Thursday, June 30, 2016


I have featured a story on this blog about the exercise of Priesthood in it's fulness by a Montana rancher - who commanded the storms to part and the crops all around his spread were destroyed, whilst his were preserved.

This is the kind of faith that we should all aspire to.  I believe this is from a descendant of a reader and is too good not to share.  When we are aware of our potential, we can rise to it.  If it is dormant, either because we are not aware of it, or because we know of it and are not worthy for it or care nothing for it, then we have a lost opportunity (some called it the state of the damned - no forward progression):

The Great Hail Storm

By Sixtus E. Johnson

            David, a son of George D. Wilson and Mary Ellen Johnson, married Julia D. Johnson, a cousin, daughter of Uncle Benjamin Johnson. They moved to Mexico where Julia died. David married a second wife, Adelia Cox and moved back to Hinsdale where he died and was buried beside his father. His wife, Adelia Cox Wilson lives in Hurricane.

            Grandfather Joel Hills Johnson and Uncle George D. Wilson built a water powered sawmill at Hillsdale on the Sevier River. Later, Grandfather sold his interest to George W. Wilson. This latter man had great faith. Many the time I’ve thrilled to his wonderful and many testimonies regarding the power of the priesthood and the greatness of the Prophet Joseph whom he knew intimately. On one occasion Uncle George D. stood forth in the face of a storm and commanded it to pass over without harming his crops. I am the only one of seven witnesses to that wonderful event living. Several have asked if I would not write it up for the Informer so here it is if you care to read it.

            To us who saw it, it always was known as THE MIRACLE OF THE GREAT HAIL STORM OF JULY 29, 1880. It happened on my birthday.

            Beause of the teachings of my father, Seth Johnson, son of Joel Hills Johnson, I firmly believed that almost nothing was impossible to accomplish through the power of the priesthood used by a righteous man. George D. Wilson was a righteous man, and on this my eighth birthday, I was priviledged to see for the first time in my life, an exhibition of the marvelous power of the priesthood in action.

            The mill shed and house on Uncle George D. Wilson’s farm were at the south end of his land. A large black cloud came up from behind the hills and started moving directly for the town and its surrounding farms. It looked as if Uncle George D.’s farm would be right in the middle of the storm’s fury. For fury it had. There was thunder and lightning and the roar of hail.

            The women folks came to the doors of the houses, some of them crying and wringing their hands. Destruction of their crops and gardens seemed certain and this would mean mighty limited rations for a whole year. Uncle George D. stepped out from the mill shed as the hail began to spatter on the roof. He didn’t say anything to anybody, but stood there gazing at the beautiful garden and green wheat field. Suddenly he started walking east toward the road that led from Panguitch to Kanab. The scattered hail stones, heralds of the oncoming storm, were bouncing off anything they hit including my cloth cap covered head and bare feet.

            Instinct told me I ought to seek shelter, but something else seemed to be urging me to follow Uncle George D. which I did. I followed so close to him that I heard him above the roar of the storm as it broke near us.

            ”Father in Heaven,” he was saying, “don’t let this storm destroy our crops, Father, Thou didst not lead us from our enemies in Illinois to starve in this western desert.”

            Suddenly he stood still facing the storm. Lifting his hand he almost seemed to be defying it. “Storm,” he cried, “I command you through the power of the Priesthood which I hold, and in the name of Jesus Christ, not to destroy my crop.”

            The storm was on us, but he seemed to have tossed any worries or doubts that might have been lurking within him into the face of the fury. He turned solemnly and majestically back to the mill shed. I followed not so solemnly or majestically back with him.

            Inside the shed was his son David, about my age. The storm lasted about half an hour. When it had passed it left the whole valley white with hail. David and I started out from the shed but turned back, hail two to six inches deep was too much to bare feet. Suddenly we became aware that there was bare ground just through Uncle George D.’s fence, we crawled through. There was no hail on the garden or on the wheat field, but plenty of hail was piled along his fence which extended half a mile. It was as if the fence was an impassable barrier beyond which no hail could go. I was surprised then and puzzled, but many times since I have stood on that ground almost in awe as I fully really realized that there was a miracle had happened and I had been a witness.

            Sixtus E. Johnson, son of Seth. Nephew-in-law to George D. Wilson.

Thank you Rhonda.  That was excellent!


It is all about control making it so there is no place to hide.  You WILL submit, or die.  This is why the Lord will come before it gets to that point.  If you are on a list - you will be hunted down and forced to comply.  Maybe you will have to go to re-education camp to get your thinking "straightened out". 

This vid is sobering:

This is why we need to be self-sufficient, so we can go it alone.


I am living well below my privilege - and this quote describes how to arrive at a level that we should all be at.  If we optimized our experience; even got to within 70-80% efficiency for a telestial mortal experience, we would have Zion and would be living well within the terrestrial target.

We would experience an unprecedented outpouring of gifts, we would not just have occasional intercourse with, but would be marinating in the Spirit and would have discourse with angels.  So, what is stopping us?  Our own laziness or lack of faith or desire?  Lack of repentance?  Lack of prayer?  Lack of consistent scripture reading?

Some people just simply give up and drop out of the race - but would it not be nice to make it safely back into Father's arms?  That should be the foremost goal of every citizen of earth.  But we become too consumed and distracted with and by the things of the world.  Sometimes, it is the perfect house or car or a perfect body - and we neglect the things that will bring true eternal happiness or peace.  Those things you can take with you - your honor, integrity and character; all of which contribute to a confidence that will wax strong in the presence of our Father when we approach Him in our final accounting.

So what will it be?

I was in the muffler shop today picking up a part for my power machine and there were a bunch of classics that were there for suspension/muffler work.  A really nice older man was talking with the owner and I commented on his nice custom hot rod out front.  He then told me that this was not his only one - and he went on to list about 10 dream cars including a '55 Nomad which is the pink unicorn of hot 50's cars.  He was all excited while talking about his collection (and I could not help but think that none of them would be saved in what was coming) and then he got a sad countenance and went on to tell me about his daughter who died on her 16th b-day from a rare genetic disorder of the kidneys and how he took her to all her treatments in that Nomad.

Because his wife could have no more kids (it was a 100% chance that they would have another with the same dwarfism and early death), that was their only kid.  It was a factor in a later divorce.  Too much stress.  Seventy percent of couples that lose a child end up divorced from the strain of the event - and I will add here that this factor would probably those who choose willful abortion over life early in their marriage when convenience is more important than children.

So, what do we have in our lives that is causing undue distraction?  Stuff that keeps us from the focus we should have?  I ask myself that regularly - and try to not let stuff consume me.  Including this blog.  There are NO sacred cows - when it comes to proper focus.

Here is the profound quote:

"If we, as a people, would live up to our privileges, how many difficulties might be avoided! How many Latter-day Saints would constantly live in the light of revelation!"
"The great difficulty with me, and I presume it is also the experience of almost every man and woman in the Church of the living God, is, we are not so faithful as some of the servants of God have been in former days. Some of them were so faithful that they lived constantly in the light of revelation. Their minds were opened to it, and scarcely a thing could transpire but what they understood it beforehand. They did not need the news or intelligence to be brought to them from a distance, but there was a spirit within them and the candle of the Lord gave that spirit understanding in regard to things that were transpiring thousands of miles distant. They lived for this; they walked before the Lord so faithfully that they were entitled to know, not only things that were present with and that would benefit themselves and the people among whom they dwelt, but also things in the future—ages and ages to come were opened up to their minds, and their minds comprehended them by permitting this candle of the Lord to shine upon and illuminate them.
It is my most earnest desire to live so as to discern under every condition [p. 233b] and circumstance in life precisely what would be most pleasing in the sight of God for me to do, and when I comprehend this I can act as a person who does not grope in the dark, like the blind man who gropes for the wall; Isa. 59:10 but if I live for it, the path in which I should walk will be plain, the Spirit of God being as it were a lamp to my feet, Ps. 119:105 and my guide and instructor by day and by night. Do you not desire Latter-day Saints to be instructed in this way? Every honest-hearted person will answer yes. Every one who hungers and thirsts after righteousness, Matt. 5:6 and who desires eternal life will acknowledge that he does desire to be thus guided and led."
Orson Pratt, “Spirit of Light and Truth, Etc.” Journal of Discourses, Vol. 15, No. 31, Nov. 24, 1872, pp. 229–241.


We are pretty much there.

We are attempting to just build empire, we are attempting global domination.  That is kind of a sticking point with a few other nuclear powers out there.....

And so it goes:

Just the death and misery of millions of souls.  No biggie.


Before it was cool to be coding, she was coding.  It is amazing the gifts some are given - even if it is well before their time, they break ground and push the envelope.  I can only imagine the conversations and preparations she made in the pre-mortal realms to come to a place and time when she could be a game changer.

I have really talented daughters - and this made me think of the cool things they will do with their talents:


It's the Wood Zone dedication hour.

I dedicate this to my family I will not be home to see for the 4th of July:

Great vid - but the bent rim on the trailer was kind of apparent.  The owl was really cool.

I love piano plus, percussion plus strings.  Every single combo like that seems to pull me in.


Just got a commenter to add this to a previous post.

It is worth putting it up for those in the SL Valley who have enjoyed his shows.  I have listened to several archived shows and enjoyed them.  I like that he is willing to put people on who simply are outside the mainstream.  I find most of the truth to be just outside the mainstream, as people usually will not buy outright lies, but a slight twist to the right or the left over time, and you have them where you want them.

As in Jesus' day, he had to try to re-direct the herd back on the way.  They were kind of close - and there were a lot of different approaches, but none of them were spot on.  You cannot put new wine into old bottles.

Here is the comment and info necessary to raise a little heck:

They cancelled his show without any word and didn't mention it to the audience. Call KLO and complain and contact mills directly here...

I have recommended that he may try his hand at podcasting.

I too am very disappointed with KLO and won't listen to the radio station anymore.

Business Phone: 801-364-9836
Fax: 801-364-8086
Address: 257 E. 200 S., Suite 400, Salt Lake City, UT 84111

General Manager – Matt Webb
Program/Operations Director – Rob Riesen
Sales Manager – Jody Adams
Promotions/Marketing – Gary Stanger
Office Manager – Sheri Jensen

Office Hours
9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Monday – Friday


Folks, this is sobering!

You will look back on these days and will point to them as pivotal points in world history:

Pray for good outcomes!  Our futures hang in the balance.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016


I would LOVE to have dinner with this guy.  Heck, I would love to have him in my Elders' Quorum.  One person going off on Bensonite rhetoric is a lone nut (these days, anyway), but two or more??  We could rock it - feeding off each other.  It would be epic.

When I can, I travel 30 miles to go to a ward that is actually mostly spiritually awake.  The Bishop and both counselors have and exercise gifts of the Spirit and operate under it's direction.  It is a beautiful thing - and there are baptisms and the youth are vibrant.  The Church I grew up in 30 years ago.  What we will have once again after the cleansing.  If I had to march to Zion, I would take that group (though there are a few I would leave on the side of the trail), it just takes a simple majority to push it over the edge to a good place.  Every group I am part of, I work as hard as I can to try to get it to that point - and then it just feeds off itself.  That is the spirit of Enoch - the only guy (besides Melchizedek/Shem) who was able to take it to critical mass and then push it to the higher level.  All of us need to be serving and taking the smaller unit higher and higher (marriage/family/HT and VT fams, then Aux groups, then Wards, then Stakes) until the Church generally hits the critical mass of a Zion-like people who are of one heart and one mind.  Still waiting for the One Mighty and Strong to finish the job of taking it there in this dispensation.  And I WANT to be part of that.  Those that are selfish and do not serve the greater good simply will be left in the dust.

Here it goes:

I love loudmouth characters like this guy.  We are kindred spirits.  He just has a broader audience and he is bigger than dog and pony - more like Cirque du Soleil....

Tuesday, June 28, 2016


I had to work on Sunday.  I was heading out to do a fix on a 747 and bumped into Rhonda, one of the line QA people.  We got to chatting about uncertainty and the future.  She is a democrat (is African American and liked and voted for obummer) but does not like hitlery, nor Trump.  I told her I will probably write in Jesus - and the conversation changed to a religious tone.

She is Pentecostal and we talked about the good points of her faith (they believe in a practice gifts fo the Spirit) and I told her I am Mormon.  She had a ton of questions.  One of her goals is to move to Utah to study at the University of Utah as a physician's assistant (PA).  We talked about Spencer's book and I told her to get a witness for herself, but that this particular area might experience some rough times ahead.

She then confessed that she wants to live off grid and has kind of a survivalist bent in her thinking.  I already knew from a previous conversation that she is into naturopathic medicine.  We have a lot in common in our thinking, obama aside.  I actually had the guts to let her know that I did not like his marxist policies and that he is an anti-Christ.  The body language immediately closed up - but I gave her the whole spiel.  Our convo lasted three or four hours - it ended up being a 14 hour day for me - though I missed Church, the Spirit was there in our convo.

Her boyfriend is a former Mormon (who I think has struggled with the commandments - and, as my roomie pointed out this morning, if you leave Mormonism, you usually go athiest because why go for second best??  It is either the fulness or nothing......  There is no middle ground.  I had not thought of it like this before).  So, her perspective is more of curiosity than anything.  She took me to some sites on her computer where she was getting info from well-crafted anti-Mormon sites that appeared to be authoritative, but led the reader to just flat wrong conclusions. 

She likes that Mormons are strong on the family front.  I think she liked them because they are preparedness-minded.  BUT, she thinks we have a thing against blacks.  She talked about Cain and how we "think all blacks go to a lesser heaven".  Sheesh.  It took me an hour explaining about Hebrews 7 and our Priesthood and how the black race received the mark of Cain thru Egyptus, wife of Ham.  BUT, the mark was not the problem - it was the attempt by Ham to usurp the birthright from Shem (father of the Semitic peoples, including Abraham), when he sought the garment of Noah that had been passed down from Adam after the Patriarchal order.  Next stop, Shem.  Period. 

There have been a lot of sticky points in history where this birthright thing caused contention.  The coat of many colors of Joseph most likely had to do with this same thing.  Father places garment on son, other brothers (including the firstborn) are not happy.  Contention.  There are those who lead in birth order, but the precedent is quite clear, that if they give up their rightful place in spiritual ascendancy, then it goes to another more worthy.  This same principle has been repeated with the Chosen Seed from the beginning.  One giving up the privilege over almost nothing.  In some cases, it was wrested (or an attempt was made to wrest it) from the rightful heir, like in the case of Cain and Abel.  The father of all of this greed, jealousy and chaos, of course, being the father of all lies and murders and secret combinations, who attempted to de-trone the First Born of the Father.  It failed - and we are still dealing with the wreckage and the eternal shock waves of that event.  I have seen it in my own family and so many others.  People selling out their futures over a mess of pottage.

This last week, Randy Bachman's mansion went up for sale, and I could not help but think of his oldest son, my compadre who gave it all up to chase after his false notions and is now one of the greatest anti/detractors of the Church.  Two people - two paths - two drastically different outcomes.  Sad.  I don't know if Tal will ever pull out of his spiritual death spiral - before it is everlastingly too late.  I mourn for him.  He lost his family, he may lose his soul - and there is the wreckage of all those who followed him down the primrose path to their own demise.  All must be paid in full to the utmost farthing.  If the Atonement is not accepted in a life, it must be done alone without help.  Stubbornness of soul and bitterness never brought anyone to greatness.

So, back to Rhonda.  I assured her that there may have been some mis-steps by Brigham Young for some period of time (maybe over-stating some doctrines at the expenses of others), but that when the time was right, the thing that was set in motion right after the Flood, were set straight.  She was still not convinced, so I told her the story of my mission experience in California, before leaving for Brazil where we met a professional black couple that wanted to be baptized, but got stuck on the 1978 revelation.  I went home and fasted and prayed for the next couple of days and read the story of the cloth with the four corners and the unclean things being lowered out of heaven - and I had my answer, which I took back to them.  I am not a direct descendant of Judah or Aaron or possibly even Ephriam - so I would not have qualified for the gospel or baptism while Jesus was on the earth.  Yes, there was (and is) a hierarchy of those who receive the message and then have the privilege and burden to take the message to the rest of Father's children.  That is how it is in any large organization.  When I went into a two week intensive class to get my MRB, others who were more qualified and chosen by management, led the classes and training until the rest of the class could pass an exam at the end of the two weeks.  One group lifted another - until the whole pool passed (or did not, as the case was for a few).

This is the economy of heaven - and earth.  The same economy will exist in the Spirit World.  It should not be offensive to some whose time was later.

When I got my mission call in 1988, on the front of the personal letter from President Martins was a picture of a black man and his family.  I stared at that picture in shock.  I had only been around two black people in my life (a brother and sister at high school), neither of which I had spent much time with.  His son was one of the first people to receive the Priesthood in the Church after the 1978 revelation - and was sealed in the Sao Paulo Temple.  His father, a long-time member in Rio had served faithfully on the Temple Committee preparing for the temple that, at the time, he never knew if he would EVER walk within its walls (after the dedication).  He wept and spent many hours talking to President Kimball about this fact (humbly - not coercively) - and may have been a catalyst in Pres Kimball taking that conversation to the Lord.  I was serving as his assistant in the Mission Home when the call was extended for him to be the first black Seventy in this dispensation (or any that we know of?).  It was historic.  I helped him with his english on the first GC talk given by a black man.  He had a very thick Portuguese accent from the Rio area - so it was a formidable task.

I also mentioned to Rhonda about how Mormons got their arses handed to them in MO - and that it was mostly over the slavery question - MO was a swing state and a battleground for the whole slavery issue.  Pray for Rhonda - that her heart will be softened.  I spent three hours with her because I feel that she may yet join the Saints in the camps of Israel.  May it be so.

So, I dedicate this song to Rhonda:

A fellow seeker of truth who feels like a foreigner in a strange land.


This song reminds me of driving all night after work in Seattle and coming into the Flathead Valley (Montana) around 5am with the sun coming up over the Mission mountains.  Heading to the house project we had going on over there back in the early 2000's before our child died of SIDS and that screeched to a halt.  This song was ALWAYS on in that same exact setting every time I went over that same road.  Probably a pre-recorded track:

Reminds me of second chances.  Makes me happy - good juju associated with it.  Seeking to find yourself and coming back to the same place to roost where it is comfortable, where it is good.  Some constants in life, you just fall back on because they are comfortable like that favorite pair of sweats on a chilly October morning.


Wow - this is kind of intriguing.

Wonder what is buried over there that would bring the Russian, the Syrians and Israelis together to cooperate?

It is not the Ark of the Covenant, because Israel already has that (Ron Wyatt).  I am guessing this is something else they already knew was there, but is significant and do not want ISIL destroying it before they can get it out of there.

No worries, once they get it back to a collapsed Europe, the people they let in will just burn, loot and destroy it there......

Fickle people.....  They do not know their own fate that they have worked so hard to seal.  I am not sure there is any going back for them:

Israeli excavations in Palmyra seek Jewish antiquities: sources
[link to (secure)]

Writing by Ethar Abdul Haq

(Zaman Al Wasl- Exclusive)- Well-informed sources revealed to Zaman al-Wasl that secret excavation operations in the historic city of Palmyra are underway, aiming to find claimed Jewish antiquities backed by Russia which has the upper hand in the city.

The sources said controversy over the nature of some activities in Palmyra following arrival of 3 unknown experts in Palmyra. They move in Palmyra in great reservation protected by Russian soldiers. They do not communicate with Syrian employees, but only communicate with Russians via an interpreter.

The doubts have deepened after knowing the points on which the experts have been focusing in their tours of excavations. The excavated sites are brought up often by Israelis referring to it in their talks claiming it includes Hebrew engravings and antiquities. They could use to prove their historical presence in the region according to their common tactic in dealing with different cities.

The sources start in their talk to Zaman al-Wasl from the minute the Russians came into Palmyra after they expelled ISIS. Russians hastened to spread and create a base in Palmyra’s historical sites until they established a camp and military base inside the archeological area.

In Palmyra, according to the sources, the Russian soldiers and intelligence worked for a duration with Syrian regime mercenaries and soldiers. During that period, they were partners in robbing and selling archeological artifacts according to their power and military presence; however, this partnership did not last long as Russians revealed their intentions fast. They excluded the regime and singled out power for themselves in the heart of the historical city which is considered a museum full of treasures and antiquities rare to find in the world.

Maybe the Russians singling out power for themselves explain even if late the secret behind Moscow rushing to participate in unprecedented effective force to recapture the city. Moscow plunged effective ground troops accompanied by intensive and violent air raids.

The size of losses Russians suffered on the Palmyra front can give a clear idea of the Russian rush momentum. Russians suffered the biggest loss in Palmyra since its direct and immediate intervention in the Syrian war.

Our private sources clarified the Russians fenced their camp in the heart of the historical city and banned any regime personnel or mercenaries from entering or coming close to the area under penalty and accountability.

This procedure came in tandem with arrival of 3 foreign experts who started moving between Palmyra landmarks with guards and intensive protection. They resided in the Russian camp located in camels’ racetracks and cemeteries extendıng to the theater and Bel Temple.

The sources said the experts are communicating with Russian exclusively via an interpreter. Their work is limited to mostly searching for Jewish engravings that might be a document to place Palmyra on the lıst of Jewısh cities according to what they are seeking.

The experts focus their activities, according to our sources, on the following areas: al-Naser Arch, Bel Temple, Baalshamin Temple, Diocletian camp. They performed big excavations in some of these areas aiming to reach deeper layers that have not been reached before by previous excavation missions.

Some excavations resulted in discovering a mummy and an amount of gold in the area next to al-Naser Arch according to the sources who confirmed that experts continue excavations under al-Naser Arch and in the street extending to the theater and Bel Temple. They are tirelessly searching for stone tombs that might carry Hebrew engravings.

The sources strongly indicated the deliberate destruction which al-Naser Arch, Bel Temple, and Baalshamin Temple were exposed to might have been planned to pave the way for the excavations of the unknown experts. The reason is that digging on deep layers before destruction might have damaged these sites and no party would have dared to do so before, whereas they can do that now under pretext of restoring the sites.


According to the Inuit (Eskimos), the cosmos has changed.  I am not sure if this is a spoof article, or what, but I have to way to check on it, and no contacts that are versed enough in astronomy that I can call on.

I will say this:  if you want to bring about the Millennial production on this planet required to sustain the billions that will be here, all you have to do is tilt the earth a little and get rid of the erratic seasons and temp fluctuations thru-out the year.

If you want to have longer growing seasons, lessen the tilt from 15 deg to a lesser angle.

If you want the ice to flow down from the north at their coming, reduce the angle - and all of that stuff will happen.

There are other ways to do it all, but this is the consistently easiest method in my mind.

Enjoy - and de-bunk this thing, if possible.  I do not accept anything that Snopes says.  They are leftist political hacks.


Moar of everthing on the Wood Zone.

This is why there is such a high price of admission to this rag.  I only bring you the good stuff - and would like to take credit, but I will have to thank Pierrick for this.

Without good input from excellent readers, I would only have half of a dog and pony show.  It would either be a pony show, or a dog show - but not both.....

Here ya go on this hot June afternoon:

At 1:45am this morning, I received a visitation from the Lord. I first found myself at a press conference. The conference contained about fifty people. We were all sitting at long tables in horizontal rows. I was located at the second seat in the last row, on the right. I saw Donald Trump sitting among the people; he was the only person in the crowd I recognized from behind. I only saw everyone's back from my view. In the front, I saw Obama pacing the floor. He seemed very agitated. He started saying, "They're pushing me...they're pushing me to cause drama!" He then walked over to a man seated three rows ahead of me. Obama looked at the man and said, "Kevin, they're pushing me to give them what they deserve! I will give them the chaos that they deserve!" The man, that seemed to go by the name "Kevin", frantically grab his notepad and begun to write on it. It was then that I looked on Obama's forehead, and notice that there was writing on it. It looked as though someone had taken a black sharpie and wrote across his forehead; it said, "Chaos is Coming".

The scenes changed, and I next found myself in a room. Ahead of me, about thirty feet, stood Jesus. He was clothed in a simple white robe that illuminated a soft white glow. His face was so clear; clearer than I had ever seen it in all the years he's visited me. It was like I zoomed in on His face. I studied His thick, dark-brown hair that rested on His shoulders, and the fullness of His beard. The expression on His face was that of sadness, yet stern. I noticed that there were tears streaming from His left eye. Within each tear, there was a fetus. The Lord spoke to me, but without moving His lips. He said, "They are constantly stealing the life that I have given." He paused for a moment, then continued, "There are those who are even unaware of their murder. Doctors have convinced some that this is there only choice; that the child is deformed, or will be born with abnormalities, so they steal the life that I have given." 

I noticed that angels began to stand in formation behind Jesus. They were tall; between nine and ten feet in height. They were all golden; clothes, body and hair. It was fourteen of them. I inquired about the position they were taking. Jesus responded, "They are taking their positions for the twenty-one judgments; for they are about to begin. Time is short. I will not delay...I will not delay...I will not delay! My Bride is preparing Herself and I will soon call her to me". I thought to myself, "But there are only fourteen angels". Then Jesus quickly reminded me that the first seven seals are opened by Him.

Jesus then looked at me and with a stern voice said, "Within three to six months, total chaos will envelop America, and a pandemic will spread across the world." He then gave me understanding that the two events are separate, and I wasn't given a time frame for the pandemic.

I began to pray for the Bride, I prayed for wisdom and boldness. The Lord then spoke and said, "Psalm 12 for the chosen, for the obedient, and for the faithful".

This is a warning for the church, the Bride, and the nation. We need to prepare spiritually and physically for what's about to be unleashed...

Mena Lee Grebin
Faithful Walk Healing Ministries

Enjoy!  It sounds like we are close depending on this guy's track record for getting it right.  How is that food, water and other stuff?  I am just parroting what we have already been asked to do.  What appears to be coming from this guy's perspective is very similar to Spencer's perspective.