Monday, September 30, 2013


I have shared how I have openly at a baptism service after bestowing the gift of the Holy Ghost (the First Comforter), have then given the admonition in the blessing to obtain it and then use it to find their way to the Second Comforter (which admittedly I can only give as a theoretical practice - as I have not gotten there).  If I were to get there, I would have a hard time not keeping it private as I am an open book.  Which fact, is not lost on my wife who says I should be more discreet more of the time with things of a spiritual nature.

I find that there is so little said about things of a spiritual nature, that I find myself on the opposite end of the spectrum - blathering day and night about them to offset the imbalance - similar to that blind date with that shy girl back in the day......  Not because I am trying to set myself up as some beacon, but precisely because I want others to know that we should EXPECT these kinds of things in our lives if we are "getting it right".  Not perfectly - otherwise, my life would be devoid of them, precisely because I am among the vilest of sinners (just ask my wife) - but because we can still fall short, repent, and look to God and live - all while enjoying some of these higher blessings. The more repentant our attitude is, the more broken we are, the more the Lord can use us.

So, this Second Comforter is a tricky thing.  The minute you put your hand to the plow, you will experience insane buffetings.  My wife and I did (expressed our interest to the Lord about this very gift) about one year ago and are still picking up the pieces from that life event.  God will not give anything easily - simply because He want you to want it to the point that you will (at least be willing to) give up all in order to obtain it (to give sell all that you have, so to speak, in order to obtain that pearl of great price).  He wants you to knock, seek, seek some more and strive until it is finally opened to you.  This is by design, in order that you will not seek and obtain that which you ought not have without having paid your due diligence.  A man that is given a gift without truly deserving it, will not treasure it.  I have seen it over and over in my journey as a parent - kids being ungrateful for what is merely handed to them without thought as to the sacrifice that was made to bring that about.  As parents, we now have our kids earn everything - including things like co-pays to the doctor for the "oops" when they were goofing around and needed physical therapy to counteract the effects of goofing around.  One hundred percent true accidents, not so much.  Theoretically, this makes them more responsible adults.

So, I once heard from a very wise person that I was right all along about seeking out this Second Comforter - that we should focus on seeking or attuning ourselves more closely with the First Comforter and the rest will take care of itself over time as we are led to a personal audience with the Savior.  I suppose it would be more of a natural thing - kind of like falling in love naturally over time with your best friend, as opposed to that relationship where you constantly are doing back-flips and conniving to make it work.

Here is more on the subject from the unBlog My Soul site.  There are many there who offer encouragement to keep pushing forward to the tree, so to speak:

Sunday, September 29, 2013


This is surely worth an hour of your time to understand what is bringing about the leftist agenda in this country:


The crime machine in Chicago is getting what it deserves....... chaos and lawlessness.  When people support corrupt, sick, twisted people - this is the result.  This is what is deserved to grind upon the people for having supported the gads in any form.  Folks, as painful and as judgmental as many bleeding hearts will feel this is; we get the effects of what we sow.

We have a prophecy that will be fulfilled at some point that the Civil War II will start in Chicago.  At the center of this CWII will be martial law due to the coming economic collapse and social dis-integration (race riots, etc).  Chicago is prime for all of the above - and I feel this prophecy is on the short list of imminent fulfillment.

You could not pay me to live within 200 miles of that city:


This in from a passionate blog reader.  I have to publish it because it is a wonderful and well-spoken defense that I probably should have done earlier, but I kind of let the blog turn into a circus in the name of "political correctness" - and letting everyone have a "voice".  Which is folly, BTW.......  This is not a forum.  It is a collection of musings of a lunatic who may one find out he either had it right or he had it wrong.  Time will tell......

If I remember correctly, we are supposed to command entities and those who are under the same spirit of those entities, to DEPART!  I cannot say enough to echo the sentiments of point number two - I have become a better person because of what Spencer has to say.  I am striving more, doing more, and being better because I can see my path just a little more clearly than I could before.  More importantly, I knew all that he said was true (especially about Cardston), because I had already arrived at that conclusion before he spilled the beans in that book.  I cannot tell you the joy in your heart you have when you are treading a path mostly alone and someone puts a humungous stamp of approval on something you have felt.  My wife was mostly on board with me in all my lunatic ravings, but this book kind of sealed the deal for her and helped her to realize she did not need to increase the dosage on my medication, nor check to see if the velcro was loosening up on my "dinner jacket".

I do not mind disagreements by those who post comments, etc but if it becomes vitriolic or the attacks become personal, it is no longer healthy and the relationship needs to end.  Anyway, I am sure I will re-ignite the troll(s) out there by publishing this, but hey, one needs to take one every once in a while for the team.  Its part of the game plan when you have something that polarizes (the truth).  I support the saying on this editorial that we have to be careful how we judge people.  We must judge so that we are not deceived, but we have to have the keys of discernment and wisdom in order to get it right.  Eating crow one day will be embarrassing and damning:
Dear Wood Zone,

I feel compelled to address some of the issues regarding "Visions of Glory" (VoG) brought up in your blog by a few of its readers.  Normally, I wouldn't say anything.  However, some of the statements made are either unjustifiably judgmental or dangerously deceptive, and hence deserve some comment.

First, there's a lot of judging going on regarding Spencer.  I seriously doubt those who have judged him have spent any time with him; I have.  A lot.  Thus, their judgment is based on opinion and flies in the face of the Master's admonition to "Judge not, let ye be judged."

One of the requirements to righteously judge is to have all the facts, which (naturally) God has, and we do not.  To think otherwise is presumptuous at best and more than likely spiritually dangerous.  And with respect to VoG and Spencer, three facts are inescapable and indisputable:

1.  Seagull Book sells VoG (  Seagull Book is owned and operated by Deseret Management Corporation, a company owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (  If the VoG is so bad, then why is the Church selling it?  Either the church has made a grievous mistake, or not -- it's as simple as that.

2.  To ascertain whether or not it was a mistake, we need to examine what effect VoG has had on people, or in other words, it's "fruits".  Fact: hundreds of people who've posted on the Unblog ( and read VoG have been more -- not less -- motivated to repent, change their lives for the better, attend the temple more frequently, pray harder, love deeper, search the scriptures more diligently -- in other words, love Christ and his gospel more.  Can a bad tree produce such good fruit?  It's either a good tree, or Satan's doing an awfully good job of shooting himself in the foot. 

3.  The commenter states that it's best to consider Spencer "a fictional character".  Ummm, wrong.  He's not.  He's real!  He's alive and well in Utah.  I have known him for quite a while.  I have his cell, home and work phone numbers and e-mail address.  He works, has a family, goes to church, pays his tithing and goes to the temple twice a week.  Again, the facts make contrary statements look foolish.

Second, a commenter recently said, "There must be 2-3 million LDS's on the west coast. I don't think the Lord is going to waste all those mostly good people."  With all due respect, again, we are seeing judgment without a command of the facts.  First, simply being LDS does not make a person "good".  Second, Isaiah and several Book of Mormon prophets are deeply, deeply critical of the Lord's people in the last days.  We LDS are still (collectively) under several condemnations, and in the ebb and flow of society, we are trending away -- and not towards -- the rescinding of those condemnations, especially so in the West Coast (and in America).  Go read Isaiah to see what happens next.

Third, the same commenter stated, "the Living Prophet trumps ancient prophets" and "I still say the best thing to do is to follow your local leaders direction (stake president) and the direction of the Brethren...Keep things in proper perspective...The Living Prophets are First."

This is dangerous ground to be standing on.  If I had a nickel for everytime the Lord said (or a passage of scripture taught) "Trust not in the arm of flesh", I'd be e-mailing you from my mansion.  Now, don't get me wrong -- I sustain our Prophet and the other 14 apostles.  Still, we are on sandy, not fertile, ground if we trust in the arm of flesh.  Case in point: There have been several instances in church history where prophets contradicted each other in points of doctrine.  In fact, disciplinary courts were held and members were censured for not believing in a doctrine which was passionately espoused by one prophet, only to be condemned as false doctrine by another prophet 100 years later.  In this case, which prophet do you believe?

The bottom line is, “Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm.”  Here's what the head of our dispensation would say in response to this commenter's thoughts:

“We have heard men who hold the priesthood remark that they would do anything they were told to do by those who preside over them [even] if they knew it was wrong; but such obedience as this is worse than folly to us; it is slavery in the extreme; and the man who would thus willingly degrade himself, should not claim a rank among intelligent beings, until he turns from his folly. A man of God would despise the idea. Others, in the extreme exercise of their almighty authority have taught that such obedience was necessary, and that no matter what the saints were told do by their presidents they should do it without any questions. When Elders of Israel will so far indulge in these extreme notions of obedience as to teach them to the people, it is generally because they have it in their hearts to do wrong themselves" [Joseph Smith, Millennial Star, vol. 14, #38, p 593-595]

Joseph's successor also said:

"What a pity it would be, if we were led by one man to utter destruction! Are you afraid of this? I am more afraid that this people have so much confidence in their leaders that they will not inquire for themselves of God whether they are led by him. I am fearful they settle down in a state of blind self-security, trusting their eternal destiny in the hands of their leaders with a reckless confidence that in itself would thwart the purposes of God in their salvation, and weaken the influence they could give to their leaders, did they know for themselves, by the revelations of Jesus, that they are led in the right way. Let every man and woman know, themselves, whether their leaders are walking in the path the Lord dictates, or not. This has been my exhortation continually." [Brigham Young, JD 9:150]

Fourth and finally, the commenter states, "Much of the stuff 'Spencer' says is wrong, but people continually defend what he says as the truth. These folks do not understand priesthood authority and how doctrine is established apparently."  Spencer never sought to establish doctrine.  Not at all.  In fact, he never asks for acclaim, attribution, followers or even to be believed.  VoG is strictly Spencer's account of what he was shown. He makes nothing from this book, and he asks for nothing from readers other than to look up and follow Christ.  

The bottom line is this: Before you start publicly judging someone and making statements that fly in the face of facts, do a little homework.  Then take whatever judgmental statements you are considering posting, and delete them. 

This world is already under terrible, terrible judgment. 

We latter-day saints can and ought to do better.

And we can start by not adding to those judgments, lest we -- collectively and individually -- reap even more judgments.


-- A Concerned Reader

I get the feeling that this individual has possibly had his C&E and that we should all be striving to that end.  I hope to meet with him one day and pick his brain on a few subjects.  There are thousands or tens of thousands of members who have gotten to that point.  I feel like I am repeatedly hitting a wall on that front.  I know it is within reach in this life - it is just a matter of finding the right key of knowledge combined with strict obedience (and I simply am too slovenly of a servant at this point).   By the natural course of things, life has beaten me down and molded me into a better person than I otherwise would be if left with no divine shepherding, but there is more to be done - and time is short.


I could not help but notice the similarities between the middle panel of Facsimile 2 (which I have always been fascinated with and have for years said that it represents a binary star system):

Facsimile 2 

 and this statuette found on this interesting youtube by 9Nania:

Interesting.  I am sure more information will become available as time goes on.  This is a "book mark" for me.

Here are the explanations for this panel:

1. Kolob, signifying the first creation, nearest to the celestial, or the residence of God. First in government, the last pertaining to the measurement of time. The measurement according to celestial time, which celestial time signifies one day to a cubit. One day in Kolob is equal to a thousand years according to the measurement of this earth, which is called by the Egyptians Jah-oh-eh.

5.  Is called in Egyptian Enish-go-on-dosh; this is one of the governing planets also, and is said by the Egyptians to be the Sun, and to borrow its light from Kolob through the medium of Kae-e-vanrash, which is the grand Key, or, in other words, the governing power, which governs fifteen other fixed planets or stars, as also Floeese or the Moon, the Earth and the Sun in their annual revolutions. This planet receives its power through the medium of Kli-flos-is-es, or Hah-ko-kau-beam, the stars represented by numbers 22 and 23, receiving light from the revolutions of Kolob. 
 Interesting how this implies that the sun "borrows" its light from the central, governing body, Kolob.  This seems to back up what the scientist said in the previous post about our Sun being a transformer, being "lit" by energy from another area of the universe. 

There is alot of interest in the subject constellations, including by the Jews and those who designed the reliefs on the SL Temple (west towers).  There is a reason this stuff is important.

I really believe in the "electric universe" and do not buy the tripe they have sold me in the public screwel system.  Always question your reality and what you have been told.  There is much half-truth and outright lying going on; guesses being peddled as fact......

Saturday, September 28, 2013


Alot of people spend a fortune on getting teeth drilled and on expensive massage oils.

Coconut oil is amazing because it is a soluble liquid at body temperature, but becomes a semi-solid at the lower room temps - thus eliminating messy spills when things tip over on uneven surfaces.  This melting point is also good news for people who are worried about accumulations within the body. 

It can be obtained for cheap from Costco and a small container of it near the bed makes for great massages after a hard day in the garden and has excellent lubricity on top of its other amazing properties.  A good massage right before bedtime increases the release of endorphins and other "feel-good" chemicals into the blood stream, making for a pleasant drift off into dream land.   I would say it is the single best thing we have discovered in 22 years of marriage......

If ingested, it apparently is great for inhibiting certain forms of bacteria.  Pretty amazing stuff according to this article:

Coconut oil can combat tooth decay, study suggests

Digested oil inhibits growth of streptococcus bacteria, Irish researchers find

CBC News Posted: Sep 03, 2012 4:15 PM ET Last Updated: Sep 06, 2012 1:50 PM ET
Enzyme-modified coconut oil could potentially be added to dental hygiene products like toothpaste to help combat common decay-causing bacteria like streptococcus that is often found inside the mouth.
Enzyme-modified coconut oil could potentially be added to dental hygiene products like toothpaste to help combat common decay-causing bacteria like streptococcus that is often found inside the mouth. (Paul Sakuma/Associated Press)
Researchers at the Athlone Institute of Technology in Ireland have found that digested coconut oil inhibits the growth of common bacteria that cause tooth decay and could be an effective alternative to chemical additives in dental hygiene products.
The researchers tested the effect of coconut oil on several common strains of streptococcus bacteria found inside the mouth.
They tested the effect of the oil in both its natural and digested form.
To mimic the process of digestion, they treated the oil with enzymes.
They found that in the digested form, the oil inhibited most strains of the bacteria, including streptococcus mutans, a common acid-producing bacteria that is is a major cause of tooth decay.
The coconut oil was also harmful to candida albicans, a yeast that causes a mouth infection called thrush.
The researchers presented their findings Monday at the autumn conference of the Society for General Microbiology, underway at the University of Warwick in England.

Of interest to dental hygiene industry

Damien Brady, who led the research, and his colleagues say their findings could be used to market coconut oil as an antimicrobial in dental care products.
"Incorporating enzyme-modified coconut oil into dental hygiene products would be an attractive alternative to chemical additives, particularly as it works at relatively low concentrations," Brady, associate director of the Bioscience Research Institute at the Athlone Institute, said in a press release.
"Also, with increasing antibiotic resistance, it is important that we turn our attention to new ways to combat microbial infection."
Brady said finding effective weapons against the bacteria that cause tooth decay is important given the high number of adults and children who have some form of tooth decay.
"Dental caries is a commonly overlooked health problem affecting 60-90 per cent of children and the majority of adults in industrialized countries," he said in the release.
Coconut oil is not the only food product to have exhibited antibacterial properties in a partially digested form.
Past studies have shown that enzyme-modified milk reduced the binding of the streptococcus mutans bacteria to tooth enamel.
Brady said he and his colleagues hope to further investigate which other bacteria strains and yeast the coconut oil might be effective against and exactly how the oil and other enzyme-modified foodstuffs interfere with the processes by which bacteria cause disease.


Yep, it always starts in Mississippi and New Orleans.......  That town is such a cesspool and blight on America.  Moreso than the rest.......


It pretty much goes down as Spencer and many others have described it.  Interestingly, she finishes with the New Jerusalem being the center of power.  That would be correct, as well.  I found nothing that contradicted the official narrative as I understand it:

Elane Durham

On October 22, 1976, Elane had a stroke, precipitated by a brain tumor, followed by a marvelous near-death experience. She has stated that this experience was the most singular and most important thing that has ever happened to her. She was attending the American Floral Arts School in Chicago and was just three days short of graduation when she suddenly began having seizures. A classmate of hers called the paramedics. The following NDE testimony by Elane Durham and her visions of the future were profiled in the television documentary entitled "Ancient Prophecies". Elane was clinically dead for an hour and was being prepped for the morgue when she came back from the dead. Meanwhile she was give a tour of heaven as well as a vision of what could happen on this planet given our current course. Elane describes her NDE:

When I got to the hospital, it was not as if I was on the gurney look up, but I was moving, not necessarily walking, but I was at eye level along the right side of the gurney."

And there was my body on it, but I did not have any relationship at all to that body.

The next thing that I can remember is running across the fields of grass. There were maybe five or seven people that were there waiting for me. And I realized that one of them was my grandmother who died when I was nine years old. The other one was my husband's friend Virginia and she had just died the previous February.

I was back in my body with a body slam and the defibrillators were above me getting ready to jolt me again. They continued to work with me but when my heart stopped again for the last time and I was pushed to one side to be prepared for the morgue."

Once again, Elaine reported leaving her physical body and entering a spiritual realm of light.

I was pulled into billions and billions of diamond-like sparkles and I was one of them."

Then Elaine was shown visions of the future. After she received these visions, she returned to her body and found herself lying in the morgue.

Elane Durham's Prophetic NDE Visions
The following prophetic NDE visions is taken from Elane's book, I Stand All Amazed: Love and Healing from Higher Realms (pages 53-56).

A Changed North America

As the angel pointed in front of me a wide view of land and water opened up, so that at first I thought I was seeing two countries. Instantly it was made known to me that I as looking at a vastly changed portion of North America, which was completely divided by a large body of water, and which had lost a large part of both eastern and western shorelines. As I saw this I was given a total understanding of the natural and man-made disasters that would need to occur to make these changes, and I was informed that these might or might not come to pass according to our choices as a people -- according to my choices as an individual.

Great Destruction

In this scenario icebergs and polar icecaps were melting. Earthquakes had occurred and there had been hurricanes and fierce storms -- the whole country had been ravaged by these things. I could also see massive fires burning here and there -- not so much the flames as the smoke that was ascending toward me -- as huge areas of the country seemed to be being burned. There were also explosions in some areas, sort of like sheet lightning in a dark sky, that were doing great damage.

Where Washington and Oregon had been there were mostly islands, the water coming inland over most of California and Arizona and parts of Utah and Nevada. Yet there were also islands there, massive ones, so it wasn't like it was all ocean....

On the East Coast I saw that much of the eastern seaboard was gone, though the water did not come so far inland as it did on the West Coast. I was also aware that the southern half of Florida was under water.

I don't remember seeing anything like Central America or South America, for water surrounded what I was seeing, and I didn't really focus on what was beyond that water. Yet at the same time, I had the understanding that the waters had risen around the entire Earth, and that everything had changed to one degree or another.

Two Separate Countries

The area of water in the middle of . . . the United States was massive, and was widest or most extensive in the north. There were no Great Lakes as I had known them, for all of them had come together into this huge sea that extended northeastward into the ocean. The inland sea also extended southward, filling most of the Mississippi an Missouri River valleys and widening by many, many miles the Mississippi River where it flows into what we know as the Gulf of Mexico. This sea was so vast that I knew it could not be bridged, and so in essence the United States had become as two separate countries.

A New Seat of Power

I was also aware that the seat of power, or patriotism, had moved away from Washington, D.C. There was so much turmoil and warfare on the eastern side of this body of water that no authority really existed there. I understood then that in the scenario I was being shown, our country had come to the very edge of destruction -- to the brink of losing everything, because myself and hosts of others like me had chosen to seek worldly things rather than loving or serving others.

Additionally, we had refused to care for our precious natural resources. Because of our greed and selfishness our national government had lost most of its power, and could no longer completely govern or control. National laws were ignored, and there was no true nationwide governmental infrastructure left. What government there was seemed to be territorial, sort of like large tribes or groups of people who had banded together.

And I saw that because of the ramifications of these day-to-day choices the people, especially on the eastern side of this new body of water, lived in great danger and fear. There was tremendous anarchy and crime -- sort of like the Los Angeles riots spread nationwide. And the normal citizens kept themselves hidden away from all this, barricading themselves into their homes or wherever they had gathered together for security. many children didn't go to school, commerce as we know it had pretty much ceased, many people were starving to death, there was terrible violence from people who seemed like roving gangs -- it was just an awful scene of confusion and turmoil.

Yet in this scenario there was less of that turmoil on the western portion of our country. There was even a certain amount of prosperity, and it was there that I could see the new seat of power, if that is what it could be called. This area, or city or whatever, while on the eastern edge or shore line of the western portion of land, was located in almost the exact center of the combination of both halves of the country. Later when I looked at a map of the United States, I realized that it would have been very near present-day Kansas City.

From this location I could see power radiating outward, almost like light flowing out to strengthen and stabilize other areas. This power was what I called patriotism or strong moral character or spirituality -- a true spiritual force that was the only real governing power over the whole land. This is why I called that area the seat of power.

But I must state this power was totally spiritual -- a true power of spirit such as the angel beside me was exhibiting, or that I had felt emanating from Christ while I had been in His presence.

The Native Americans

I also sensed that some of the Indians -- the Native Americans -- were partially responsible for the peacefulness that was on the western side of this water. Some of these Native American peoples had a knowledge of how to live from the land, or how to be in harmony with it so it would bring forth in abundance according to their needs. They were teaching this spiritual knowledge to the people around them, and all the people were starting to learn to live in harmony with each other. At the same time they were beginning again to prosper by becoming harmonious with nature, or the natural elements upon which they depended.


What will they think of next??
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WASHINGTON – With the United States facing a $17 trillion debt and an acidic debate in Washington over raising that debt limit on top of a potential government shutdown, Congress could mimic recent European action to let banks initiate a “bail-in” to blunt future failures, experts say.
Previously the federal government has taken taxes from consumers, or borrowed the money, to hand out to troubled banks. This could be a little different, and could allow banks to reach directly into consumers’ bank accounts for their cash.
Authority to allow bank “bail-ins” would be in lieu of approving any future taxpayer bailouts of banks that would be in dire need of recapitalization in order to survive.
Some financial experts contend that banks already have the legal authority to confiscate depositors’ money without warning, and at their discretion.
Financial analyst Jim Sinclair warned that the U.S. banks most likely to be “bailed-in” by their depositors are those institutions that received government bail-out funds in 2008-2009.
Such a “bail-in” means all savings of individuals over the insured amount would be confiscated to offset such a failure.
Get “I Want Your Money” and find out what may be coming to your neighborhood.
“Bail-ins are coming to North America without any doubt, and will be remembered as the ‘Great Leveling,’ of the ‘great Flushing’ (of Lehman Brothers),” Sinclair said. “Not only can it happen here, but it will happen here.
“It stands on legal grounds by legal precedent both in the U.S., Canada and the U.K.”
Sinclair is chairman and chief executive officer of Tanzania Royalty Exploration Corp. and is the son of Bertram Seligman, whose family started Goldman Sachs, Solomon Brothers, Lehman Brothers, Bache Group and other major investment banking firms.
Some of the major banks which received federal bailout money included Bank of America, Citigroup and JPMorgan Chase.
“When major banks fail, they are going to bail them out by grabbing the money that is in your bank accounts,” according to financial expert Michael Snyder. “This is going to absolutely shatter faith in the banking system and it is actually going to make it far more likely that we will see major bank failures all over the Western world.”
Given the dire financial straits the U.S. finds itself in, these financial experts say that Congress could look at the example of the European Parliament, which recently started to consider action that would allow banks to confiscate depositors’ holdings above 100,000 euros. Generally, funds up to that level are insured.
Finance ministers of the 27-member European Union in June had approved forcing bondholders, shareholders and large depositors with more than 100,000 euros in their accounts to make the financial sacrifice before turning to the government for help with taxpayer funds.
Depositors with less than 100,000 euros would be protected. Considering protection of small depositors a top priority, the E.U. ministers took pride in saying that their action would shield them.
“The E.U. has made a big step towards putting in place the most comprehensive framework for dealing with bank crises in the world,” said Michel Barnier, E.U. commissioner for internal market and services.
The plan as approved outlines a hierarchy of rescuing struggling banks. The first will be bondholders, followed by shareholders and then large depositors.
Among large depositors, there is a hierarchy of whose money would be selected first, with small and medium-sized businesses being protected like small depositors.
“This agreement will effectively move us from ad hoc ‘bail-outs’ to structured and clearly defined ‘bail-ins,’” said Michael Noonan, Ireland’s finance minister.
The European Parliament is expected to finalize the plan by the end of the year.
The purpose of this “bail-in,” patterned after the Cyprus model, is to offset the need for continued taxpayer bailouts that have come under increasing criticism of the more economically well-off countries such as Germany.
Last March, Cyprus had agreed to tap large depositors at its two leading banks for some 10 billion euros in an effort to obtain another 10 billion European Union bailout.
While this action prevented the collapse of Cyprus’ two top banks, the Bank of Cyprus and Popular Bank of Cyprus, it greatly upset depositors with savings more than 100,000 euros.
WND recently revealed that the practice of “bail-ins” by Cyprus a year ago was beginning to spread to other nations as large depositors began to see their balances plunge literally overnight.
A “bail-in,” as opposed to a bailout that countries especially in Europe have been seeking from the International Monetary Fund and the European Union, is a recognition that such outside monetary injections won’t be forthcoming.
Sinclair said that the recent confiscation of customer deposits in Cyprus was not a “one-off, desperate idea of a few Eurozone ‘troika’ officials scrambling to salvage their balance sheets.”
“A joint paper by the U.S. federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the Bank of England (BOE) dated December 10, 2012 shows, that these plans have been long in the making, that they originated with the G20 Financial Stability Board in Basel, Switzerland, and that the result will be to deliver clear title to the banks of depositor funds,” Sinclair said.
He pointed that while few depositors are aware, banks legally own the depositors’ funds as soon as they are put in the bank.
“Our money becomes the bank’s, and we become unsecured creditors holding IOUs or promises to pay,” Sinclair said.
“But until now, the bank has been obligated to pay the money back on demand in the form of cash,” he said. “Under the FDIC-BOE plan, our IOUs will be converted into ‘bank equity.’ The bank will get the money and we will get stock in the bank.”
“With any luck,” Sinclair said, “we may be able to sell the stock to someone else, but when and at what price? Most people keep a deposit account so they can have ready cash to pay the bills.”
Such plans already are being used, or under consideration, in New Zealand, Poland, Canada and several other countries.


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WASHINGTON – With the United States facing a $17 trillion debt and an acidic debate in Washington over raising that debt limit on top of a potential government shutdown, Congress could mimic recent European action to let banks initiate a “bail-in” to blunt future failures, experts say.
Previously the federal government has taken taxes from consumers, or borrowed the money, to hand out to troubled banks. This could be a little different, and could allow banks to reach directly into consumers’ bank accounts for their cash.
Authority to allow bank “bail-ins” would be in lieu of approving any future taxpayer bailouts of banks that would be in dire need of recapitalization in order to survive.
Some financial experts contend that banks already have the legal authority to confiscate depositors’ money without warning, and at their discretion.
Financial analyst Jim Sinclair warned that the U.S. banks most likely to be “bailed-in” by their depositors are those institutions that received government bail-out funds in 2008-2009.
Such a “bail-in” means all savings of individuals over the insured amount would be confiscated to offset such a failure.
Get “I Want Your Money” and find out what may be coming to your neighborhood.
“Bail-ins are coming to North America without any doubt, and will be remembered as the ‘Great Leveling,’ of the ‘great Flushing’ (of Lehman Brothers),” Sinclair said. “Not only can it happen here, but it will happen here.
“It stands on legal grounds by legal precedent both in the U.S., Canada and the U.K.”
Sinclair is chairman and chief executive officer of Tanzania Royalty Exploration Corp. and is the son of Bertram Seligman, whose family started Goldman Sachs, Solomon Brothers, Lehman Brothers, Bache Group and other major investment banking firms.
Some of the major banks which received federal bailout money included Bank of America, Citigroup and JPMorgan Chase.
“When major banks fail, they are going to bail them out by grabbing the money that is in your bank accounts,” according to financial expert Michael Snyder. “This is going to absolutely shatter faith in the banking system and it is actually going to make it far more likely that we will see major bank failures all over the Western world.”
Given the dire financial straits the U.S. finds itself in, these financial experts say that Congress could look at the example of the European Parliament, which recently started to consider action that would allow banks to confiscate depositors’ holdings above 100,000 euros. Generally, funds up to that level are insured.
Finance ministers of the 27-member European Union in June had approved forcing bondholders, shareholders and large depositors with more than 100,000 euros in their accounts to make the financial sacrifice before turning to the government for help with taxpayer funds.
Depositors with less than 100,000 euros would be protected. Considering protection of small depositors a top priority, the E.U. ministers took pride in saying that their action would shield them.
“The E.U. has made a big step towards putting in place the most comprehensive framework for dealing with bank crises in the world,” said Michel Barnier, E.U. commissioner for internal market and services.
The plan as approved outlines a hierarchy of rescuing struggling banks. The first will be bondholders, followed by shareholders and then large depositors.
Among large depositors, there is a hierarchy of whose money would be selected first, with small and medium-sized businesses being protected like small depositors.
“This agreement will effectively move us from ad hoc ‘bail-outs’ to structured and clearly defined ‘bail-ins,’” said Michael Noonan, Ireland’s finance minister.
The European Parliament is expected to finalize the plan by the end of the year.
The purpose of this “bail-in,” patterned after the Cyprus model, is to offset the need for continued taxpayer bailouts that have come under increasing criticism of the more economically well-off countries such as Germany.
Last March, Cyprus had agreed to tap large depositors at its two leading banks for some 10 billion euros in an effort to obtain another 10 billion European Union bailout.
While this action prevented the collapse of Cyprus’ two top banks, the Bank of Cyprus and Popular Bank of Cyprus, it greatly upset depositors with savings more than 100,000 euros.
WND recently revealed that the practice of “bail-ins” by Cyprus a year ago was beginning to spread to other nations as large depositors began to see their balances plunge literally overnight.
A “bail-in,” as opposed to a bailout that countries especially in Europe have been seeking from the International Monetary Fund and the European Union, is a recognition that such outside monetary injections won’t be forthcoming.
Sinclair said that the recent confiscation of customer deposits in Cyprus was not a “one-off, desperate idea of a few Eurozone ‘troika’ officials scrambling to salvage their balance sheets.”
“A joint paper by the U.S. federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the Bank of England (BOE) dated December 10, 2012 shows, that these plans have been long in the making, that they originated with the G20 Financial Stability Board in Basel, Switzerland, and that the result will be to deliver clear title to the banks of depositor funds,” Sinclair said.
He pointed that while few depositors are aware, banks legally own the depositors’ funds as soon as they are put in the bank.
“Our money becomes the bank’s, and we become unsecured creditors holding IOUs or promises to pay,” Sinclair said.
“But until now, the bank has been obligated to pay the money back on demand in the form of cash,” he said. “Under the FDIC-BOE plan, our IOUs will be converted into ‘bank equity.’ The bank will get the money and we will get stock in the bank.”
“With any luck,” Sinclair said, “we may be able to sell the stock to someone else, but when and at what price? Most people keep a deposit account so they can have ready cash to pay the bills.”
Such plans already are being used, or under consideration, in New Zealand, Poland, Canada and several other countries.


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WASHINGTON – With the United States facing a $17 trillion debt and an acidic debate in Washington over raising that debt limit on top of a potential government shutdown, Congress could mimic recent European action to let banks initiate a “bail-in” to blunt future failures, experts say.
Previously the federal government has taken taxes from consumers, or borrowed the money, to hand out to troubled banks. This could be a little different, and could allow banks to reach directly into consumers’ bank accounts for their cash.
Authority to allow bank “bail-ins” would be in lieu of approving any future taxpayer bailouts of banks that would be in dire need of recapitalization in order to survive.
Some financial experts contend that banks already have the legal authority to confiscate depositors’ money without warning, and at their discretion.
Financial analyst Jim Sinclair warned that the U.S. banks most likely to be “bailed-in” by their depositors are those institutions that received government bail-out funds in 2008-2009.
Such a “bail-in” means all savings of individuals over the insured amount would be confiscated to offset such a failure.
Get “I Want Your Money” and find out what may be coming to your neighborhood.
“Bail-ins are coming to North America without any doubt, and will be remembered as the ‘Great Leveling,’ of the ‘great Flushing’ (of Lehman Brothers),” Sinclair said. “Not only can it happen here, but it will happen here.
“It stands on legal grounds by legal precedent both in the U.S., Canada and the U.K.”
Sinclair is chairman and chief executive officer of Tanzania Royalty Exploration Corp. and is the son of Bertram Seligman, whose family started Goldman Sachs, Solomon Brothers, Lehman Brothers, Bache Group and other major investment banking firms.
Some of the major banks which received federal bailout money included Bank of America, Citigroup and JPMorgan Chase.
“When major banks fail, they are going to bail them out by grabbing the money that is in your bank accounts,” according to financial expert Michael Snyder. “This is going to absolutely shatter faith in the banking system and it is actually going to make it far more likely that we will see major bank failures all over the Western world.”
Given the dire financial straits the U.S. finds itself in, these financial experts say that Congress could look at the example of the European Parliament, which recently started to consider action that would allow banks to confiscate depositors’ holdings above 100,000 euros. Generally, funds up to that level are insured.
Finance ministers of the 27-member European Union in June had approved forcing bondholders, shareholders and large depositors with more than 100,000 euros in their accounts to make the financial sacrifice before turning to the government for help with taxpayer funds.
Depositors with less than 100,000 euros would be protected. Considering protection of small depositors a top priority, the E.U. ministers took pride in saying that their action would shield them.
“The E.U. has made a big step towards putting in place the most comprehensive framework for dealing with bank crises in the world,” said Michel Barnier, E.U. commissioner for internal market and services.
The plan as approved outlines a hierarchy of rescuing struggling banks. The first will be bondholders, followed by shareholders and then large depositors.
Among large depositors, there is a hierarchy of whose money would be selected first, with small and medium-sized businesses being protected like small depositors.
“This agreement will effectively move us from ad hoc ‘bail-outs’ to structured and clearly defined ‘bail-ins,’” said Michael Noonan, Ireland’s finance minister.
The European Parliament is expected to finalize the plan by the end of the year.
The purpose of this “bail-in,” patterned after the Cyprus model, is to offset the need for continued taxpayer bailouts that have come under increasing criticism of the more economically well-off countries such as Germany.
Last March, Cyprus had agreed to tap large depositors at its two leading banks for some 10 billion euros in an effort to obtain another 10 billion European Union bailout.
While this action prevented the collapse of Cyprus’ two top banks, the Bank of Cyprus and Popular Bank of Cyprus, it greatly upset depositors with savings more than 100,000 euros.
WND recently revealed that the practice of “bail-ins” by Cyprus a year ago was beginning to spread to other nations as large depositors began to see their balances plunge literally overnight.
A “bail-in,” as opposed to a bailout that countries especially in Europe have been seeking from the International Monetary Fund and the European Union, is a recognition that such outside monetary injections won’t be forthcoming.
Sinclair said that the recent confiscation of customer deposits in Cyprus was not a “one-off, desperate idea of a few Eurozone ‘troika’ officials scrambling to salvage their balance sheets.”
“A joint paper by the U.S. federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the Bank of England (BOE) dated December 10, 2012 shows, that these plans have been long in the making, that they originated with the G20 Financial Stability Board in Basel, Switzerland, and that the result will be to deliver clear title to the banks of depositor funds,” Sinclair said.
He pointed that while few depositors are aware, banks legally own the depositors’ funds as soon as they are put in the bank.
“Our money becomes the bank’s, and we become unsecured creditors holding IOUs or promises to pay,” Sinclair said.
“But until now, the bank has been obligated to pay the money back on demand in the form of cash,” he said. “Under the FDIC-BOE plan, our IOUs will be converted into ‘bank equity.’ The bank will get the money and we will get stock in the bank.”
“With any luck,” Sinclair said, “we may be able to sell the stock to someone else, but when and at what price? Most people keep a deposit account so they can have ready cash to pay the bills.”
Such plans already are being used, or under consideration, in New Zealand, Poland, Canada and several other countries.



More doooooooooooommmmmm............

I like what this guy has to say.  Not sure on his timing - but most of his scenario and debt advice is correct.

Here it is - passed on by a blog reader:

Below you will find my notes from the most current info coming from Lindsey Williams.  Most of my notes are word for word what he said.  This is the first 47 minutes of a 1 hour 45 minute presentation.  If you want to listen to the rest, here's a link.


I have received a "timeframe" as to when the elite will create the great financial crash.  I did not receive a "date" because the elite do not have an actual date set for this event yet.  The collapse will take place AFTER  the Affordable Healthcare Bill is implemented.  This bill is very important to the elite; much more important that the average person is giving any thought to.

For 2 years time I have been a lone voice.  Major news writers and talk show hosts have been predicting the collapse for the past 2 years and I have been going back to them and saying it's not going to happen yet.  With all the forecast and doom-and-gloom being reported it hasn't happened yet, but things have happened exactly as my elite friend has said they would.  

Why are they not ready "yet"?  They have not created enough debt.  Gradually they are making slaves out of you and me and everybody in this world.  They are doing it so slowly that you're missing it, you're not taking any action and you're bowing down to what they've said.  This Healthcare Bill is KEY to what the elite are going to do.  It is NOT a healthcare bill.  First of all there was the Patriot Act which had to be passed.  Then the Healthcare Bill was put in place.  The Healthcare Bill is the final straw, it is the total control factor, it is the one thing that will bring about complete control.  The name of the game is control and I've been saying this for 37 years.  The elite must have total control before they can bring about a complete collapse of the system.
Let's look back at when the news media has said the Healthcare Bill would be implemented.  It was supposed to be implemented as of January 1, 2014.  Then our president, Mr. Obama, changed all that.  He altered things not too long ago.  He said, "There will be a change.  We are going to exempt corporations and businesses from having to do certain things until January 2015."  The elite want more debt; they want more Detroit's; they want more big company's to fail.  

There are certain things you positively MUST do before January 2014, and if you don't your family will suffer tremendously and will not survive this crash.  There positively must be more debt, a failure of pension funds, they must have more Detroit's, they've got to have a Chicago, they want more people on welfare, they want you totally dependent on them.  They want you so dependent on them that you can't do one thing about it when they actually decide to close the banks, bring about a collapse of the American dollar and collapse the system worldwide.

What is a collapse as the way the elite think about it?  When the banks close, when you lose your money, when the dollar collapses, THIS is a collapse.  The best way I've ever heard it put, and it was almost prophetic, was by Thomas Jefferson.  He said, "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.  If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers have conquered."   

If you've got a house that is mortgaged you are going to lose it.  If you have a house that is mortgaged you may as well quit making payments on it because you are going to lose it.  You might live in it for the time being, but when they get ready to bring this collapse about you will not have the currency to pay for it and they will repossess it.  They already own it because they bought it with the $85 billion per month -they have gone out and bought the mortgages of houses and shopping centers and churches all across America.  When they get ready for the collapse to take place you will not own them any longer.  They will repossess them and you will wind up homeless, which is exactly what Thomas Jefferson said would happen.   You've got to have a house that is mortgage free that doesn't have any debt on it whatsoever.

On Thursday, June 20, 2013, the elite ran a test.  Go back and look it up.  The night before, June 19, just about the time of the closing bell, Mr. Bernanke said, (paraphrasing) "There is a possibility we are going to withdraw a little bit on that $85 billion and QE."  This was not a slip of the tongue.  It was done intentionally.  The elite were sitting in their palaces watching like a hawk to see exactly what would happen, and it happened exactly like they wanted it to happen.  I woke up to an email the next morning that said we were used as a guinea pig by the elite to see how they can collapse every currency of the world at one time.  I immediately called my friend to ask what in the world was going on.  The stock markets had gone crazy and had dropped the very next morning (which is not an indication of anything), but this is not what they were interested in. They wanted to see what interest rates would do just at a suggestion by Mr. Bernanke.  I want to remind you that my elite friend told me 1 1/2 years ago that the final sign before the collapse of every currency in the world would be when Mr. Bernanke announced a rise in interest rates.  He said that when this happens, any paper that you have not gotten out of, you will lose.  You will not have time to get it.  This is exactly what the elite wanted to find out with this test.  Interest rates in interbank funding went up significantly over the following two days.  If the elite would have allowed this to continue, every bank and currency in the world would have collapsed by Monday morning.  Their test was successful and they learned that all they have to do is have the FED Chairman say a certain thing and they can collapse everything within 24 hours or by Monday morning.  One week later the global derivative market lost $300 TRILLION!

There are certain things you MUST do before January 1, 2014, not because the crash will happen then, but because you probably will not be able to do them any longer after that.  Remember, not everyone stood in the soup line in 1929-1933.  There were some who made great fortunes at that time.  To survive and not be standing in the soup line, here is what I've been told you must do before January 1, 2014:

1.  Buy every piece of gold you can get your hands on.  Silver is fine, but it's difficult to swim the river with silver in your pockets.  With gold you can carry a briefcase around with a million dollars in it.  The elite know this and they have bought it.

2.  You've GOT to get out of debt.  I don't care what it takes, what kind of sacrifice you have to make, you MUST get out of debt!!  Anything that is debt, you're going to lose, I don't care what it is.

3.  GET OUT OF PAPER!!  I've said this over and over and over.  You must get out of paper of every kind.  I don't care if it's a 401K, an IRA, a mutual fund, a retirement fund, you are not going to get it.  If you are 50 or younger, you will never see your retirement.

4.  You must pay off your house mortgage.  I know you say you can't, but you can.  It's better to live in a one room log cabin with no mortgage than to live in a mansion that the Federal Reserve owns.  They will come and get it and you will lose it when the collapse takes place.

5.  Store food, water and firearms.  The one thing the elite did not want the American people to do is what they did.  After Sandy Hook took place and the president said he didn't want this to ever take place again with a gun, American's went out and bought every handgun and piece of ammunition they could secure.  The American people gave a message to the elite and it scared the daylights out of them.  You've got to have food, water and firearms in your house.  

6.  Get ready for the greatest buying opportunity of your lifetime.  Those who have made preparation in advance, when the dust settles, will be able to buy anything they want to buy for pennies on the dollar.  If you are prepared by January 1, 2014, you can survive the crash.  

7.  Get out of the city, if at all possible.  All the elite have.  I don't know of a single elite who live in a big city.  They all live out in the wide open places.  

8.  Purchase everything that you need.  I don't care what it is.  If you can buy it and you don't have to mortgage it, you get it.  If you need it, get it now, before January 1, 2014.  You are going to see numerous events begin to transpire, as soon as the Affordable Healthcare Bill kicks in, that is going to fulfill everything the elite wanted in order to keep you from revolting, if at all possible.  They may not be able to and they have made preparations for if you do, but they don't want that.  They want to bring this on gradually over a period of time until they can make that total slave out of you.  But you don't have to be that way.  You can prepare now.  You can listen to what my elite friends have said, purchase everything you can before January 1, 2014 without having to mortgage it.

Friday, September 27, 2013


Folks - those in power for well over two decades or even the last 7 or 8 have been pulling you gently along into this trap we find ourselves in.  As Brigham Young put it, the bands have been tightening and tightening until we find ourselves so tightly bound that it will require a divine intervention.   The Elders did not rise up in time when President Benson and Cleon Skousen were frothing at the mouth....

Similar band tightening will begin in earnest in the Holy Land here shortly.  Both groups in dire desperation will need an intervention.  I was curious about George Washington's vision of the event - a bright light, brighter than a thousand suns coming to our rescue here in America.  Sounds oddly like quite the divine intervention to consume those gathered against the Lord's chosen (who remain).

Here are the memes that got me spun up - this sack o crap is so blatantly evil and his agenda so apparent that it is almost laughable.....:


Here is another:



One thing I admire in people is the ability to make do with little.  With some strategic raw ingredients in store, salves and ointments can be had on hand when the notion of a store is a thing of the past. Times will be so rough because many places simply will not intact - roads, warehouses, airports.  The sayings of the brethren and others have made it very clear that the roads will be busted up, the rails in disuse and the economy (the beast) shattered.  No one will worship it any longer.  No more football games on the Sabbath.  No more internet!  Say it isn't so!  No more smart phones, no more apps.  No more skype, no more ice cream.  No more air conditioning, no more 60mph luxury to be whisked from place to place.  No more things as we knew them. 

This will drive many mad - some just the thought of it would have the effect.  Some would revile against what I am saying because the cognitive dissonance is just too great to comprehend.  When you read the writings of Josephus, the great historian of Jesus' day - the Ether of the old world who recorded the demise of his people whose generation rejected our Redeemer, he spoke of how things really were - and foreshadowed how things will really be in times to come.  If you are experiencing cognitive dissonance and cannot comprehend the things that Spencer spoke of - because they are "too over the top" - a read of Josephus will cure you of that.  Human nature - when broken down to its lowest and basest form - the animal, or natural part of us that we are commanded to subdue and make subject to the Spirit - is a scary thing.  On the flip side of that, those who have the love of God with them and have subdued the baser nature within them, do very well in these situations.  I love reading accounts of some of the Jews in the German prison camps in WWII who looked outside themselves and filled their doomy environs with love and with hope - even in the face of insurmountable odds that they would survive.  Though I believe that will be brief, some of us LDS (patriots, leaders, etc) will experience some of this treatment similarly to what the Jews experienced.  It will be a test only for those who opted for that in order to prove themselves under extraordinary circumstances - much as Liberty Jail was an extraordinary proving ground for Joseph and others in the Missouri years.  If we can enlarge our souls and step outside ourselves enough to look at our trials through the lens of "what growth and learning can I take from this trial", we will be fit for God's glory.  If we shrink from those trials and raise our fist and curse God and wish to die, then we have lost our reward we otherwise might have had.

Back on track - this delightful woman I am blessed to call a friend has perfected many skills that she will have the privilege to pass along to others.  These skills will come in handy when the foothills of the Oquirrhs are filled with tent cities of the refugees from the West Coast:
I had a commenter state that they thought that SLC is a form or type of Jerusalem.  I can see that with so many flowing to the Mountain of the Lord there in times past, but the fact remains that it is classed among the wicked cities of the world at this point.  Most of SLC proper is no longer LDS - and it is no secret that it is largely filled with anti's and people who will not support good conservative principle.  One merely has to look at the voting record in that area to see the reality.  I talked about the problem with gay cruising in City Creek Park above Temple Square.  So, it has to be flushed along with many places in California, Oregon, Washington, etc.  That stuff simply will not be allowed in the world where the true NJ is flourishing.  It has been years since SLC proper has been a beacon.  The scriptures speaking of all nations that will flow to it, is in Jackson County.  We have seen NOTHING up to this point compared to numbers in the Church and missionary work and temple work.  That real and significant work it beginning shortly and will continue on until it will FILL the earth.

This EQ and cleansing by plague will be an attempt by the adversary to clear Utah out by the adversary and his earthly minions - just as the armies gathered against Jerusalem will be the attempt to do the same over there.  God will intervene in both cases.  The devil will FAIL.  God's kingdom and earthly government will prevail.  If you do not believe it, ask yourself how else God will usher in His kingdom.  There is no other scenario - and you are in the thick of it. 

BUCKLE UP!  Bumpy roads ahead.

Here is some more stuff from Gayle Young that eerily matches this scenario that Spencer, Iohanni, Sols Guardisto, Sarah Menet and others talked of.  BTW - none of these people were ever ex'd over any of this though some were very vocal in what they had to say:

ECONOMIC COLLAPSE: Shortly after her mother in law’s death the government will cause to occur very rapidly a complete, world wide economic collapse in which money would be worthless. She is not sure how soon after her mother in law’s passing this will occur. At one time she felt it would just be a few days; now she is not sure how much time will pass. She saw lots of paper money blowing about the streets and no one bothering to pick it up. There are a number of scriptures, both in the Bible and in modern revelation which refer to Babylon falling, and an economic collapse occurring in “one day”. She has not been shown how this collapse would occur, but she has been shown on many occasions that it would occur very quickly over just a relatively few days. She says that “we will hear rumors which will get louder and then the collapse will happen very quickly.”

FIRST EARTHQUAKE: Within about 10 days after the economic collapse there would be a substantial earthquake along the Wasatch Front in Utah. She says that this quake “doesn’t seem that hard but because it lasts so long there is quite a bit of damage.”

SECOND EARTHQUAKE: Within about 15 days after the first earthquake there would be a second earthquake that would be INCREDIBLE. (I have another friend or two who have seen these quakes and they say that this second quake would be the biggest quake ever recorded by man.) The damage would be massive and would include the breaking of every dam in the mountains above the Wasatch Front. The Jordanell dam will break and then when the surge hits Deer Creek, it too will break and a huge wall of water over 80 feet high will scour Provo Canyon and everything in front of it. There will also be massive liquifaction of the ground in the west part of the valley. Buildings will be falling like dominos. There will be massive fires and floods. Travel south out of Salt Lake Valley will be blocked because the huge sand and gravel deposit at the Point of The Mountain will slide across the entire valley making it impossible to go across this loose material on foot. Also, very wide and deep crevices will open up in this same area. The crevices will be perhaps 600 feet deep and 500 to 600 feet wide.

MARTIAL LAW: Sometime between the economic collapse and the second earthquake martial law would be imposed in Utah and perhaps over the entire country. The rioting, looting, mobbings, etc. that will follow the economic collapse will be unlike anything this country has ever experienced. She says this martial law will be incredibly oppressive and brutal, worse than Nazi Germany. People caught outside after curfew will be shot. People will be prohibited from meeting, praying or leaving the area. Those caught doing so will be executed, Armed troops will have authority to search homes and seize food, arms and ammunition and anything else they choose to take. This oppression will be so severe that people will pray night and day for deliverance. The U.N. will relocate people and sort them, some will be executed and others sent to work camps. She saw armed soldiers rounding up groups of men and then shooting them. She saw that men were very scarce in the valley.

THIRD & FOURTH EARTHQUAKES: Perhaps five or six months - perhaps longer, after the second earthquake a third earthquake will hit the Wasatch Front destroying everything and everyone left in the area. Gail thinks that this quake is in response to the prayers asking for relief. This third quake will result in significant shifts in the earth’s crust that will cause a series of massive quakes all over the world. Sometime later there will be a fourth quake in the Wasatch front of such incredible magnitude that she saw Mount Timpanogos sinking away and a new mountain appearing in the middle of Utah Valley. When I asked Gail to review this in Sept. 1996 she added the following: “Last week I saw the whole valley under water. I was standing on the Point of the Mountain looking both ways to Utah Valley and Salt Lake Valley and saw all of it under water. The water was lapping up against my feet. I was up on the foothill. I also saw the cracks in the earth with molten lava coming out of them.”

PLAGUES: Following the second earthquake one or more terrible quick killing diseases would break out in the Utah area and kill many. The disease(s) will be something like the Ebola virus that kills very quickly. While Gail was talking on the radio about these plagues a man named “Robert” called in and said he had been shown these diseases and he was also shown that the governing powers controlling the troops would be responsible for unleashing the disease on the people. Gail agreed with this. According to both of them the entire area from Northern Arizona to southern Idaho would be sealed off and turned into a “dead zone.” They said that the purpose for all of this is to kill Christians and particularly the LDS.

U. S. INVADED: Shortly after the second earthquake the United States will be attacked by invading forces. Russia will invade the East coast and China the West coast. The invasion will include missile attacks. She was shown that the invasion would occur when people were eating and drinking which Gail believes to be Thanksgiving, but possibly Christmas. There will be nuclear attacks on both coasts, Las Vegas, and perhaps in Utah.