Friday, October 31, 2014


Now we are getting somewhere!!

They should never have been allowed to build there......

The d'evil has a habit of trying to gum things up when it comes to prophetic events.  I think the Lord has a great little plan in store on that account....

Here is some history on the mount:

The ancient synagogue of Gaza was built in 508 CE during the Byzantine period and was discovered in 1965. It was located in the ancient port city of Gaza, then known as "Maiumas", currently the Rimal district of Gaza City.[1]
[link to]

The Tel Motza temple is an ancient Jewish temple located on the outskirts of Jerusalem discovered in 2012 by Israeli archaeologists.
The temple dates back to the Judaean period of the 9th century BCE, and appears to have operated alongside the First Temple that had been established in Jerusalem at the time.
[link to]

The Dead Sea Scrolls in the narrow sense of Qumran Caves Scrolls, are a collection of some 981 different texts discovered between 1946 and 1956 in eleven caves from the immediate vicinity of the ancient settlement at Khirbet Qumran in the West Bank. The caves are located about 2 kilometres inland from the northwest shore of the Dead Sea, from which they derive their name.[4]
The texts are of great historical, religious, and linguistic significance because they include the second oldest known surviving manuscripts of works later included in the Hebrew Bible canon, along with deuterocanonical and extra-biblical manuscripts which preserve evidence of the diversity of religious thought in late Second Temple Judaism. There are only two silver scrolls which contain biblical text and are older than the Dead Sea Scrolls; they have been excavated in Jerusalem at Ketef Hinnom and are dating from around 600 BCE
[link to]

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


I have been getting a lot of commentary from Russ Cutler (my favorite soft, fuzzy troll), most of which I delete.  I can tell it is him because he posts the comments on his first break of the workday - around 10:30am.  I am flattered that he comes to the site - but I have only gone to Denver's site a few times in the past year, precisely because I feel he has departed from what I view to be a safe gospel place in criticizing BY and other modern prophets.  If I do not like something, I do not hang around and harrass.  If it reaches a point, I begin to suspect mental illness of some form, mild or otherwise.  I call it the stalker mentality.

He is a real bulldog at someone who is not a "Brethren worshipper".  I tend to lean more towards a "Snufferistic" attitude, in that I go thru Christ for my salvation - and follow the Brethren when they point me to Christ; which is virtually all the time.  I refuse to rely on the arm of flesh.  If I had been a Lee-erite or a Dunn-erite from past decades or a Judas Is scary-ite from past centuries, I could have fallen as they were human and stumbled.  I am quite certain Joseph Smith was not talking through his teeth when he put out the warning that when the great division comes, we will be safe with the Prophet and a "majority" of the Brethren.  As with Spencer or Julie Rowe or another who puts themselves out there, I would be horrified if anyone hitched their wagon to mine.  I can tell you I am human and have only a 70% success rate of getting it right (timing is where I struggle - with the sequence being next).  The events will be 100% on because they come from quotes from the majors.....

Anyway, If a majority of the talks focus on witty humor and do not focus on the commandments and those who issued them, I become disengaged.  I feel unfed after a Sacrament Meeting if I do not hear words that affirm testimony of the Savior and His mission - to do the will of the Father in bringing about the "immortality and eternal life of man".  When we preach of Christ, rejoice in Christ and point to Him as the means and way to our salvation, we have the Spirit bear witness and we are filled and satisfied.  In those weeks when I am traveling or otherwise unable to commune with the Saints of God and partake of that spiritual feast, I feel an empty void.  Thus the commandment to partake of the sacrament frequently.

Here is a "non-Russitic" comment that I think was spot-on:

“...and in that same year there came many prophets, prophesying unto the people that they must repent, or the great city Jerusalem must be destroyed.” — 1 Nephi 1:4 Note that it says “many” prophets, and not just one. I think many people are "waking up," and by sharing God's voice of warning with others, we are essentially acting as prophets, and the Spirit has the power to move people to act. All of the NDE books have motivated me to be more spiritual, have more faith, and to prepare my family and myself both spiritually and temporally. Our eyes are being opened to the reality of the eroding world in which we live and we are warning their loved ones and all who will listen. Anything that perpetuates the counsel of our prophets is something worth giving our attention to. I think people can be too close-minded when it comes to sources of truth.


The ill-omened spectre spoken of by GW in the previous post could refer to the first CW, but also refers to this ebola.  People need to remember that JS talked of it, as well.  That after the economic collapse (having spent our strength and means warring in foreign lands), there will be a war wherein we go after each other (mother against daughter, father against son; an ideological war spoken of in Matthew 24) and we then unite as a nation to fight this foreign threat that was the third great peril that GW spoke of in his vision.

Like a tapestry, all statements have to be woven together to get the sequence right.

Monday, October 27, 2014


I instantly recognized this as correct information - and my wife, as well.

You might say, we had the Spirit confirm this.  Interesting.   Very much a MUST watch:

Sunday, October 26, 2014


I read this on a FB LDS Preparedness Group site - and thought it was relevant:

This morning I started reading the Book of Mormon again. It's always such a cool feeling to connect Moroni and Nephi. From Moroni and his words about meeting us at the pleasing bar of God to Nephi being born of goodly parents. I thought that perhaps I had pondered so much that my main purpose in continuing reading was to bring the Spirit in my life on a daily basis, that perhaps I had learned the things I needed. But *boom* the Lord taught me something I hadn't noticed before. In 1 Nephi 1:4 it says that many prophets came and prophesied to repent or the great city Jerusalem would be destroyed. "Dooms-dayers!" That word came right to my mind. We have that in our day. The Lord sends "dooms-dayers" to prepare his children. The Gathering, the foreign troops, the earthquakes, the mobs that will make it too dangerous to travel, packing away food storage, water, warm clothing, etc. It was interesting to me that Lehi heard these prophesies and what did he do? He prayed to know what the Lord had for him to do. I looked at the definition of "prophet" in the Bible dictionary. It is a person who says "Thus sayeth the Lord". The NDE's and visions and dreams that people have experienced, they seem to say (many of them) that the Lord told them to tell. In essence this is "Thus sayeth the Lord". It is our responsibility to do as Lehi did and pray to the Lord what he would that we should do. Anyway, thought you would be interested in these thoughts.

I have been asked several times if I think I am a prophet - and the answer is a resounding yes!  I would that all had this gift and exercised it.  For it is the testimony of Jesus; and the gift whereby you can know the mind and will of the Lord when giving blessings, making family decisions and many other things in everyday life.  Anyone who calls themselves a "Prophet", other than the one who has the keys, is delusional and needs to repent.  

My favorite troll, Russ C. said that I need to leave this kind of thing (the blog) up to the folks in SLC, and I would do so, but I have heard scant little that rests my mind in regards to current events in the world.   The messages are always pointing to Christ and to follow His example - but provide little framework from which to guide me in the current social/political mess.  The gads have infested the entire world of nations and we are teetering on the brink of disaster, but I have not heard the (clarion) call against that stuff since the Benson days - and I am a little unnerved by it.  Thus, the need to look for others who can fill that void. 

My calling has been to serve by providing information of a worldly nature that would allow others to make decisions and be informed of the world around them - and not necessarily thru the propaganda organs of the MSM.  I have never trusted them since I was in my teens - and feel that the best way to awaken people is to provide useful news that can be used.  Joseph Smith said that we need to be acquainted with the things and workings of men so that we can navigate in a complex world.   Knowing in 1837 that MA was sending 5,000 families to MO to swing it to a pro-north stance and turn the social and political tides may have changed the outcome of how things went down in Jackson, etc.  The Missourians were EXTREMELY resentful of the presence of the conservative Church members who voted anti-slavery and pro-agency; and as a bloc.  If we have bad information, we make bad choices.  Period.  We live in a supposedly "free" society where the press is "independent".  I know better than that, so I dig to find the real truth.  This is my role.  I share what I find with others.

And, on that note, I just found yet one more random guy from Portugal who says that the Russians are going to nuke Brussels, Belgium (NATO HQ) sometime in the near future.  He is a dreamer that got some notoriety when he predicted the bombings of the Boston marathon.  He does have a track record.  I know this nuking will happen - just not sure when and how, exactly.  Time will tell.

Saturday, October 25, 2014


Norway is next to Russia.  Russia is a nuclear power that does not like to be hemmed in by people who do not have her best interests in mind.  They have told us this many times.

Do not be surprised when the US is nuked.......

Folks - WWIII is on the horizon shortly.

Here is the article:

Thursday, October 23, 2014


I had never thought of this angle:

You are about to find out why the emphasis on ebola has always been about tracking and tracing people

Do you still think Ebola drama is a mistake and real? Just like the PNAC document before 9/11, here we have Ebola before the microchip implants about to be rolled out. Its also the same solution for terrorism as he said. This is what Ebola scare is all about. And why you are seeing ISIS propaganda going along with the ebola scare because very soon, these two are going to converge.



This is WAR!!

I have no problem with the person struggling with sin, addiction (sexual addiction in the case of most gay men/women) and a host of other maladies.  I am completely imperfect - and while I do not suffer from that brand of sin, I still have to go to the same source for forgiveness.

I just get hot under the collar with the activism that attempts to force their sick/twisted views on the rest of the world - and snuff out religious sensibilities that I happen to have.

I want to raise the remainder of my children in a sane world.....

Here is what got me spun up:


We are not to exclude anyone from our meetings; for we are all sinners and in need of the forgiveness of Christ - but when does this injunction begin to impinge on the general values of the people in the Church?  Of God's values??  I have attended this ward several times - and I have been sickened by many attitudes of the "enlightened" members there.  "Too accepting" comes to mind.  This is what killed the early ancient Church (and resulted in the doctrinal perversions of the Catholic church) and part of what caused such ferocious attacks to come upon those who were in the early restored Church.  You either fight the doctrines of men and stick to worship of Christ (not Brethren worship, etc), or you suffer with the rest of Babylon when the scourges and judgments come upon all peoples who have put good counsel at naught......

We are to love the sinner, but hate the sin.  Otherwise, the slide down the slippery slope begins to suck us into the abyss and next thing you know, you pass two gay dudes in the temple after they have been to a "legislated sealing" in a PC world.  I can see the time, not too far distant when we will reach the point where modern prophets will again die for what they have to say, just as the ancients have had to, or the Church will be purged because they are all still alive and have not openly stood up to "take a rock for God".  It simply is part of their job description, historically speaking:

Seattle Mormons’ outreach to gays yields a spiritual feast

First Published Oct 21 2014 04:51PM      Last Updated Oct 21 2014 05:11 pm
The recent outreach effort to Mormon gays and lesbians in one Seattle LDS congregation was a "tremendous success," with attendance swelling to three times the usual number, according to participants.
The overwhelming turnout for the Oct. 19 meeting at the Washington Park LDS Ward was the result of a widely distributed letter from that congregation’s bishopric, inviting less-active members to come to the special service.
"There is a large community of members, gay and straight, who have yet to meet each other," the letter read in part. "Please come join us. Your faith and your fellows need your strength, your testimony and your unique perspective on our gospel. You will be valued and welcomed as a part of our ward family."
Molly Bennion, who is the women’s Relief Society president in the Washington Park Ward and spoke at the gathering, noted that many people stayed after the service for a "linger longer" — a kind of greet-and-eat event — and some asked if they could attend that Mormon ward instead of their own.
"I heard nothing negative from the regularly attending members," Bennion wrote in an email. "Most seemed genuinely delighted and proud to be in our ward."
Aaron Brown, who serves on the LDS stake (regional) high council in the area and was instrumental in organizing the meeting, deemed it "simply stellar. A home run from start to finish, featuring talks by [Bennion], the bishop and a lesbian member of the stake."
All three sermons were "superb," Brown wrote in an email, but the latter member’s talk "was truly the highlight."
The lesbian member spoke "so plainly, so matter-of-factly, and so movingly about her identity as a gay Mormon," said Brown, who oversees LDS public affairs in north Seattle. "It was probably one of the most spiritual meetings I’ve ever attended, and I know many, many other attendees felt similarly."
At the end of the service, one of the co-directors of Seattle’s Mormon public affairs, along with a former LDS stake president, conversed at length with an older, African-American gay couple, one of whom said he was a lineal descendant of Green Flake, one of the first black men to join The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
The gay man said he hadn’t been in a Mormon meetinghouse for 46 years, Brown reported, but was intrigued by the invitation.
Members told Brown they recognized how "groundbreaking" the meeting was, he said in the email, and "were so grateful to have been there to witness it."
Peggy Fletcher Stack

Tuesday, October 21, 2014



Isaac Newton, Daniel’s 70 Weeks & the Six Day War

"“Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.”(Da 9:25)

Frankly, it seems to just be dangling there without a purpose. Most prophecy teachers simply add the two together to make sixty-nine weeks without saying much about why it is “seven and threescore and two (62).” Well, this bothered Newton too. He explained the odd seven weeks as referring to the second coming, after a future restoration of Israel which had not yet occurred! He explained the verse in this way:

Know also and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to cause to return and to build Jerusalem, unto the Anointed the Prince, shall be seven weeks.
The former part of the Prophecy related to the first coming of Christ, being dated to his coming as a Prophet; this being dated to his coming to be Prince or King, seems to relate to his second coming. There, the Prophet was consummate, and the most holy anointed: here, he that was anointed comes to be Prince and to reign. For Daniel’s Prophecies reach to the end of the world; and there is scarce a Prophecy in the Old Testament concerning Christ, which doth not in something or other relate to his second coming. If divers of the antients, as Irenæus, Julius Africanus, Hippolytus the martyr, and Apollinaris Bishop of Laodicea, applied the half week to the times of Antichrist; why may not we, by the same liberty of interpretation, apply the seven weeks to the time when Antichrist shall be destroyed by the brightness of Christ’s coming?
He puts the first seven in the future after the second rebuilding of Jerusalem. Jerusalem was reclaimed by Israel during the Six Days War in June of 1967. Recall that in the seventy-weeks paradigm, the “seven” is seven weeks of years which is (7 x 7) forty-nine years. T. W. Tramm explains a remarkable concurrence:

June 7, 1967 falls in the Hebrew year 5727, adding forty-nine prophetic years to this date we arrive in the Hebrew year 5776, which is 2015 on the Gregorian calendar. Interestingly, if one counts exactly forty-nine (360 day) prophetic years (17,640 days) from the June 7, 1967 date of Jerusalem’s recapture, we arrive at September 23, 2015—the Day of Atonement! Coincidence?[ii]
We verified this remarkable match but we also noted that if one counts 49 x 365 days for solar years, one lands in 2016"

Three hundred years ago if someone had suggested the jewish people would ever become a nation again with Jerusalem as the capital, they would have been considered more than a little loony, but this is exactly what Isaac Newton said would happen. Now it is obvious that this is precisely what occurred on June 5th 1967; indicating the 49 years before Jesus would return expires on June 5th 2016. The year 2016 follows the Sabbatical year 2015 which is necessary before the year of Jubilee. This is also true of 1967 which follows the Sabbatical year 1966. Newton predicted this saying the 49 years would fall in line with the Jewish Sabbatical cycle, and that the starting year 1967 would qualify as a Jubilee by virtue of the momentous events occurring at Jerusalem. This is evident in the quote below:

“This part of the Prophecy being therefore not yet fulfilled, I shall not attempt a particular interpretation of it, but content myself with observing, that as the seventy and the sixty two weeks were Jewish weeks, ending with sabbatical years; so the seven weeks are the compass of a Jubilee, and begin and end with actions proper for a Jubilee, and of the highest nature for which a Jubilee can be kept: and that since the commandment to return and to build Jerusalem, precedes the Messiah the Prince 49 years;” Isaac Newton"

From Five Dove Web Site

"All things considered, the proximity of these eclipses to the date given in Daniel 9 and confirmed by Isaac Newton, gives us ample cause to focus on the timeline starting on June 5th, 1967 and ending on June 5th, 2016. This leads me to be more confident in Isaac Newton’s interpretation of Daniel 9 pinpointing 2016 as the absolute end of tribulation, and the start of God’s kingdom on earth. This is the most convincing prophetic timeline I have seen thus far when compared to the hundreds of subjective and even crack-pot timelines found floating around these days … ybic … Oliver" 

Sir Isaac Newton and 2012
Posted March 14, 2012 by Jim Bramlett

Dear friends:

Back in the mid-1990s, I discovered a book by the great Sir Isaac Newton: Newton's Prophecies of Daniel, republished in 1991 by the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine, 2251 Dick George Road, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523. It was accidentally found in the Library of Congress and was Thomas Jefferson's personal copy. Jefferson's initials are in it. I have an exact replicate of that book, including Jefferson's initials. The book always fascinated me.

If the brilliant Sir Isaac Newton was correct in his interpretation of Daniel, the prophet to whom God gave specific timing, then the return of the Lord Jesus Christ will be very, very soon, indeed! We will soon know.
Newton, who lived 300 years ago (1642-1727), was one of the greatest geniuses in all history -- perhaps the greatest. He is called the father of modern science and the industrial revolution. He discovered many scientific laws. God chose Isaac Newton to impart many of His deepest secrets.

Newton is also said to be a devout believer in Christ and Bible scholar, fluent in ancient languages, and who translated directly from the Hebrew and Greek. He was unusually drawn to the prophet Daniel, which he began studying at age 12 and continued until he died at age 85. In fact, The Columbia History of the World, a secular history book, remarks, "At the end of his days he spent more time studying and writing about the prophecies in the Book of Daniel than he did in charting the heavens."

Did God Himself put in Newton's heart this burning desire to study Daniel, then give him the key to the timing of Christ's return? Could this be the final profound secret the Lord revealed to this godly genius near the end of his life -- a secret so simple that most have missed it?
(Genius is often simple.)

Newton's understanding of one key passage in Daniel chapter 9 is fundamentally different from that of most common interpretations. In about 550 B.C., God gave the prophet Daniel a view of history to the end. From Daniel 9:25, scholars usually add the "seven weeks (of years, or 49 years) and 62 weeks (434 years)" to get 483 years and calculate the time of Messiah's First Coming. However, Newton says there is no linguistic basis for adding those two numbers (49 and 434), and to do so is "doing violence to the language of Daniel." Newton says the two numbers separately speak of both the First and Second Coming, both being counted from the "going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem." Some commentators agree.

Newton says the "62 weeks," or 434-year part was fulfilled at the First Coming, and the "seven weeks," or 49-year part will apply to the Second Coming. And three centuries ago he saw in the Scriptures and wrote about the rebirth of Israel at a time when such a thought was preposterous. By faith, he foresaw a "friendly kingdom" someday again issuing the "commandment to restore and build Jerusalem." Now, centuries later, that "friendly kingdom" may have been the United Nations, which decreed Israel's rebirth in November, 1947, causing Israel to be reborn in May, 1948. However, Israel did not recapture and begin to rebuild Jerusalem until June, 1967.

So, if you take the historic 1967 date and add the 49 years (seven sevens), you arrive at 2016. According to Newton's understanding, that may be the year of Christ's physical return to the earth -- after the Tribulation.


I thought this was interesting:

Read below to see the connection I have found. It has to do with the key words of "no rain"

The Revelation of St. John the Divine

1 And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein.
2 But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months.
3 And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, (1260 days) clothed in sackcloth.
4 ¶ These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.
5 And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed.
6 These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will.

Notice above, it says 42 months, or 1260 days or 3 years and 6 months. It also says they have the power to shut heaven and rain not in their prophecy. Where else do we see this connection? The two witnesses are Elijah and Moses.

The Gospel according to
St. Luke

25 But I tell you of a truth, many widows were in Israel in the days of Eli'jah, when the heaven was shut up three years and six months, when great famine was throughout all the land;

The General Epistle of

7 ¶ Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain.
8 Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh.
13 Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing psalms.
14 Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:
15 and the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.
16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
17 Eli'jah was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months.
18 And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruits

As we can see above, Elijah would pray or not pray for rain on Shmeni Atzeret or the 8th day of the Feast of Tabernacles. Thus, we can conclude that the 3 year and 6 months (42 months/1260 days) begins on that day! You can see that in Zechariah 14 below.


16 ¶ And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem, shall even go up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles.
17 And it shall be, that whoso will not come up of all the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, even upon them shall be no rain.
18 And if the family of Egypt go not up, and come not, that have no rain; there shall be the plague, wherewith the LORD will smite the heathen that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles.
19 This shall be the punishment of Egypt, and the punishment of all nations that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles.

Lets have more of a look into this....

"Shemini Atzeret, meaning "the eighth day of assembly," is a Biblical Jewish holiday that follows the Jewish festival of Sukkot. It is written: "On the eighth day you should hold a solemn gathering; you shall not work at your occupation" (Numbers 29:35).

Praying for Rain

Shemini Atzeret marks the beginning of the rainy season following the harvest in Israel.

The prayer for rain, Tefilat Geshem, is the only ritual that is unique to Shemini Atzeret. In ancient times, an offering was brought to the Temple in Jerusalem on Shemini Atzeret. But once the Temple was destroyed, the only Shemini Atzeret ritual that remained was the liturgy requesting rain for a plentiful year.

After the prayer for rain is recited on Shemini Atzeret, the phrase Masheev HaRuach U-Moreed HaGeshem (He causes the wind to blow and the rain to fall) is inserted into the Amidah prayer until Passover."

[link to judaism.aboushortenerm]

"On Passover we stop reciting the prayer for rain [in the Amidah], for rains that fall at the end of Nissan are considered to be a bad sign for the world, the time for the grain harvest has begun and rain will cause the sheaves of grain lying in the field to rot, instead , we pray for dew to fall and moisten the crops without harming drying grain. The first day of Passover was destined from Creation as the time for dew to fall.

Hence, from the first day of Passover until Shemini Atzeret, we substitute the passage Morid haTal, "Who brings down dew", for Mashiv haRuach u'Morid haGeshem, "Who causes the wind to blow and the rain to fall", in the second paragraph of the Amidah. Similarly, from the first day of chol hamo'ed in the passage of Barech alenu, the phrase v'Ten Tal u'Matar liVerachah "grant dew and rain for a blessing" is changed to read "grant a blessing."

Why do we stop reciting the prayer for rain on the first day of Passover even though the days of the Festival are still an auspicious time for rain?"

Monday, October 20, 2014


I got this from a FB friend who is valiant in her testimony.  Truly an elect lady.

One of the planks put down by the communists when it was east vs west was to destroy the religious value set of the people.  This whole gay thing really does the trick doesn't it.

You, like I, have likely heard people scornfully asking how "gay marriage" (an oxymoron, see the 1828 definition of marriage, which I endorse, to see why)
is going to bring the destruction of society. Here are four reasons why "a society which permits anything will eventually lose everything!" (Neal A. Maxwell)
One- the recent related court rulings show that the government has gone from being a referee, to a participant, to a self-declared majority. This does not bode well.
Two- it undermines the most basic institution of society, the family. The only way two homosexuals can have children is through the miracles of science or through the misfortune of others, leading to adoption options. Homosexuality is a predatory thing. G. K. Chesterton observed that only people to whom the family is sacred will ever have a standard by which to criticize the State, because “they alone can appeal to something more holy than the gods of the city.” (Everlasting Man, Image Books, 1955, p. 143.)
Three- God, absolute truths, eventual accountability to Him, and natural consequences all exist. “Without the Faith, one is free, and that is a pleasant feeling at first. There are no questions of conscience, no constraints. … It is only later that the terror comes. One is free—but free in chaos, in an unexplained and unexplainable world. One is free in a desert, from which there is no retreat but inward, toward the hollow core of oneself.” (Morris West, The Devil’s Advocate, New York: William Morrow Co., 1959.)
Four- it is the ultimate in an attempt at value-free living, which ends in societal self-destruction:
“When men cease to aspire to the ideal, the good, to self-restraint—whether in their hearts or in their lives—they do not just stand still, but actually turn the other way, finding self-fulfillment in self-indulgence, and in … those three ultimate expressions of the totally self-centered life: sex, violence, and insanity.” (Christopher Booker, 'Trousered Apes', pp. 14–15.)
"Value-free experimentation is extremely costly—both in terms of money and of souls, and it creates what has been called the worst slum of all—the slum of the human spirit, for many students and citizens are starved for earned self-esteem. A standardless society will also find itself deaf to the costly lessons of history. Winston Churchill chose as a stern warning motto for his concluding volume of the history of World War II these words: “How the Great Democracies Triumphed, and so Were able to Resume the Follies Which Had so Nearly Cost Them Their Life.” (Triumph and Tragedy, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1953.) A value-free society focuses upon things like “me” and “now”—it has little sense of history out of which to fashion the future. If nothing lies ahead of men, how vital is memory? A healthy regard for the past is usually accompanied by a healthy regard for the future; and a lack of one usually means the lack of the other.
"But how can a society set priorities if there are no basic standards? Are we to make our calculations using only the arithmetic of appetite?
"A society not based upon key values like loving our neighbor will inevitably subsidize selfishness and will place a premium upon an apostate form of individualism at the expense of community." (Neal A. Maxwell, 'The Prohibitive Costs of a Value-Free Society)


I agree with this concept:

We May Have Chosen Our Trials

Before Birth We May Have Chosen Our Earth Tests and Trials

Our research implies that we have more to say about our earthly lives than most people suspect. During surgery in 1988, 37-year-old DeLynn died. His spirit rose from his body and returned to our heavenly home. When he asked about his chronic illness, to his astonishment, he was shown that he had actually chosen the very trial that plagued him most on earth. DeLynn was born with cystic fibrosis:

There was a room that I was viewing from above and to the side, but at the same time I was sitting in it. In a sense I was both an observer and a participant. About thirty people were present, both men and women, and we were all dressed in a white jumpsuit type of garment.

An instructor was in the front of the room, and he was teaching about accountability and responsibility: and about pain. He was instructing us about things we had to know in order to come to earth and get our bodies. Then he said, and I’ll never forget this: “You can learn lessons one of two ways. You can move through life slowly and have certain experiences, or there are ways that you can learn the lessons very quickly through pain and disease.” He wrote on the board the words: “Cystic Fibrosis,” and he turned and asked for volunteers. I was a volunteer; I saw me raise my hand and offer to take the challenge.

The instructor looked at me and agreed to accept me. That was the end of the scene and it changed forever my perspective of the disease that I previously felt was a plague on my life. No longer did I consider myself a victim. Rather, I was a privileged participant, by choice, in an eternal plan. That plan, if I measure up to the potential of my choice, would allow me to advance in mortal life in the fastest way possible. True, I would not be able to control the inevitable slow deterioration of my mortal body, but I could control how I chose to handle my illness emotionally and psychologically. The specific choice of cystic fibrosis was to help me learn dignity in suffering. My understanding in the eternal sense was complete: I know that I was a powerful, spiritual being that chose to have a short but marvelous mortal existence.10

Volunteering for a difficult disease during our time on earth may seem foolish . . . until we realize that DeLynn understood the eternal potential of his trial. It is noteworthy that his choice to suffer by disease had to be “approved” in heaven before it could be implemented on earth.

De Lynn returned from his NDE to live another decade before he was taken Home permanently. During his remaining years here, he never again referred to cystic fibrosis as a curse. (We have heard him speak.)

Of course his life was not easy, but he spoke of his disease reverently, more as a mission than an illness. For DeLynn, and those who served him, it became an opportunity for personal growth towards eternity.

Just as knowledge strengthened DeLynn to cope, we have observed that all trials are better managed with eternal perspective. When we recognize that there is indeed a plan for our lives, and for the lives of our children, born and unborn, our trials make more sense and take on a higher purpose. With eternal perspective we find greater strength to be patient, to learn, to cope, to maintain hope, and to look for the good we can give and receive, in spite of pain or loss.

Sunday, October 19, 2014


It is counter-intuitive that a person born in the summer would have a higher incidence of mood disorders later in life.  However, the timing of their conception (in the winter) and the first trimester at the height of the winter doldrums (lack of vit D), does make a little more sense.   Especially so if this study was just among Brits where the winters are exceptionally dreary.

This is an interesting article:

Saturday, October 18, 2014


I think it is finally time I wrote this.  I have less than ideal conditions for keeping the blog up, but this is finally the time to tap this out.

Here are a few comments on a recent post I did:

  1. Well at least you are finally admitting that your timing is off. I think your info is great but putting dates on events is always a bad thing.
  2. Why do you admit to being off on timing, then turn around and apply another time frame in the same sentence? What are you trying to prove with the dates?
  3. Agreed. Your timing is wrong. If you speculate, label it as such. Your hunches on dates are a major distraction to an otherwise awesome blog.

I like the third comment and have to say that a majority of this blog is simply speculation and hunches based on prophecy and how I read world events.  A small portion is simply based on the few crumbs I am thrown from the prophetic table.

I did a post of the night I lost my son - and the dream I had about what would transpire the next three years after that event.  It was prophetically perfect.  Not in a million years could I have interpreted that dream in any coherent manner - until it unfolded.  It was all at the same time perfectly literal and also perfectly symbolic.  The interpretation of dreams is not my forte.  That takes pure revelation - which is sparse for many of us.  You have to walk perfectly to have this ability.  Having dreams occasionally that predict things in my life IS my forte.  Some of those events I have in dreams do have applicability in others' lives.

I do not mind people pointing out the facts.  I deal well in facts and data.  My timing was clearly off on when I thought the Ogden event would go down - but I know it will happen just as I saw it from the northwest corner of that temple lot.  I have many weaknesses - but one of them is not being a slacker when it comes to putting myself out there and going for it when a call needs to be made.  I am a man's man - and have plenty of gonadinal fortitude.  I am in a situation where I have to hold back on making calls for political and social reasons - and it is unnerving for me.  I am usually very decisive.   Not being able to just go for it is extremely difficult for me.  So, I would hardly be critical of someone who is willing to put themselves out there.  Most who anonymously point the finger are suffering from hypogonadism themselves......  Sorry for the analogy, but I grew up on a farm and know that the guy with the biggest ones hanging, does not go to slaughter.  Those who hide their talents, have even that which they have taken from them.  I would rather take a chance - than cower in the shadows as many are wont to do.

So, having said that, I had a dream about the nuking of Hill Air Force Base - and saw that the Ogden Temple was still under construction or something to that effect.  I saw blue genie lifts - and interpreted that to mean the event would occur before the dedication.  I do not know that it was not meant to be when it was a "new temple" or what.  I was only given what I was given.  What I did do was pray for an interpretation on that dream, and in a subsequent dream, saw a hawk molesting two of our chickens (one being carried off and the other surviving the attack), and when I went out to feed the chickens with my daughters, it was just as I saw in the dream.  So, you will have to take that up with the Lord.  That second dream was not a coincidence - and therefore, neither was the first.  Timing is a tricky thing.  It is as tricky and sensitive as Agency is.  Here is a link to a post from years ago I did on the Heisenberg Principle as it relates to prophecy:

I do not mind flopping them on the table for people to play whackamole with, but please know that all of this will occur exactly as described.  Fools who think otherwise - and mock - shall simply be in a state of mourning one day, as I have said nothing that flies in the face of scripture and modern prophets/Prophets.  The sequence and the timing are up to speculation - but the events are not.  It is an essential part of Agency that it must be so.

I will post more as it relates to what Sarah Menet saw and the outbreak of hemmorhagic fever.


I have often thought this is how a surprise attack could occur on American soil - by bringing these within a few hundred miles of our shores and then letting them fly.  The Iranians come to mind, among others.  The strike will occur when the US is down and absorbed in other internal  pursuits:

Not sure who put this together (appears to be Russian), but it was interesting to watch and wonder how far along the development cycle this system is.

Thursday, October 16, 2014


I am not sure exactly how the future will play out, but I think the time to flee to a rural safe spot may be coming to a close in the next couple of months.

The picture in this article may become very familiar to you, except the troops removing bodies will be of Chinese origin.  All three NDEs describe it.

Got food?  Got water?  Got a place where you can get away from larger population centers?


I was not sure where this was - here is a link to the map:,+IN,+USA/@41.6381175,-87.4786416,12z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x8811def32f2efd55:0x3b42953079621c08

Here is the latest info from that area from some boots on the ground:
Just last week, a video of a passenger in a car getting tazed during a traffic stop was all over the net. The state NAACP came to Hammond and held a news conference. Now, there will be a meeting tomorrow, Friday October 17th at 6pm at the Ophelia Steen Center in Hammond.
This Town Hall Meeting is sponsored by a group of concerned citizens addressing the alleged police brutality by the Hammond Police Department.
In the flyer, people who have been alleged victims of racial profiling or police brutality are urged to attend the meeting and bring documentation to back their claims.

Things are still festering in Ferguson, Misery.


I have self called-out to a rural temple community filled with good people who are doing their best to keep the commandments and follow a modern prophet.  As things progress with this ebola mess, I see the need for said callout.....


@BrianCurtisNBC5: CDC Director: No one who may have been exposed to #Ebola will be allowed to fly on commercial aircraft. #DallasEbola @NBCDFW


I have never heard of this - but this is from a commenter on a previous post.  I thought I would throw more light on it and see what people have to say:

Ebolapox (a real manufactured disease made by mixing ebola and smallpox)...i believe closely matches the plague discribes in VoG.... it is far more transmitable than ebola currently is... and include the sores ebola lacks. Both would have higher survival with the use of yarrow and the "cold sheet therapy"..,,

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


You can put Houston on the list of places that will be destroyed unless they speedily repent.....  This is bad:

City of Houston demands pastors turn over sermons
Bye-bye First Amendment. Things are becoming worse day by day...we are in a freefall now.

From the article:

The city of Houston has issued subpoenas demanding a group of pastors turn over any sermons dealing with homosexuality, gender identity or Annise Parker, the city’s first openly lesbian mayor. And those ministers who fail to comply could be held in contempt of court.

More at link:

[link to]

Saturday, October 11, 2014


I have wondered what I have been hearing about lack of rain in the Sao Paulo, Brazil area.  Sure enough, this is kind of a sustained and general thing from California to Brazil.

Things seem to be wet enough where I have been lately - but the data does not lie.

Here is the article:

Friday, October 10, 2014


There is no more recourse for this nation.  We have sealed our fate - on the second blood moon of four, no less.  When the SCOTUS speaks, there is no recourse.  We have lost - and the persecution begins in earnest against those who refuse to bend against good logic and time-tested principle.

I do not have a sense of despair over this, I just know that our doom is imminent; and feel to say that we just need to get on with the bad juju so we can get thru to the other side.  I see that the kill rate for ebola is about 70% (which has always been my population correction (code for purge) number, so let it begin and just get it over with.  That is a whole lot of burying and giving in buryiage - because the will of the people has slid to "marrying and giving in marriage" (code for the state's stamp of approval on "gay marriage").  Just saying that term makes me boil - we have no right to even begin adulterating the term that defines the pinnacle ordinance in God's economy for eternal perpetuation of the Godly race.  What a sham - and oh, the humanity.  It will be brutal - the correction.......

Here is what got me spun up:

Thursday, October 9, 2014


How can people uphold these kinds of politicians??  There are some areas where we are strictly bound by God.  The giving and taking of life is one of those areas that we must NEVER tread indifferently on.

Anyone who has lost a premature baby or one who made it to take the breath of life cannot even fathom this kind of evil.  I pity him and the state that upholds this kind of evil when things unfold.  Colorado will suffer immeasurably, I feel.  I only pity those who were innocent and too young to wittingly be part of this evil their parents have upheld:

And then there is this one:

And then the words of the Prophets:

Thanks to some FB friends for the content.  I praise God each day that I have friends that are true to principle and that will stand up to tyranny and decry the non-sensical that many around seem to be in the grips of.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


I have not reviewed this for content for lack of time.  It is on my bucket list:


All scenarios are being played out.....

No bueno.  Russia knows this and will pre-emptively act to ensure the best outcome for their nation.....

Here it is:

Sunday, October 5, 2014


From Heather Eightloves Jackson who runs the "Awaken to Our Awful Situation" FB page that I cannot recommend highly enough.  She is an elect lady and one of the watchmen/women on the tower.  I have not been a big advocate of hemp, until the last 6 years:

King Noah was a wicked king and surrounded himself with wicked men... if someone went against him, he had them destroyed... does any of this sound familiar? Does it parallel what is currently going on in our government? Much of what is happening now, under our very noses, has happened before.
"For behold, he has his friends in iniquity, and he keepeth his guards about him; and he teareth up the laws of those who have reigned in righteousness before him; and he trampleth under his feet the commandments of God;
And he enacteth laws, and sendeth them forth among his people, yea, laws after the manner of his own wickedness; and whosoever doth not obey his laws he causeth to be destroyed; and whosoever doth rebel against him he will send his armies against them to war, and if he can he will destroy them; and thus an unrighteous king doth pervert the ways of all righteousness."
Mosiah 29:22-23
Link to article on missing lawyer:

Saturday, October 4, 2014


Heber was known as the prophet to the Prophets. 

I have always loved his sayings.  He has had some duseys that have come true - though, at the time, it would have seemed impossible.....

A friend shared this gem with me last night! The most important thing we have is our testimony of Jesus Christ!
Heber C. Kimball - the father of J. Golden Kimball and the grandfather of Spencer W. Kimball. Presidents Kimball, Benson and Hinckley all made mention of it.
Here is the prophecy:
In August 16, 1857, Heber C. Kimball stated:
There will also be a day when you will be brought to the test — when your very hearts and your inmost souls will melt within you because of the scenes that many of you will witness. Yes, you will be brought to that test, when you will feel as if every thing within you would dissolve. Then will be the time you will be tried whether you will stand the test or fall away. (Remarks by President Heber C. Kimball, Delivered in the Bowery, Great Salt Lake City, Sunday Morning, August 16, 1857. source)
In May of 1868 Heber C. Kimball said:
An army of Elders will be sent to the four quarters of the earth to search out the righteous and warn the wicked of what is coming. All kinds of religions will be started and miracles performed that will deceive the very elect if that were possible. Our sons and daughters must live pure lives so as to be prepared for what is coming.
After a while the Gentiles will gather by the thousands to this place, and Salt Lake City will be classed among the wicked cities of the world. A spirit of speculation and extravagance will take possession of the Saints, and the results will be financial bondage.
Persecution comes next and all true Latter-day Saints will be tested to the limit. Many will apostatize and others will be still not knowing what to do. Darkness will cover the earth and gross darkness the minds of the people. The judgments of God will be poured out on the wicked to the extent that our Elders from far and near will be called home, or in other words the gospel will be taken from the Gentiles and later on carried to the Jews.
The western boundary of the State of Missouri will be swept so clean of its inhabitants that as President Young tells us, when you return to that place, there will not be left so much as a yellow dog to wag his tail.
Before that day comes, however, the Saints will be put to a test that will try the integrity of the best of them. The pressure will become so great that the more righteous among them will cry unto the Lord day and night until deliverance comes.
Yes, we think we are secure here in the chambers of these everlasting hills, where we can close the doors of the canyons against mobs and persecutors, the wicked and the vile, who have always beset us with violence and robbery, but I want to say to you, my brethren, that the time is coming when we will be mixed up in these now peaceful valleys to that extent that it will be difficult to tell the face of a Saint from the face of an enemy against the people of God.
Then is the time to look out for the great sieve, for there will be a great shifting time, and many will fall. For I say unto you there is a test, a Test, a TEST coming.
This Church has before it many close places through which it will have to pass before the work of God is crowned with glory. The difficulties will be of such a character that the man or woman who does not possess a personal knowledge or witness will fall. If you have not got this testimony, you must live right and call upon the Lord, and cease not until you obtain it.
Remember these sayings: The time will come when no man or woman will be able to endure on borrowed light. Each will have to be guided by the light within themselves. If you do not have the knowledge that Jesus is the Christ, how can you stand?
(Heber C. Kimball, First Counselor in the First Presidency, May 1868, in Deseret News, 23 May 1931; see also Conference Report, Oct. 1930, p. 58-59)

Friday, October 3, 2014


And as many in Africa, as is possible.  Some life is more precious than other life......  Wow.