Monday, October 18, 2010


One of my first jobs out of college was working for big pharma. I loved what I did as I had very little direction and set each day up deciding which direction I would move in that research environment along with my own budget for the little group that I was lead over.

I was pretty oblivious at the time to the battle going on around me between those who are for proper nutrition and those who mask the the symptoms of improper nutrition by having their patients pop a few pills. My wife got me up to speed as the early years of our marriage progressed and then, after three rapid pregnancies, the issue of proper nutrition reared its ugly head and we were in a battle for our lives as she fought what was diagnosed by the white coats as a "bipolar" condition - but was actually a B12 deficiency. I blogged that earlier under the topic B12.

In the Book of Mormon, we read of secret combinations that will exist in the last days - and the FDA and all their ilk being bought off to the highest bidder in a highly politicized arena fits the classic definition. I ran across this site and thought there was alot of merit to what they have to say:

The big pharma hoax

When the Lord comes again, all of the trash that seeks to hide and shut down the truth will be taken to the curb..... Can't wait!! The Millenium will rock!

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Sometimes you just wander through life in a morasse of mediocrity and never come to a true sense of whether you stand approved before the Lord (that would be, that you see things as He see things, because you are like him in thought word and deed). I have run into a few people that I know stand approved before the Lord - to the point that they have received the Second Comforter - which is a personal visitation of the Lord. A few years back, after running into the account of Iohani Wolfgramm's life (and his personal witness of the Lord), I decided to scour the internet and find what I could on the topic. I ran into a book that I thought would be rather enlightening - one written by a guy I think has the oddest name - Denver Snuffer. The book is, simply; The Second Comforter.
I ordered it from Amazon thinking I would devour it and found it quite mundane (if the first chapter does not light me on fire, I will usually put it aside). I think I was looking for something of the sensational - which is not God's way.....
My wife, however, found it a great read. Such is the nature of our marriage - we balance each other out nearly perfectly. She then looked Denver up and found his blog - which she then introduced me to. Denver generally picks the Book of Mormon apart verse by verse and brings it to life - something no BYU professor of religion could ever do with any measure of success. I found Denver's daily writings refreshing - clear, honest and direct. I am a daily reader now - even though some of the stuff he writes may seem cutting or critical - it is as the Lord sees things. I gage anything against the writings of the New Testament specifically - and the rest of the gospel generally. That is where the Lord was dealing with a fallen people directly and was rather harsh and direct in his approach to the people of the day - other scripture usually involved a sermon to the choir, so to speak. Denver has the same approach - and so it has rung true with me. Anyone who sugar coats something, I reject outright as a false teacher. If anyone is harsh or not bound by love, I reject them also. Firmness, bounded by love was the Savior's way.

So, I commend Denver and a post which hit me hard as I struggled just a few short years ago in my marriage to my dear wife as she struggled with a vitamin deficiency that left her a fraction of the woman that I married 18 years ago.

Enjoy the link (and feel free to dig through Denver's ample postings!):