Friday, September 30, 2011


Well, I finally concede. Elenin is a no-show. My Jewish friend was in Toronto last night blowing the shofar marking the end of Rosh Hoshannah - all with no results in the celestial signs department. At the very least, if Elenin were what it was purported to be, there would have been a massive eclipse of the sun on Sept 26th. None of it occurred....

As a consolation, and in honor of Rosh Hoshannah, here is a cool little vid showing how a shofar is made the kosher way: CLICK LINK


Tuesday, September 27, 2011


This reminds me of waiting on the couch while my beau was primping away in the bathroom and making us late to the dance....

Yet another case of the sun being "irritated" electromagnetically by something. Elenin?? Not sure (CLICK LINK). By now, I was expecting an eclipse to start and that we would be in the window for the large EQ that would accompany it. Waiting....... I called a +/-3-4 day window of September 26th, but I am beginning to wonder.

Need to re-iterate here for people that haven't followed the blog closely for the last three months. The seventh seal has not been opened yet. Its opening is VERY distinct with all the signs I have talked about - of this, there is no dispute. When it happens and by what mechanism, no one is exactly sure. It is NOT the coming of the Lord - it simply is the 'sign' that His coming is imminent - much as Samuel's sign set up the events of Christ's first appearance in the Americas in the Book of Mormon. We as a people, should be fixated on this event just as the Jews are still fixated on the coming of Elijah - knowing it is the last sign (in their scripture) of the coming of their expected Messiah.

So, I wait for the next few days until Rosh Hoshana on the 29th. If it does not hurry up and show its face and manifest its signs, I am calling a no-show and I get to refund all the money spent on the tickets for this show......

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Well, I had heard about Obama visiting the massive secret underground bunker at DIA (that I have heard so much about - but never confirmed....).

Sounds like there are more open calendars this week...... Got this from a site my survivalist nut-job daughter trolls:

The United Nations has an empty schedule from September 23rd through October 10th, 2011.

The UK Parliament is in recess from September 15th through October 10th, 2011.

The United States Congress is on vacation from September 25th through October 2nd, 2011.

Germany’s President’s schedule is empty after September 25, 2011.

2011 ACEEE National Conference on Energy Efficiency as a Resource
September 25, 2011 - September 27, 2011
Hyatt Regency Denver Tech Center
Denver, CO

The Coca-Cola Company, NatureWorks and Cereplast headline the Biopolymers Symposium
September 26-28, 2011

ControlLogix and RSLogix 5000 Training Seminar
September 27-29, 2011

September 26-27, 2011

2011 Homeland Security Symposium
September 26-27, 2011

6th Annual Biopolymers Symposium
September 26-28, 2011

Strategies for Justice Conference
September 26-30, 2011

2011 Kentico Connection - Denver
September 26-30, 2011

EcoSys EPC (Enterprise Planning & Controls)
September 25-26, 2011

Annual Educational Networking Conference
September 25-27, 2011

NASA Lands in Colorado With International Space Station Events
September 21-27, 2011
Additionally, a report from the European Union Times states the following:

A disturbing report prepared by General Alexey Maslov, the Senior Military Representative of the Permanent Mission of Russia to NATO, states that he has been notified by the Americans of their plan to hold a DEFCON 1 “Cocked Pistol” maximum readiness alert drill on 27 September which will be overseen by President Obama at one the United States most secure bunkers located beneath the Denver International Airport.


Well, I got a few roasts in the recent comments from a few readers on Elenin and a few people somehow making derisive associations between me and Cohen's predictions.
I pretty much figured his call would be a no-show (CLICK LINK FROM JULY OF THIS YEAR). Interesting - but most probably a fizzle.

There were a few very positive comments - and I am grateful for those to balance out the other stuff. Number one, I do follow our prophet to the letter - which is why I have a gnarly food storage, several years of fuel laid up, some cash on hand and some nasty weapons to protect it from the people who think they will just sponge off others who have prepared (I know, I know - live by the sword, die by the sword)..... But it sounds so tough....

I don't wring my hands in terror, worry or fear. I simply live my life and go to bed each night without a worry when I have the Spirit for my guide. I also do NOT rely on President Monson or anyone else to tell me when to take my bowel movements. Folks that wait for the Prophet of a worldwide church to make a personal appeal to them on how to do their day to day things are foolish and spiritually lazy. They roll their eyes at me - and I do the same to them; and have quite some toxicity for that ilk that seems to permeate the Church more and more as of late. We have those in the Church who will be purged for their slothfulness and short sightedness..... When the prophets fall silent, the people have need to be worried about their future. I figure they have been mostly silent on the matters I used to hear in the 80's and the sword is just about to fall on the slothful - typically those who rely on CNN and the mass media to tell them how to act, think and feel. Nice murky, dreamy, state you are in. Enjoy what you have coming - and you know who you are because this is cutting you to the core and you are getting angry at these words (read Nephi for a further description of your awful state). The rest who are awake will move along just fine through what is coming. It will be a time where spiritual fitness will prove the difference between your progeny moving along to the next phase, or no branch of your genealogical tree being extended. If you are spiritually dead, your roots will die also and you will be cut off from the righteous ancestral lines - utterly expunged from the family of Adam. Read Zenoch's allegory. There is a physical and a spiritual casting into the fire of the pretenders in God's kingdom.

You decide how you want it to come out. I have made my choices - and a little vanity in me wants my line to continue physically and spiritually; and I do what is in my power to make it so.

To the commenter who wanted to find out about my spiritual witness of moving off the west coast to the mountain West, here is the post (CLICK LINK) - and thanks for your affirmation. As always, I say receive a witness for yourself. I am just a regular dude living a remarkable life..... and throwing it out there for others to get ideas for their own journey.


I thought this was interesting - massive increase in EQ activity this year:


Hmmm...... Wonder what it could be that is messing with mother nature??

This earth is getting p.o.ed at all the garbage going on. Maybe a little help from her good friend Elenin? Who knows?

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Well, on a blog about believing strange stuff, I have a hard time believing this piece by Dr. Cohen - even though a lion-share of traffic to this site is from his Betelgeuese piece. Records of viewership are being set every day lately. The timing of his interesting piece are being noted with my claims that there will be a second "sun" lighting our atmosphere here on the 26th due to Elenin. Dr. Cohen does say that something will happen tonight at midnight and NASA may have something to explain it away - if it is indeed true: CLICK LINK

I find it very interesting - but not too much so for the Wood Zone....

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I thought this was an interesting take on things. These jokers will only have power for another 20-30 years, or so and they are showing off what they know - and that they are in control of the kingdom of the d'evil. They don't give information out in the way of warning as God or one of his humble servants would do; its in the way of "I told you so; look at how strong and powerful I am."

The d'evil, as portrayed in the endowment is as he really is; a sore, second place loser who is pedantic, juvenile, self-centered, etc, etc. So are the freaks that work for him here in the flesh. They like to show what they know before it happens - not out of concern for others, but for their own aggrandizement. Here is some of their work: CLICK LINK

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Well, I have been so busy putting up wood, food, fuel, etc that I have not had a chance to do any good posts lately.

I would like to say that I have taken a new appreciation of the Sabbath. After destroying my soft body on 16-20 hour days during the week doing hard labor, all I can do is look forward to raw recuperation and rest on the Lord's day. What a blessing!

I woke up to my wife listening to this guy who seems to be mostly on track (basically regurgitating everything I have been saying for the last 5 months on Elenin - minus my personal witness from my visit to the temple). I think it is worth the hour and half to view it if you would like an overview. Another thing; the last 15 mins was new material and exceptionally interesting if the first part seems like grind that you have already been over before... (CLICK LINK) As a side note, I got this link from a very interesting and sincere Catholic survivalist (much like myself) who is into food storage and preparedness like I have never seen. Very interesting fellow (with an equally interesting wife) who may play into our future scenarios here in Kalispell.

Well, we are down to the last week. VERY excited to see how this all pans out. I sincerely hope I am wrong on so many levels (I have never felt I have been anywhere close to this state of preparedness for the Lord's coming and so content for having gotten here), but hoping to just get on with it. I have also never seen things so aligned geopolitically and socially, etc. What a cool climax for the end battles and scenes prior to the Lord's coming. ALL previous generations and peoples have been pointed and fixated on this time to come about. What a privilege to be a part of it!! When finally on the other side, we will have a sort of celebrity status among our peers for having gone through what is coming - what will rage on the earth as it never has raged.

How will you sign your autograph?

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Well, happy 10th anniversary. I hope nothing happens - but just in case, I am heading to the garage to put all the essential electronics in my make-shift Faraday cage (a galvanized garbage can with a tight fitting lid).

Sounds like there might be more of a problem than just the "death to America" wild-eyed jihadist. The Sun sure is having fits lately....