Friday, February 26, 2010


I just got on Facebook and have connected with an old friend - whose father (my old Scoutmaster), was more of a father (time-wise) than my own. My old friend asked me why the change in my tone from when we were teenagers (I have always been a driven overachiever and optimist - and still am). I thought my response was worth sharing - along with an anonymous comment from a reader from a previous blog topic that shows how personal revelation begins to work within us as the light begins to turn on and our path is illuminated:


I can definitely see your mom's positive tone coming out there.... Sorry - not to come across as bitter. You might say I have become a little more 'wistful' or more of a cold hard realist. Moroni's admonition to wake up to the awful sense of our situation rings loudly in my mind as of late. We are in serious trouble - and most do not comprehend it. Yes, I do focus on all of the great blessings that I enjoy such as family, financial prosperity, etc. I personally think this is the most exciting time to be alive in the history of the world. But it is akin to being in a rubber raft on class 5 water - there will be a share of scares and spills, etc. along with the fun ride. If you were to ask yourself where we are right now (as a nation, church, world) and ask yourself where we need to be when Christ comes again - law of consecration, law of chastity, unity, etc. the gulf is massive and widening alarmingly..... Then ask yourself what will close that gap - we DO have to get from point A to point B...... If you are introspective and thoughtful, you will be alarmed as well, I think. I project a very difficult ride that has been prophesied for millennia (I am not saying anything new).
If you were to read up on a few of the topics on my blog you would probably have a better sense of where I am coming from. It is a hodge-podge of alot of different stuff - but one of the topics is the impending cleanse of America that will be upon us in the next decade or two:

I think I even have a topic in there that I dedicated to our old friend Tal of anti-Mormon PBS special fame - you might find interesting (second one down in the series):

I know, I know - very heavy stuff. I think you will remember that I have always been pretty intense and focused. That intensity and focus has settled on a pragmatic approach to what is undeniably coming our direction. What we hear over the pulpit is couched for general consumption. Personal musings and revelation are left more to the blogosphere and other forums - and Glenn Beck. I mentioned that I would not blog it, but a former bishop (who is tied into Joel Skousen and the Utah preparedness scene) has it from consultants that many of the GAs have full shelters in place for some hard times. Do they share it across the pulpit - no, but they are prepared to a level for coming difficulties that most of us cannot imagine. I think you are still in a bishopric and, as one of the watchmen on the tower, have a great ability to influence others for good. Not in a "sky is falling" sense, but more of a general undercurrent of preparedness and cautioning. You have to remember, the closer you are to it, the worse it is. If you were living as close to Seattle as I am, you would feel things more acutely than you are closer to Zion. Its pretty much the spiritual freak show over here - folks that think that my five children should have ended up in a planned parenthood clinic bio-hazard waste bin and that animals have rights over people, and that a 3 month live-in girlfriend is a LTR..... You can definitely say I am fed up with our moral decline and have decided that the time soon comes that it is in our best interests to find a more "spiritually conducive" environment - wherever that might be.

Better get back to sleep - 5am comes soon. Happy to talk more of this stuff if you have any questions. You are one of the few personal acquaintances I have shared the blog with - so consider yourself privileged..... (wink). It is my dark side, you know :)

And do have a great day.


Since most do not read comments, I had to re-post this one. FASCINATING how (she?) arrived at the revelatory point she arrived at. Line upon line.


Anonymous said...

I don't normally blog and not on personal spiritual matters but I just feel pushed to send this. A couple years ago I started getting the powerful impressions to move to what would be considered the Rockies. Not in a vision or dream but repeatedly over the period of months as I pondered about moving to this location I was moved by the powerful promptings of the Holy Spirit but not in haste but soon as God would direct. In pondering it over and over with the same promptings I started preparations for this move. When studying I bounce around to different gospel topics and found a reference to Joseph Smith statement about the place and living the United Order for 166 years, but it was not until that I came across your web sight and the words ‘TO YOUR TENTS O ISRAEL" and the words of our Prophet calling out the members to soon stand in Holy Places because of some pending tribulations, that the spirit started to return my mind and soul back to the previous experiences. I don't know what the details are that will take place, how correct the events are you have presented in your books or will these events occur soon or in 10 years but something is building to the time to move quickly.

I also got a strong impression when I ran across this on your web sight…

"Another quote regarding the Civil War itself comes from an interview by Dr. Poulson with David Whitmer, printed in the Deseret News on Friday, August 16, 1878:

Question: When will the temple be built in Independence?

Answer: Right after the great tribulation is over

Question: What do you mean by that?

Answer: A civil war more bloody and cruel than the rebellion. It will be the smashing up of this nation, about which time the second great work has to be done, a work like Joseph did, and the translation of the sealed plates and peace all over."

More over the translation of the sealed plates are now taking place in Salt Lake City by the authorities of the Church. I don't want to add this but the spirit keeps pushing me to state that I think these are the records that John Taylor said to follow across the Colorado river or to be sure not to be behind them. I further felt a strong spirit on the statements about the Sword of Laban with Signs and Tokens which could be the Urim and Thummim . I just pray these things are true and that I will live long enough to have the privilege to read them. More over the last line is when I felt that all of this is connected. I am writing this to you or whom ever it might help because I have been studying end times prophecies and preparing for life's end times tribulations on and off again as the Prophets have directed, as a convert for over thirty years, and have never felt the spirit confirm any end time prophecies until now. It has all been a fun intellectual study until now! I do not feel moved to further put down any details of my promptings but just let others seek out from Our Heavenly Father on what they should do. The only promptings of the spirit I feel I need to share is "when the spirit comes to you in such matters to move quickly to Holy Places and do not cling to all the preparations you have made that must be left behind at your homes, but go quickly and all will be well".

I want to thank you for compiling the experiences of members because as I have heard and read journals of members testimonial experiences I have felt the witness of the Holy Spirit many times which continued to build my testimony. I also just wanted to thank all of the members that have given great sacrifices in their lives to the Restored Gospel and those that have helped me over my many years in the Church. I hope the glorious days are soon at hand for the building of New Jerusalem and will find all is well when we meet in THE TENTS OF ISRAEL.
May 6, 2009 3:07 AM

IRAQ said...

Thank you for sharing!!

What a testimony to me! Those subtle promptings during those quiet times of pondering sometimes seem unusual or out of time - but I have learned through sad experience to pay attention to them.

God bless in your pleadings and the following of those gentle promptings. It truly will be "survival of the spiritaul fittest" when the Lord decides it is time to pull the plug.

Sunday, February 21, 2010



Well, being a loud-mouth and an Engineer, I get myself into some interesting situations. One of my favorites was when I spent an hour with the Teachers Quorum one Sunday figuring the theoretical diameter of Kolob based on its period of rotation around its "governing body". When I bump into one of my old teachers, they still mention that as one of their most memorable lessons - I get animated with a piece of chalk in my hand....

Anyway, one of the other times I got into a corner was when I was dealing with a fellow aerospace Engineer who believed all Mormons have horny protrusions jutting from the top of their skulls (and he was totally serious). This guy was an adherent to Ed Decker and the whole anti-Mormon crowd (a totally different blog topic of how I did a smackdown on good old Ed Decker..... one of the many wicked and adulterous people I have run into who hate the truth because they would be forced to zip up and put up - or get out). Anyway, my fellow engineer and I - besides having to deal with what he thought were serious structural problems with my skull, developed kind of a level of comfort - even with me being 'spawn of the devil' and all. Since we were not able to find much common ground in the NT, our lunch time topics stuck mostly to the OT. One of the topics I always thought was interesting was how the life spans of the ancients dropped off around the time of the flood and thought a graph would be in order. Everything in nature and in our universe follows mathematical principles (even if they might as yet be undiscovered). The curve fit that came out of the data was BEAUTIFUL! I dropped it into a file and forgot about it until I went looking for missionary spiritual experiences which I will be blogging in the month of March.

Hope you enjoy it. I had a great time making it. If you want to copy it - feel free to use it, expand on it, etc.

Also, I have a feeling that the data on this chart explains the erratic nature of/complete unreliability of carbon dating data before 2000B.C. Something is going to come out some time soon that will nail this little detail down - once science catches up with revealed religion. Can't wait until the world's history is shown 1000 years at a time!

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Well, I just awoke from a bad dream about something I have been writing about and pondering over for years - why the 'over the top' stuff written in the Book of Mormon and how does it apply to us in our day. The over riding theme is how a people were continuously cleansed/held at bay by an outside power until they had crossed a line and then they were virtually wiped out; forever. How did they get themselves into that mess, how did they not see the warning signs - what was so intoxicatingly powerful that they would continue that self-destructive trajectory knowing what the end result would be? What diverted their gaze from their Savior and then held it as they were carefully pulled from the true path to one that was irrecoverable; lost in the mists of darkness as it were.

About the dream I just had (it was not necessarily inspired - but informative); I was sitting down to a lecture in a lecture hall at some worldly university and the professor was speaking about astronomy. I was enjoying the lecture when the topic came very close to what happened (astronomically speaking) at the Savior's first coming. I called out, "It will happen again". Before I could get the full phrase out, I was drowned out completely with catcalls and very disapproving glares were directed at me from virtually all in the room - and those that were not glaring at me were too afraid to speak out in favor of what I was saying. The battle of public opinion had been lost and political correctness had won out. The professor then went on to talk about some topic that appeased the telestial masses in the room (it had something to do with a scientific study on how many sexual partners one could have before one was at risk, statistically speaking, for STDs using the latest contraceptives).

Alot of people would not believe that the above scenario could happen, but I can emphatically state that this very kind of scenario plays out at least every other week in a work forum. I do not talk about religious or political topics directly with co-workers, but rather deal in principles so that the wicked that I am forced to deal with, do not full-on rebel. For example, I can no longer say something like "Bill Clinton was a pervert who brought complete and humiliating shame on the office of the President.", but instead have to couch it in terms of "I would never vote for someone who would steal the innocence of someone his own daughter's age." On topic of abortion, I cannot say "Abortion is a moral evil whose effects will collectively be brought down upon the heads of the people of this nation.", I have to say something more along the lines of "People expect to be able to participate in something that is forbidden and then have no consequences of the outfall. We are a 'something for nothing' generation.".
Directness and boldness is more often met with a slap-down than with approval - especially from the younger, hipper, SNL crowd. So, we have lost the battle of political correctness, moral high ground, etc. and we have 20 years, or less, before we are where the Nephites were; having crossed over the line to the point of no return. Where the redemptive grace no longer covers our shortcomings and we are left to fend for ourselves.

What does that mean for members of the Church who do not cower and lurk in the shadows saying and doing nothing? It means that we will endure ever-increasing amounts of persecution until it becomes politically correct to persecute us again. We are headed beyond Prop8 levels of rhetoric to where the early Latter-day Saints were, then beyond to where the ancient Saints found themselves, then beyond to a whole new level. The Saints will have their last purge. There will be a convenient out for those who want to take it - but it will come at a cost; personal salvation. The rest will have to sacrifice all for the truth.

Just as it reaches the most intense point, there will be a physical salvation in the form of I am not sure what (at least enough to put hand to keyboard) but I do know that "mens' hearts will fail them..." because it will not be pretty. The purge will then move from the Lord's house (the inner vessel) to that without - or to those who have brought the intense persecution before the 'winding up scene', as Joseph Smith describes it. Those who were just skimming along with little or no oil in their proverbial lamps will wither in the heat of the furnace of affliction and not abide the day.

Which leads to what has gotten me so excited the last few days. I have written about the purging of (the Church first, then) America due to wickedness and abominations in the same (and if this phrase just made anger well up within you, you just failed the litmus test of which side you are on....), but just got a confirmation in the form of Cleon Skousen. I had known that there was some book he had worked on for the decade before he died that was not released (for what reason I am not sure) until now: "The Cleansing of America". It is for sale pre-release for an April 1st date. If I am reading my wife right, I have a Father's Day gift coming..... :)

Anyway, if you have enjoyed any of the previous posts on what will happen to America, you will be certain to enjoy his book. I have a feeling that he told his sons of what to wait for before publishing it - and the time is right now.


Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Reading previous posts, you will know that we just discovered that my wife suffered from a major vitamin deficiency (B12).

Not only does it lead to bi-polar symptoms, but lack of B12 can cause dementia, premature greying, and a whole host of other late-life maladies. Recent research from a leading scientist would seem to agree with this:

Bruce Ames: Vitamin insufficiency boosting age-related diseases
Post a comment09-Feb-2010

Related topics: Research, Antioxidants, carotenoids, Minerals, Vitamins & premixes, Bone & joint health, Cancer risk reduction, Cardiovascular health, Cognitive and mental function, Diabetes

It is literally all about living for today. By understanding that nature favours survival today over tomorrow, a theory that vitamin inadequacy is behind the rise in chronic diseases “makes sense… and it is almost certainly going to be right,” says world-renowned scientist Bruce Ames.

In an exclusive interview with Stephen Daniells, Professor Bruce Ames from the University of California, Berkeley explains why his “triage theory” could have enormous implications for human health.

For many, Professor Ames needs no introduction. In the 1970s, he invented the Ames Test, a simple and inexpensive assay to check the mutagenicity of compounds. Since then he has dedicated his research to understanding the biochemistry of ageing, with a focus on mitochondria, the power plants of our cells, as well as how micronutrients may prevent disease, malnutrition, and obesity.

So, when the native New Yorker with over 450 scientific publications tells you his triage theory is “the most important thing I have ever worked on”, you sit up and listen.

Evolutionary mechanisms

Triage – from the French word trier meaning to sort, separate, or select – works on the battlefield by military doctors prioritising treatments depending on the probable survival of the wounded.

Prof Ames’ theory works in much the same way: By appreciating that natural selection favours short-term survival over the long-term, Prof Ames’ hypothesised that our short-term survival is achieved by prioritising the allocation of scarce micronutrients. In other words, to stop us falling over from a lack of iron in the heart, for example, iron is pulled from non-essential sources.

The triage theory is a way of “measuring the insidious damage going on over time”, he said.

The theory was first proposed in 2006 (PNAS, Vol. 103, Pages 17589-94) to explain why age-related diseases like heart disease, cancer, and dementia may be unintended consequences of mechanisms developed during evolution to protect against episodic vitamin/mineral shortages.

“If this hypothesis is correct, micronutrient deficiencies that trigger the triage response would accelerate cancer, aging, and neural decay but would leave critical metabolic functions, such as ATP production, intact,” explained Prof Ames in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

However, since it was first published Prof Ames concedes that the wider nutrition community has not embraced the theory.

“A new idea is always hard to get through,” he said. The resistance has come from some of the “old timers”, said the octogenarian scientist, who think that such a theory would “encourage people to take more vitamins”.

Despite claims that the theory may have important implications for determining the optimum intake of all vitamins and minerals, as well as major implications for preventive medicine, financial funding for triage research has been difficult to obtain, said Prof Ames.

Scientific support

While the finances may be the lacking, scientific support is not. Working with the “very good” Joyce McCann, PhD, Prof Ames recently applied his theory to vitamin K. Writing in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (Vol. 90, pp. 889-907), they reported that five of the 16 known vitamin K-dependent proteins are required for coagulation had critical functions, meaning that animals genetically manipulated to have inactive forms did not survive.

On the other hand, another five proteins were found to be less critical, and the animals survived through weaning. However, a lack of these less critical vitamin K-dependent proteins, inadequate intakes of vitamin K1 from the diet, or vitamin K deficiency were all associated with age-related conditions, including weaker bones and hardening of the arteries, which increased the risk of cardiovascular disease. An increase in the incidence of spontaneous cancer was also observed.

“The triage theory supplies a unifying framework explaining why a crop of diseases associated with aging is emerging for so many micronutrients,” wrote McCann and Ames in the AJCN.

“It is our hope that this analysis will stimulate further efforts to redefine micronutrient adequacy on the basis of long-term effects,” they added.

Triage theory has cleared every hurdle it has come up against, but that doesn’t surprise Prof Ames.

“My triage theory makes sense,” he said. “And it is almost certainly going to be right.”

Professor Ames is also a senior scientist at Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute (CHORI).



Monday, February 8, 2010


Just got a DVD in the mail that my daughter found called "The Lost Civilization of
North America" documenting Hebrew/Pheonician groups that lived in America. We watched it with the kids for Family Home Evening - fascinating stuff they forgot to teach us in our history classes. This video is the kind of stuff that I love to share!

Saturday, February 6, 2010


If you have read most of the forward looking US prophecies on this blog, you will have seen that one of the things they all have in common is that there will be no vehicles on the roads and movements of people will occur mostly on foot.

The gas/diesel will become scarce before that time which will be another cause of social panic and breakdown. If fossil fuel is one of your modes of energy to get you through, you should alter your plans to accommodate for heat and travel - or have an ample supply on hand, if you do plan on using it.

When you find us sending to troops to yet another locale (Korean penninsula), you will begin to see the fuel costs skyrocket. Here is a map that keeps an eye on prices. You can see which states have the highest gas taxes, which ones use more domestic oil supplies than others (Utah, Wyoming etc.) - just by watching the trends. This is also a good way to project how much that summer vacation with the big rig and trailer will cost you.

Here is the map:

Hope this comes in handy!!