also the prayers of his servant, Alma, who is thy father; for he has prayed with much faith concerning thee that thou mightest be brought to the knowledge of the truth; therefore, for this purpose have I come to convince thee of the power and authority of God, that the prayers of his servants might be answered according to their faith.
15 And now behold, can ye dispute the power of God? For behold, doth not my voice shake the earth? And can ye not also behold me before you? And I am sent from God.
16 Now I say unto thee: Go, and remember the captivity of thy fathers in the land of Helam, and in the land of Nephi; and remember how great things he has done for them; for they were in bondage, and he has delivered them. And now I say unto thee, Alma, go thy way, and seek to destroy the church no more, that their prayers may be answered, and this even if thou wilt of thyself be cast off.
17 And now it came to pass that these were the last words which the angel spake unto Alma, and he departed.
18 And now Alma and those that were with him fell again to the earth, for great was their astonishment; for with their own eyes they had beheld an angel of the Lord; and his voice was as thunder, which shook the earth; and they knew that there was nothing save the power of God that could shake the earth and cause it to tremble as though it would part asunder.
19 And now the astonishment of Alma was so great that he became dumb, that he could not open his mouth; yea, and he became weak, even that he could not move his hands; therefore he was taken by those that were with him, and carried helpless, even until he was laid before his father.
20 And they rehearsed unto his father all that had happened unto them; and his father rejoiced, for he knew that it was the power of God.
21 And he caused that a multitude should be gathered together that they might witness what the Lord had done for his son, and also for those that were with him.
22 And he caused that the priests should assemble themselves together; and they began to fast, and to pray to the Lord their God that he would open the mouth of Alma, that he might speak, and also that his limbs might receive their strength—that the eyes of the people might be opened to see and know of the goodness and glory of God.
23 And it came to pass after they had fasted and prayed for the space of two days and two nights, the limbs of Alma received their strength, and he stood up and began to speak unto them, bidding them to be of good comfort:
24 For, said he, I have repented of my sins, and have been redeemed of the Lord; behold I am born of the Spirit.
25 And the Lord said unto me: Marvel not that all mankind, yea, men and women, all nations, kindreds, tongues and people, must be born again; yea, born of God, changed from their carnal and fallen state, to a state of righteousness, being redeemed of God, becoming his sons and daughters;
26 And thus they become new creatures; and unless they do this, they can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God.
27 I say unto you, unless this be the case, they must be cast off; and this I know, because I was like to be cast off.
28 Nevertheless, after wading through much tribulation, repenting nigh unto death, the Lord in mercy hath seen fit to snatch me out of an everlasting burning, and I am born of God.
29 My soul hath been redeemed from the gall of bitterness and bonds of iniquity. I was in the darkest abyss; but now I behold the marvelous light of God. My soul was racked with eternal torment; but I am snatched, and my soul is pained no more.
30 I rejected my Redeemer, and denied that which had been spoken of by our fathers; but now that they may foresee that he will come, and that he remembereth every creature of his creating, he will make himself manifest unto all.
31 Yea, every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess before him. Yea, even at the last day, when all men shall stand to be judged of him, then shall they confess that he is God; then shall they confess, who live without God in the world, that the judgment of an everlasting punishment is just upon them; and they shall quake, and tremble, and shrink beneath the glance of his all-searching eye.
32 And now it came to pass that Alma began from this time forward to teach the people, and those who were with Alma at the time the angel appeared unto them, traveling round about through all the land, publishing to all the people the things which they had heard and seen, and preaching the word of God in much tribulation, being greatly persecuted by those who were unbelievers, being smitten by many of them.

33 But notwithstanding all this, they did impart much consolation to the church, confirming their faith, and exhorting them with long-suffering and much travail to keep the commandments of God.

Thursday, April 13, 2017


The fix was in 16 years ago.


It was around the time that decision was made that my kid said that he would die in battle when he is 20 years old.

Man - this stuff sure rattles me.....

Wednesday, April 12, 2017


As with many things - a simple practice (such as 're-baptisms' for the living) can slowly morph into its own monster; this practice was completely done away with in the 1890's or thereabouts.

One of them that slowly morphed into something that did not meet scriptural muster (New Testament - or even OT), was what became widely practiced in the Church of anointings.  When talking to the Sister missionaries in our mission, I always counseled them to cast out the pesky little devils in the name of Jesus and "by virtue of the Priesthood of which (you) are co-author (ized)", by virtue of what we have learned in ordinance work performed in the Temples by Sisters, etc.  I also counseled the Sisters to seek out one with authority, where ever possible.  I would hope - that if something went horribly wrong and it were a life or death situation, that my wife would lay hands on me or one of our dying or seriously injured children and call on help from the other side to keep them until something could be done.

If any man would feel threatened by this, I would feel sorry for him.  Just as much as I would feel sorry for him if he felt any less of a person because he could not form and then deliver and nourish a baby.  Likewise, I would have little or no respect for a woman who insisted to be ordained as a man would be - with the Priesthood as her primary role.  Or as the Provider as her primary role (though any role can be modified to fit individual circumstances).  To me, it is kind of like "Duh!".  Sameness or lack thereof, does not imply inequality.  But some people can tend to be mentally ill (liberalism and frothing at the mouth "feminism", as it is today is simply a form of mental illness, where an irrational mind cannot see things as they are; women with an amazing and high calling as mothers, nurturers, givers of life and men with a equally noble - but distinctly different calling as providers, protectors, and keepers of the charges they have been commanded to care for.

Anyway - some great history here:



I was looking thru photos on google and saw these two that I wanted to share:

Image result for stone of destiny

The sword of justice and truth, the scepter complete with urim and thumim (actually, I am not sure of the history of the clear stone on top), a crown of righteousness and the stone that Jacob laid his head upon when he had the vision wherein he received his calling and election (numberless concourses of angels and the stairway to heaven).

All right there in one neat package.  So much symbolism!

Here is another one showing where the stone is kept (between the feet of the representative of Judah on earth right now.  I think I had paid attention to the lions on each corner of the throne chair - but the symbolism of them representing Judah is quite strong and really just jumped out forcibly:

Related image

The four corners representing the four corners of the earth.  I was just reading this morning about the Mulekites (direct tie to the house of Judah) and them coming here to America.  They were in India, Japan, England, America (at least N. America) and I have no clue how many other places - but truly in the four corners of the earth.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017


My wife is one of the wisest people I know.  Wisdom usually comes from passing through difficult things and having to digest and assimilate lessons learned from those difficult situations.  This is why we should not necessarily be upset when bad things happen.  We simply are building our "life muscles".  The only thing you can take with you is your relationships with those you love (and who similarly qualify for those blessings you seek) - and the wisdom gained from a lifetime of good living.

A life of wickedness produces no wisdom, no eternal fruit of joy and peace and no lasting relationships (precisely because there is no relationship of note with someone who is evil - self-centered, lascivious, and who is not looking out for the good of their fellow-beings).  In other words - you CANNOT have a relationship with the devil and his ghoulish minions (possible former associates of ours from long ago), because their only intent at this point in their fallen natures, is to drag you down to their level and assist in you becoming miserable like unto themselves.   There simply is NO way to mitigate that - as anyone who is married to a narcissist will attest.  Any kind of enduring relationship is built on enduring love, mutual adoration and an environment where one only seeks the welfare of his/her brothers and sisters.  Sin produces selfishness - or is the product of selfishness.  Higher living/Consecration produces an elevated state of everyone involved - whose desire and end-goal is to please and lift another.  That is why progression is upwards and has no end, with an infinite and un-bounded future - while sin traps, snares and leads to no future options as the devil drags you down speedily to hell (to seal you his).  Does not sound very liberating, does it?

Anyway - I was in a discussion on FB about some bad stuff going down in someone's personal life:

Yes, God uses a pricked conscience (guilt) and Satan uses shame. There is a HUGE difference. Guilt will eventually lead the person who is astray, to repentance. Shame will not lead to the right outcome because the base motivations are usually wrong. Tearing someone down in response to a wrong feels so good because you clear yourself - but the reward that you would have gained (in heaven) for having had forbearance, is lost. The tally, so to speak, is not increased in your favor. This is where the "bearing it patiently" comes into play. It is meant to refine us (usually).

My wife, at times, will tell me that I let stuff build up - and then let it blow.  She is right.  Precisely because I use forbearance and patience until a line in the sand is crossed.  Then - when the insults are too much, I often let it fly.  Not necessarily bad - unless you have a tendency to take advantage of the good will of a person.

Those who are imbalanced spiritually, are usually takers and will not use equitable judgment (see things from a neutral perspective).  Same things with narcissists, etc.  The combination of a "giver" and a "taker" in a relationship is usually fatal - when the giver decides they simply have given too much. 

A person who openly shames a person instead of letting guilt get the job done is a tough person to handle.  The only time that shame can be used - is when a person is irrational and the person is incapable of feeling guilt.  I believe this was done in the Garden of Eden.  Adam and Eve were dealt with using the natural feelings of guilt, while the adversary (incapable of feeling or reacting rationally, as most humans would), had to be openly shamed.

Monday, April 10, 2017


If I knew that an attack group was headed to my neck of the woods, I would take a bunch of my subs with the longest range and get them out of the area and put a check mate on my aggressor.

I wonder if this is what N. Korea is doing?

I know they do not quite have ICBM capability - but they may have the kind of range necessary to fire a few off of the coast of Cali at some key targets down there:

Time will tell - or we will see if this was just good old fashioned click-per-view fear mongering.


If ye wants war, ye will gets it.....

I had such high hopes that Trump would see the gads for what they are - and resist the urge to go in.  Sounds like he has plate full with all he can do to keep them from turning this place upside down.  I noticed that since he has started "playing ball", the whole American Spring thing has quieted down.  I imagine that he was given two options - and he took the lower road......  The one travelled by bho and bush.....

Imagine if you got a phone call on your secure line from someone whom was not familiar to you and you were told that the 2500 point drop in the stock market was their doing.  That they were going to do another 800 point drop the next day.  And it happened - just as predicted.  And they said their next move would be to utterly nuke the market?  You would probably let them have their way - so long as it did not harm too many people in a real sense of the word.

This is how power politics is done in this country - and by the gads.  No doubt, someone threatened Khdahfi and he did not play ball.  We all know what happened to him.  I am positive - though I have not had my suspicions confirmed - that Kennedy got something similar for double crossing the Fed with his silver note system.  He paid a price also for standing up to them with his brother, Bobby.  They both did.  You do not double cross these pukes - or you pay.  This is why I love getting my insults in while I can.  You get to a point in your influence, etc where you simply are not allowed to rage against the machine - and live.

Enough rambling!  Here is a link to the latest in China:

This link is broken now - and others are saying that it is not happening:

Here is one of several links that says it IS happening:

If Koyle and Sols nailed it - just wow.....  Starts in the Pacific and moves to the east.....

Time will tell.  In the meantime, eat drink and be merry.  For tomorrow, Kim J. feeds us nuclear kim-chi.....

Friday, April 7, 2017


Wow - if you want to know what life would be like under satan's plan, this would be it:

Even worse than life in Russia.  How many years before people break out and demand some form of freedom.  Anything is better than what they have now.


Well, I was just made aware that the US entered WWI on April 6th, 1917.  Nice B-day present by the gads - and the sniveling piece of crap that controls them at the top.

It might well be said in history books of the future, that yesterday (April 6th) was that day in history when things got going in earnest.  I noticed that war-hawk freak, Mc(Co)Cain is now buddies with Trump.  It appears that he has caved completely to the NWO agenda.  It may be that they double-teamed him to the point that Trump realized that he is going to be trumped, if he does not go along to get along.  I have been there (on a much smaller scale), and if you resist the cabal - good luck in your future.  I have taken on very powerful people - and I am dealing with the effect years later - but it almost invariably works to my good, if I am just patient.  The devil leaves those he has led down the primrose path, to their own devices.  God always sustains over the long haul - but you MUST exercise patience and faith.  It will be on God's timeline.  Sometimes, that takes nearly forever (or so it would seem).

I did the list on my white board this morning for my Korean buddy at work (who is really worried about Kim's Junk Makes Me Ill).  I have to agree that his paranoia is not entirely based in delusion, in that the west has taken out the other "resisters" to the NWO agenda..

Here is a list of countries that were on the list five years ago of non-exporters that I was forbidden to communicate with in my job:

N. Korea

Guess which countries we have made pretexts for - and then invaded?  Who is the world's greatest exporter of terror?  Not Afghanistan.  Um, we need to look in the mirror, folks!  This is the reason I am walking away from my job in the factory.  I will not support any job that builds weapons (or instruments to re-fuel those weapons) that bombs innocent women, children who are sovereigns in their own lands.  We have become a sick, toxic nation with selfish motives for doing everything in our name only (under the guise of it being "In our national interest").   We certainly CANNOT say that we are doing it in God's name!!:

Yeah?  Well, guess what?  My neighbor drives a Maserati that does 185.  I am feeling the need for speed - so I guess I am entitled to stick a gun to the window, throw his wife and kid (no backseat for "kids") to the curb and steal it.  Precisely because it is in MY best interest - in satiating my personal desires??  Seriously bad thinking, folks.  The Romans ended up exactly where we are right now.  Most of their stuff is buried under 20' of ash.....  They became bloated, in debt and used enslavement and conquest to pay for it all.  Look where it got them.  And they even got honorable mention for helping to put the Son of God to death.  In the manner prescribed when Moses put the serpent on the stick and told the people to look to it and live (if you are a low-information basement dweller and SJW, who is critical of this blog and Christianity in general, this is 1,000+ years before the Romans even came into existence and their cruel manner of public executions were even invented).

So, here is something from FB that I wrote recently:

About six weeks before Sept 11, I came home and told my wife, "Something big is about to happen - and it will affect my employment (aerospace). It will happen in the next six months." It was just weeks later and they cut half our company. It was brutal - but I survived with only four years under my belt. I am getting the same sinking feeling about world events. My boy is now 20 - and I have always known (since he was a baby, basically), that he would die in battle in his 20th year. Suddenly, I am finding a Cadillac way to leave my company and go be with my family in Cardston. Normally, after so long with my employer, I would resist any moves away from employment safety.   World events are making it such that it will be an easy decision. North Korea/S. China Sea tension with China and of course Ukraine/Syria and Russia. These gads want a WWIII and they will stop at nothing to get it!! Damnable children of hell. They will have all of the innocent blood on their hands. 

In the temple last night, I read Alma 50:21. Boom - nails it. Wars come due to the wicked nature of the people in the promised land....


Alma 50:
20 Blessed art thou and thy children; and they shall be blessed, inasmuch as they shall keep my commandments they shall prosper in the land. But remember, inasmuch as they will not keep my commandments they shall be cut off from the presence o
f the Lord.
21 And we see that these promises have been verified to the people of Nephi; for it has been their quarrelings and their contentions, yea, their murderings, and their plunderings, their idolatry, their whoredoms, and their abominations, which were among themselves, which brought upon them their wars and their destructions.
22 And those who were faithful in keeping the commandments of the Lord were delivered at all times, whilst thousands of their wicked brethren have been consigned to bondage, or to perish by the sword, or to dwindle in unbelief, and mingle with the Lamanites.

Biggest NATO deployment since the Cold War - into Estonia....:

Folks - half the world's armies are within 100 miles of Russia right now.  I have been saying it forever now - but it just keeps building.  It seems like showtime is soon upon us!  No fear mongering here - just plain facts and data....